Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1370: yin and yang

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When it came to General Ross, Stark was full of words. Looking at the determined expression on his face, he seemed to have witnessed with his own eyes that General Ross was hiding in the dark, making small moves that were not suitable for being exposed to outsiders.

In reality, the development of things is indeed the same as Stark expected.

Just after Stark and Shi Xiaolei talked about this topic, a few days later, Thaddeus Ross went to San Francisco without a trace, and met a guy named Carlton Drake. On the one hand, and in the following two days, I personally visited the company founded by Carlton Drake, as well as several scientific research facilities under the company's name.

No one knows what the two talked about after they met, and no one knows what General Ross saw during his visit. In short, after this secret meeting, General Ross signed a contract as a military representative. An investment agreement that allocated as much as $700 million to Carlton Drake's company.

Well, people living in the Marvel world can't detect the surging undercurrent, but for the judges standing outside the fourth wall, the answer is actually not that hard to guess.

Both the name Carlton Drake and the address in San Francisco are obvious clues. As long as you compare the movies you have seen in your mind, you will soon be able to lock the target and match the plot with the characters.

That's right, the Carlton Drake, who had a relationship with Thaddeus Ross, was the Indian businessman in "Venom". The company he founded is the Life Foundation, the company in Venom that captured the alien symbiote and conducted targeted research on it.

As for why the two interacted...

The matter has to start with the battle between Hela and the Valkyries on the planet Saka.

The duel that would have been divided between life and death was interrupted halfway when Yolanda suddenly appeared. Because they couldn't figure out what the situation was for a while, the Valkyries temporarily terminated the plan and were taken away from the duel by Yolanda in the chaos.

By the time they figured it out, the Valkyries had already missed the chance to take revenge against Hela again.

Not only that, because Yolanda pulled many slaves, including dark elves, and interrupted the duel in a way that caused a riot, causing both Gao Tianzun and collector Di Fan to be implicated in the riot... After the situation subsided, Including Yolanda, all the Valkyries were hated by the two elders.

One is that he wants to find another opportunity to continue to take revenge against Hela, and the other is that because the two elders have issued a wanted order, there is no way to continue their previous life. So, the Valkyries packed up, left the star field where Saka Star was located, and came to the earth, which is also one of the nine realms.

To be precise, the final destination is the earth.

In the previous duel without a result, the Valkyries noticed their own lack of strength. Therefore, in order to increase the odds of winning, they decided to go to other places to see if they could find more powerful weapons or other ways to increase their combat power.

The problem lies here. If the Valkyries set off and head straight to Earth, they may not meet the star hunters who came to earn the bounty. After all, the earth is not well-known in the universe, and its location is very remote. In this star field, there are few opportunities to see greedy interstellar pirates, and the bounty hunters who mainly target interstellar pirates are naturally I don't come here often.

The places where the Valkyries go in order to find weapons to enhance their combat power are all popular places with many people.

Not being exposed once, does not mean that they can always hide from the sight of others.

In fact, the same is true. When visiting the fifth location, the Valkyries were spotted by a sharp-eyed bounty hunter. Then, in order to catch the Valkyries headed by Hrok, this guy secretly contacted many Accomplices, ambushed the Valkyries on their way to the sixth location.

One side has a large number of people and has made adequate preparations in advance, while the other side is unprepared and has only ten people.

Even though the Valkyries were all extremely powerful, and their individual combat strength far surpassed that of their opponents, they were still hit hard in this battle—three Valkyries were injured, and one of them was more serious. The spacecraft as a vehicle was also riddled with holes, and it was only one step away from being scrapped.

It is not to be described as 'desperate', but for the Valkyries, the situation is indeed very bad.

As a last resort, they had to give up the idea of ​​continuing to search for powerful weapons, and took a spaceship snatched from the bounty hunters and turned to run directly to Earth.

That is to say, it is slightly better than their original one. After a war, the spaceship that was snatched from the bounty hunter also left some damage that could not be repaired quickly.

Like a car with a small problem with the steering wheel, the ship is a little difficult to maneuver, even for experienced Valkyries.

As a result, the spacecraft collided slightly with a group of passing meteorite fragments as it passed near Mars and was about to reach Earth.

I didn't have time to repair the new spaceship, because this time the collision became more difficult to control. Even if the Valkyries tried their best, they could only adjust the direction of the fall and avoid the solid ground to let it fall. Sea.

And as the spaceship fell, another meteorite was also caught and fell to the ground... Unlike the spaceship where the Valkyries helped adjust the direction, this thing fell in a straight line and slammed into a barren hill somewhere outside San Francisco. .

One in front and one behind, the interval between the front and rear feet.

The plume of smoke pulled out when the spaceship fell was obviously more eye-catching than a small meteorite. Therefore, after noticing this spectacle, both civilians who happened to pass through the nearby waters, and various institutions with official backgrounds, invariably focused their attention on the sea area where the spacecraft fell.

The meteorite that landed on the outskirts of San Francisco received little attention.

Only the people from the Life Foundation paid attention to the meteorite.

It's not that Carlton Drake is so clever. With the idea of ​​'a bird in hand', he took the initiative to target the meteorite. In fact, it's just a coincidence... Not long ago, the Life Foundation just bought a piece of land in the suburbs, and plans to build another larger laboratory, and the barren hill where the meteorite fell is only one step away from the construction site that has already broken ground. More than 100 meters less than 200 meters away.

As for the laboratory, it is natural for scientific research experts to supervise the construction on site.

After the meteorite fell, these scientific research experts inevitably came over to take a look at the situation.

As scientific research experts, it is impossible for them not to notice the symbiote attached to the meteorite - although they were tortured by the friction and heat generated when they fell, they fell into a half-dead state, and temporarily lost their parasitic ability. But as a special life form, symbiotes still show some active responses that are different from dead ones. For example, slight wriggling, tiny tentacles spread out like sea anemones at the edge... For these scientific experts, these features are enough for them to make judgments.

In this way, the scientific research experts immediately called an action team wearing protective clothing and a sealed container, and transported the meteorite back to the headquarters of the Life Foundation, together with several symbionts attached to it.

So far, the symbiote has fallen into the hands of Carlton Drake.

And the reason why Thaddeus Ross came to the door...

The spaceship that the Valkyries were on had already attracted the attention of various institutions, including the military, when it fell.

Although this incident did not cause much commotion, it was because the crash site of the spacecraft was dozens of nautical miles away from the coast. Except for a few civilians who happened to pass by the boat, ordinary people could not immediately Approaching, and after the official admission, the area was blocked for the first time, and the leakage and spread of news was cut off.

In other words, ordinary people didn't pay much attention to it because they couldn't get the follow-up news, and quickly forgot about it. The official organization that went to the scene for the first time was because they had found the wreckage of the spacecraft that had sunk to the bottom of the sea, and they paid great attention to this matter.

Whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D. or the military, all the official institutions involved hope to get more information and thoroughly understand what happened.

And with the official organization's style of conduct, it must be... no, it should be said that all the anomalies that occurred in the days before and after the incident, including the day of the incident, were all gathered together to do a detailed screening.

Although the movement of the meteorite was small, it still made a sound like a cannon fire. Other institutions may not be particularly concerned, but for the military, movements similar to the sound of cannons cannot be easily missed.

The chief officer in charge of investigating this incident happened to be General Thaddeus Ross.

Putting aside the mistakes he committed, simply comparing the number of contacts with aliens, he is the most experienced and the most experienced in the military. Therefore, from the military's standpoint, it is logical to shoot him to investigate the 'spaceship fall' incident.

All in all, General Ross's contact with Carlton Drake was actually to collect information on the 'alien spaceship crash'.

It's not that he got the inside information for the first time, knowing that Carlton Drake got a few symbiotes, and then felt that those things could be used to promote the progress of the 'Super Soldier' ​​project and achieve his long-term ideal, so The talent and intentions took the initiative to contact Carlton Drake.

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