Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 47: All life is reduced to zero, and the corpse is still whipped?

You Chen and Hua Ningning looked like they were enjoying the divine light coming down from heaven, and their health points were +1000 LP.

Correspondingly, Huang Tianhai and Lin Yingying's side was like purgatory, and what was falling was acid rain!




Another 1,000 health points, and they already have 2,500 LP left.

The combined health of You Chen and Hua Ningning has reached 9000 LP, which is in sharp contrast to the other's little health.

At the same time, due to [Magic Absorption], it adds another 500LP, reaching 9500LP.

You Chen's deck combination is not only as simple as the Lava Demon God, but also hides a unique blood reduction, but it's not just that Tianhu takes the lead.

Because if you only rely on the side effects of drugs as the core, once the side effects of the drugs are not used, you will be very passive. Therefore, You Chen's deck not only adds blood and reduces blood, but also simply cuts blood to relieve the pressure of stuck hands.

Moreover, even if these cards are used, they will not be stuck in your hand. You can continuously add blood to fight a war of attrition.

Therefore, this [Magic Absorption] looks out of place, but it is not.

[Cooling Fire] can even be used in conjunction with [Magic Absorption] as a special move during the opponent's turn.

"At this moment, I want to activate the effect of [Cooling Fire]."

"Once per turn, this card can only be activated when your or your opponent's base points are restored while this card is in the monster zone. Your or your opponent's base points are restored by 1000."

You Chen's words came out.

Huang Tianhai and Lin Yingying were both panicked.


"Could it be that"

They seemed to have realized something.

"Yes, of course I want to restore 1,000 health points for you."

"We have enough."

You Chen showed a friendly and sunny smile.

But at this moment, it looked like a devil's smile to them.


1000LP! !


Huang Tianhai and Lin Yingying suffered another wave of injuries and screamed in agony.

This scene was really terrible, as if You Chen was training them.

Still the kind that has absolutely no power to fight back.

Their health points are 1500LP left at this moment.

"I ambush two cards and end the round." You Chen didn't do any extra operations. After folding two cards, the round was over.

At this moment, the commentary desk was also filled with emotion.

When Duoduo saw this, he began to feel pity for the two students.

This duel was undoubtedly too cruel for them from the beginning.

"Good guy, this blood-cutting is really cruel."

"We haven't even begun to attack yet. When it was Lin Yingying's turn, she was almost out of health. I have to say that the advantage of cutting blood lies in this."

"The more I look at it, the more I get confused."

In the duel arena with tens of thousands of people, many people were sighing.

This eight thousand health points doesn't seem to be too rough.

Why is it that the attack hasn't even started yet, and it's already almost gone?

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Lin Yingying gritted her teeth and drew a card.

But now, drawing cards is already a scary thing.

Because against Youchen, almost drawing cards, the opponent will start to activate the effect.

as expected.

"Wait a minute! I'm going to open the ambush card and quickly attack the magic card [Hermit's Poison]!"

"You can choose one of the following effects to activate. ●Recover 1,200 basic points for yourself.

●Inflict 800 damage to the opponent. "

"My choice is to inflict 800 damage to the opponent!"

"Looking at it this way, it seems that you can't wait for the [Lava Demon God]."

"It's a pity that I couldn't make the [Lava Demon God] happy."

You Chen said this.

The folded cards in front of him have been turned over.

It was an old witch in a robe, holding two bottles of medicine, one green and one purple.

Then he gave the other party a bottle of powerful purple poison.


800LP! !


Screaming again, Huang Tianhai and Lin Yingying's blood pressure was already rising.

Emotion value +1880!

"It's not enough. Because of the effect of [Magic Absorption], I can recover 500LP. At the same time, because of the recovery of health points, the effect of [Cooling Fire] is triggered again."

"Continue to restore 1000LP to you!"

After You Chen's words fell.

The whole audience couldn't help but gasp.

"Damn it, Ruthless! This is going to kill you instantly."

"Hiss, it's just Lin Yingying's turn, the cards haven't even been warmed up yet, and the person is gone?"

"This blood reduction is too fierce. This is 8000 LP! Even if I let you attack, it will still take a few waves, right?"

"Is this considered doubles FTK?"

Under the boos of the whole audience.

The eyes of Huang Tianhai and Lin Yingying were filled with fear. They were really scared, and they might scream in their dreams at night.




This wave of health points immediately returned to zero.

The final scream was even more tragic than before.

They all roared out.

The bad breath in Hua Ningning's heart came out.

Comfortable, this is so comfortable.

Yu-Gi-Oh is indeed a game that only one person can enjoy. It is impossible for two people to enjoy it.

If there is, it must be in doubles.

Because at this moment, both of them are happy.

"Woo wow! I can't accept it. This is not a real duel!"

Huang Tianhai, who thinks highly of himself, has been among the top since entering the key high school. He has already enjoyed enough dazzling and long-established comfort zone, but it fell apart at this moment.

For him, it is hard to accept.

His chest is also stuffy. For a person with his personality, he might be angry to death against the underworld deck.

Huang Tianhai's expression became lost. This battle was too much of a blow to him.

Damn, why play Yu-Gi-Oh? It's uncomfortable and not fun.

The mainstream can't beat the underworld deck.

There was no light in his eyes, and he began to doubt himself.

You Chen did not have any mercy. This time the college league was undoubtedly the best magic mirror, which revealed all these monsters.

A truly powerful duelist will not doubt himself because of some setbacks.

Even if the opponent is a hell deck.

It can be seen that the mentality of duelists in this world is still not good.

As a duelist active in MD, OCG, YGO, DL and other duel platforms for many years, a qualified hell duelist must have the following two points.

Advantages: face up, disadvantages: surrender at five points!

But in reality, face up is easy to be beaten, so forget it.

"Congratulations to You Chen and Hua Ningning! Successfully won the first doubles duel!!"

At this time, the host had come back to his senses, and the heroic voice fell, and finally held the microphone tightly and raised it.

This duel victory directly made more students like to watch You Chen's duel!

This unique style that was eye-catching and effective duel undoubtedly became the focus.

In addition, You Chen himself is handsome, so fans are naturally indispensable.

Therefore, the cheers of agreement gradually increased.

Thanks to Qiu Se Tou, Qiqizhi Wu Crow, Hei Ke Ji Wan Bu Zhuan, and Ren Yi for their recommendation votes!!

There are still many readers, but the recommendation votes are getting fewer and fewer. The next wave of 300 votes will continue to increase. Please support!

This set of blood reduction is not just based on drugs. Even without drugs, you can actually win. The next wave will show how to win without drugs.

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