Please Stop Talking

Chapter 294: Come home as a guest (two more)

"It's over! My goddess has fallen!"

"Ahhh, the great **** Ye Feng is mine!"

"I really want to be caught by the tiger now, oooo!"

"Upstairs, I'm afraid I'm thinking about it!"

"Tiger +1"

"Tiger +1"

The barrage rolled, and it crooked to the sky in an instant, but Han Yue had no intention of looking at the barrage at this time, nor could he see it!

Her mind is full of Ye Feng's stalwart and handsome martial arts, and the strong masculine breath between her nose makes her intoxicated!

"The matter here is resolved, I'm leaving now!"

Ye Feng's voice sounded, and Han Yue was awakened suddenly, only to realize that they had landed, and she held Ye Feng's powerful bear waist with both hands!

"Ye Dong, thank you, if it weren't for you today, I would be more ill-fortuned!"

Han Yue hurriedly let go of her hand, blushing, looking at Ye Feng, and said: "Ye Dong, will you have time tomorrow? I want to treat you to a meal and express my thanks!"

As she spoke, she raised her throat with a heart, her eyes were both expectant and worried!

Looking at the other's nervous eyes, Ye Feng smiled lightly and nodded: "Yes!"

"Great, thank you Dong Ye for the reward!"

Han Yue's nervous pretty face suddenly relaxed, revealing a bright smile, smiling alluringly, glamorous!

"Then I will be at home tomorrow noon, waiting for Ye Dongda to come, and please Ye Dong not to dislike it!"

Han Yue said with joy.

She wanted to invite Ye Feng to the hotel, but she thought that as Ye Feng, she had never been to a high-end restaurant!

It's better for her to do it herself, although it may not be as good as a big hotel, but she is more sincere!

"it is good!"

Ye Feng smiled, then turned into a thunder and left!

"So handsome!"

Looking at Ye Feng's leaving back blankly, Han Yue's eyes were full of little stars!

After a long while.

Han Yue returned to her senses and continued her live broadcast!

Teams of troops came to rescue, Zhao Hu's body was taken away immediately and sent to the laboratory for research!

Although Ye Feng doesn't like this kind of powerful mutant beast, the scientists of Yan Kingdom regard it as a treasure, and may be able to extract genes from these mutant beasts to create superpowers!

of course.

Ye Feng would generally swallow this powerful mutant beast!

It's just that Zhao Hu is a traverser. Although he has become a tiger, he is the soul of man at any rate!

This made Ye Feng not ask for Zhao Hu's body, but left it to Yan Country's scientists for research!


at the same time.

On the shore of the East China Sea, there is an unknown island. The island was originally deserted, but with the revival of aura, it has become lush and lush, like a fairy family!

There is a big mountain in the center of the island, and a strange stone on the top of the mountain. Before the aura recovers, there is nothing strange about this stone!

But after the aura recovered, this strange stone was washed by the aura and became more and more mysterious!

Its stone is three feet, six feet and five inches high, and it has a circle of two feet and four feet.

Three feet, six feet, five inches high, three hundred and sixty-five degrees per week.

Two feet and four feet in a circle, according to the political calendar twenty-four qi.

There are nine orifices and eight holes, according to the nine palaces and gossip.

There are no trees on all sides to shade, but there is a contrast between the left and right sides.

If you observe carefully, you will find that there are spiritual energy in the nine orifices and eight holes constantly breathing in, like a person's breathing.


"What the **** is this?"

"Is it a Journey to the West?"

"What about the system, what about Lao Tzu's system!"

"Damn, I have been here for half a month, can't move, can't talk, and there is no system yet, when is this kind of day a head..."

There is an embryo in the stone.

At this moment, I wailed in my heart and kept complaining!


In the depths of the East China Sea, there is a spring that continuously spouts the spirit spring, and a ten-foot-long boa constrictor entangles the spring eye, swallowing the spirit spring, exuding terrifying and fierce power, so that the surrounding sea beasts dare not approach!

There are faintly two small bulges on the top of its head, and it seems that a pair of horns is about to break out of the shell and transform into a dragon!


With the revival of aura, the world is constantly changing rapidly, famous mountains and rivers, isolated sea islands, heaven and earth, giving birth to countless miracles!


After Ye Feng left Qingping Town, he did not return to Qinling and the girls to continue to soak in Lingquan, but returned to the villa to be familiar with his own power!

"The physique has broken five million, am I more fierce than a humanoid beast?"

Ye Feng lightly stomped his foot, and the earth cracked a crack, blasting a mountain with one punch, nothing at all!

The physical defense is breaking through the sky!

The body of the five elements tempered with the elements of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, it is estimated that even the world's strongest nuclear weapons will not be able to hurt it!

"I don't know how strong the warrior who breaks a genetic lock should be?"

Ye Feng's heart is full of longing. Now, he has taken the lead, and his strength is far ahead. Any treasure can be easily grabbed!

He believes that a genetic lock will be broken soon!

Especially he also got a Boundary Pill!

As long as the cultivation base is upgraded to the 9th-order Great Perfection, it can be used!


the next day.

Ye Feng came to Han Yue's house. As a sister of Xinghai Live, Han Yue also made a lot of money, so she bought a small villa!

"Ye Dong, you are here!"

Seeing Ye Feng, Han Yue greeted him with joy and smiled: "Ye Dong is able to appreciate the light, it really makes the humble house shine!"

"you are welcome!"

Ye Feng smiled and followed Han Yue into the house!

The villa is not too big, and the decoration is very delicate and elegant.

"Ye Dong, sit down!"

Greeting Ye Feng to sit down in the lobby, Han Yue brought up the prepared fruits, and then continued to be busy in the kitchen!

Ye Feng picked up an apple and ate a few bites, and went to the kitchen!

Han Yue is holding the meat and preparing to chop it to make braised lion head!

"Let me help you!"

Ye Feng stepped forward and asked Han Yue to do it alone. He probably won't get food for a while!


Han Yue didn't expect Ye Feng to come to the kitchen. She was shocked and cut her hand!

Ye Feng: "..."

"Ye Dong, no, I can be busy, you go to the living room and watch TV for a while..." Han Yueqiao blushed and said embarrassedly.

"give me!"

Ye Feng interrupted her directly and took the kitchen knife from her hand without denying it!

Huh huh!

Han Yue still wanted to say something, but saw a series of brilliant blades suddenly appear, less than two breaths, a whole piece of meat has been chopped!

Each particle is the same size and neat!

"How can it be?"

Han Yue's ruddy little mouth grew up, her beautiful eyes were shocking!

This is too fast!

Did not see clearly!

This sword technique is simply amazing!

"Okay, go and bandage your hands, just leave it to me here!"

Ye Feng's voice was calm, but with an indisputable tone!

Although Han Yue was a little embarrassed, she had to bandage the wound!

"smell good!"

When she returned to the kitchen after bandaging the wound, an alluring scent penetrated into her nose, and just smelling the smell made people appetite!

"Unexpectedly Ye Feng's cooking skills are so great!"

Han Yue was shocked again, and she knew everything from a glimpse. With Ye Feng's magical knife skills and the fragrance now, this cooking skill definitely surpassed her!

I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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