Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 49: The first move is a banned card! The best of the best cuts the hand!

However, Xiaoshan didn't say much.

He just thought that You Chen had overstated the score. He estimated that the construction speed of about one hour was already very strong.

Then he finally said the real purpose of this time.

"Actually, I asked you to come here this time because I have something to tell you."

"I think your construction style and strength are very good. If you can win the championship of this college league, you can enter Thunder Academy directly as an exception."

"So if you work harder, you may not even need to take the college entrance examination to enter Thunder Academy."

Xiaoshan's invitation is equivalent to throwing out an olive branch.

You should know that the four universities are the highest-level universities in duel academics.

They are also the four pillars of Longguo, and have cultivated countless outstanding duelists.

Therefore, the four universities are the places that countless duelists dream of. Once upon a time, those wealthy people who wanted to spend money to get in even spent a lot of money, but it was useless. The four universities only recognized grades.

After all, they are not private universities.

They are evaluated by top national institutions.

You Chen blinked his eyes unexpectedly at this invitation.

No way, special admission?

This quota is very rare.

But there have been precedents like this before, after all, there is no shortage of geniuses in this world.

It's just rare, so You Chen didn't expect it.

Could it be that his construction attracted Xiao Shan's attention?

Not to mention him, even the cold boy next to him didn't seem to expect it, his eyes flickered, but he didn't say anything.

"It seems so."

"I already have a reason to win the championship."

You Chen thought it was okay, but at this moment, there was such a tempting opportunity to enter the four universities by special admission, so he would naturally fight for it, although he believed that he should be able to enter with his own strength.

But the feeling of special admission is different.

He doesn't have any problem of having to fight for it himself. If he can get in by lying, why should he work hard? His personality is not like this.

"Okay, let's stop here first."

"But the champion is not easy. The players of No. 1 and No. 5 High School are still very strong. I am optimistic about you."

Xiao Shan really appreciates You Chen, which is rare.

Even if You Chen got the third place in the end, he would make an exception and admit him.

"That's okay, I'll leave first."

Although You Chen was very happy, his joy was not as exaggerated as Xiao Shan imagined.

He thought that students like these would be excited and passionate when they heard that they could enter the four major universities, and they would even be excited and incoherent.

But You Chen's reaction was far beyond his expectations.

After You Chen left.

Xiao Shan fell silent, poured himself a cup of tea, and said slowly: "Are you confused?"

"Yeah." The boy responded calmly.

"This guy is not simple. Don't look down on those constructions. The more these constructions run smoothly, the stronger the construction thinking is. The mainstream card decks have some formulaic existence, but these constructions do not have it."

"For so many years, have you ever seen someone dare to use these cards so boldly."

"If you underestimate him, even though you are my apprentice, you will easily suffer in the future."

The boy did not refute, but his eyes were still calm.

"Interesting, after the college league, the college entrance examination will start in just one week."

"I'm already looking forward to the new semester of the university and the arrival of this guy!"

Xiao Shan took a sip of tea.

"Teacher, do you think he will definitely win the championship?"

The boy asked calmly.

"Not necessarily, but he will definitely be in the top three." Xiao Shan.

The boy's eyes flickered, revealing a hint of interest in the duel.


In the evening, the Dream Dungeon Duel event.

You Chen's duel today is already a tough battle.

The opponent is Maotu.

Because You Chen is rich now, he spent another 700,000 or 800,000 to make a set of hand-cutting card decks.

It's very straightforward.

At least it's not easy to be targeted.

After all, the champion was prepared after winning last time.

So You Chen couldn't use the mecha to appear on the stage again, and he couldn't use other things to expose his identity, so he made another set.

He also got a few rare cards in the needle worm chat group, spending more than 2,000 emotional points.

As for the deck for going to jail, he didn't think about it.

But it is not necessary. At present, there are more general recruits and fewer special recruits.

"Ladies and gentlemen!! Welcome to the underground duel event!"

"Today's contestant is the Night Wanderer who won yesterday!"

"And the champion he will challenge today is Maotu!"

After this statement.

A cute girl came out. She looked like a minor, with twin ponytails, wearing a Gothic style outfit, and holding a little bear in her arms.

"Hiss! The champion tonight is actually a little girl?"

"This is a bit of a waste."

"Haha, don't you know her?"

"This is the third place in the last three high schools, the college league."

You Chen naturally heard the discussion below, and he was very happy. He had just finished the college league duel, and he didn't expect to meet the third place in the last college league here.

The students of the last class, so they are no longer students this year?

Otherwise, how could they appear in the dungeon duel event.

"Brother Night Wanderer, please give me some way." Maotu's voice was very coquettish.

I already have the smell of being eighteen years old this year.

After listening to this, You Chen got goosebumps.

I really want to cover it with my palm and say "Mighty Heavenly Dragon"! Prajna-paramita!

You monster, let him die.

You Chen raised his hand to mechanically unfold the duel disk.

This hand-cutting deck is much more ruthless than the previous decks.

I believe that this time, I will definitely earn a lot of emotional points.

Whether you can break through 30,000 emotional points depends on you, little sister!

"Little brother, Tai Ku La, I like it even more."

"And I'm no longer young, I've become an adult this year."

Mao Tu seems to have a good personality and is still teasing You Chen.

"Then it's too early for you to like me."

"You'll probably hate me to the core after a while."

You Chen shook his head and stopped talking nonsense.

The moment you use the underworld deck, you are doomed to be a lonely star.

Very much like a Chinese hero.

If you have friends, you can only have friends who like the underworld deck, such as Hua Ningning.

"The duel begins!! DUEL——"

"Heads of the coin, I attack first!"

You Chen took one look and attacked first, then showed an unprecedented smile.

"I activate the magic card [Prankster Twin Demons] from my hand!"

"Pay 1000 basic points to activate. The opponent randomly discards 1 card in hand, and then chooses 1 card in hand to discard."

As soon as You Chen made a move, it was a banned card that was banned on all major platforms back then!

One card cuts both hands, and I ask you whether you will die or not?

This card is simply a divine card.

And this card was not purchased, he redeemed it in the Nuan Chong chat group.

This card is so rare that it costs a thousand mood points. It's not cheap, but it's worth it!

Thanks to book friends Yan Ji, Qiu Se Tou, 2516, The Seventh Crow, Shi Mengyuan, Ren Yi, Drunken Man in the Rain, Baili Boundless, Black Technology Cannot Play, Mu You, and book friends for their recommendation votes! !

Thanks for the one-night AC and 6387 monthly tickets!

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