Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 62 Warm bugs, warm bugs again! PTSD!

Hai Zhu seems to have felt that he has an absolute advantage, so his mentality has changed.

When he determined that his opponent had no power to fight back.

Naturally, the vigilance was relaxed.

The [Giant Earth Boring Insect] suddenly changed its target and charged towards the [Giant Ant Hell's Savior] with its sinister fangs exposed.

"Is it a joke?"

You Chen has been waiting for this moment, and he will not refute Hai Zhu, because he will find the answer by himself!


"The effect of [Giant Ant Hell's Savior] is activated once per turn. At the beginning of the damage step of an insect-type monster's battle, it can be activated by targeting 1 card each of yourself and the opponent's field. Those cards are destroyed."

At this moment, You Chen clenched his fist hard and showed a meaningful smile.

Of course, it has not yet reached the state of wretched Yanyi like Jonouchi.


"Could it be that!!"

Hai Zhu was stunned when he saw this scene.

In an instant, his pupils shrank, as if he thought of something terrible.

He looked at his own [Notice from the Royal Palace]!

"It seems you have realized it too!"

"What I want to choose is the equipment card [Warm Insect] on my field and the [Notice from the Royal Palace] on your field!"

"Now, it's the fall of the palace!"

You Chen focused his eyes, smiled, and pointed his finger!

[Giant Ant Hell's Savior] triggered two whirlpools of sand flow, directly destroying [Warm Insect] and [Palace Announcement] together! !


In an instant, the shackles of imprisonment were released at this moment!

Debris withered all over the sky, and the entire audience looked up, as if time had frozen at this moment.

Hai Zhu's expression became panicked.

Because he seemed to see the [Deduction of the Dead] again and started to smile again, and even stretched out his black fingers, as if to seduce him.

The fingers are twitching, as if they are saying with a smile: "You! Come here!!"

At the same time, the eyes of the white fox on the attic and the boy next to him burst into admiration.

This duel was really exciting.

Even if the winner hasn't been decided yet.

But the wonderful reversal shown earlier is already dazzling enough!

"You can't escape this wave!"

"Because [Notice from the Royal Palace] is no longer available, [Deduction of the Dead] will also be reactivated. With the effect of [Warm Insect], there will be three cards on top of your deck sent to the graveyard! Plus you [Notice from the Royal Palace] You will suffer 1200 LP health damage.”


1200LP! ! Hai Zhu gritted his teeth, with 2500 LP left in his health.


300LP! ! You Chen has 3400 LP left in his health.

The HP deduction continues again!

Haizhu's face turned black. I have to say that this card [Giant Ant Hell Savior] is really the savior of warm insects. It fits perfectly. It drags out the warm insects from the graveyard and then blasts them back.

Two monsters, it can be said that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer!


[Giant Ant Hell's Savior] also successfully completed the mission and was killed.



You Chen's health remaining is 3100LP.

However, because of the [Big Tree Sea], another insect monster of the same star level was retrieved.

"I want to see who is faster!"

"[Ultimate Insect LV7] Attack and Defense Position Monster!"

Hai Zhu has already felt the sense of crisis, so he must speed up!

Launched the final onslaught!

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry yet! I will open the cover and activate the trap card [Gathering of the Clans]!"

"Activate by targeting 1 face-up monster on the field. Select a monster from your hand or graveyard that has a different original card name and the same original type as that monster and Special Summons it."

"So I choose the [Ultimate Insect LV7] on your field, and then in defense position, special summon the Graveyard [Warm Insect]!"

You Chen smiled.

When this smile comes out.

Hai Zhu felt bad immediately.

According to the law of conservation of smile, it is impossible for it to appear on two people at the same time.

This damn [Warm Insect] has revived again.

The cute big eyes are staring at Hai Zhu, as if to say, brother, please work harder and torture me hard!

However, Haizhu has no choice. If he doesn't deal with You Chen quickly, the longer the fight goes on, the harder it will be.

Emotion value +888!

Finally got the emotional value.

You Chen's eyes lit up. This is really not easy. The further you go, the harder it is to obtain emotional values. High-star duelists have relatively stable emotions.

Unless you play the powerful underworld deck.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for decks to gain emotional value.



You Chen has 2800 LP left in his health.

"Keep attacking!! I don't believe it, your [Warm Insects] won't be able to kill them all!!"

Haizhu's expression already contained anger. He couldn't remember how many warm insects he had killed. He seemed to have killed two or three?

But if you look closely, you can see that there is only one warm insect whether on the field or in the cemetery.

Clenching his fists, he originally played the insect family deck and loved insects very much.

I suddenly got into this battle and developed PTSD!

Now that I see Nuan Chong, I feel really stressed.


[Warm Insect] passed away again.

However, Hai Zhu did not have any joy.


900LP! ! Hai Zhu screamed, with 1600 LP left in his health.


300LP! ! You Chen has 2500 LP left in his health.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you look down on [Warm Insect]?"

"Are you getting nervous already?"

"Don't be nervous, [Warm Insect] repays the favor, it starts now!"

"Open another cover card! Trap card [Broken Wall]!"

"This can only be activated when a Defense Position monster with higher defense power than attack power on your field is destroyed by battle. Up to 2 monsters with the same name as that monster can be Special Summoned from the face-up side of your deck in Defense Position."

"Kill one [Warm Insect], and there will still be thousands of Warm Insects!"

You Chen shouted loudly and waved his big hand suddenly!

In an instant, the cover in front of him had been opened.

Two more fiery red warm insects appeared.

The same warm bug, the same blinking eyes.

Nuan Chong: "?"

Nuan Chong didn't speak. Of course, he couldn't speak either.

But this look was staring at Hai Zhu.

Hai Zhu felt terrified mentally, as if Nuan Chong was tilting his head and raising a question mark.

That's right, I'm hallucinating!

This duel, up to this point, aroused exclamations from the entire audience.

One reversal and change after another.

There are also exciting games, all showing the depth of strength on both sides.

What amazed them even more was that this guy could reverse the situation in an instant despite the comprehensive advantages of the three-star duelists! He regained the upper hand, which was amazing!

"Damn it!!"

Hai Zhu's mentality has begun to change.

Beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead.

He can actually attack, but when he thinks about attacking and losing health points, he is in a dilemma!

This is not Yu-Gi-Oh!

Third update! Let’s celebrate the promotion and update. I hope you will keep reading. As long as you keep reading, you can guarantee the score of this book. The better the score, the more intense the updates will be! Add more updates! If it were not a new book issue, there would be more.

By the way, I’m asking for recommendation votes and monthly votes!

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