Please Stop Talking

Chapter 210: Rush to kill

Fall into trouble.

The wall fell down and everyone pushed.

Human nature is often so.

The Wei family was suppressed by everyone and was unable to deliver the goods on due date. The news that Xinghai Real Estate was about to pay the sky-high liquidated damages spread like wildfire.

There was even faint news that the Wei family caused a disaster because it offended Xinghai Group Ye Feng!

The Wei family is over!

If there is no interest involved, it has nothing to do with yourself, hang up high, and watch the show coldly!

Profitable, one after another rushed to take a bite, even if you can't eat meat, drink some soup!

Those partners and suppliers with Weijia Building Materials have terminated their contracts, drew a clear line, and quit!

"Mr. Wang, listen to me, can't I give you a 10% discount? We have been working together for so long and there has been no problem. Is it a bit too much for you to cancel the contract at this time?"

"What? Twenty people from the company resigned today? There are still a lot of people who haven't come to work? What do they mean? I really think my Wei family has closed down?"

"Okay, you get some goods and send them to them today, what kind of reminders, hurry to reincarnate!"



Wei Yuan couldn't help but explode. Since the news was exposed, his mobile phone has not stopped, and various calls have swarmed!

What is not dunning is dunning!

Those who either terminate the contract or resign!

There is no good news for internal and external troubles!

The rain is coming and the wind is full of buildings.

Wei Yuan sat weakly on the revolving chair in the office, feeling a deep weakness!



In this situation, let alone find a way to make up for Ye Feng. In a few days, the company's employees will be gone!

"Fucking Ye Feng! I didn't expect this straight thief to be so vicious. This is to drive Lao Tzu to a dead end and kill him!"

Wei Yuan's face was blue, angered, but helpless!

I have found all the relationships I can find, and I have asked all the relationships I can find!

But there is still no use for eggs!

"Mr. Wei, Mr. Wei, it's not good. A group of people came outside, saying it was the lawyers of Xinghai Group. They said to talk about breach of contract!"

At this moment, the female secretary hurried in, with fear and concern in her eyes, and shouted loudly before entering the door.

Weijia Building Materials is afraid it will be over!

It seems that she has to prepare early too!

"What? Xinghai Group's lawyer team?"

Wei Yuan stood up suddenly, his eyes were full of anger, and the lawyer was here just as the delivery deadline was reached today!

I really can't wait to **** him!

"Tell them that I'm not here and let them come back tomorrow!"

Wei Yuan didn't want to see each other at this moment. Although he knew he couldn't run away, he could delay for a moment!

"Who's not here?"

A cold voice came with a hint of joking, and Cai Yan strode forward with her assistant and others, looking at Wei Yuan with a sneer.

Since the establishment of Xinghai Group, Ye Feng has dug Cai Yan over and became the chief lawyer of Xinghai Group, responsible for all legal affairs of Xinghai Group!

"Cai, Attorney Cai..."

Wei Yuan was a little at a loss at this moment. Although he hated Ye Feng, he didn't have the slightest confidence at this moment.

Because there is still a trace of luck in his heart, I hope Ye Feng can let him go or allow him some time.

"Mr. Wei, I am here today to negotiate and negotiate the cooperation regulations between your company and our group Xinghai Real Estate!"

Cai Yan didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the subject. Her powerful aura made people feel oppressed!

"Is Ye Feng so anxious to let us die?" Wei Yuan was very angry, staring at Cai Yan.

"Mr. Wei, we are only acting in accordance with the regulations. This is a document drawn up based on the contract signed by your company and Xinghai Real Estate!"

Cai Yan took out a document and handed it to Wei Yuan, saying: "Because your company did not complete the contract on time, it caused huge losses to Xinghai Real Estate!"

"According to the contract, your company did not complete the contract on time and needs to pay five times the total price of the goods!"

The total price of the goods is 10 billion, five times that is 50 billion, and the Weijia Building Materials sold may not necessarily be 50 billion!

"Asshole! You designed to cheat me! I want to go to court with you, you wait, my lawyer will talk to you!"

Wei Yuan's eyes were scarlet, roaring, and finally the two sides broke up unhappy.


When he returned home with a look of decadence, Wei Yuan saw his son Wei Hong, and he was suddenly out of breath!

"It's all you rebel! Our house is over! It's over!"

"I killed you an unfilial son! Let you know how to play with women all day long! You know how to play..."

With fists and feet together, Wei Hong was beaten up, with a lot of tears in his nose, and wailing for his mother.

"You bastard! You are not allowed to play Honger!"

Bai Xiaojie rushed down from upstairs, like a hen protecting a calf, spreading her teeth and dancing her claws to grab Wei Yuan, and her sharp nails caught five blood marks on Wei Yuan's face!

"Bitch! You should fight too!"

Wei Yuan was in pain, furious, clutching Bai Xiaojie's hair, and slapped twice.

"Do you dare to hit me! Do you dare to hit me! Ahhhhh..."

The two sides burst into anger instantly!

The whole family is in a ball!

After half an hour.

The family lay neatly in the hospital.

And the initiator of this incident, Ye Feng, took Qin Qingqing and moved to their new home-Fenglin Villa!

Fenglin Villa occupies an area of ​​100 acres, and the purchase alone costs 7 billion yuan, and the decoration is more than 10 billion yuan!

of course.

The main reason is that Ye Feng's laboratory burns too much money. All kinds of advanced equipment in the world can cost tens of millions of billions. The majority of the decoration is in the laboratory.

There are two supercomputers!

Today, Ye Feng's laboratory is not the best in the world, but it is not much worse!

When Ye Feng brings out quantum computers and other high-tech equipment into the laboratory, his laboratory will be the world's first laboratory.

"Brother Feng, can we live in such a big villa? I'm afraid we will have to invite several people to take care of it!"

Qin Qingqing looked at the villas, flower beds, lawns, swimming pools, small bamboo forests, rockeries, lakes, and couldn't help feeling a touch of excitement in her eyes.

Such a villa, she had never dreamed of it before!

"It's okay, aren't there smart robots? I will get a few more to ensure that the villa is well organized!"

Ye Feng smiled. For him, he doesn't need to hire a servant at all, he can use smart robots even for cooking!


As the two talked, luxury cars came one after another.

Gu Qingcheng and Sun Xiaomeng are sitting on a bright red Ferrari!

An Xin and An Ran each drove a BMW.

Gu Liying drives a Lamborghini!

Finally, Tan Taiyue, Cai Yan and Li Na!

Ye Feng led everyone into the villa.

The outside of the castle has not changed much, the most is the construction and finishing!

Earth-shaking changes have taken place in the nine-story castle after renovation. The top two floors are Ye Feng's laboratory.

The laboratory is closed. There is only one gate on each floor. The gate is controlled by Xinghai. No one can enter without Ye Feng's permission.

Under the leadership of Ye Feng, everyone came to the castle, the door opened automatically, the lights came on, and they walked into the lobby on the first floor. The previously empty lobby had become resplendent and starry.


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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