With the development of the city, sewage pipelines, cable routes, natural gas and water pipelines, subways, etc., and various auxiliary facilities located below the surface will also be continuously renovated and expanded.

After the renovation, it will be incorporated into the part that will continue to be used in the new scheme, which will not be mentioned here.

The focus is on the abandoned parts...because it is located underground, it will not be unsightly, and it does not have the value of re-use like the vacant land. These abandoned parts are always left directly there. Few people will deal with it.

Not to mention backfilling.

Every time you upgrade, a part of 'waste' will be generated, and as time goes by, the amount of these 'waste' will increase. To this day, even the department specializing in municipal engineering has not been able to completely figure out what the state of New York’s underground is like, and how many unknown secret caves there are in total.

"...It's too exaggerated, there is such a big secret base hidden under Manhattan."

"Really." Hearing the exclamation of a team member behind Coulson, Shi Xiaolei sighed deeply: "Coulson, now you know why I want to call you? Can you do it underground? To have such a large base, and in such a sensitive place in Manhattan, shows that the power of the vampires has spread to the upper institutions... So, you know."

See one kill one? The efficiency is too low, and it is impossible to kill cleanly.

Money opens the way? The long-lived vampires have accumulated a lot of wealth, plus the wealth of the descendants who actively seek transformation because of fear of death. It is no exaggeration to say that unless the existing economic framework is completely destroyed, otherwise, There is simply no way to stop them from this path.

In contrast, it is obviously more efficient to 'let violent institutions with the same official background take action'.

It was because he figured this out early that Stark reminded Shi Xiaolei aloud and asked him to contact Coulson and the S.H.I.E.L.D. behind him.

"Yes, I understand." Taking a deep breath, Coulson nodded and promised: "I will report this matter to my superiors immediately and suggest that the bureau conduct a comprehensive investigation of vampires."

"Very good, with your words, I'm relieved." After thinking about it, Shi Xiaolei continued: "If you encounter a difficult bone during the investigation and need military support, please call me at any time."

Although he has always warned himself not to get too involved with the current S.H.I.E.L.D., but as the party who provoked this incident, Shi Xiaolei felt that he had to contribute to this incident, and he could not completely It's all up to S.H.I.E.L.D.

And also...

Considering that Hydra was still lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. and not yet exposed, he couldn't let go completely.

After all, those guys have no bottom line than vampires. If they don't keep an eye on them, they will be left with a chance to do things. Maybe, before the vampires are dealt with, there will be ramifications and more troublesome situations.

The lesser of the two evils, when it's time to do it, do it.

"I will."

While talking and walking, Shi Xiaolei was taken to the depths of the base by Coleson and others, and came to the 'wine cellar' that was discovered earlier.

Like Shi Xiaolei's previous reaction, Coulson was also very angry after seeing the circle of glass jars in front of him.

"Hunter, contact the bureau immediately and ask for the support of the medical team."


The attitude of taking orders, like a soldier in the army, is very serious and formal. Obviously, the agent, like Coulson, hated the vampires who made this tragedy.

"Tony, how's the research going?" Shi Xiaolei asked softly when he came to Stark's side, "Won't it be difficult?"

"At the moment, it shouldn't be too difficult."

As Stark answered, he turned his right hand to reveal the back of his hand. With a few taps of his left hand, a small device on the back of his right hand emitted a few light blue rays of light, setting up a holographic three-dimensional analysis in the air. picture.

"This line is the power supply line to maintain the operation of the device. This piece should be the circulating cleaning device..." Raising his left hand, while pointing at the holographic three-dimensional analysis map, Stark replied: "... ...no special parts with unknown functions have been found yet, and I personally think that their functions should be similar to the life support devices in the ICU ward, but they don't look quite the same."

"That is to say, it's not difficult to dismantle, and it won't cause any harm to them when dismantling, right?"

"Well." Stark nodded: "It's much simpler than I thought."

"That's good." He breathed a sigh of relief, then looked up at the girl in the jar in front of him, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help shouting "lucky" in his heart.

At this moment, Stark sighed again: "Oh, what really worries me is whether they can regain consciousness after they are rescued from the jar."


Holding his chin, there was a hint of worry in Stark's eyes: "It has been more than ten minutes since I came in. There is no fluctuation in breathing rhythm and heart rate, and there is no response from fingers, toes, and eyes. You know this What does it mean? It means that they have completely lost consciousness and fell into a deep coma, just like a vegetative person."

"...Could it be because the jar is soundproof and can't hear the sound we made, so there is no response?"

"It has nothing to do with that." Stark shook his head: "Even when he was sleeping, he would unconsciously make some small movements due to the feedback of neural signals. So..."

"You mean... I can't hear the movement outside, and it shouldn't be like this, lying there completely motionless?"

"That's right." Stark nodded: "Judging from the signs, their brains or spinal nerves may have been damaged. You also know that problems in such places are often difficult to treat. Besides, It doesn't mean that healing the injury from the physical level~www.wuxiamtl.com~ can 100% guarantee to awaken their consciousness, otherwise, there would not be so many vegetative people in the world who could not wake up."


"Of course, I'm talking about the worst possibility. Maybe things aren't that troublesome?" Seeing that Shi Xiaolei seemed a little down, Stark sighed and patted his arm.

"Locke." Sister Bei, who had been silent, suddenly said, "Kama Taj."


Facing Shi Xiaolei's gaze, Sister Bei stretched out her palm and made a slight slap forward. She reminded with a smile, "Have you forgotten? Master has a unique trick that can..."

With Coulson and his team present, Bayonetta didn't finish her sentence.

But her actions were enough to remind Shi Xiaolei.

"Yes~!" Thinking of the ability that Master Gu Yi showed in "Doctor Strange", Shi Xiaolei's eyes suddenly lit up: "Why didn't I think of that trick, haha."

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