Please Stop Talking

Chapter 273: Reiki Recovery

"Hey, can't think about it anymore..."

Wang Hu shook his head violently, dispelling the absurd thoughts in his mind, and suddenly saw the electronic screen hanging in the corridor.

It shows the current time-9:35 on May 9, 2020.

"I have crossed five years ago?"

Wang Hu's heart trembled suddenly, and the tiger's eyes widened: "Isn't this the day when the spiritual energy is restored?"

Past life.

May 9, 2020, this is a day for everyone to remember!


On this day, the spiritual energy of the world revived, the world changed drastically, and countless animals and plants evolved wildly!

Humans at the top of the food chain have suffered an unprecedented blow!

Once, mankind relied on wisdom, no matter how powerful a beast, it was nothing but a toy in human hands!

However, after the aura recovered, animals grew much faster than humans, and the status of the two sides was reversed!

The beasts that cannot be dealt with by human firearms and missiles appeared one after another. Humankind suffered heavy losses and suffered numerous casualties!

Thinking of the powerful beasts, Wang Hu's heart is even more dangerous!

As a tiger, he must not only face fierce beasts, but also humans. He must become strong so that neither humans nor fierce beasts can threaten him!

Only then can you live freely, even transform into a human form, build his empire, and embark on life, no, the tiger is at the peak!

"It's nine o'clock in the morning, and there are five hours to prepare for the aura recovery at two o'clock in the afternoon!"

"I must seize the opportunity before the aura recovers!"

After the aura recovers, some places are full of aura and some places are thin, so he naturally wants to go to a place with a lot of aura!

Moreover, the resurrection of aura will give birth to some spiritual fruits of heaven and earth. Once swallowed, both humans and beasts can gain extraordinary power and win directly at the starting line!

He remembered that in a large mountain not far from Tianhai City, a blazing silver wolf appeared in his previous life. It was said that it was because he had taken Fire Spirit Fruit!

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to leave the zoo immediately, go to the mountain to guard, and take down the fire spirit fruit!

"Time is running out, how can I get out?"

Wang Hu looked at the tempered glass in front of him, it was impossible to break it with his current strength.

"Ding! The devouring evolution system system is activated, binding the host Wanghu!"

Suddenly, a cold electronic sound played!

Wang Hu was overjoyed. Needless to say, he knew that his golden finger had arrived!


Cheat will be late, but will not be absent!

The function of the devouring evolution system is also simple and rude, anyway, it is to devour prey for your own use, and you can also obtain the other party's extraordinary ability!

There is also a newbie spree!

"Open the newbie gift package!" Wang Hu was looking forward to it. Whether he can go out depends on the system's failure!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining a tenfold increase!"

Seeing this ability, Wang Hu suddenly laughed!

He coldly walked to the tempered glass, raised his paw, shattered it with one paw, and then walked away amidst the exclamation and screaming of countless tourists!


Wang Hu is on the hot search!

At the same time, Tianhai City Jingcha Division also sent a message to remind the general public to be careful of tigers that ran out!


Fenglin Villa.

Ye Feng tightly hugged Li Na, who was flushed with her pretty face and glamorous like silk, and she enjoyed the warmth afterwards!


At this time, Xinghai's figure appeared on the big screen and said: "An abnormal situation was found. A tiger broke the fence of the zoo and escaped!"

After speaking, a video appeared on the big screen!

"This is a Siberian tiger? This body is really majestic!"

Li Na looked at Wang Hu in the video, exhaling like a blue, her voice was so charming that every cell in her body seemed to come alive!


Suddenly, I saw the Siberian tiger in the video lift a huge slap and slapped the tempered glass with one slap!

That's toughened glass that bullets can't possibly break!

"This tiger must have a problem!"

Ye Feng's eyes condensed. It is absolutely impossible for a normal tiger to have such a powerful force.

It's not uncommon to see pig feet like this kind of crossing into an animal!

He also ran into a big yellow dog before!

"Where is this tiger?"

Ye Feng asked.

"Boss, I wanted to ask the boss when I found out about the tiger's abnormality, but the boss was mating and I didn't dare to disturb..."

"Say the point!"

Ye Feng has a black line, this Xinghai nonsense is getting more and more!

"However, I sent a stealth drone to track and found that this tiger was running away from Tianhai City at a very fast speed!"

"According to big data analysis, this Siberian tiger is very likely to head towards Hongye Mountain, 95 kilometers away from Tianhai City!"

Ye Feng nodded, Xinghai did a good job this time, and said, "Continue to monitor closely to see what his purpose is!"

"Yes, boss!"

The Xinghai voice fell and disappeared on the big screen!

"Boss, is this tiger mutated?"

Li Na didn't know about the system and the traversers, but she had come into contact with extraordinary powers, and naturally thought that Wang Hu had mutated!

"Roughly the same!"

Ye Feng didn't explain, and things about the system and the traverser were not easy to explain!

And it's easy to think of him!

Even if it was his woman, he didn't want to tell, so as not to add some trouble!

"Animal pig feet violently break zoo protection, which is absolutely unusual!"

Ye Feng kept thinking about it!

The development route of animal pig feet is roughly divided into two:

One is the peaceful type, that is, pig's feet will not be enemies of humans. There is usually a beauty anchor or the like, interact with him, let him gain popularity value evolution, and take the route of selling cute!

This kind of route, except for pig's feet, generally does not show any extraordinary power!

The other is a violent route. The pig's feet of this route are likely to encounter aura recovery, so that he can quickly upgrade and take the upgrade evolution route!

"This Siberian tiger violently broke through the fence and escaped from the zoo. Obviously, it is not ready to be friendly with humans, and it is impossible to follow the cute route..."

"Could it be rejuvenated?"

Ye Feng secretly guessed, but there are too many possibilities, he can't guess!

But with his current strength!

Even if the aura recovers, he can still stand at the top of the pyramid and live very well!

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Seeing Ye Feng lost consciousness, Li Na asked curiously.

"It's okay!"

Ye Feng moved his head away, holding Li Na and stood up, saying: "Go, let's wash!"

He doesn't think much about things that he can't figure out!

Anyway, soldiers will come to cover the water!


As Ye Feng moved forward, Li Na, who hung on Ye Feng's waist, trembled lightly, her cheeks flushed like blood!

The two spent another long time in the bathroom!

Time passed bit by bit.

Ye Feng looked at Wang Hu's monitoring, and the other party seemed to be looking for something in Hongye Mountain!

Blink of an eye.

Time came to two o'clock in the afternoon.


The sky seemed to make a loud noise, and then everyone in the world looked at the sky in shock.

I saw blue sky and white sun, but a blood moon appeared!

The **** moon is in the sky, the sun and the moon appear at the same time, and the spirit is revived!


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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