Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 73 You Chen's mainstream deck! Sebadoragon?

You Chen was thinking and sighing. It turned out that there were many hidden talents in Class 6 of No. 9 High School. The strength shown by Mu Qingyu was obviously much stronger than the strength shown in Class 6 before.

So, is this girl also hiding her strength?

Or, so far, no one has allowed her to use her full strength?

But no matter what, today's final day is undoubtedly the day when Principal Hua of No. 9 High School laughed to the end. This year's No. 9 High School finally won the championship in a big upset, and the finals were two students from No. 9 High School!

This moment is enough to brag for a lifetime.

So the smile has never disappeared.

At the same time, when You Chen was thinking about what deck to use to deal with it, he found that the chat group had a limited-time task again.

"Why is there a limited-time task?" You Chen's eyes condensed a little, and he became confused.

The limited-time task appeared in the Minotaur chat group.

When it is detected that there is a triggering condition, the triggered task is a limited-time task, and the corresponding reward can be obtained after completing it.

And this time the corresponding reward is the exclusive chat group of the electronic dragon and the exclusive primary deck.

"????" You Chen's pupils trembled when he saw this, and he stood up excitedly on the spot.

As soon as he stood up, he attracted the attention of the people around him.

Only then did he realize that he had lost his composure, but he didn't sit back and walked out.

It's possible to activate the exclusive chat group for Cyber ​​Dragon, and there is also an initial deck?

Damn, finally another mainstream deck!

And it's an infinitely struggling deck.

There has been such a good story circulating on the Internet, you should abandon all mainstream decks and choose the strongest Sebad Lagun!

Although it's a joke, it can also be seen from this that the strength is definitely not weak.

Although it's an initial deck, it's strong enough in the current environment.

Now, there's really a reason to take it down.

Limited-time task: You can only use the monster on the opposite side to end the opponent's health value of more than 8,000, and the task is completed!

The task is also difficult.

You can only use the monster on the opposite side to end the opponent's health value.

In other words, you can't put Lava Golem and other things, because Lava Golem will deduct the opponent's health value, and it will not be achieved if it is deducted.

Wow, the difficulty has been upgraded!

It seems that it is not so easy to win this championship.

Hua Ningning, who was not far away, frowned and watched You Chen suspiciously, feeling more and more strange.

Why is You Chen's behavior so strange.

He seemed to be silent all the time, but his eyes seemed to be thinking all the time, as if he was communicating.

This is very strange.

Of course, I don't know if it is an illusion.


It was finally afternoon.

Under the setting sun at dusk, there was a golden afterglow under the sky with fiery clouds on the horizon.

It seemed to imply that the final duel had arrived!

The audience had also arrived.

"Who would have thought that this year, the Ninth High School would be upset! In the finals, two Ninth High School students duel!"

"It's unprecedented and outrageous, and this is when the Ninth High School was in a bad situation from the beginning."

"At first, I thought that the Ninth High School would be wiped out."

"Hahaha, exciting!! This is the charm of duels, upsets are more interesting."

"I don't know whether You Chen is stronger or Mu Qingyu is stronger."

"Mu Qingyu, my goddess!"

The audience was already whispering.

It was also at this moment that Mu Qingyu and You Chen walked onto the duel field of the finals at the same time!

At this moment, the students of the Ninth High School cheered, and Class 6 was even more excited because they were all from Class 6.

Teacher Fang Qing even cried, she never dreamed that this day would come.

Mu Qingyu raised her cold eyes, she was not good at speaking, and did not say much.

Just said a simple sentence.


You Chen was also unexpected, he and Mu Qingyu had almost no conversation at school, and his personality was really cold.

But that's all.

Duel, it is useless to talk too much!

Real duelists use duels to speak.

Yeah, that's right, what You Chen wants to say to Mu Qingyu is all in the deck, Bull Monster! Still Bull Monster!

And it's been improved, pure Bull Monster series!

Anything with red pit blood reduction can't be used.

Because if you use it, you can't complete the time-limited task.

And the real silent magician stared at Mu Qingyu for a long time with a pair of bright eyes, and fell into silence.

"Why? You elves also like to look at beautiful women?"

You Chen asked with some doubts.

"No, she has a familiar smell."

"Have I seen her?"

The real silent magician said hesitantly.

Have you seen her?

You Chen didn't care, at this moment, the duel had already begun.

And the coin fell from the sky.

It was the reverse side, Mu Qingyu attacked first!

"My turn, draw a card!"

Mu Qingyu didn't say much, pinched a card with two fingers and quickly slapped it on the duel disk.

"I activate a field magic card [Fragrant Garden] from my hand!"

The entire duel field instantly turned into a fragrant garden, exuding the breath of youth and the future.

Compared with the previous duel field.

This field is undoubtedly the most comfortable.

At this moment, You Chen couldn't help but smack his lips.


This time, I was messed up.

His limited-time mission was to kill the opponent with the Bull Monster and the opponent's monster.

But he didn't expect the opponent to use the Aroma deck.

Good guy.

This difficulty has undoubtedly been raised to a higher level!

He didn't expect that after the college league, he would be upset by Mu Qingyu.

But You Chen could accept it, because he had faced this situation many times in the previous duels.

"Then, I will Normal Summon [Aroma Wizard-Jasmine] from my hand card!"

A loli figure raised her hand and held the Aroma Scepter, wearing a white robe, with long silver-white hair scattered, and innocent purple eyes, staring at You Chen with a smile.

[Aroma Wizard-Jasmine]

Light attribute/two stars/plant family

Attack: 100/Defense: 1900

"Activate the effect of the field magic card [Aroma Garden], once per turn, and can only be activated when there is an "Aroma" monster on your field. Recover 500 basic points. After this effect is activated, the attack and defense of the monsters on your field will increase by 500 until the end of the next opponent's turn. "

Mu Qingyu said softly, and the next moment the HP +500LP!

Currently 8500LP.

At the same time, the attack of [Aroma Mage - Jasmine] increases to 600!

"Activate the effect of [Aroma Mage - Jasmine].

"Once per turn, activate when you recover your basic points. Draw 1 card from your deck."

Mu Qingyu added a card.

Add blood + endurance!

This is undoubtedly the scene that Minotaur least wants to see.

This is also why You Chen finds it difficult.

In summary, the Aroma family that will make Minotaur cry!

Please give me a monthly ticket!! Please give me a recommendation ticket!!

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