Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 37 The real silent magician! You are still too naive.

"Then I will Normal Summon a monster! Come out! [Instant Killer]!"

You Chen held a card between his fingers and quickly took it down.

[Instant Killer]

Dark attribute/four stars/demon

Attack: 2000/Defense: 2000

"The effect of this card is that the attack power and defense power of this card are reduced by the number of cards in your hand × 400."

So it is obvious that the attack power of You Chen's [Instant Killer] has dropped to zero.

The True Silent Magician looked at these operations of You Chen and never understood what was going on.

What is he doing.

Others are eager to increase the attack power, why did they choose a monster that also reduces the attack power? Could it be that they are interested in 2000 attack power?

But to achieve this, at least zero cards are required, and the cost is too high.

The more he looked at it, the more the True Silent Magician felt that this person's construction thinking was a little too lacking in thought.

"End of turn."

You Chen ended the turn directly because he didn't have the Meteor Bow, so he couldn't attack directly. If he had it, the opponent probably wouldn't be able to fight back, but it was possible.

So this hand of cards was really stuck.

But it doesn't matter, you can still play even if it's stuck.

"Then it's my turn! Draw a card."

"It seems you've given up completely."

The True Silent Magician drew a card, which had reached 3000 attack power.

She glanced at the cards in her hand and smiled faintly. She wanted one turn!

Deal with You Chen!

"Go straight to the battle stage!!"

The True Silent Magician waved her slender hand and looked down at You Chen.

Seeing this, You Chen asked calmly: "So you've advanced to the battle stage so quickly?"

"It seems that you are not afraid of my cover at all."

The real Silent Magician shook his head and nodded, as if he had already found this duel boring, and said calmly: "Your strength is puzzling to me. How can such a duelist have such a high duel comprehension?"

"Maybe it's because of the deck, but unfortunately, you have already lost."

"I will attack the [Instant Kill Assassin] on your field!"

"And! At this moment!"

"I will activate the quick-play magic card [Silent Magic Blast] from my hand!"

"If you have a "Silent Magician" monster on your field and you have more cards in your hand than your opponent, you can only activate it during your own and your opponent's battle phase. Both players draw cards until their hands have 6 cards. "

"So, now I have 4,000 attack power!"

"And your [Instant Kill Assassin] has zero attack power, so it's an instant kill!"

"The difference between these two monsters is like heaven and earth. ”

“One increases the hand cards as an increase, and the other increases the hand cards as a burden.”

“Undoubtedly, [Silent Magic Blast] is the existence that ends this duel.”

At this time, the True Silent Magician has already waved his magic wand, and the holy magic light waves gather in the sky.

It is in sharp contrast to the sluggish [Instant Kill Assassin] on Youchen’s field.

However, at this moment, Youchen raised his head and showed an unexpected smile.

“Bingo! !”

“You guessed it right. Indeed, these two cards are the difference between heaven and earth, but because of this, they are the secret weapons that can kill you!”

“True Silent Magician, you are still too naive.”

“This duel will let you see what a counterattack is! "

You Chen's eyes blossomed at this moment, making the True Silent Magician pause. Could it be that he had anticipated this?

Any backup plan?

It's useless!

No backup plan is useful.

At this time, You Chen had already raised his hand and opened the cover card in front of him.

"I open the cover card and activate the trap card [Curse of the Heavenly Demon]!"

"Until the end of the activation round, the effects of the increase and decrease of attack power and defense power become opposite."

As soon as these words came out.

The True Silent Magician's delicate body trembled slightly, and her pupils shrank. Only then did she realize that the hidden murderous intent was reflected here!

If this happens, then she is the one in danger.

At this moment, her eyes radiated light. It turned out that this guy did not not understand construction, but was waiting for the opportunity to kill with one blow.

Not simple.

And the construction thinking is indeed different. Showing weakness to lower others' vigilance and complete the assassination in an instant!

You Chen then continued: "I have six cards in my hand! So the attack power is reduced by 2400, and because of the effect of [Curse of the Heavenly Demon], it is increased by 2400. "

"At this time, the attack power of [Instant Kill Assassin] on my field has increased to 4400!"

"Not only that, your attack power has also decreased to zero due to this effect!"

"Come on! Come on! Attack me hard!"

You Chen's last sentence was undoubtedly a teasing to the True Silent Magician.

"I take back what I said just now, you are not simple at all!"

"But that's all."

The True Silent Magician, his expression became serious, and his slender hand quickly took out a card from his hand and unfolded it!

She shouted: "Activate the Quick Attack Magic Card! [Spellbook of Law]!"

"You can target 1 Magician-Type monster on the field and select 1 of the following effects to activate.

●This turn, that face-up monster is not affected by the effects of Magic Cards other than this card.

●This turn, that face-up monster is not affected by the effects of trap cards. "

"I chose myself, who is not affected by the effects of trap cards!"

"So I won't be killed instantly because of the attack power reduction of [Tian Xiegui Curse]. "

The True Silent Magician knew that no matter what, she couldn't save herself, but at least she wouldn't be killed instantly this turn, and she could play the big sister again.

Then she could continue to stand on the field.

"It's a pity."

"I have already prepared it."

"Open another face-up card! Activate the counter-trap card [Magic Interference Array]!"

You Chen had been waiting for a long time and opened another face-up card in front of him.

"When a magic card is activated, you can activate it by discarding 1 card from your hand. That activation is invalid and destroyed."

Although she lost a card, You Chen's [Instant Kill Assassin] still had 4,000 attack power.

A magic circle was formed under the feet of the True Silent Magician, and countless lightning locked her magic card.

"What! "

The True Silent Magician didn't expect that the opponent could actually defend against this move, and from his appearance, it seemed that he had been eyeing this card from the beginning.

But why did he know her deck so well?

As [Curse of the Heavenly Demon] took effect.

The True Silent Magician was exhausted, and when the magic wave reached [Instant Kill Assassin], it could no longer hurt him.

He threw a flying knife back!



"Ah!!! "

The real silent magician screamed miserably and trembled all over.

Exactly four thousand, no more and no less.

The health value dropped to zero.

Please keep reading. The author knows that it is very uncomfortable to read, so he will try to finish the duel as soon as possible. Only reading can make the recommendation better. It will be recommended soon. Please, everyone, there are few Yu-Gi-Ohs and even fewer original worlds, please support the seedlings.

Thanks to Tu Lu Gui Lai, Thirteen Worlds Master, Nanjing Penguin, Black Technology Can't Play, Ren Yi, 5202, 9369 book friends for their recommendation votes!

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