Please Stop Talking

Chapter 291: System tiger appeared again


The big toad wanted to escape, but under Ye Feng's ninth-order thunder and lightning power, there was no chance to escape, and he was directly chopped into ash!

"It feels so uncomfortable, a toad is actually better than me!"

Sun Xiaomeng pouted, deeply shocked.

The other girls didn't speak, but they were obviously hit hard too!

"What's this, the spiritual energy is resurrected, the world is so big, there are always some unique creatures, or they have swallowed the treasures of the heavens and the earth, or awakened the blood of the beasts, and the cultivation base is thousands of miles, it is normal!"

Ye Feng was not surprised. There was a trace of the blood of the beast in the big toad just now, and even the strong of the eighth rank might not be able to kill it!

Unfortunately, it met Ye Feng!

"But if you don't work hard, you might not even be as good as a toad in the future!" Ye Feng laughed and teased!

"You are not even as good as a toad!"

After a fight, Ye Feng and the girls continued to practice!

Lingquan has not been exhausted yet, it cannot be wasted!

Shameful waste!


When Ye Feng and the girls were practicing in Lingquan, a valley in Qingping Town, Shanhai County.

Tank troops composed of heavy tanks formed an impermeable steel wall in front of the valley!

Surrounded by two thousand elite soldiers, fortifications are being built, ready to stand!

There are many mountain cannons and wild cannons of various sizes and dozens of armed helicopters in the sky.

On one of the helicopters, a woman with a graceful figure and fashionable dress was holding a microphone and was debugging and broadcasting live to the camera!

She is Han Yue, the first sister of Xinghai Live, and the screen name invites the month!

"Hello everyone, this is Han Yue, and I will live broadcast the tiger slaughter this time!"

After the debugging, Han Yue began to broadcast live, showing a sweet smile to the camera!

"Action Tiger Slaughter?"

"Is it the tiger in Qingping Town?"

"I heard that this tiger is very powerful and likes to eat people. More than 15,000 people in Qingping Town were eaten by it at least 3,000. There were countless deaths and injuries. It almost wiped out a small town!"

"Well, I heard that this tiger is still a lustful tiger. He likes human beauties. It has taken away the most beautiful women in Qingping Town, as well as the beauties of tourists passing by!"

"I'm going! Is this true?"

"It's crazy! It's terrible!"

"I heard that the tiger has barbs...hiss..."





Han Yue watched the barrage tilted to the sky, and quickly said:

"This tiger is very sinful. The military has sent such a strong lineup today to make up its mind to eliminate this evil tiger!"

"Destroy the evil tiger!"

"Destroy the evil tiger!"

"Destroy the evil tiger!"

The barrage rolled, everyone was filled with indignation!

But soon the audience became worried and said:

"Sister Yue, I heard that some mutant beasts are very strong, just like Ye Shen's flaming lion. It is said that there is no one to destroy the city and land in Nanfei!"

"Are you ready this time? Did you ask Ye Shen to press down and don't give this evil tiger food when you fall!"

"Yes! Although upstairs is ugly, it is not unreasonable!"

"Sister Yue, you are so beautiful, but you have to be careful. If that lustful tiger sees you, he will definitely not let you go!"

"Sister Yue, run!"

"It would be miserable if Sehu took away!"

"Hiss! Goose bumps all over my body when I think about it, shuddering!"

Many viewers like Han Yue very much, not only because of her beautiful voice and sweet voice, but also impeccable in all aspects. She is simply the ideal goddess in their hearts, Bai Yueguang!

They don't want Han Yue to take risks!

Not to mention a lustful tiger who likes human women!

"Thank you for your concern, rest assured, I will protect myself and I will not be in danger on the helicopter!"

Han Yue looked at the barrage, her eyes felt, and then she pointed the camera down and said confidently:

"Look, this time the military not only dispatched a variety of powerful weapons and elite soldiers, but also dispatched an awakened powerhouse-the fire dragon!"

"The fire dragon is not a general awakening strong man, he is a transcendent realm strong man who surpasses mortals before the aura recovers!"

"After the aura regained, not only did his strength skyrocket, he also gained true qi, but he also awakened the fire element ability. This time he will surely be able to eliminate the evil tiger in one fell swoop!

Han Yue's voice was passionate, which made people feel confident!

"Fire Dragon? This name is very domineering when you hear it, it must be very powerful!"

"I'm looking forward to it too!"

"Fire dragon fights color tiger, this is a dragon tiger fight!"

"The fire dragon will win!"

The barrage rolled, after Han Yue said that, everyone let go of their worries and was full of expectations for the battle later!

On the other helicopter, the fire dragon stood with his hands held in his hands, his breath was like a deep sea, and his eyes were full of brilliance!

"Ye Feng, sooner or later, I will catch up with you!"

Fire Dragon's heart is full of fighting spirit. Although he and Ye Feng have no grudges, they were beaten to the ground by a move, and they were also suffocated in their hearts!

Before he had awakened his superpowers, he had no hope!

But after awakening the fire element ability, he regained hope!

Today's Tiger Slaughter!

It was the first battle of his rise!

He will also walk from behind the scenes!


He is an agent, walking in the dark!


He wants to be a hero, a hero of the human race, stand in front of the stage!

Although Ye Feng is an enshrinement, it is just like a Dinghai Shenzhen, so he will not use it easily!


They can't use it easily!

Ye Feng is not what they want to use!

and so.

They must also train their own people!

The relationship between Ye Feng and them is more like a cooperation!

Roar! ! !


A tiger roar resounding through the sky resounded from the distant forest!

"This voice is..."

All those who heard the tiger's roar trembled in their hearts, not even the audience in the live broadcast room!

Everyone is full of excitement!

Feeling an unspeakable power hit their chests like a boulder, it was breathless!

The evil tiger is here! ! !

Such an idea emerged in everyone's hearts!

"It's it! It's it! The evil tiger is here!"

Han Yue's body trembled during the live broadcast, and he recovered, and quickly pointed the camera at the direction of the tiger's roar!


I saw a big white tiger with hanging eyes swept from the forest under a violent wind, grass and trees rising from the ground, flying sand and rocks, just like a monster is coming!

Cloud from dragon, wind from tiger!

Many tigers can control the power of the wind!

"A bunch of idiots want to deal with Lao Tzu with these iron bumps?"

Zhao Huhu looked at the tanks and cannons with disdain, but when he saw Han Yue on the helicopter!

The huge tiger eyes suddenly lit up!

"What a beautiful chick, the few I caught before were too weak, and they are all dying. It's a worthwhile trip to take this chick back to replenish the harem!"

Zhao Hu licked his scarlet tongue that was full of thorns. With a thought, a virtual panel appeared in front of his eyes:


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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