Please Stop Talking

Chapter 260: One-stop (two more)

"I can't see it yet!"

"But it seems to be a long strip of things!"

"Long strips, what is this?"


"Is it a snake?"

"It's better to carve a dragon!"

"Yes! This is the dragon!"

"Look, the dragon horns are already out!"

"Fuck! It's really a dragon!"

"The dragon beard is also out!"

"And dragon teeth!"

"The dragon tail is also out!"

"And dragon claws!"

"Hi! This is a dragon scale? It looks so much!"

"My God, is this really carved out of a big sword?"

"It's so awesome!"

"Excellent workmanship!"

"Fuck! It feels like this dragon is coming to life!"

Over one billion viewers in the live and broadcast rooms exclaimed again and again, and countless crooked nuts were shocked. Is the engraver of Yan Country so awesome?

Carve a dragon with a big sword?

Less than two minutes.

A crystal clear, lifelike Oriental Dragon appeared in front of everyone, as if to fly away in the clouds, travel around the sea, and soar into the blue sky!

"My God, I bought this dragon for a billion!"

A sun rose in the live broadcast room, but it was a crooked nut!

At the moment, there is no shortage of jade experts in the live broadcast room, international consortiums and other industry leaders. They were shocked when they saw this dragon!

"I give out two billion!"

Another sun rose, and a paragraph emerged!

"I give out 2.5 billion!"

"Three billion!"


Lu Xue looked at the rising sun in the live broadcast room, completely dumbfounded. Is this a bidding venue?

Countless audiences shivered, and they didn't have the right to speak at this moment!

"There is one last step!"

Ye Feng paused with his sword and looked into the eyes of the Jade Dragon!

Huh huh!

The sword's edge trembled, and the jade dragon seemed to open his eyes!


The wind and clouds are dancing, and everyone seems to see a dragon soaring in the sky, overlooking the four seas, and it is difficult to look directly at it!

"Ah, Shenlong is alive!"

The audience in the live and broadcast room exclaimed, their minds trembled, and countless people couldn't bear it and fell directly to the ground in fear and excitement!

Mom asked me why I watched the live broadcast on my knees?

I saw a dragon on my horse!


"It's a magical touch, the finishing touch!"

After a long while.

Everyone finally recovered, shocked!

This is naturally not the jade dragon alive!

It was Ye Feng's sculpted dragon with a natural charm, full of momentum, and that spirit directly oppressed everyone, making everyone feel that the dragon was alive and scared to the ground!

"I give out ten billion!"

One hundred suns rose in the live broadcast room, and a consortium couldn't help but take action!

"Eleven billion!"

Another hundred suns came up, and Lu Xueru was in a dream. She made a profit today just by giving a reward!

Not to mention the skyrocketing popularity!

Although many of these people will leave, there are more than one billion viewers, even if 10% are left, it is more than 100 million!

Enough for her to become a major anchor!

"Well, you don't need to bid anymore, no matter how much you pay, I won't sell it!"

Ye Feng looked at Lu Xue who was at a loss, and said directly to the camera!

He has no shortage of money.

The high profile today is just to earn a wave of prestige points!

"That's one billion prestige worth? Good news!"

Ye Feng glanced at the system panel with a hearty mood. Of course, this was also due to his god-level carving technology and powerful live broadcast platform!

Xinghai Live is a live broadcast platform that faces the whole world, so it has more than one billion viewers, which most people can't do!

"Well, this is the end of today, and the remaining seven rough stones will be opened tomorrow. Those who are interested can follow Xinghai Live!"

After speaking, Li Na hurriedly picked up the jade dragon, and let the bodyguard who followed secretly take away the remaining seven rough stones!

"Ye Dong, can I see this jade dragon?"

Shen Yanbing didn't dare to mention the purchase, she couldn't afford it at all, but seeing such a treasure was also very tiring!

"Let's talk about it later!"

Ye Feng took Li Na and left. Many people wanted to surround them, but they were immediately blocked by bodyguards. Among them were people from the Special Security Department!

They dare not offend Ye Feng, but Ye Feng is too strong. In order to avoid conflicts with Ye Feng and trigger some uncontrollable events, they have always been around!

at this point.

They also got Ye Feng's consent!

They deal with some troubles, much easier than Ye Feng's own!

As long as they don't get too close to him, affect his life or spy on his secrets.

It is also easy to have them help deal with some troubles!

"Say it later? Humph!"

Shen Yanbing looked resentful and snorted coldly, she was actually ignored by Ye Feng!

This is the first time anyone dared to ignore her!

"Does it have profound meaning?"

She lowered her head to look at herself, her figure was graceful, with a slender waist, and a pair of big long legs, not inferior to the female secretary beside Ye Feng!

At this moment, Qi Luck Pig's Feet Lin Yan, who had been watching coldly, walked in front of Shen Yanbing, and said in a loud voice:

"President Shen, I will go now. There is no more goods worth more than 200,000 yuan here. Only a piece of rough stone sold for 1.5 million yuan is not worth the gain!"

"Before this store has any stock, I advise Mr. Shen not to buy it. At the same time, I also remember these rough stones so as not to replace the old with the new!"

Lin Yan's voice was so loud that everyone heard it!

Not only the audience, but also countless viewers in the Lu Xue live broadcast room!

At this moment, they all looked at Lin Yan dumbfounded!

Is this really naive, or is it messing up?

This is putting Zhang Yuanfu to death!

With this sentence, don't want to sell the remaining rough stone!

"Little beast, what nonsense are you talking about? Ye Dong's ability to produce two glass types here, one imperial green, shows that this batch of goods is very good!"

"You can't buy emperor green from Dong Ye, but there may be more in this batch. There are only so many in stock now. If you want to buy it as soon as possible, first come first served."

Zhang Yuanfu gave Lin Yan a fierce look, and then began to promote!

He believes that with the influence of the emperor green from Ye Feng, many people should buy it with the mentality of giving it a try!

After all, Ye Feng is not a god, maybe there is really emperor green in it!

Thinking of this, countless viewers in the live and broadcast rooms are a little moved!

Once the emperor green is drawn, it will be earned!

Even if it's not the emperor green, the glass kind makes a lot of money!

Ye Feng picked ten pieces a minute ago and opened three pieces, two of which are glass types, and one piece of emperor green!

This batch of goods may be really good!

There must be a lot of rough stones in stock!

Seeing the eyes of everyone, Lin Yan naturally understood that he did not rush to the original stone area and said, "This piece is out of stock!"

"Neither is this one!"

"This piece is in stock, worth about 20,000 yuan!"

"This piece is worth ten thousand!"

"This piece is out of stock!"

"This value..."


"Fuck your mother's shit, do you think you have see-through eyes and can see if there is any goods in it?"

Zhang Yuanfu's eyes are red!

This is to kill him!

"I don't have a perspective eye, but I just know!"

Lin Yan did not rush, and said loudly: "I said before, that big brother chose all the good rough stones, but you don't believe it, how is it now?"


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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