Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1452: market stall

The latest website: "A total of 41 dollars, count you 40."

"Thank you sister, here it is."

"Cardboard box? Wait a minute."

"This is change. It's $55. You order it."

Wearing a straw hat, a long-sleeved plaid shirt, a pair of overalls, and a pair of light canvas shoes. Kang Na, who is busy, exudes full of vitality, and the smile on her little face is as lovely as a flower.

In this small market, which is open every ten days, there are many children of the same age as Kang Na, but when it comes to the most eye-catching, there is the charming and lovely Kang Na.

Well, Shi Xiaolei, standing behind her as thick as an iron tower, is also one of the reasons why this stall has attracted many attention.

After all, among the hawkers who set up the stall, no one has a height of more than two meters like him, and no one has a backside like him and can run horses on his arms. To be honest, if it wasn't for the simple and honest smile on his face all the time, among the children who came to the fair with their parents, a few of them would have been frightened and cried aloud.

No, the two patrolmen who had just changed shifts and came to the market on duty involuntarily cast their gazes at him and noticed his presence.

"Relax, rookie." Noticing the change in the expressions of his companions, the old bird leaning on the police car raised his hand and patted his shoulder: "That one is not a suspicious person, don't worry."

"..., are you sure? He looks so fierce, he doesn't look like a good person."

"Does he have to be a bad guy if he looks fierce?" The old bird smiled, took out a piece of hard candy and stuffed it into his mouth, by the way, he also shared one for the young man: "His name is Locke, and he is a rich and powerful man. Didn't we pass a manor on our way here? It's the manor you said there was no guard at the door, and it looked a little strange. Hehe, he is the owner of that manor."


"With his net worth, even if he doesn't have enough money to buy this town, he still has no problem buying this street. A small market like today's can't get into his eyes at all, and he can't do anything. Patting his partner on the shoulder again, the old policeman smiled again: "You have only been separated for a few days, so you may not know it yet. In fact, this Mr. Locke can be regarded as our own."

"My own person?" Glancing at Shi Xiaolei, who was busy packing vegetables into the cardboard box, the little policeman was lost for a while.

"Who is the head of our New York City Police Department? You should know? The one in front of you is a close friend of Chief Stacey. In addition, he has donated money and equipment more than once..." Patting the police car behind him, the old bird said with a smile: "For example, the car we are driving now has a part of the funds from his donation. Including the equipment you use in the training ground, he also donated part of it. from."

"Hmm... It's really surprising. To be honest, looking at his face, I really can't imagine that he is such a person."

"He has a disgusting and kind-hearted face, and he is talking about people like him." Finding a sense of accomplishment from the reactions of the younger generation, the old bird said more and more: "Not only himself, he also led several friends. Tony Stark , Norman Osborn, have you heard of them? Because of Mr. Locke's drive, they also donated some money and equipment. For example, the equipment we use on duty, and the medicines and equipment in the first aid team. Let me tell you this, you came late and caught up with the good times. In the past, we didn't have such good conditions in the bureau."

Under the introduction of the old bird, the rookie policeman had a general understanding of Shi Xiaolei's intelligence. The originally guarded eyes were naturally relaxed, and there was a touch of gratitude and respect.

Of course, Shi Xiaolei, who was busy greeting the guests, didn't notice the two patrolmen guarding the corner of the market.

"Huh, it's finally quiet." Shi Xiaolei raised the back of his hand to wipe off the sweat, then turned to look at Kang Na, who had also been busy for a while: "How is it, Kang Na, are you tired?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm not tired." Putting the banknotes she just received into the small bag tied around her waist, Kang Na replied happily, "Xiao Lei, we made a lot of money."

"Really?" Handed Kang Na a wet towel, motioning her to wipe the mud marks on her little face. Using the gesture of bending over as a cover, Shi Xiaolei took out a can of juice from his backpack and handed it to Kang Na: "Here, drink a drink to moisten your throat. After chatting with the guests for so long, my mouth is dry. Bar?"

"Hey, it's alright." She took the can and pulled open the pull tab, raised her neck and snorted, Kang Na showed a sweet smile again: "Ka~~, comfortable!"

"Do you think it's interesting?" Turning around, removing the vegetables from the pickup truck's bucket and adding them to the stall, Shi Xiaolei asked with a smile, "The money I made from buying vegetables today, Have you figured out how to use it? Save it, or find a place to donate it?"

"I've thought about it for a long time." Putting down the can in his hand, he stretched out his little hand to work with Shi Xiaolei. While replenishing the stock, Conna said, "The weather is about to turn cold. Every season, more people will go to the rescue station to ask for help. We have already made an appointment to put Half of the pocket money earned from working part-time jobs is put into the donation box at the aid station.”

"How many of you?" Shi Xiaolei raised his eyebrows: "Peter, Harry, and Gwen?"

"Mmmm." Nodding forcefully, Connor replied with a clean face: "Peter is delivering newspapers Gwen asked the teacher to introduce a lawn mowing job, Harry's words... Well, although I don't know what he's doing, I'm sure he must have found a part-time job just like us."

"It's all very positive." Shi Xiaolei smiled: "I was a little surprised that the three of them didn't come together. It turned out that they each found a different part-time job."

"Well, we agreed. After we go to school on Monday, we will compare who earns the most."

"And then? The winner is decided and the loser treats you?" Following Kang Na's words, Shi Xiaolei asked casually.

"No, to win that treat, each person will have an ice cream cone." After placing a cabbage, Kang Na raised her head and replied with a smiling face: "The one who earns the least will be unhappy already. He treats...hehe, we've agreed to win that treat anyway."

"Then you have to sell more energy today." Shi Xiaolei smiled and encouraged, "Come on, there are still small half cars, try to sell out."


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