Please Stop Talking

Chapter 216: Gene Pharmacy (4000 words big

Fenglin Villa, laboratory.

Ye Feng returned here after leaving Tianhai University.

As for Lin Ruoxi, Ye Feng asked her to go directly to Qin Qingqing after finishing the school work.

As Qin Qingqing's assistant temporarily, he helps Qin Qingqing take charge of the company, and after she has accumulated experience and credit, she will be promoted and raised.

If she is capable enough, Ye Feng can let her directly manage a company!

Today, Ye Feng has successively acquired dozens of companies, including chip electronics companies, metal smelters, metal processing plants and so on.

He has all kinds of high-tech knowledge in his mind, but it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Some things are not available in this world, even if he is rich and powerful, he cannot buy them.

Such as various super alloy materials and metals!

Therefore, he purchased various factories, provided technical production and processing by him, and then supplied the materials he needed!

As long as he has materials and equipment, he can manufacture all kinds of high-tech in his mind.

Like virtual reality technology, building a second world (virtual world), etc., these technologies require corresponding hardware equipment.

Such as powerful servers, quantum computers, etc.!

There are not many materials now, and Ye Feng is not in a hurry, so he concentrates on researching genetic technology!

He is going to get out the genetic medicine first to help the people around her improve their physical fitness!

Medical skills, extraordinary wisdom, and various high-tech knowledge collided in his mind, and the idea of ​​primary genetic medicine was formed in his mind!

All he has to do is to make this idea, and then experiment!

Time passed day by day.

Xinghai Group has Anxin, Shi Can and others to take care of it, and Ye Feng controls the general direction and develops methodically and rapidly!

Qin Qingqing gradually got acquainted with Xinghai Pharmaceutical's business, and her entire temperament continued to change, and she became more and more domineering female president.

Lin Ruoxi resigned as a counselor and followed Qin Qingqing as the assistant to the president, assisting and studying at the same time!

However, Wei Jia Building Materials Wei Yuan lost the lawsuit with Xinghai Pharmaceutical, and according to the contract, the company went bankrupt.

At the same time, his various black materials for tax evasion were collected by Xinghai and submitted to the investigation, and he was directly sent to prison!

"Successful trial production of primary genetic medicine!"

On this day, Ye Feng, who had been busy for a week in the laboratory, looked at the medicine in his hand, with a touch of joy in his eyes.

This is a primary genetic medicine. According to his calculations, it can strengthen the human body five times, regardless of physical fitness or intelligence!

"Find something to try?"

Ye Feng thought for a while and took a small fat cat that Qin Qingqing had just bought, the British Bobtail Fat Tiger, into the laboratory!


The Fat Tiger was named by Ye Feng. At this moment, his small eyes were looking at the laboratory full of science fiction, instinctively feeling uneasy and calling for help!

It's a pity that its mistress is not at home at all, so she can only let Ye Feng do whatever she wants to it!


When Ye Feng appeared in front of it with a syringe and looked at the two-inch needle full of metallic luster, Fat Tiger was desperate!

How difficult it is for cats to live!

I thought that living in a mansion, there is a beautiful and moving hostess who is about to enter the peak of Maosheng!


Go straight into hell!

"Small, don't move, it will hurt for a while, it will be well soon!"

"The more you move, the more pain it makes you!"


Ye Feng pressed Fat Hu in one hand and a syringe in the other, just like a big bad wolf trembling when he saw it beaming.

"This is a good thing!" Ye Feng smiled terribly!


The stern cat cry resounded in the laboratory, and Ye Feng pierced the needle and injected ten milliliters of primary gene medicine into Fat Tiger's body!

This medicine is for cats!

If it works for cats, then his idea is fine!

of course.

He also produced another one aimed at humans.

This also requires experimentation!

Experiment with animals first!

The test is no problem, let's use people to test!

Finally it will be used by his women!

"Hey, that's not right, why should I look for cats, dogs, dogs, and others to experiment, and just use me to experiment?"

Suddenly, a flash of light appeared in Ye Feng's mind like lightning piercing the night. With his current physique, he was not afraid of nuclear bombs, and a small bottle of medicine would naturally be fine.

Real man, be cruel!

Just think about it!

Do it yourself!

Ye Feng directly picked up the primary genetic medicine for humans on the side and put a shot into his arm!

This is not death!

It's his confidence!

Confidence in his own physique!

Confidence in the medicine that I researched!

The medicine was injected into the body, and with Ye Feng's strength, he could clearly sense a force that flows along the blood into the internal organs and the limbs.

Wherever it passed, every cell in its body seemed to come alive, cell activity increased exponentially, and cell strength and resilience increased rapidly!

At the same time, the whole body seems to be biting by all kinds of insects, it hurts and itchy, uncomfortable!

But the benefits are also obvious. Various toxins are also eliminated from the body through the pores!

His head became clearer, his thinking was more active than ever before, and countless inspirations poured out like a tide.

Not only has the physique become stronger, but so has the wisdom!

"The effect is really good!"

Feeling the changes in his body carefully, Ye Feng felt a touch of excitement in his uncomfortable feeling, just like the legendary pain and happiness!

He succeeded!

A small bottle of potion is enough to change the world!

This is a genetic medicine that enhances physique and wisdom at the same time, and its preciousness can be imagined.

One bottle can create a wise and brave little God of War!

After half an hour.

The pain, itching and other symptoms disappeared, and Ye Feng's body was covered with a layer of black and foul-smelling dirt, just like washing the marrow and cutting the bones in a martial arts novel.

At the same time, an unspeakable hunger surged in my heart.

So hungry!

To this.

Ye Feng was not surprised. According to the conservation of energy, he was becoming stronger while consuming energy rapidly, and he needed a lot of replenishment at this moment!

Walking out of the laboratory, Ye Feng resisted the hunger and quickly washed up, then rushed to the kitchen and took out all kinds of cooked food from the refrigerator.

Among them are all kinds of beef, roast duck, etc.

Ye Feng is eating cooked food while cooking steak, lamb chops, beef stew, and ribs!

Anyway, he took out various foods rich in fat and energy.

Great food!

An hour later.

Ye Feng wiped out more than a hundred catties of meat stored in the refrigerator before touching his stomach contentedly.

Feeling the explosive power and clear brain, Ye Feng's eyes were excited, and he looked at his information resume:

Name: Ye Feng

Intelligence: 325

Physique: 2080

Luck: 1000

Skills: Super Hacker Master, Almighty Martial Arts Master, Sportsman (Eighteen Changes and Twenty-Four), Medical God, Basketball God, Song God, Detective, Car God, Costume Design Master, Smart Master, Resume of Discovering Others Information, Deadpool Ability ...

"The intelligence has increased by 100, and the physique has increased by 1030. It seems that there is a lot of difficulty in the increase of intelligence, not even doubling, but the physique has doubled!

Although it did not reach the expected five times, Ye Feng was not discouraged, but rather happy.

Because he knew this was probably not a problem with the medicine, but his own cause!

His own intelligence is as high as 225, which is 22.5 times that of ordinary people, and his physique is 1050 that of abnormalities, which is 105 times that of ordinary people!

Now that he can improve so much, he has exceeded his expectations.

He thought that the primary genetic medicine had no effect on him!

You must know that the average value of ordinary people's intelligence and physique is about 10, which is increased by five times, and it is only 50. Even his fraction can't match!

He can increase so much, the effect of the primary genetic medicine is already against the sky!

"Check it again and it's ready to use!"

After moving his body, Ye Feng carefully studied his blood in the laboratory, and finally confirmed that there was no problem!

Successful trial production of primary gene medicine.

"I don't know how much Qingqing and the others can grow?"

Ye Feng divided the remaining elementary genetic medicine into ten parts and put them into bottles, full of expectations!

You must know that the king of soldiers is only about three times the physique of ordinary people.

If it can be increased five times, the physique directly surpasses the general soldier king, comparable to the super soldier king.

If they practice some fighting skills again, they can deal with most crises by themselves!

"Boss, Li Na is here, now waiting for you in the office on the first floor!"

Suddenly, the figure of Xinghai emerged from the screen in front of Ye Feng. Its image was a sea of ​​stars, magnificent and profound!

"I know!"

Ye Feng picked up a bottle of primary genetic medicine, and was going to give Li Na a try.

Although Li Na has not yet become his woman, as a secretary, he has been in love for a long time, and he can feel Li Na's affection for him.

after all.

Facing him who is handsome and handsome, Yushu Linfeng, the world's most beautiful man, which woman can resist the temptation?

What's more, not only is he handsome and rich, he is also proficient in various skills, and he is so powerful that he is simply a diamond man.

Which woman doesn't like it?

Isn't it sooner or later that Li Na becomes his woman?


Office on the first floor.

This is Ye Feng's office for Li Na.

Ye Feng rarely goes to the company, and Li Na, as his secretary, is more convenient here.


Seeing Ye Feng coming, Li Na quickly got up to greet her.

A big wavy long black hair shawl shows the charm of a mature woman!

The delicate and pretty face smiled slightly, with a pair of charming dimples!

She is wearing a spliced ​​dress today, with a black V-neck and short sleeves on the top, and a blue printed hip skirt underneath, with a little white embellishment. It is simple, stylish, and capable.

The V-neck highlights her white and slender neck, graceful and sexy. The blue printed hip skirt highlights the slender waist, which outlines her graceful and slender figure, which is **** and charming.

The invisibly radiating charm seems to make the surrounding light dark because of her appearance.


Ye Feng's eyes lit up, nodded slightly, walked into the office, and a faint fragrance of a woman rushed toward him.


"Boss, what to drink?"

As soon as Ye Feng sat down, Li Na bent over and stood by her side and asked softly.

The office has drinks such as Dahongpao, Longjing, and coffee.

Ye Feng knew all these, so she didn't introduce the name.

Li Na leaned forward, and Ye Feng, who was sitting on the leather chair, just saw a touch of sight...


Ye Feng suddenly felt a little thirsty, the most beautiful but the white touch.

The gullies are vertical and horizontal, and there is no bottom!

"Okay, boss!"

Stepping on high heels, the **** and capable Li Na turned around and went to the drinking fountain next to the office, bending over to make tea with tea.

"What a criminal little fairy!"

Looking at this extremely shocking scene, Ye Feng wondered if it was because he had just taken the primary genetic medicine, his physique had doubled, and his anger had become extremely vigorous.

Li Na was already in good shape. She was wearing a waist-wrapped skirt with her back facing Ye Feng. The scene of bending over was really boring.

After making the tea, Li Na who turned around felt Ye Feng's scorching gaze, and smiled shyly, Qingcheng!

"Boss, drink tea!"

Li Na put the tea in front of Ye Feng and reported to her work.

"Li Na, do you want to become stronger?"

Looking at the mature, confident and **** secretary in front of him, Ye Feng asked seductively.


Li Na was taken aback, somewhat puzzled.

"Boss, what do you want to say? Everyone wants to become stronger, right?"

Li Na didn't understand why Ye Feng asked so suddenly, and replied with a smile.

"I can make you stronger!"

"How to change?"

Li Na was aroused with curiosity, and her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Feng with interest.

"I'll give you a shot!" Ye Feng said with a smile.

"Boss! You are so bad!"

Li Na gave Ye Feng a bitterly white look, pretending to be Jiao Jiao.

Thought Ye Feng teased her!


next moment.

Her amorous smile solidified!

Ye Feng took out a syringe and a bottle of medicine.

"Why am I broken? Your mind is not pure!"

Ye Feng shook the syringe in his hand, his eyes full of teasing.

"Boss, what is this?"

Li Naqiao blushed, she didn't expect to make such a freshman oolong.

It turns out that Ye Feng's injections were really injections!

She thought Ye Feng wanted to...

But relatively shy, she was even more curious about the medicine in Ye Feng's hand.

"This is the genetic medicine I researched. It can enhance physical fitness and intelligence. Do you dare to inject it?

Ye Feng shook the potion in his hand and asked with a smile.

"Genetic medicine? Can people strengthen their physique and wisdom?"

Li Na's eyes widened, she didn't expect the legendary thing to appear, and she was going to use it!

Ye Feng is too scary!

Even this kind of thing came out!

"As long as the boss is willing, there is nothing I would not dare to inject!"

After being shocked, Li Na agreed without hesitation.

Although the gene medicine is a bit weird, she believes that Ye Feng will not harm her!

"Are you afraid of side effects?" Ye Feng was a little curious.

"Anyway, I sold this hundred catties to the boss, boss, you can figure it out!"

Li Na smiled and said nothing.

But behind this represents absolute trust in Ye Feng!

"I have tried it, and the effect is not bad!"

With that said, Ye Feng used a syringe to draw out the medicine, and beckoned to Li Na, saying:

"I will give you an injection!"

"it is good!"

Li Na took a deep breath, feeling a little nervous and shy at the same time.

But as Ye Feng's secretary, she is not as coy as the average little girl.

Now that it was decided, she didn't hesitate and walked over to Ye Feng.

A fragrant wind rushed, and Ye Feng was about to inject her arm.

Li Na suddenly turned her back to him and unfastened her belt.


Ye Feng swallowed the saliva, unexpectedly Li Na misunderstood again.

That being the case, Ye Feng had no choice but to make mistakes so as not to embarrass Li Na.

There is a lot of meat here, and the injection should not hurt so much!


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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