Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 77: Millennium Eyes Sacrifice to God! Dark Demon?

But she obviously didn't expect that You Chen still had this hand waiting for her.

This duel is far from over.

"In that case, then I activate the sustainable magic card [Fragrant Gardening]!"

"At the same time, open another cover card, the permanent trap card [Wind of Thirst]!"

Mu Qingyu's expansion has revealed another characteristic of Fragrance.

That’s sticker aroma!

Most of the folded cards are stickers.

Once these cards were played, it was not difficult for You Chen to guess what the other party wanted to do.

Mu Qingyu followed closely and waved her hand, saying coldly: "Activate the effect of [Wind of Grace], pay 1000 basic points, and special summon the [Aroma Mage-Melissa] in the cemetery!"



The health value dropped to 5500LP again.

[Aroma Mage-Melissa] returned to the field.

"At the same time, because [Aroma Mage-Melissa] was specially summoned successfully, the effect of [Aroma Gardening] was triggered."

"This can only be activated when you successfully summon or special summon the "Fragrance" monster. Recover 1000 basic points yourself. "

Mu Qingyu's HP increased by another 1000LP and returned to 6500LP.

The aromatic deck is not about adding blood without thinking, but it is about controlling the amount of blood and the opponent's appropriate amount. You can adjust and earn resources until the opponent is slowly worn out and taken away.

That's why we say ultimate torture.

"Because the health points are restored, the effect of [Aroma Mage-Melissa] is also triggered, and the attack power is +1000!!"

"At the same time, the effect of [Wind of Thirst] is also triggered. When your life points are restored, activate this effect on 1 face-up monster on your opponent's field. Destroy that monster."

"Then I will destroy [Aroma Mage-Yilan]!"

Mu Qingyu just went out of her way to kill her relatives and destroy her own monsters with her own hands.

You Chen raised his eyebrows and sighed: "Is it so cruel? This is your monster."

"Why is [Aroma Master-Yilan] always the one who gets hurt? Is there still heavenly law? Is there still royal law?"

Mu Qingyu: "."

Everyone around you is speechless. The one who is least qualified to say this is your mouth!

The scourge of [Aroma Master-Yilan] has happened twice.

Again a cow, yet again liberated.

At this moment, You Chen showed a smile and raised his big hand suddenly.

"Danxi has no Kansai!"

"Your master doesn't cherish you, so you can shine in my hands!"

"Open the cover and quickly attack the magic card!"

"Let you see the ultimate form of the ultimate tauren!"

"Activate [Naji Fusion]!"

""Yanna Sacrificial God" Fusion Monster Card's Fusion Material Monster is removed from your hand, field, or graveyard, and that Fusion Monster is Fusion Summoned from the Extra Deck. "

"I want to choose the [Demon of the Sacrifice] in the graveyard + the [Aroma Mage-Yilan] on the field for fusion!"

"Fusion Summon [Millennium Eye Na Sacrifice God]!"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience went crazy!

Even Mu Qingyu's expression condensed, and her pupils trembled in her bright eyes.

Finally a mood swing!

"You can actually fuse her [Fragrance Mage-Yilan]?"


"Isn't this [Demon of the Sacrifice] the Dark Duel deck used by the Dark Demon?"

Mu Qingyu's shock came more from this.

Emotional value +1800!

Not only her, but Xiao Shan and others were even more shocked.

Xiao Shan put his hands on the table, his face changed drastically, and he showed a look of horror.

"Why does this guy have a Dark Demon deck?"

"Is it possible that he is still related to the Dark Demon?"

The Dark Demons are a group of duelists who can start the Dark Game. They are an absolute blacklist for human duelists. After all, the lives of the duelists have been endangered.

Therefore, once discovered, its existence must not be tolerated.

But now, You Chen, whom Xiao Shan was extremely optimistic about, actually appeared the [Demon of Sacrifice] that had appeared before from the Dark Demon. This was undoubtedly shocking and unacceptable to him.

After a long time, he clenched his fists and relaxed.

He didn't speak, but the two principals finally found the opportunity to speak.

"Tsk, no wonder he is so strong. Could it be that he is a Dark Demon?"

"Principal Hua, Principal Hua, it turns out that you have resorted to any means to win? How many heads can you bear to cooperate with the Dark Demon?"

The two principals are bound to blame all the failure of the college league on this point.

"Shut up!"

"Fight first, and I'll take care of it after it's over."

Xiaoshan didn't want to hear these irrelevant things.

He looked furious and slapped the table!

The commentators were also hesitant, and they couldn't even deal with it!

This is live broadcast!

In the fused space, countless eyes have gathered on a golden strange monster.

In the void, a pair of hanging golden wings are covered with thousand-year-old eyes, which are strange and penetrating.

The head only has one thousand-year-old eye, the claws are exposed on the hands, the tail is swinging, the sound of breaking wind is everywhere, and the countless eyes are already giving people goosebumps.

[Millennium Eyes to Worship the Gods]

Dark attribute/one star/magician family/fusion

Attack: 0/Defense: 0

Mu Qingyu looked at this scene, her heart was shocked and complicated. She frowned and opened her mouth to say something but swallowed it back.

Mainly in this situation, if she said something about the Dark Demon, everyone would know about it, and it would even cause misunderstandings, causing You Chen to fall into irreparable public opinion.

So even though she wanted to ask some questions, she knew it was not appropriate at this moment.

And she also noticed that Xiao Shan was furious and the various expressions of several principals in the spectator seats.

"You Chen."

Mu Qingyu whispered softly, and then slowly raised her eyes.

"Reverse the face-down [Aroma Wizard-Rosemary]."

"Advance to the Battle Stage!!"

You Chen smiled and said, "Wait, I discard [Millennium Eye Fantasy] from my hand!"

"Discard this card from your hand and target 1 effect monster on the opponent's field. Choose 1 "Eye Sacrifice God" Fusion Monster or "Sacrifice Demon" on your field and equip the opponent's effect monster as the equipment card of that effect. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. "

"I naturally choose [Aroma Wizard-Belem] on your field! ”

As soon as the words fell, a strange monster with a thousand-year eye appeared behind [Aroma Wizard - Lemon Balm], forming a temptation, and forcibly transferred to You Chen's monster field, and then equipped in the body of [Millennium Eyes Nashin].

"This card's attack and defense power increase by the original values ​​of the monster equipped by the effect of this card. "

"So now [Millennium Eyes Nashin]'s attack power is 2400 and its defense power is 1800. "

As You Chen's words fell, [Millennium Eyes Nashin] has evolved into the appearance of [Aroma Wizard - Lemon Balm], but it is controlled.

It has to be said that You Chen feels that he looks like a big villain.


Bull monster, burning blood, it's really annoying.

It's so beautiful that people can't stop.

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