Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 6 This guy is also a genius from another perspective!

You Wushuang was already busy. He never expected that just a game of cards with You Chen would lead to a boom in business.

Normally, I wouldn't even dare to think about it.

These people almost always go to larger stores to buy card holders.

After all, generally speaking, big stores have more rare cards.

But You Chen's new routine construction and his words really helped the grocery store attract a lot of traffic.

You Wushuang was so happy that he was already smiling.

One moment he was so angry that he couldn't help but summon his fists, and the next moment he was so happy.

It's hard to imagine what she went through.

You Chen, on the other hand, checked his emotional value gain from the side.

There are already more than five thousand.

During the duel, he had already earned more than 3,000 emotional points, but just now due to the increase in passenger flow, You Wushuang became happy, and naturally gained another wave of emotional points.

In other words, the emotional value has just been increased by more than a thousand.

"It seems like you can make more money by dueling." You Chen thought about it for a while.

However, this more than a thousand is equivalent to free money, so why not be satisfied?

With more than 5,000 emotional points, it can be exchanged for many cards in the group.

But because they are a low-level group, even though the cards are very rare, they are not super models.

Leave it alone for now.

It's night, back home.


"Hey! I'll reward you with a card pack."

You Wushuang threw several card packs to You Chen. The card packs were printed with eye-catching patterns. How eye-catching were they?

It's an unforgettable face, Professor Kuronos.

Ah, no, it's the pot of lust.

You Chen glanced at her and said, "Isn't this what you should give if you lose? It sounds very generous."

You Wushuang didn't care about that, wrinkled his nose and said, "Just say, reward or not, it'll be over."

You Chen didn't tell her that much. After all, a scholar can't explain clearly when he meets a soldier, and he can also confuse right and wrong when he meets a woman.

"How much did you make today?"

You Chen asked casually.

"They're all sold out. If I hadn't left these few packs for you, I would have sold them all."

"Because it is a new issue of card packs, the price is a little more expensive than usual. It is about one thousand one pack. Fifty packs were sold. Today's turnover is 50,000 yuan and the profit is about 20,000 yuan."

You Wushuang seemed to have already calculated it once before coming back.

At this moment, he still took out the money, put his hand on his tongue, and counted it carefully several times.

A proper miser.

"It seems like it's still very profitable." You Chen.

"Oh, it's just for food and clothing. A pack of those that bring the dead back to life can be sold for millions!" You Wushuang pouted.

"Haha, why didn't you say lottery?"

"You also know that it is a matter of probability. You are a source of stability. Can you compare?"

You Chen complained about this miser's thoughts.

The two have been dependent on each other since childhood, so they know each other very well.

"What are you checking?" You Wushuang suddenly came over, his pretty face almost touching You Chen's.

A fragrant smell, this is not perfume, it is body fragrance.

But You Chen is used to it.

"Just checking some things."

After You Chen came back, he was still learning about the world.

Discovering this world of duels, the more you learn about it, the more interesting it becomes.

Any situation may arise for a duel.

For example, a daughter of a certain group once held a private duel to find a bride. At that time, countless duelists flocked to it. After all, if they won, they would go directly to the pinnacle of life.

You Chen thought that might be it, but he didn't expect that there would be a reversal.

As a result, the report said that the daughter simply wanted to watch the game, and after the game ended, she gave the champion a sum of money and dismissed her directly.

At first You Chen thought it was like this.

But after looking at that person's appearance, he wrinkled up like an old man on the subway.

The one who won the championship was really shabby-looking.

You Chen never judges people by their appearance, unless there are some people that you can't look at directly, and you can't deceive yourself.

So You Chen immediately understood the reason.

From this point of view, dueling is not the priority.

There is also a company that recruits fresh graduates through duels.

You Chen admitted that in the world of duels, duels are very important, but for the company, how can duels help?

But after taking a look at Duel Research Company, it was okay.

The most interesting thing is.

The most famous dueling magazine article in the world is called Seahorse Magazine!

If you can publish an article on it, you can make a lot of money once it is published.

But the papers that can be published on it are all of the well-known celebrity duel master level!

Ordinary people can't go up, unless their thesis can shock the world.

Therefore, those who can leave their names on it are dueling celebrities who are respected and admired by many people.

And You Chen went up to read some magazine articles.

There are indeed many unfamiliar and interesting duel constructions and understandings.

But these are not enough to make You Chen feel shocked enough to become a duel celebrity, and it even feels inferior to the creativity of thousands of netizens he encountered in the previous world.

Because he knows everything mentioned above.

It can even be on top, and I think I can add more to it to make it even more perfect.

It is mentioned that Pai Lao is a magical creature.

He may not show his talent in life, but he can ponder for a whole day and enjoy the duel construction, and often create a construction where only one person plays Yu-Gi-Oh.

This is a genius in another sense!

Therefore, in the duel paper of Kaiba Magazine.

Under some papers, he will express his own views and theories to help supplement.

On the one hand, it is to verify whether his concept is consistent with the duel concept of the world now.

Or is it that even the duel celebrities don’t realize this?

For You Chen, this can help him understand the world better.

Of course, he would not expect those duel celebrities to reply to him.

They may not even look at it.

After all, many celebrities have high aspirations.

"Wow! It’s amazing, you are still reading the duel paper of Kaiba Magazine?"

"Such a profound thing, are you sure you can understand it?"

You Wushuang felt that his younger brother seemed to have changed?

Now he has started to read such a profound paper?

"It doesn’t matter whether I can understand it or not. What matters is that I beat you." You Chen

"." You Wushuang.

"These things are useless to you. Instead, they will make you mess up your own construction." You Wushuang.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that I beat you." You Chen.

"Okay, okay! I wish you to eat dust every day! Eat G! You idiot, you piss me off, go take a shower."

You Wushuang was so angry that his chest hurt. Why did this guy become so eloquent?

"You are so vicious!" You Chen's mouth twitched when he heard this.

But he is not afraid of this deck.

"When will you cook?"

You Wushuang turned around and smiled when he heard this: "You are so awesome, why do you cook by yourself?!"

After saying that, he had taken off his shoes, and used his left foot to pull down the black silk with his fingers, and then it was his right foot's turn to pull down the black silk on his left foot, and he jumped up and threw the black silk everywhere.

Is this what a woman should look like?

You Chen's eyes went dark.

"Hey! This is..." You Chen saw a piece of news and immediately became interested.

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