Please Stop Talking

Chapter 297: Monkey King, Bull Demon King


Ye Feng has a great freedom to break the bondage, great freedom!

All over Thailand!

Floating like a fairy!

But Ye Feng was not addicted to it, breaking the gene lock was only the first level.

There is also a crucial second level-rebuild the king's space!

Break the genetic lock and build a king's space.

This is the whole process of breaking through the realm of kings!


Space becomes, supernatural power!

The construction of King Space will automatically derive a magical power!

But except for a few lucky people, the automatically derived magical powers are not good!

and so.

If you already have extraordinary power, you can build a king's space with your own extraordinary power!

At that time.

Extraordinary power will be sublimated, deriving corresponding magical powers!

"I have seven extraordinary powers: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder. It seems a waste to choose one..."

Ye Feng's thoughts flashed, and a decision was made in his heart!

Seven extraordinary powers of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder gush out, and the originally broken space is healed again!

"King space, condensate!"

Suddenly, Ye Feng shouted in a low voice.

In an instant.

The shattered space reunites!

Break and rebuild!

This is the realm of kings!

The first gene lock is broken!

this moment.

Ye Feng has a feeling of breaking the shackles and gaining great freedom, great ease, and great care!

The whole person is completely transformed from the inside out!

The gravitational force of the planet has no effect on him anymore, standing in the sky, flying in the sky, to him, it is like eating and drinking water without consuming power.

"The King Realm is really powerful!"

"At this moment, I can kill myself with one punch!"

Ye Feng squeezed a fist, his body transformed into a king's body, already otherworldly, hard to hurt by ordinary sword bullets.

Or the two are not in the same dimension at all!

Even if nuclear weapons explode around him, it will not affect him in the slightest!

This is the difference between 2D and 3D!

Only the power above the king level can hurt the king level!

Big Fish System: Level 4 (3000/10000)

Host: Ye Feng

Cultivation: King Realm (a gene lock)

Intelligence: 4000

Physique: 100 million

Luck: 8750

Reputation: 10 billion

Sub-functions: crazy evolution, gene training assistance

Supernatural powers: Five Elements God Thunder

Skills: Devouring Evolution, Five Elements Elements, Wind, Thunder, Golden Eyes, Resume of Discovering Others' Information, Deadpool Ability, Beast Language, God-level Acting Skills...

"Is it derived from the magical powers of the five elements and the thunder?"

Ye Feng nodded, very satisfied!

"Xinghai, how long have I been practicing?"

Ye Feng asked as he left the secret room.

"Boss, you practiced for thirty-two days, one hour and five minutes!"

"What? I have been practicing for more than a month?"

Ye Feng's eyes widened, a little dazed!

He actually cultivated for so long!

He didn't feel it at all!

I thought it was only a few hours!

"It's really no years in the mountains, I don't know years of cultivation!"

Ye Feng hurriedly walked out of the secret room, Qin Qingqing and the others were worried, right?

"Huh? They are all here, what seems to be wrong?"

Ye Feng came out and found that all the girls were in the villa.

"What happened?"

After a while, Ye Feng looked at the gathered women and asked.

"Brother Feng, you won't be able to see people unless you come out!"

Sun Xiaomeng hugged Ye Feng's arm with a grieved expression, and whispered: "After the second round of aura recovery, we have all broken through to the eighth level!"

"Thinking of the first round of Reiki Resurrection to give birth to various treasures, so we went to treasure hunt!"

"I saw a golden light on the coast of the East China Sea, so I hurried over and found that it was a piece of Dinghai God needle iron!"

"Then the sea god's needle and iron are extraordinary, just like the **** iron in myths and legends, I naturally want to grab it!

"As a result, I met a golden-haired monkey. The monkey was called Sun Yuan. He claimed to be the Monkey King. Not only did he hurt me, but he also wanted to take me back to be the wife of the village!"

"If Lian Xing hadn't arrived in time and used the space power to lead me away, I would have been taken away by him!"


Ye Feng was furious, and a monkey dared to bully his woman, and even the Great Sage, really thought he was Monkey King?

"Where is the monkey? I will take you to revenge!"

Ye Feng had just broken through the realm of kings, and he happened to try this monkey!

He has not yet tried the power of the Five Elements God Thunder!

"Brother Feng, that monkey has reached the state of kings, and his strength is terrifying. You can't even use nuclear weapons. Don't be impulsive!"

Qin Qingqing, Gu Qingcheng and others quickly persuaded.

"Do you know the king state?"

Ye Feng looked at them suspiciously. He only provided officials with the divisions from Tier 1 to Tier 9, not knowing whether the King Realm they were talking about was the King Realm he thought.

"Ye Feng, the king of the realm is said by the monkey, saying that it has broken the shackles of life, is extraordinary, is the king, far beyond the ninth order!" Gu Liying explained.

"Unexpectedly, this monkey has also been promoted to the king state!"

Ye Feng frowned, and the realm defined by this monkey was actually the same as the realm defined by his systematic genetic training method!

Is it a coincidence?

still is……

"Brother Feng, have you also been promoted to the king state?"

Sun Xiaomeng grasped the key point in Ye Feng's words, his eyes lit up, and he said in anticipation.

"Not bad!"

Ye Feng nodded.

"What? Ye Feng, have you become a king?"

"that is really good!"

"We finally have a king state!"

The women are overjoyed, and during this time they dare not go to the famous mountains and rivers to find treasures, because there are several king-level beast kings among the mutant beasts!

Ye Feng looked at them and seemed to be bullied by mutant beasts during this period.


Following the women's narration, Ye Feng knew what had happened during this time!

The second round of aura recovery, the world has changed!

It is said that the diameter of the planet has doubled, and many houses have collapsed due to the larger size of the planet!

Many cracks appeared in Fenglin Villa, but they were repaired by Sun Xiaomeng with the power of earth elements!


With the second round of aura recovery, many fierce beasts have awakened the bloodline of the beasts in ancient mythology, and their strength has improved by leaps and bounds!

Except for the monkey Sun Ape before.

In the East China Sea, a flood dragon seems to have awakened the blood of the Azure Dragon, ascends to the sky in one step, becomes a king, and dominates the land of the East China Sea, the human race dare not approach!

In Nanling Volcano, an undead fire phoenix appeared. It is said that awakened the blood of the ancient phoenix, the fire of the phoenix, burning the sky and boiling the sea!

A white tiger appeared in Xiling Baihu Mountain. It is said that there is the blood of the sacred beast, the white tiger, who controls the power of the gold element and is fierce!

In Beiyun Dashan, there is a mutant cow with a dragon head and a cow body. It is said that he has awakened the blood of the prisoner cow, one of the nine sons of the ancient Ancestral Dragon, and is known as the prisoner cow king.

In the Qinling Mountains, a **** cow appeared. It is said that it has awakened the blood of the Great Sacred Cow Demon King, with great power!


"Hey, there are so many Beastmasters!"

"Damn, no wonder they have a hard time, they can only shrink at home and dare not go out!"

Ye Feng took a breath in his heart, these mutant beasts are too **** against the sky, their blood awakened, directly ascend to the sky in one step, and become the king!


This is cheating!

With so many Beastmasters, even nuclear weapons are useless, and human life can be called the Dark Age!

The mountains and rivers have directly become a restricted area!

Many have been destroyed directly from cities, and countless towns have been destroyed!

It is said that more than one hundred countries have perished all over the world!

However, there seemed to be strong people in Yan Nation, who barely shook these beast kings, making them afraid to slaughter the city and destroy the clan.

"You stay at home temporarily, I will meet that monkey!"

Ye Feng confessed, then turned into a thunder light and headed towards Qinling.

That monkey Sun Yuan occupied a big mountain in Qinling, named Huaguoshan!

His subordinates gathered tens of thousands of powerful mutant beasts, and robbed dozens of human beauties, and became the king of the mountain there, happy and happy!

Ye Feng also wanted to try the gap between him and the Beastmaster!


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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