Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 35 Let’s duel! If you win, I will become your elf!

After getting the confirmation, the True Silent Magician showed a trace of surprise and doubt on her pretty face. What surprised her was that a human finally saw her existence.

What excited her was that she would no longer be so lonely and bored, and finally she could have a human to chat with.

The True Silent Magician slowly flew over, her cheongsam fluttering, her silver hair also fluttering in the wind, and her face was even more elegant and beautiful.

The True Silent Magician's personality was not as lively and cute as the Black Magic Girl. The long-term practice of silent magic made her develop a rigorous and calm personality, which really fulfilled the saying that she was truly silent.

"I thought that no one could see my existence anymore."

When the True Silent Magician said this, there was a little emotion in her words.

"Can I ask you a few questions?"

You Chen frowned, and there were several questions that he couldn't understand.

The True Silent Magician was stunned for a moment. Did this human ask questions when he saw her?

Very special and interesting.

She nodded and did not refuse, because she also had something to ask him.

You Chen was not in a hurry, and asked as he walked.

"The first question, aren't elves visible to everyone?"

"Otherwise, how do you explain the elves found in the news reports?"

You Chen was not clear about this.

The True Silent Magician seemed willing to answer.

"It's very simple. Even if it's an elf, it depends on the duel comprehension. If a person's duel comprehension does not match that of the elf, it is not enough to see the existence of the elf."

"Do you think elves only exist in some areas where humans live?"

"In fact, they have long been integrated into human life, and it is even possible to find elves among the crowd."

"It's just that some elves require too high a duel comprehension, so basically no one finds them."

"It's understandable. The higher the rarity of the elves, the higher the duel comprehension required."

You Chen finally understood what the True Silent Magician said.

So that's it. It's not as humans think that only a small number of elves exist in human areas.

But elves have long existed on a large scale.

It's just that many people don't have enough duel comprehension, so they can't see it.

In the secret realm, elves are physical entities, so there is no such thing as duel comprehension.

It can be understood as a ghost in a multi-dimensional space. Some people have yin and yang eyes and can see elves, but some people can't.

"The second question, aren't humans and elves in a hostile state? Why, I can't feel any hostility from you."

You Chen raised his eyes and looked at the True Silent Magician.

The True Silent Magician stretched out his slender hand, gently stroked the silver thread, and said calmly: "It's not like that. Humans and elves can have many different relationships. You can understand it as humans and animals. Some animals become pets of humans, and some animals attack humans. Different animals have different personalities."

"Therefore, some elves advocate peaceful coexistence."

"Of course, some elves are born bad."

At this point, You Chen interrupted: "For example, the sixth generation is bad?"

After saying this.

The face of the True Silent Magician changed slightly, and he looked at You Chen with surprise.

How did this human know about the sixth generation of bad things?

Even though she didn't know much, she had only heard some legends.

And this guy, who could say that the Sixth Generation was bad, surprised her a little.

"Don't look at me like that, I know a lot of things."

"Another question is, will your elves be made into cards? In addition, how big is the difference in materials between making a card with elves and a card without elves?"

You Chen wanted to know more about the details of these questions.

"Elves are made into cards, and can only obey the owner of the deck. Their freedom is bound, and there are no other effects."

"To make a card with elves, you only need to have elves."

"And to make a card without elves, the requirements are not high."

"For example, if my card is a card without elves, it only needs to be synthesized with magician cards, but the synthesis is random. This is one of the methods, but this method, if you want to synthesize a card with high rarity, you usually need to spend a lot of cards to synthesize, and there is a probability of getting the card you want."

"There is another method, with A card or item associated with the main body, plus enough soul diamonds, has a probability of being created, and this probability depends on the rarity of the card or item. "

"And magic and trap cards are all based on synthesis, there is no second method. "

"So generally speaking, magic and trap cards are more difficult than monsters. "

"Of course, the above methods are all based on manpower alone. "

"There is another way, which is the most convenient. "

"Get the approval of the elves, and the cards associated with the elves can be easily generated. "

"But it is very difficult to get the approval of the elves. "

After the real silent magician finished speaking.

You Chen also understood it, but there is a very important point mentioned here.

To create a card with elves, you only need to have elves.

If you have the approval of the elves, you can have many cards.

At first glance, it is very contradictory.

After all, I have the approval of the elves, why do I still create cards with elves?

But in fact, there is a precedent of elves being captured. Elves that failed in duels became prisoners of humans, but this does not mean that the elves recognize it, and it is even impossible for them to accept it.

In this case, naturally, no more cards can be obtained.

You can only make this elf in the card.

But on the other hand, if you get the recognition of the elves, it will be even more different.

So it can be concluded from this.

Elf recognition \u003e Elf manufacturing card \u003e ordinary card.

Ordinary card is just a card, without any bond effect.

And the card bond that You Chen mentioned before does exist, but it has to be for the card deck with elves, so the previous red pit card deck, what is said about the bond is just to give Hua Ningning a peace of mind bought with 500,000.

Elf manufacturing card, there is a bond, the bond is in place, and the related cards can be drawn, but the bond is difficult to cultivate.

If the elf recognizes it, then the starting point of the bond is higher than the elf manufacturing card, and the rare card of this elf can be easily obtained.

When he thought of this, You Chen raised his eyes and looked at the real silent magician with a different look.

Then the question is, how should I get the elf's approval?

"Now it's your turn to ask me questions." You Chen.

"Hmm?" The True Silent Magician's pretty face showed a trace of surprise. This guy is interesting, and he seems to know a lot of things.

"Otherwise, why would you answer my questions so selflessly?"

"I guess you have something to ask of me."

You Chen chuckled.

The True Silent Magician finally showed a hint of interest on her pretty face, and waved her magic wand with her slender hand.


"Then it's very simple. In fact, I have a master, but she is now trapped in the secret realm, and her life and death are uncertain. I only have one request, to duel with me."

"If you lose, you have to promise to help me find her."

"If you win, I can become your elf."

The True Silent Magician knew that the secret realm was extremely dangerous, so letting this human go would be very dangerous and costly.

So accordingly, she also had to make a bet at a very high price.

That is, at the cost of herself, it would be enough to match and support the bet of this duel.

Second update! Thanks to 4214, Muqian, 8739, Dream is to be a human, Black Moon Ninja, Shangshen April, 8404, and Gengzhi Kaiharem book friends for their recommendation votes! Thanks to 4214, Muqian, and 8739 for their monthly votes! !

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