Please Stop Talking

Chapter 232: advanced technology

"Master, rest assured, I will never reveal a word even if I die!"

Athena's trembling jade hand held the primary genetic medicine, her body trembling lightly, enhancing ordinary people's strength and intelligence by five or six times, it was a magic medicine!

If someone else told her, she would definitely not believe it!

Even if she believes it, she dare not use it, I am afraid it will have great side effects!

In fact, drugs that enhance the power of five or six times are available in all countries in the world, but the side effects are very big, they all stimulate the human body's potential and cannot be used at all!

But what Ye Feng took out, she has a kind of honey confidence!

She believes that Ye Feng will not harm her!

There is no reason to harm her!

After all, she was loyal, no matter what Ye Feng needed for work or intelligence, she would unconditionally execute it.

He served her so hard just now!

If so, Ye Feng would still harm her, then she might as well die!

"Okay, I'm leaving, no need to send it!"

After speaking, Ye Feng left the room, closed the door directly, and quietly left the base!

This night.

Except Athena, no one knew that he had been to the base of the Zeus mercenary group!

After half an hour.

After washing, Athena felt the changes in her body, her eyes frantic: "It's amazing, the master is really great!"

She clenched a fist. Although her martial arts master's cultivation level did not increase her strength five or six times, it also increased more than three times!

She can now sling her previous self with confidence!


In addition to the skyrocketing strength, her thinking became more active, the previous fatigue disappeared without a trace, and the previous doubts became clear!

She knows that her intelligence has improved!

Apart from being very hungry, there are no other side effects!

If this genetic medicine is spread, it will absolutely shock the world!

this moment.

Her loyalty and awe to Ye Feng skyrocketed again!

Although Ye Feng didn't see this, he could guess it!


He has returned to Fenglin Villa Villa from putting on his steel suit again!


Taking off the steel suit, Ye Feng squeezed his neck.

This night!

He first destroyed five of the world's top mercenary groups, then went to the Sun Nation to destroy Panasonic's pants pockets, and finally had a passionate exchange with Athena at the Zeus mercenary group base, which took five hours in total!

I'm afraid no one will believe it!

"I don't know when I can fly into the sky by myself!"

Ye Feng glanced at the steel suit for the last time, turned and left the laboratory!

"There will be a chance!"

Ye Feng believes that he has studied genes to the extreme, let alone flying into the sky, it may not be impossible even if it is eternal!

"Brother Feng, you are finally back!"

As soon as Ye Feng entered the door, Qin Qingqing plunged into his arms and hugged him tightly!


The other party stayed up all night, worrying about him all the time!

"Don't worry, even if the world is destroyed, I can't die!"

Ye Feng gently patted the lady's fragrant shoulder, and then a princess hugged Qin Qingqing and got into the quilt!

This time,

Ye Feng didn't do anything bad, just hugged her to sleep!

at this time.

It's already five o'clock in the morning.


the next day.

People woke up early in the morning and found that they were overwhelmed by a piece of news. The major media and major social platforms were all about the Xinghai Group's recovery of the goods and the destruction of the robbers!

"Shocked! Ten billions of materials, retrieved overnight, will reveal the unknown stories for you exclusively!"

"Shocked! The world's five major mercenary groups fell overnight. Is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality!"

"Doubt! What power does Xinghai Group have to get back tens of billions of materials overnight!"


"Fuck! I just slept, how come I feel the world has changed?"

"+1 upstairs, seeing these news, I thought I was dreaming!"

"How did Xinghai Group get back the materials?"

"According to the gossip, the robbers were directly bombed, and the supplies were taken back!"

"Is it so fierce? Did the government take action?"

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet. Under Ye Feng's instructions, Xinghai Group did not directly admit to destroying the robbers, only saying that the materials were found!

of course.

Anyone who has the strength and wisdom knows that this matter must be inseparable from the Xinghai Group!

at this time.

Countries in the world are shockingly analyzing the reasons for the collapse of the five major mercenary groups!

They know more information and are more professional, so they are more alarmed!

United States, Intelligence Agency.

A group of people watched the video on the big screen with a gloomy face:

"This is a picture taken by a satellite, exactly the scene where the mercenary robbers are destroyed!"

"It can be seen from the video that there are stealth fighters in the air, and the robbers were destroyed by launching missiles or bullets!"

"The missile is not big in size, but it is very powerful, and its accuracy is very terrifying. The robbers are destroyed, but the items are not damaged. It is even difficult for us to strike with such precision!"

"Furthermore, this stealth fighter appeared in the Sun Nation after destroying the robbers, killing Matsushita's trousers, and finally drove away. The Sun Nation found nothing, and even the enemy did not see it!"

"It's horrible!"

"Could it be Yan Country's new stealth fighter?"

"What are they trying to do? Do they want to cause a world war?"

"What I should consider now is how to deal with this stealth fighter?"

"Is this really a stealth fighter? Can it be detected by satellite radar?"

"Not detectable!"

"I can't detect it, how can I deal with it?"

"How could Yan Country have such advanced fighters?"

Shocked, all countries in the world called Yan Guo.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Yan State issued a statement stating that they did not know about it, and that it was not theirs!

Some people speculated that it was Xinghai Group, but they quickly rejected this absurd idea. They didn't believe that Xinghai Group, a company that had just been established for less than a year, had this ability!

Ye Feng didn't explain this, anyway, he just needs to stand up!

Keep it mysterious and even more awesome!

The unknown is the most terrible!

No matter how people guessed, the original careerist had put away his paws and dared not make any more moves against Ye Feng's products.

at the same time.

The senior officials of Yan State also held an ad hoc meeting, which was held specifically for Ye Feng!

For this meeting, Sun Guotian, the guardian of Tianhai County, was also listed!

Originally, he was not high enough, but who told him to have a close relationship with Ye Feng, and he is the middle and high-level official who has the most contact with Ye Feng!

Everyone looked at the video taken by the satellite, with a serious atmosphere with a touch of excitement:

"Do you think it was a stealth fighter that killed the robbers?"

"No matter what, the other party can avoid satellite shooting and radar detection. This technology far exceeds our current technology!"

"Yes! If we can apply this technology to fighters, will it be difficult to create stealth fighters?"

Everyone's faces are filled with excitement and excitement that can't be concealed. Once successful, Yan Guo's fighter will lead the world by one or two generations!

After deliberation, everyone decided that Hanzhou Mu Chen Hao and Tianhai County Guard Sun Guotian would talk to Ye Feng about related technical issues!

after one day.

Ye Feng met Sun Guotian and Chen Hao!

He didn't need to guess what the two came from!

"Uncle Sun and Uncle Chen, do you want the technology of stealth fighters?" Ye Feng didn't bluff or hide himself!

Foreign countries speculate that the person who eliminated the robbers was the official of the Yan State, but the official of the State of Yan knew very well that they did not send anyone, nor did they have such advanced fighters!

Even if Ye Feng denied it, none of them would believe it!


Ye Feng didn't want to deny either!

However, he doesn't want to tell them about the steel suit for the time being, but he has the technology of stealth fighters in his mind!

You must know that his current intelligence is ten times stronger than Tony Stark, a genius scientist in Marvel, and his various knowledge reserves are only a lot more than Tony!

It is not difficult to design a stealth fighter that cannot be detected by current satellites and radars!

"Ye Feng, you also know that Yan Nation really needs this technology. Of course, we won't take advantage of you in vain. You can mention anything you want!"

As a pastor of Hanzhou, Chen Hao has more power than Sun Guotian. This task is based on him!

"I am very happy to be able to strengthen the country, and I am willing to make a contribution!"

Ye Feng didn't talk nonsense, took out a U disk, and said: "There are all the materials and drawings about the stealth fighter, and I will give it to the country!"

"Ye Feng, do you know the importance of this information, do you really give it to the country?" Chen Hao and Sun Guotian stared at Ye Feng in disbelief!

Even if Ye Feng sells for 100 billion or 200 billion, they will not hesitate to buy!

Is it just that Ye Feng is short of money?

He is not short of money at all!

"Of course, here is a list of materials, it would be great if you can fund me some!"

Ye Feng took out a list file with all kinds of rare materials he needed, each of which was very precious, and it was still a product!

It is difficult to get through the general channels!

Ye Feng used to get some from photolithography machines before, and some from abroad!

Now, it happens to be taken directly from the country!

He believed that the other party would give it to him!

If the opponent is so short-sighted, he has nothing to lose. The blueprints and materials of the stealth fighter are a treasure to others, but they are nothing more than that!

And without his help, even if they had data drawings, it would not be so easy for them to produce a stealth fighter!

At that time, they will definitely ask Ye Feng for help, and they will find someone to help, don't they need to be paid?


There are many ideas in his mind, but they are limited by materials!

Some materials are handed over to the government, and he will directly take the finished product.

"Ye Feng, don't worry, I will try my best to help you get everything you need. I believe the country will not be stingy!"

Chen Hao held the U disk and the material list, his palm trembling slightly, he did not expect Ye Feng to agree so readily, and he was so excited that he could not control himself!

"I believe!"

Ye Feng nodded.

"Ye Feng, these materials are too important. I must send them back immediately. I'll leave first!"

After speaking, Chen Hao personally took the documents and left under the **** of the guards. At the same time, a series of phone calls came out, and they soon went up to the sky!

The Great Elder received the news and took a breath on the spot, and endless surprises came to his heart!

"It's great, it's great! Hurry, send someone to respond immediately, don't make mistakes, this is an imperial secret!"

"Just because there are not enough guards, let the military send people to ensure that the information is foolproof!"


Soon, helicopters took off from the military area and headed towards Chen Hao.


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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