Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 45 I have a card here, I want to go to your place

This is [Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker].

I think back then, this card attracted much attention in the early days.

However, because there are not many heavy pits in the environment, the investment in this card is less. It is mainly a high-level summon. If it can be specially summoned, it will be a god card.

Of course, if it is an exclusive deck, special moves are still very easy.

[Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker]

Dark attribute/six stars/machine family

Attack: 2400/Defense: 1500

At this moment, Huang Tianhai finally showed a serious smile, which was already a bit artistic. The corners of his mouth were grinned, and his palms were bent into claws. He scratched in the air, as if there was a shadow on his face.

"Hehe!! As long as this card exists in the monster zone, both parties cannot activate the effects of trap cards on the field, and the effects of trap cards on the field are invalidated."

"In this way, this single card is enough to crush you two bitches to death!"

"I must pay back all the humiliation I suffered before!"

Huang Tianhai had obviously been angered by the loss of more than three thousand blood just now. At this moment, his emotions had exploded, and what he said would not be on the stage.

Completely forgetting that this is a high school league and not a simple duel.

As expected, these words came out.

This led to many people denounced him and criticized him verbally and writing.

"Is this a big deal? Are you just calling a bastard man and woman?"

"Although I also hate why I can't be favored by beautiful women, this duel and swearing is too low-quality."

"Tsk, tsk, you're a high school student with this quality."

Discussions came out all of a sudden.

Lin Yingying couldn't help but remind her: "Classmate Huang!"

Only then did Huang Tianhai realize that he had made a big mistake just now. Because he was too bossy, he spoke some low-quality language. Now he was in trouble.

No matter whether you win or lose, you will definitely be sprayed to death.

If you win, you may spray lightly, but if you lose, you will be completely embarrassed.

The school must also impose penalties.


It's all his fault that this pair of bastards refused to have a good duel and insisted on playing these disgusting things, which made him get drunk.

There is no retreat now.

It must be taken down.

But when this card comes out, it's basically stable.

Hua Ningning narrowed her eyes, and a hint of displeasure appeared on her pretty face. This was the first time that she had been called a bitch. Wait, this matter is not over yet. She is not someone who will swallow her anger.

As for You Chen yawning, it seemed that it had nothing to do with him and he didn't care at all.

Even when [Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker] appeared, everyone was worried about him, but he was not in a hurry.

It is completely unclear and incomprehensible.

"It's not over yet, I want to special summon [Psychic Electronic Giant] from my hand!!"

"If the number of magic and trap cards on your opponent's field is greater than the number of magic and trap cards on your field, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand."

"Come out!! [Psychic Electronic Giant]!"

Huang Tianhai raised his big hands high, his expression became even more excited, and he shouted.

In the area in front of him, a light with thunder and lightning burst out.

Wrapped in the light, a golden body rushed out.

A huge golden giant with a red sharp blade ring on his wrist.

【Psychic Electronic Giant】

Dark attribute/six stars/machine family

Attack: 2200/Defense: 1200

"Despite this, you can't use trap cards either. Neither party uses them. I can't accept it either."

Hua Ningning said thoughtfully.

When Huang Tianhai heard this, the corner of his mouth twisted.

"If you think too much, we won't be affected."

When Hua Ningning heard this, she frowned and was surprised: "What?"

Huang Tianhai then held a card between his fingers and swung it out suddenly!

"Because I also need to activate an equipment magic card [Computer Amplifier]!"

"It can only be equipped by "Artificial Man-Psychic Shocker". The activation and effects of this card will not be negated. "

"Both parties cannot activate the effects of trap cards on the field, and the effects of trap cards on the field are negated" effect held by the equipped monster as "The opponent cannot activate the effects of trap cards on the field, and the effects of trap cards on the opponent's field are negated." "Effect Invalidation" applies. "

"Hey! How about it?"

"I ambush a card and end the turn!"

"Please start your performance and continue to activate your red pits. I love watching and I want to enjoy your red pits!"

Huang Tianhai was obviously a villain and said that he wanted to enjoy the red pit. This was undoubtedly Chi Guoguo's provocation.

This face makes many people unhappy.

However, this move did make the surrounding audience exclaim again.

Huang Tianhai's hand was undoubtedly a bad one.

It's an android, a cybernetic giant, and an amplifier!

What a fool!

The cheers and cheers from the first grade students started to get louder at this moment.

The situation is already quite stable.

Generally, when the artificial man comes out, it is already difficult for the opponent to fight.

Not to mention it's an underworld deck, which is even more desperate.

When You Chen heard that the opponent's turn was over, he put his fingers on top of the deck and slowly drew a card.

"Okay, I didn't expect you to have such a hobby."

"The last tyrannosaurus who asked like this, I already made him so happy that he screamed out."

"This time your request is so fierce."

"Then I can only try to be satisfied."

You Chen said these words.

Everyone couldn't help laughing. People who didn't know him would really think he was really enthusiastic.

"Le, how can Youchen still be so relaxed?"

"How can we solve the opponent's android?"

"Not right, shouldn't you be frowning at this time?"

"Could there be a reversal?"

In the duel of 10,000 people, discussions were heard one after another.

Not only the audience, but even Principal Chen of the first high school and Principal Hua of the ninth high school, there was a verbal battle.

"Principal Hua, it seems that you, the ninth high school, are not good at analysis and construction. I didn't expect that you are so stubborn. At this time, you don't think there is still a solution, right?"

Principal Chen raised the corner of his mouth, full of pride.

Principal Hua was unwilling to be left behind and said in a deep voice: "Maybe the magic card can be solved? Principal Chen, aren't you afraid of being happy too early?"

Principal Chen didn't think so. He shrugged and said: "The magic card destruction we know so far is almost all exaggeratedly expensive. The price of these cards that can clear the field is not cheap, so I don't think your student has it."

"So it's like waiting to die."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that the analyst also knows all about You Chen's family background."

Principal Hua's expression became more and more ugly when he heard this.

What kind of analyst is this? Is he a spy?

It's just a duel, why risk your life?

And the next moment, when everyone was discussing it.

Hua Ningning also looked at You Chen nervously, wondering if he could clear the field. If he couldn't solve this double duel, maybe that was it.

But for some reason, when I looked into his eyes, I always felt an inexplicable sense of security.

"Hua Ningning just gave you a gift."

"I have a gift for you too."

"Well, this card says it will go to you, so cherish it."

You Chen held a card between his fingers and slowly turned it over while speaking.

Thanks to the book friends Dream is to be a human, Return of the Earth Road, Yaoyue, Qiu Se Tou, 5364, Mu Xun, Ren Yi, Black Moon Ninja, Magic Light Bingchen, Falling Snow Appreciation of Ice Flowers, and Yanyu Mage for their recommendation votes!!

Thanks to Baby Angel for the monthly ticket!

I should be ready to push it on Sunday.

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