Please Stop Talking

Chapter 220: Ant and Dragon (2 in 1 4400 characters

Tianhai City, Airport.

A tall, graceful woman came out of the airport with a gift box.

She wears a pair of black sunglasses, with a cold temperament, like a snow lotus on the top of the Tianshan Mountains, independent of the world.

"Tantai, I have called a car, where are you going, I will see you off?"

Next to the woman, a young man with a big back, with a wicked smile, looked hospitable!

The young man is about twenty-five and sixty. Wearing an anima suit and wearing a Patek Philippe watch, he looks like a rich man!

"Wu Shao, thank you for your kindness, but no need, my boyfriend will pick me up!"

Tan Taiyue was impatient in her heart, but her good qualities still made her politely refuse to say!

She shot an advertising endorsement in Yancheng, but she did not expect that Wu Ming, a rich second generation, would have been pestering her from Yancheng to Tianhai City.

"Is your boyfriend handsome as me?" Wu Ming shook his head, pretending to be chic.

He didn't believe that Tan Taiyue had a boyfriend, just as an excuse!

Since seeing Tan Taiyue for the first time, he has been fascinated by the other's beauty and temperament, and he can't wait to get the driving experience right away.

It's just that Tan Taiyue suddenly returned to Tianhai City without waiting for him to play an offensive!

He had no choice but to use his relationship to buy a ticket with Tan Taiyue, or the adjacent seats, which made Tan Taiyue annoying all the way.

In fact, Tantaiyue's sudden return to Tianhai City was also Ye Feng's attention.

Ye Feng missed this woman a bit!

After all, the two have officially established a relationship, but he has not yet eaten Tan Taiyue, the delicious little sheep.

Calling her back this time just happened to take her down!

Secondly, it was because of the primary genetic medicine, Ye Feng wanted to use it for her!

"Much more handsome than you!"

Tan Taiyue was made impatient by Wu Ming, and at the same time he saw that Wu Ming didn't believe that she had a boyfriend, so she took out Ye Feng's photo and wanted him to give up!


Seeing the photo, Wu Ming's eyes stared out!

His eyes widened. He didn't expect Tan Taiyue to have a boyfriend, and he was so handsome!

Although I don't want to admit it, this man is really handsome than him!

He has seen countless families, young and old, and little fresh meat in the entertainment industry, but none of them can compare with Ye Feng!

If he hadn't seen Ye Feng's photos, he would not believe that there is such a handsome man in the world!

What a pity not to make ducks!

What a loss for women all over the world!

"What's the use of being handsome?"

Wu Ming was shocked, his eyes were full of jealousy, he curled his lips, and said with disdain: "The most important thing for a man is three words: big, rough, and hard!"



Hard relationship!

Wu Mingxiemei smiled and said directly: "Is he rich with me? Does he have a hard time with me? I can give you the resources you want to get you to the next level, can he?"

Tan Taiyue didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, on having money, who has Ye Feng and rich now?

Whether the sea is dry, the stone is rotten, or the wind of thousands of miles is a golden weapon, it is unparalleled!

As for the hard relationship?

Although she didn't know too much about Ye Feng, at least the lithography machine did not know much about Ye Feng's relationship than Wu Mingqiang!

She heard that Ye Feng's Xinghai Electronics has entered the chip industry and has reached strategic cooperation with many giant companies such as Warwick!

She even faintly mentioned that Xinghai Electronics' chips not only supply private enterprises, but even have strategic cooperation with state-owned enterprises such as aerospace and aerospace!

Wu Ming is a rich second-generation, and he can't see enough in front of Ye Feng!

Even if he comes, he has to kneel!


At this moment, a message lit up on Tantaiyue's phone: "Did you get off the plane? I'm at Exit 2, next to a white van!"

Wu Ming's eyes were sharp, and he saw the general content of the message at a glance. He sneered in his heart, and Tan Taiyue didn't answer just now!

He took it for granted that Ye Feng had no money, so he probably drove a van to pick up Tan Taiyue!

Thinking of this, Wu Ming was very energetic, ready to mock Ye Feng later, let him know what a toad wants to eat swan meat!

Not long.

Wu Ming followed Tan Taiyue to exit 2 and he saw a van, which was still very old!

And in front of the van, there was a handsome young man. The young man looked a lot younger than him. He was handsome and handsome!

"Nima, really handsome! It's just that this little white face is so young, I'm afraid he hasn't graduated from university yet?"

Wu Ming was shocked by Ye Feng's "beauty".

"Unexpectedly, Tantaiyue would actually like to chew tender grass!"

Thinking of this, Wu Ming suddenly became angry!

Thinking of him chasing all the way from Yancheng to Tianhai, Tan Taiyue would show no words to him.

At first, he really thought Tantaiyue was pure!

I didn't expect Tan Taiyue to get together with a little white face!

Except that he is not as handsome as the little white face, he is no better than the other party, Tan Taiyue actually pretended to be pure in front of him!

Cao Nima forced it!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

"Ye Feng!"

When Wu Ming was stunned and burning with jealousy, Tan Taiyue had already rushed into Ye Feng's arms!

I didn't see it during this time, she missed it very much!

"Don't work so hard in the future!"

Ye Feng smelled the refreshing faint fragrance on her body, and patted her smooth jade back lightly.

Now that he is ready to take Tantaiyue, there is no need for Tantaiyue to continue to show up, sing, sing and shoot commercials.

Not to mention hard work, there is no money to make!

He had already thought about it and set up a Xinghai Entertainment Company directly, entered the entertainment circle, and let Tantaiyue manage it!

Now, money is a number to him!

"Boy, let go of your paw!"

Seeing the beauty's plump and graceful body thrown into Ye Feng's arms, Wu Ming's face turned green.

He has given up so much energy before getting started, and now he was taken down by a little boy!

If this spreads out, he still wants to mix it up!

Isn't he like a little white face?


Ye Feng let go of Tantaiyue, holding the beautiful woman's slender waist with one hand, and looking at Wu Ming with cold eyes: "You say it again?"

The voice without the slightest emotion was cold into the bone marrow, making people shudder.

"Wow! So handsome!"

"Boyfriend is so powerful!"

"So cold!"

"Who is this little brother? He's actually more handsome than my idol. I love it!"

"I wanted to chase idols, but now I don't want to!"

Seeing Ye Feng, the girls around the rice circle instantly became little fans, their eyes lit up, and they wanted to pounce on it now!

These young rice circle girls are waiting for their star idols here, and they are all fascinated by Ye Feng at the moment!


All the little fans are taking crazy pictures!

Although Ye Feng's reputation is not small, especially after Haikushiruan went on the market, his reputation is even more so!

But he himself does not often appear in the eyes of everyone, and not many people really know him!

This is the difference between a business boss and a star!

Celebrities need to rely on their faces and have a sense of existence, but business leaders don't need it!

Just like the various products we use every day, such as the common Shufujia, Sophie, black toothpaste, etc., these things are used almost every day, but who knows the boss behind?

"Boy, you are crazy, do you know who I am?"

Wu Ming's face was gloomy, and he never thought that he was threatened by a little white face when he first came to Tianhai City!

"I'll say it again, let go of your dog's paws, she is not something you can get involved, and you can get rid of me if you don't want to die!"

Wu Ming's eyes were full of threats, and he said viciously.

"Idiot! I asked you to say it once and you said it again, I asked you to eat Xiang, why don't you go?"

Ye Feng's arm was hard, and Tantaiyue's plump body immediately clung to his arms, and his sardonic eyes looked at Wu Ming provocatively.


Everyone was in an uproar upon hearing this.

"Little brother is so handsome!"

"Who is that woman? So envy!"

"Do you think this woman is a bit familiar?"

A group of little fans and the eating up crowd took photos wildly, watching them with gusto.


Wu Ming smiled back and stared at Ye Feng with a gloomy look: "Boy, wait for me, I remember you!"

With so many people, he couldn't do anything with Ye Feng!

Besides, he didn't bring bodyguards. Seeing Ye Feng's height of 1.9 meters, he estimated that he could not beat it!

You can only clean up Ye Feng afterwards!


At this time, a Lamborghini supercar drove slowly, Wu Ming was overjoyed, he had been waiting!

"Wu Shao, your car!"

A middle-aged man got out of the car and handed the key to Wu Ming respectfully.

"Wow! Lamborghini supercar at this time, at least several million, right?"

"Unexpectedly, this handsome guy is still a local tyrant!"

"Brother Tyrant, are there any pendants on his legs? They are tender and soft..."

Seeing Lamborghini supercars, many women's eyes suddenly light up, and Wu Ming's eyes are also different!

This is the banknote ability!

"Little white face, fight with me, I am so tender to you!"

Feeling the admiration and admiration of the surrounding gaze, Wu Ming finally let out a nasty breath and came to Tan Taiyue vigorously:

"Tantai, let's go, I'll take you home!"

"No need!" Tan Taiyue's voice was cold, and she refused mercilessly.

"No need?"

Wu Ming's patience has been exhausted, especially after seeing the little white face of Ye Feng in Tantaiyue!

Had it not been for Tan Taiyue's appearance that attracted him very much, he would have been bothered and used it directly!

He is impatient now!

He said in a low voice with a threatening voice: "You have to think clearly before answering? If your little white face is exposed and my relationship is added, you may not be able to make any progress in the entertainment industry!"


A cold light flashed in Ye Feng's eyes and kicked Wu Ming.


Wu Ming screamed and hit the ground hard, unbelievable!

He was actually beaten by a little white face!

"Boy, you are dead!" Wu Ming roared hysterically, feeling the eyes around him, and it was even more humiliating!

"Wu Shao!"

The middle-aged man who had just sent the car hurried forward to help Wu Ming, his eyes were full of worries, but he didn't expect Wu Ming to be beaten!

This is a big deal!

"Let's go!"

Ye Feng ignored Wu Ming's anger, and took Tan Taiyue's slender waist and walked towards a cool supercar under the eyes of countless worshipers!


Ye Feng pressed the key, and the red Pagani car lights turned on!

"My goodness!"

"This cool supercar actually belongs to this little brother?"

"What kind of supercar is this, it looks so cool, it seems even cooler than this Lamborghini!"

"I didn't expect my little brother to be a local tyrant!"

"He is handsome and rich. He is a fairy brother. I love it!"

Seeing Ye Feng open the car door and invite Tan Taiyue to sit in, all the women around were lemons, and I imagine Tan Taiyue's eyes were full of envy and hatred!

"I know, this is Pagani Aeolus, a global limited edition, 90 million!"

"My God, this car is worth 90 million!"


As car lovers exclaimed, everyone was shocked!

They thought it was tens of millions, but they didn't expect it to be worth 90 million!

Simply inhumane!


"How can this little boy can afford to drive this kind of sports car?"

"Could it be that Tan Taiyue bought it?"

Wu Ming watched Tan Taiyue get into Ye Feng's car with a distorted face. His proud Lamborghini was hanged!

Although Ye Feng didn't say anything, he knew that the other party must be laughing at him!


The powerful sound of Pagani Fengshen's engine sounded, and disappeared into the crowd under a pair of fiery eyes!

"Little white face, you wait for me!"

Wu Ming looked at Ye Feng's departed back with resentment, this matter is endless!

Just when he picked up the phone to check Ye Feng's details, the phone rang and the caller ID showed Wu Kun!

"Dad!" Wu Ming answered the phone.

"You went to Tianhai City?" A majestic voice rang from the phone!

"Well, I just arrived!"

Wu Ming didn't dare to conceal it, nor could he hide it!

The other party called and obviously knew he was in Tianhai City!

"Your grandfather has arrived in Tianhai City, you go and take good care of your grandpa!"

"Grandpa?" Wu Ming was a little confused.

"Asshole thing, I know playing with women all day long, even if your grandpa goes to Tianhai City!"

On the phone, Wu Kun resented that iron could not become steel, and angrily rebuked: "Haven’t you heard that Xinghai Pharmaceutical has developed a second-life anti-cancer drug?"

Wu Ming trembled, and hurriedly replied, "I heard about it, but there is no such magic medicine now. It must be false and boastful!"

"Shut up! How come I gave birth to you such a useless bastard!"

Wu Kun angrily scolded: "Your grandfather has advanced liver cancer, and there is not much time. Regardless of whether the second life is true or false, since there is news, you have to verify it, and you can't let it go!"

"I have contacted President Qin of Xinghai Pharmaceutical and got the exact news that the second life is true. There is a great chance of curing your grandpa!"

"Now your grandfather is only the second child. You used to behave well and take good care of your grandpa. If you don't behave well, don't come back!"

After Wu Kun finished speaking, he hung up the phone!

"Second life? Is there such a miraculous medicine?"

Wu Ming curled his lips. Although he didn't want to, he still drove towards their villa in Tianhai City!

at the same time.

Ye Feng dialed Qin Qingqing's phone.

With the ability to see personal information resumes, Ye Feng can see all the details of Wu Ming and what happened to Wu Ming in the next seven days!

"Brother Feng!"

Qin Qingqing's voice rang when the phone connected.

"Qingqing, did Wu Kun from Yancheng Wu Family buy a second life from you in advance?"

"Brother Feng, do you also know?" Qin Qingqing asked in surprise.

"Card owner, don't give it to them!"

Ye Feng ordered.

The Second Life has not yet been listed, but the company's first batch of products have already been produced, and the relevant ones will naturally be available.

"I know!"

Qin Qingqing did not hesitate to agree, but was somewhat confused: "Brother Feng, did the Wu family offend you?"

"Yes! I had a little conflict with Wu Ming!"

"Okay, Brother Feng, I know how to do it!"

Qin Qingqing didn't ask too much, no matter what Ye Feng did, he unconditionally supported!

"Wu Ming? Humph!"

Ye Feng hung up the phone and sneered disdainfully.

He dared his woman's attention and threatened Tan Taiyue, really looking for death!

"Ye Feng, thank you!"

Tantaiyue's beautiful eyes flashed with Lianyi. Although she didn't know what happened, she also understood through the phone call that Ye Feng card had mastered the life-saving magic drug "Second Life"!

No matter which member of the Wu family was saved by the second life, Wu Ming must be out of luck!

"How do you want to thank me?"

Ye Feng's eyes swept across Tantaiyue's plump body.

The two big headlights are bright and shining!

White and round legs are full of temptation!

Ye Feng's heart moved.


God-level car skills are launched!

One-handed Pagani!


Tan Taiyue's body trembled, her slender legs clamped, and she quickly grabbed Ye Feng's hand and gave him a hard look.

"Be careful of the car!"

"Autumn famous mountain bike **** is here, even if you close your eyes, you won't roll over, let alone one hand!"


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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