Please Stop Talking

Chapter 289: Little fox and cute

"Squeak! (Master!

When Ye Feng walked out of the laboratory, the little fox ran happily, jumping on Ye Feng's shoulder like a white horse, and rubbing his little head affectionately on Ye Feng's neck.

"Reward you a good thing!"

Ye Feng rubbed the little fox's head and walked into the laboratory holding it!

The little fox narrowed his eyes, full of curiosity and expectation!

What will the host reward me?

Under the small eyes it expected, Ye Feng took out a large syringe and absorbed ten milliliters of crystal clear potion in a glass test tube!

"No, no, they are not sick, they don't want injections, they are afraid of pain, oh oh oh..."

Seeing Ye Feng walking towards it with a big syringe, the little fox's big eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, pitiful and helpless, with his hands begging and begging!

"Don't worry, I'll be a little lighter, I'll hurt it a bit, and it won't hurt soon!"

Ye Feng showed a devilish smile, rubbed the little fox's back, then pressed it with one hand, and held a large syringe in the other hand and pierced it against his upper thigh!


The little fox screamed, but Ye Feng didn't have any tendency to stop, and injected all 10 ml of genetic medicine into the little fox's body!

"All right!"

Ye Feng let go of the little fox. The latter's watery eyes were full of grievances and grievances, and his furry body curled up into a ball, shivering!

Like a strong girl!

Bad master!

Damn it!

Actually pierced it with a needle!

He is still a child!


Suddenly, an indescribable tingling pain spreads across the body along the location of the needle, stimulating every nerve of it!

The little fox glared at his legs and fell to the ground, so much pain that he screamed again and again!

Ye Feng stood by without any movement!

If you want to become stronger, naturally you need to pay some price!


It's the price!

But although it hurts a little, there is no life-threatening danger. It can increase physical and intellectual power by ten times. Even if it hurts ten times more, it is worth it!

"Brother Feng, I caught you, you bullied the little fox!"

Sun Xiaomeng ran from the outside, looking like a person got the stolen goods.

"I just gave the little fox a shot!" Ye Feng raised the syringe in his hand!

"What? You actually pierced the little fox with a needle? The little fox is so small and a child, how can you do it!"

Sun Xiaomeng looked at Ye Feng with big eyes, heartbroken, shaking his head, and speaking righteously!


Ye Feng slapped her back, took out a big syringe again, and smiled: "You have a copy too, get down, get an injection!"

"No! I'm afraid of pain!"

Sun Xiaomeng held his chest with his arms and took a step back, Mengmeng's big eyes were pitiful!

"It's up to you!"

Ye Feng laughed and picked up the syringe, like a demon!

"Ah, help, Feng Ge is crazy, she wants to **** me with a needle!"

Sun Xiaomeng screamed in horror, but his body did not move half a point.

With big eyes, she looked at Ye Feng's potion and the changes of the little fox with great interest!

"Does the master play so big?"

Elena, the maidservant maid, her pretty face flushed when she heard the words, and one blushing scene after another appeared in her mind!

"Mengmeng, too much, can you speak louder?"

Gu Qingcheng's despised voice came from outside, and the girls came one by one!

They knew that Sun Xiaomeng yelled so loudly for them to hear, and he was definitely not doing something shameful, but using this to call them over!

"Brother Feng, have you developed a new genetic medicine?"

Qin Qingqing was wearing a white embroidered cheongsam, elegant and sexy. He walked in various styles, ignoring Sun Xiaomeng's life treasure, staring at the medicine in Ye Feng's hand with scorching eyes!

The same goes for other girls!

They have long been accustomed to Sun Xiaoming's weirdness!

"Bah, what am I thinking!"

Elena saw the syringe and medicine in Ye Feng's hand, her pretty face flushed, and her heart was full of shame, she wanted to bend it!

"Well, this genetic medicine can increase your physical fitness and intelligence by ten times, and it is also effective with your current strength!"

Ye Feng introduced, while observing the little fox who fell on the ground and wailed and rolled.

"Brother Feng, people are most afraid of pain, is there any medicine that doesn't hurt?"

Sun Xiaomeng came to Ye Feng's side and looked at the painful appearance of the little fox, full of excitement!

She still remembers the pain the last time she used the primary genetic medicine!

"I'm afraid you are thinking of fart!"

Ye Feng knocked her head and gave her a blank eye!

"Huh, no, no, why hit someone on the head, what should I do if I get stupid?" Sun Xiaomeng held his head and glared at Ye Feng with a grudge.


Half an hour passed.

The little fox jumped up from the ground, shaking the white and soft fur on his body, his small eyes were full of excitement!

It feels that it is full of power, and it can slap the self before death with one paw!

at the same time.

It had originally three tails and grew one more, a total of four tails, and its cultivation level naturally reached Tier 4.

When Ye Feng first saw it, it was Tier 2, and she had just reached Tier 3 a few days ago. He didn't expect Ye Feng to go down with one stitch and directly improve to Tier 1!

this moment.

It just wanted to shout at Ye Feng:

"Master, ravage me as much as you want, and give me a few more shots!"

"Okay, this genetic medicine is only effective for the first time!"

Seeing the longing look in the little fox's eyes, Ye Feng rubbed his little head and smiled: "You want it again, wait for the next time, this time there is no drop!"


The little fox was a little disappointed, but when he thought of being promoted to Tier 4, his eyes couldn't help but get excited, he rubbed Ye Feng's arms, and then left with a whistle!

It wants to find food, but also to find mutant beasts such as lions, polar bears, and iron-eaters to show off.

During this period of time, Fenglin Villa has added a lot of mutant beasts, all of them are mounts that the girls are looking for!

The iron-eater is a mount obtained by Qin Qingqing. In this age of spiritual recovery, there is nothing to protect animals!

Even if they had, with Ye Feng's strength and status, they would have no problem getting a few iron-eaters as pets!


There are more than a dozen mutant beasts in Fenglin Villa, and there are all kinds of them, which makes Ye Feng feel like his home has become a zoo!

"Which one of you will come first?"

The little fox left, Ye Feng took the big syringe and looked at the girls!

Sun Xiaomeng shrank her neck!

"I come!"

Han Muxue's eyes were fiery, she took the lead and did her part!

This is a miraculous medicine for tenfold enhancement of physique and intelligence!

As for the pain, that's a fart!

No strength will feel the real pain!

Just like before, she was caught by Li San because of her lack of strength!

If Ye Feng hadn't rushed to save her in time, he wouldn't know what kind of inhuman torment he would suffer!


Ye Feng nodded, did not say much, held the syringe against her white and tender arm!

I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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