Please Stop Talking

Chapter 268: I must steal

The news that the Chinese zodiac carved by Ye Feng himself will be exhibited at the Tianhai Museum has shaken the world!

During this period of time, Ye Feng’s live-streaming of stone-cutting and carving, every video is extremely popular, as long as people online, there is no one who doesn’t know!

Countless people have witnessed the birth of the Zodiac with their own eyes, and no one is dissatisfied with Ye Feng's superb carving skills!

Countless engravers call Ye Feng a god-level engraver!

This is the highest honor in the world!

none of them!

No one has any objections!

The value of the artwork he carved can be imagined!

More importantly, nearly half of these zodiac signs are carved with emperor green, and the jade dragon carved with emperor green is the most precious!

And Ye Feng is already called the richest man in the world, they can't buy it with money, because Ye Feng is not short of money!

and so.

Countless people have a crooked mind!

Countless thieves and robbers also started to think carefully!

As long as you can steal even one of them, you can get immeasurable money and reputation in the world!

Since ancient times, hasn't people been pursuing money, rights and fame?

As long as you can steal one, you will have money and reputation!

Tianhai City Mirror Investigation Division.

Huo Jinrong, director of the Mirror Inspection Department, convened a meeting with all members above the Mirror Inspection Envoy.

"On May 4th, the 12 zodiac signs carved by Ye Dong will be exhibited at the Tianhai Museum for three days. Each piece is extremely valuable and can be called a national treasure!"

"The whole world does not know how many pairs of eyes are watching, how many people are secretly coveting it. Strict orders have been placed on it, and the safety of the venue must be guaranteed!"

"Of course, this time the matter is serious, we are mainly responsible for maintaining order and the safety of ordinary people, and the security of the Chinese zodiac will be taken over by the Special Security Bureau!"

"If the Special Security Bureau has any needs, you can cooperate as much as possible!"

Huo Jinrong has a serious expression and a solemn voice. Although the Chinese zodiac belongs to Ye Feng, it is also a national treasure!

If someone is stolen and lives abroad, it will not only be a huge loss for Ye Feng, but also a loss for Yan Country!

More importantly, it damages the majesty of Yan Country!

Can't help but they are not serious!


It is necessary to prevent some criminals from sabotage!

"Before tomorrow, you will get the plan and submit it!"


At the end of the meeting, every mirror looked solemn on their faces. They knew that this exhibition would definitely not be peaceful!

Not only the Mirror Check Division, the Special Security Bureau is also urgently deploying its staff!

The one in charge this time is an ace agent codenamed "Xuan Nv"!

As for the ace agent Fire Dragon who had contact with Ye Feng last time, because of the previous skirmish with Ye Feng, he has been transferred from Tianhai City to take charge of other areas!

But this time the instigator, Ye Feng, once again summoned the girls in the villa!

The women's eyes are filled with expectation and excitement!

The last time Ye Feng called them together, it was to give them the lightning ability!

These days, they are all familiar with the use of lightning abilities, and they are already relatively familiar!

Is it also for them this time...

They guessed right!

What Ye Feng gave them this time was the enhanced version of Deadpool's ability!

Everyone needs 200 million!

Including Athena, there are a total of eleven people, or 2.2 billion prestige points!

He now has a reputation value of four billion, which is naturally to enhance the life-saving ability of the women!

"Wow, I feel my strength has skyrocketed!"

"The speed has also become faster!"

The girls were all smiles after getting the ability of Deadpool, but compared to the lightning ability, they were not too excited!

After all, the skyrocketing power is not a level at all compared to the lightning ability!


They don't know that the skyrocketing power is only additional, and what really goes against the sky is the abnormal resilience and survivability!

Ye Feng didn't tell them about this ability!

Lest they be arrogant!

After all, anyone who knows that he will not die if he is sliced ​​or even minced into meat will inevitably not swell his confidence and do something to die!

"Brother Feng, this time you put the zodiac signs on the museum exhibition. There will definitely be many thieves and thieves. Can I go and play?"

Sun Xiaomeng bounced around and embraced Ye Feng's arm, looking at Ye Feng expectantly with his big eyes, he was about to move deep in his heart!

Riches do not return to their hometown, like a night walk in Jinyi!

Her strength has skyrocketed. Not only is she super powerful, but she also has the ability to control the enhanced version of the Thunder Fruit, which is a superhuman!

It was really uncomfortable to let her not do it!

"I was going to give you these zodiac signs, one for each person. Others want to grab your things. What do you say?"

Ye Feng smiled, looked at the girls and asked.

"beat him!"

"Cut him!"


All the girls all spoke together.

"If you want to go, you'd better be able to catch one or two thieves. It's also your experience, but you try to hide your face!"

Ye Feng's voice fell, and Sun Xiaomeng was so excited that she almost jumped up: "Great, my masked heroine can finally make her debut!"

"I want to design a cool costume for myself!"

Sun Xiaomeng's eyes glowed, and she couldn't wait to immediately put on the suit she designed to save the world and maintain peace!

of course!

She is actually afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

Gu Qingcheng, Tan Taiyue and other relatively quiet people had no interest at first, but what Ye Feng said about catching thieves and thieves is their experience!

They are naturally also interested!

They don't want Ye Feng to feel that even with superpowers, they are still vases!

They don't want to be crushed by other women deep in their hearts!


The women who had no interest in the first place were ignited with fighting spirit, and even if they could not become the first, they would at least catch a few thieves!

People like Gu Liying, An Xin, An Ran, etc., are now business tycoons, strong women, and they are all in the market!

In the dark underground battlefield, they are no weaker than others!

Ye Feng gave them powerful strength and superpowers. If they lose all this way, they will really be vases!

Countless world robbers and assassins flooded into the sky, but they didn't know what kind of abnormalities they would face!


Time flies, and it comes to May 4th!

this day.

The Tianhai Museum is crowded with people, countless mirror investigators and troops are dispatched to maintain order on the scene!

One by one Secret Security Service agents are hidden in every corner, searching for possible suspects closely!

The Pirate God Ji Kang easily became a rich man. This rich man was not fabricated, but a real existence, but when he was caught by Ji Kang, Li Daitao became stiff!

"True is natural and superb!"

Seeing the zodiac signs in the exhibition, Keikang's eyes were full of shock. Seeing it through the Internet and seeing it in person are totally different!

The jade-carved animals seemed to come alive, giving people the tremor of the soul, especially the dragon and the tiger, which made the heart tremble!

"I must steal them all!"

I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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