Please Stop Talking

Chapter 229: Tens of billions of goods robbed

the next day.

I finally realized that Ye Feng, who hugged left and right, was still full of energy after getting up. It was not a problem at all to be one against four!

On the contrary, the four of Qin Qingqing were a little sluggish. After all, they had been desperate for a day in the game. Although the real world only had two hours, it was also exhausting!

However, they all possessed an inner-out temperament that they did not have before, and their hearts were more than doubled!

It can be said that rebirth from the ashes, Nirvana into a butterfly!

As long as you continue to accumulate experience in the game, and finally let Ye Feng give pointers in reality, it will be enough to match the king-level powerhouse!

The girls went to work, but Ye Feng played a game in the laboratory!

He has increased the strength of the NPC in the game by a large amount, and the difficulty has increased by more than a hundredfold. If ordinary people enter, it can be called a **** mode of ten deaths and no life!


After fighting for a long time in the game, Ye Feng took off his helmet!

"Boss, Athena is calling!"

Just after taking a break, Xinghai's voice rang in Ye Feng's ears!


The figure of Athena suddenly appeared in front of Ye Feng, this is a virtual projection!

"Master, a mysterious buyer just paid 500 million meters of gold to hire our mercenary group to intercept a batch of goods. The other party did not say what the specific goods were!"

"But I know that the other party not only contacted us, but also the world's top ten mercenary group. I feel that the picture is not small!"

"Master, please direct!"

Athena said respectfully.

The Zeus mercenary group is now completely controlled by her, the original big boss Long Chen behind the scenes is dead, and the leader Zeus on the bright side is also controlled by her with the medicine given by Ye Feng!

Her brother's illness was also cured with Ye Feng's help, and now he has changed his face and led an ordinary and happy life!

She is grateful to Ye Feng!

"Oh? At the same time I found the top ten mercenary groups in the world? What a big deal!"

Ye Feng was aroused by curiosity, and ordered: "Xinghai, can you find out what happened?"

"Boss, please wait!"

Xinghai exists in the Internet, and the Internet is its carrier. As long as the information that has appeared on the Internet, it can be found!

With its amazing computing speed, it can check all the information of the world's top ten mercenary groups in less than a second, and follow the information to find it!

The information is true or false, but after countless data collections, the false information is excluded, and the rest is true!

After less than three magics, Xinghai will have a result!

"Master, this incident has something to do with the Sun Country Three Views Consortium. The main person in charge is Matsushita Trousers!"

"The things they want to intercept are nothing else, but the ten billion meters worth of sea dryness and ten thousand miles of strong wind that Xinghai Medicine shipped to Zhongdong..."

"It seems that some people can't sit still, jealous!"

There was a fierce flash in Ye Feng's eyes, he had expected this situation long ago!

Haiku Shiran is so hot, especially after killing Lan Shi, the forces that originally wanted to imitate or steal the secret recipe had to die, and Haiku Shiran once again monopolized the market!

Such a huge benefit is impossible not to attract people's eyes!

With a decision in his heart, Ye Feng looked at Athena: "You don't need to worry about this, the task is rejected, I will come to see you in a few days and give you a great gift!"

"Thank you, master, the door is always open for the master, waiting for the master to come!" Athena said with joy and excitement.


Ye Feng nodded and hung up!

He did not notify others, nor did he change the route of the tens of billions of meters worth of gold goods sent to Zhongdong a week later!

He seems to know nothing!

Play games every day to strengthen training for Qin Qingqing's girls!

A week passed in a flash!

this day.

A piece of news about Xinghai Group swept the world's major media:

"Shocked! Xinghai Group's gold cargo worth tens of billions of meters was robbed!"

As soon as this news came out, everyone was shocked, and it caused countless people to talk about it!

"Fuck! The tens of billions of meters of gold has been robbed like this? A three-minute silence for Xinghai Group!"

"I'm not surprised that the sea and dry stones are robbed at all. A bottle of sea and dry stones sells for 500,000 yuan in China and 1 million abroad. It is convenient to grab the sea and dry stones**!"

"That's right! Five hundred thousand cash is heavier than a bottle of sea and rocks. I don't know how much. If it's me, I won't rob the bank anymore, just grab the sea and rocks!"

"+1 upstairs!"

"It is said that Haikushi rotten thief is easy to deal with black money. The risk is small and the benefits are large. As long as the brain is not stupid, you know that robbing Haikushi** is cost-effective!"

"Grass! The Lao Tzu who is talking about wants to rob the sea and the stone is rotten!"

"Hey, let Ye Feng, the black quotient, set the price so expensive, now I'll be punished!"

Countless netizens are full of energy, but countless careerists have their eyes bright and are ready to move, waiting for Xinghai Group's response!

If Xinghai Group is not capable, his goods may be robbed from time to time in the future!

In the anticipation of all the people, Xinghai Group and its subsidiaries issued an announcement at the same time, strongly condemning the robbers, and held accountable to the end!

"Cut! That's it?"

"Could it only be a cruel word?"

"It's over, Xinghai Group has no good countermeasures, everyone can rob at will in the future!"

Many Internet key players have displayed their magical powers and discussed, and Xinghai Group has also launched an effort to track the whereabouts of the goods through regular channels!


This kind of channel can't be tracked back for a while, or even a lifetime!


Fenglin Villa.

Today's Fenglin Villa is extremely lively. Ye Feng's confidants and friends all came to express their comfort and see if there is anything that can help!

"It's really hateful, I don't know which grandson of tortoise did it, if you let me know, you must cut him off!"

Sun Xiaomeng's powder clenched her fists, filled with righteous indignation, and the spectacular car lights that did not match her delicate face flickered violently with her voice!

It's so dazzling that people can't open their eyes, no, they can't move their eyes!

"Just your little arms and legs, you still want to smash others, I'm afraid it's not sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth, right?" Gu Qingcheng smiled.

Because Ye Feng looked calm and didn't take the goods robbed to heart, the atmosphere on the scene was not solemn, on the contrary it was very relaxed!

"Who do you say is a sheep?"

Sun Xiaomeng pretended to be fierce, showing two small tiger teeth, soft and cute, but not fierce at all!

"Ye Feng, have you already figured out a countermeasure?"

Gu Liying ignored the play of Gu Qingcheng and Sun Xiaomeng, and looked at Ye Feng curiously. In her impression, Ye Feng is omnipotent and knows everything!

She has never seen Ye Feng suffer!

"You will know from now on!"

Ye Feng sold a key, and everyone was itchy and curious!

It's just that if Ye Feng didn't say it, they couldn't!

In the evening, Gu Liying and others left!

When Sun Xiaomeng came home, her parents Sun Guotian and Chen Feifei were also there!


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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