Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 80 Oh, so it seems that I am still stupid?

In this year's college league, the single duel has already been decided.

And the double duel will also be decided tomorrow.

However, the double duel is basically a side dish, with not much reward, purely for entertainment, so You Chen doesn't care.

The five million prize is the prize for the champion of the individual duel.

Therefore, You Chen's current small treasury, at most, has more than ten million.

"Oh my god! Is it true? Xiao Chenzi really won the college league championship?"

Zhang Cuihua smacked his lips when he saw this scene. When did this guy start to reach such an unattainable level?

He thought about his life without blinking, how could it seem like a lifetime ago?

After receiving the prize, You Chen returned to the preparation room, packed up his things, and was about to leave.

Little did he know that he saw the bodyguard wearing sunglasses again.

"So soon?"

"Wait a moment, it will be ready soon."

You Chen thought that the other party was Xiao Shan who came to pass on the message. After all, he had won the championship, so he could directly enter the four major universities without taking the college entrance examination.

With the bodyguard leading the way, he came to the familiar office again.

This time, he pushed the door open and found that there were many more people.

The one sitting at the desk was Xiao Shan. On both sides of him were a man and a woman. The man had the poker face from last time.

As for the woman, I had never seen her before.

But she was very stunning.

The soft long hair was scattered on her shoulders, and there was a small braid tied around the back of her head. The clean and flawless pretty face and autumn water eyes seemed to notice You Chen.

She also raised her hand and smiled and greeted him.

Wearing a JK plaid skirt and black silk long legs, she was well-proportioned and slender.

You Chen: "?"

Why is this woman greeting him?

You Chen was sure that he didn't know her.

Could it be his little fan girl?

So it seems like another Hell deck enthusiast?

No way, how come all Hell deck enthusiasts are women?

Principal Chen snorted coldly.

"Finally here? Humph!"

Principal Liu chuckled and muttered to himself: "Finally, there's something good to watch."

Principal Hua next to him was silent, looking at You Chen with a complicated look.

You Chen then noticed that there were actually three principals there?

There was no way, as soon as she came in, the girl was too dazzling. Although this girl was very beautiful, this was not the main reason for her dazzling.

The main reason was that this girl looked like the Hades.

But she was not cold, and her personality was definitely not like that, but her appearance was very similar.

It's over, don't you have to take her as your target?

Although You Chen felt that the atmosphere was not right, his mentality was not affected at all, and he was still playing with the meme.

"Don't be so serious."

Xiao Shan first eased the atmosphere, and then raised his old eyes and looked at You Chen solemnly.

"You Chen, let me ask you, how did you get these cards of the Demon of Sacrifice?"

After hearing these words, You Chen immediately had an idea in his mind. It turned out to be because of these cards?

But there are no restricted cards at present, what does it have to do with the cards?

"Is there any problem with these cards?" You Chen asked back.

Before Xiao Shan spoke, Principal Chen was the first to get impatient. He sneered and said, "Is there any problem? Still pretending to be innocent."

"Don't you know that these cards of the Demon of Sacrifice are the cards of the Dark Demon?"

"Let me tell you this, the Demon of Sacrifice is not on sale at present. It only appeared in the situation of the Dark Demon's chaotic battle five years ago."

"From the Dark Demon's mouth, we can know that there is only one set of the Demon of Sacrifice!"

"And, only the Dark Demon can use it."

"From this, it can be concluded that you are the Dark Demon."

Hearing this, You Chen suddenly realized that this was the reason?

But the more he listened, the more outrageous it was. How could he get shot even when he was lying down?

However, he had no way to prove what he had learned from the chat group.

You Chen was not in a hurry, and said: "According to what you said, then I am a dark demon?"

Principal Chen smiled and asked back: "Isn't it obvious?"

You Chen was not in a hurry, and then said: "Oh, it seems that I am still stupid?"

"Otherwise, I am a dark demon, and I have to come to participate in the college league, and I have to use the magic of sacrifice in front of you?"

"And then I am still here, chatting with you, what am I trying to do?"

After You Chen finished speaking, Principal Chen was also stunned for a moment, and he couldn't explain it for a while.

Xiao Shan knew this reason?

This is also the reason why he didn't make a blind decision.

"Another reason is that you can use the magic of sacrifice."

Principal Liu took over at this time.

This reason is the most fatal, and there is no way to argue!

You Chen frowned, and his facial features almost became like an old man on the subway.

"Is this a reason? Is there any card that can't be used?" You Chen asked doubtfully.

"????" Everyone in the room was filled with questions when they heard this.

"Hahahaha" After Principal Chen realized what was happening, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Pfft, haha! Very funny!"

"No way, Principal Hua, don't you students from the ninth high school even know this common sense? Cards have power, and not everyone can use them." Principal Liu also burst into laughter.

Principal Hua: "."

What can he say?

You Chen is really in trouble.

You haven't even cleaned up your act yet. How can you not understand common sense?

How did this guy win the championship?

Ghost story!

"Haha, you are so arrogant. Let's try it?!"

"This is the trump card in my deck, [X-Swordsman Urberum]!"

Principal Liu was the first to react. He stood up and said with a chuckle.

As soon as this was said, everyone's expression changed.

Principal Hua was the first to get restless. He said in a deep voice: "Principal Liu! You are going too far!"

"You also know that [X-Swordsman Urberum] is a synchro monster. It is impossible for the monster to accept it without learning systematic synchro summons and having enough understanding of monsters."

Xiao Shan also frowned immediately and said: "Principal Liu, we must seek truth from facts. Your behavior is obviously digging a pit."

Xiao Shan hasn't finished speaking yet.

You Chen has already said: "Why not give it a try?"

You Chen has enough knowledge about himself, and Principal Hua's words made him more confident. He has enough knowledge about monsters and is familiar with synchronization.

He has no problem with these, and the most important thing is.

He also has a chat group!

The existence of the chat group means that he has no restrictions on using cards.

This is also what he gradually learned before.

Because of the existence of the chat group, there is no restriction on using cards.

Of course, this is for cards without elves, there is no restriction.

Cards with elves still have restrictions.

It depends on duel comprehension, etc.

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