Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 89 Please, don’t provoke Pearl Tears and the Great Exorcist!

You Chen turned to face that gaze and found that it came from a petite and exquisite figure.

The girl has short hair and is dyed white.

The pupils are a little dark red, probably because they are wearing contact lenses.

The facial features are exquisite and standard, and they are the kind that become more attractive the more you look at them.

What is different from other girls is that this woman has a very weird smile. In human terms, it is very abnormal. No wonder she looked a bit like a slut just now. This smile is so scary.

"Brother Chen!"

"I know you! I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

You Chen originally thought that this girl might be like this by nature.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, she took the initiative to wave her delicate hands and said with a grin.

Brother Chen?

You Chen's expression became strange.

This was so loud that You Chen almost thought that he had known her before.

You Chen didn't respond, found a seat and sat down.

It was a short journey from the door to the seat, but it made You Chen feel that there seemed to be no normal person in this master class.

Is this the so-called genius and madness?

"Super!! super!!"

"Master Class, we finally have a new strong person."

"My burning heart surges again."

A young man who looked strong and strong, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, stood up unexpectedly and roared.

You Chen: "."

"It's so noisy!" A cold voice sounded.

Not far away, the boy sitting by the window said something coldly.

The boy is only about 1.6 meters tall, but his aura is so strong that he seems to be much taller than you standing in front of you.

His eyes looked sharply this way, and then he glanced at You Chen.

Then he withdrew his gaze.

And right now.

The class bell has already rang.

The sound of steady footsteps also came.

A muscular body appeared at the door.

Um? This is a physical education teacher, with this physique.

You Chen looked around and blinked. A two-meter-tall teacher with a body as strong as an ape appeared at the door.

"There are new classmates here again."

"I've heard the principal tell you."

"You Chen, studies at Yunhai No. 9 Middle School."

"I won the championship in the college league and was specially recruited to Thunder Academy."


"I also like your unique dueling style very much."

"By the way, I almost introduced myself. My name is Taishan."

"You can also call me Teacher Taishan."

Taishan finished his words.

The first thing You Chen thought of was the one in the GX animation, Tarzan who draws cards like crazy.

"Okay, without further ado, let's continue with the previous lesson."

"In the last class, we talked about the secret realm!"

"You Chen, you didn't listen to the last class, so if you're not sure, you can look at your deskmate's notes."

"Who wants to share the notes?"

Taishan glanced at the students around him.

"Hehe, I'll do it!"

The girl who acted like a slut just now immediately took the book with her, came to You Chen's side, and squatted beside him.

That's right, squatting on a chair.

The squatting posture is exactly the same as that of the gangsters on the street.

He spread his legs and squatted on the chair, like squatting in a pit, put his hands on his knees, tilted his head, and stared at You Chen with a weird smile.


What is wrong with this woman?

Anyone who doesn't get angry when being stared at like this must be awesome.

You Chen could feel uncomfortable all over.

"Michelle, please stop staring at others and study hard."

Taishan said in a deep voice.

Michelle then smiled and looked back.

You Chen glanced at the notes and found that the handwriting was very graceful, completely different from the character shown by Michelle.

The content of the notes is nothing more than about the secret realm.

After You Chen read it carefully, he found that it was indeed one of the four universities and had a deeper understanding of the secret realm.

Said inside.

Secret realms are not created without reason.

There are two reasons for the appearance of secret realms. One is the opening of cracks and the creation of secret realms.

There is also a duel in a secret realm. The more duelists fail, the more secret realms will be generated or even upgraded.

The more secret realms there are, the faster the cracks will be. The elves will also come out of the cracks and the secret realms into the human world.

No one knows what will happen if the cracks open to a certain extent.

Therefore, the main responsibility of mankind at present is to eliminate the secret realm!

The more secret realms are destroyed, the cracks will be reduced and controlled accordingly.

Therefore, this issue is also one of the main goals of all countries.

At this moment, Taishan continued: "Not only that, there are many mysterious places in the secret realm."

"The world in the secret realm is actually equivalent to the world of elves."

"The amazing thing is that the world in each secret realm is different."

"Someone once escaped and came back. He said he had seen the blue sea of ​​stars, a mermaid as beautiful as a fairy, and a crimson aircraft carrier flying."

"These elves have never been heard of, but what we know is that they are quite dangerous existences."

"Because so far, no one has been able to bring back some important information materials, otherwise it would be possible to create some related cards."

You Chen was stunned when he heard this. Isn't this talking about the world of Mermaid and Sixth Generation Bad?

Damn, dangerous?

Not only dangerous, a set of Pearl Tears can kill you all.

Please, save your worries, don't mess with Pearl Tears and Great Elixir.

Especially Pearl Tears, each one is harmless, but when playing, it is more fierce than Sixth Generation Bad.

Once you enter their card story world, it is not a matter of soul, magic draw, or card printing, but you may lose if you have these.

What is the power of the full-blown Pearl Tears? I play with you openly, tell you what to do next, what will happen, tell you everything, and you can't win even if I play with you like this.

It is to let you be clearly arranged to die in a down-to-earth manner.

And Sixth Generation Bad is to let you die extremely aggrieved.

Let you be excluded from the deck and imprisoned on the field.

So, in this card story world, how do you want to win?

You can't win without talking nonsense.

You Chen was even thankful that no one brought back some materials. Once someone did, it would attract the attention of the Sixth World Bad, and it would be a dimensionality reduction attack.

What does that feel like?

The Dark Forest Law of the Three Body.

Every civilization is a hunter. If they don't shoot, it's fine. Once they shoot, they will attract attention. It's not a problem for the Sixth World Bad to come to the human world through the cracks and conquer the world with duels.

At least this set of cards, now it appears, is a dimensionality reduction attack.

However, it also made You Chen understand the relationship between the cracks and the secret realm more deeply.

In this way, it is no wonder that the news obtained in the chat group is that in about a year in the future, the dimensional crack will open, and the whole world will be in great trouble.

It's not without reason.

Moreover, when the dimensional crack opens, it will not only be the duelists of that world, but it seems that the elf world will also come out of the secret realm.

From this, it can be seen how bad the situation is?

The story of the card picture will slowly unfold.

If you want to know the story of the card picture, you can leave a message and we will try our best to satisfy you.

I can tell you in advance that entering the secret realm means fighting and interacting in the story of the elf world.

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