Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 256 Disrupting the deck! You really don't need to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

"And, is her last name Liu?"

You Chen reacted in a moment, it seems that it is not that simple.

Liu Qingyi tilted her head and nodded, snapping her fingers.

"That's right, you guessed it right!"

"She is my mother!"

You Chen: "."

Okay, okay, you play it this way, right?

You Chen finally understood a truth. In this world, it is not without reason to become stronger. It is not entirely based on the individual, but also depends on the background!

For example, Hua Ningning has a principal father, so when she was in middle school, her strength was also among the best.

Although Mu Qingyu is stronger, Mu Qingyu's family background is unknown, but it can be said that he is gifted.

And Chen Mo also has a strong family background.

Long Bing also has a champion brother.

Ning Feng is the same.

Bai Qiushui is the same.

Now Liu Qingyi is the same.

This world really depends on money, ability and background!

"Classmates! Good afternoon!"

"I know the KC Cup you've been looking forward to will start next month, so I've applied for new cards this month!"

"I'll give you a big boost to your deck!"

"Come on!! Please work hard to qualify for the KC Cup, which is already a glory for Thunder Academy!"

"Not to mention, if you can get a place, I'll have a more generous reward!"

"Keep some suspense for now."

Liu Ruyan said with a charming smile.

"Principal!! It has to be you!"

"We are always loyal to Thunder!"

"Love it! Principal is the most beautiful!"

A group of students cheered gracefully below.

It's obvious that Liu Ruyan is very popular.

"But it is worth noting that in order to prevent rare cards from being bought unnecessarily, causing students in need to miss the opportunity."

"So there is a rule here."

"Only students who can summon and use the card can buy it, otherwise they will not sell it to you even if they have money."

"To prevent students who really need it from being strangled."

"Then start selling rare cards immediately!"

After Liu Ruyan's voice fell.

You Chen also agreed in his heart.

This is really thoughtful.

It is not unreasonable to be able to be the principal.

After the sale, because You Chen is a special student, he has the priority to choose.

And this time, the enhanced rare card, other special students did not meet the requirements, so they did not come.

So this time, only You Chen and Liu Qingyi came.

Seeing the first two students who came from the privileged channel.

Liu Ruyan's narrow eyes first fell on her daughter.

Then turned to look at the handsome You Chen.

"You Chen, I finally meet you."

"I didn't expect it. You've only been at Thunder Academy for about a month, right?"

"You're already a top student, and a famous duelist."

"I have to say that Mr. Xiao's vision is really unique."

"So you choose first. Among the rare cards this time, do you want any rare cards?"

"That's right!"

"I have another big gift for you!"

"As for the honor and popularity you've brought to Thunder Academy these days, I can give you a rare card worth less than 10 million!"

"No limit on quantity! The amount is less than 10 million!"

This is Liu Ruyan's ability as the principal, winning people's hearts, praising them first when meeting them, and then giving these unspecified rewards.

On the one hand, it wins over You Chen, and on the other hand, it is also a driving force to stimulate other students to make progress!

It's a perfect win-win method!

You Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart, a good method!

But it's not a disgusting method!

Because it's a win-win!

It must be said that Liu Qingyi really needs to learn from her mother, and there is still a long way to go.

"Then I'd rather obey than be respectful!"

You Chen did not say anything polite or refuse.

None of the students around him had any objections.

Because You Chen is totally worth it!

Under the gaze of all the students, You Chen began to choose.

And Liu Ruyan was also curious, what rare card would this guy choose?

After all, before this, Mr. Xiao mentioned many times that this little guy You Chen has unique construction ability and great effects.

As a result, Liu Ruyan wanted to see it as soon as she met him.

And You Chen was the first one to choose.

He was not polite, looking at the price, and even using a computer to calculate.

The first thing to be pocketed was the three brothers of disturbance!


Seeing this situation, the crowd made a voice full of confusion.

"What's going on?"

"Why did You Chen choose three blank monsters?"

"And they are all so ugly cards."

"I can't understand You Chen's operation more and more."

"But I firmly believe that I can't understand it because I am not good enough! It is definitely not You Chen's problem."

Now in the academy, the degree of admiration for You Chen by students has reached this point.

Seeing this, Liu Ruyan was also very surprised and couldn't let it go for a long time.

It is really special.

This set of rare cards is not useless, but has special uses.

She knew this.

However, because of the complicated combination required, she didn't know how strong the effect is.

Liu Qingyi didn't expect it at all. Just now, she thought he was going to choose the sister card, but he didn't know that it was these completely inconspicuous cards.

So You Chen spent eight million only after he had selected a whole set of disruptor decks!

It can be seen that the school actually knows the value of disruptor decks.

But they don’t know much!

If this deck is used well, it really can’t play like Yu-Gi-Oh!

And seeing that there is still money, You Chen is bound to squeeze the principal dry!

Oh, no, it’s to squeeze the quota given by the principal dry!

Because there are so many cards, You Chen began to observe.

Soon he saw the familiar Yoyo card!

Yoyo is not bad.

It cost almost two million to make a set of Yoyo decks!

Just like that, ten million was in hand!

Ah, You Chen’s choice is very enjoyable, and it turns out that only those who get it for free are the most enjoyable!

If you have to spend money, it will be nothing.

“Okay! I have chosen it!”

You Chen turned and handed all these cards to the desk of the staff next to him, asking him to help him pack them.

“It’s really special!”

”If there is a chance, I must see the duel of these cards you selected.”

Liu Ruyan has begun to look forward to it.

She had thought about these rare cards in advance.

So she wanted to know if what You Chen showed was the same as what she thought.

"Oh? So, the principal wants to duel?" You Chen asked curiously.

Liu Ruyan: "."

"I'm not so disappointed."

"If we really want to duel, let Qingyi do it."

Liu Qingyi: "."

She is a biological child, so there are no accidents.

So let your daughter bear all the damage?

You Chen didn't expect that in such a short time, there were actually three more decks!

Hope Huang, Disturbance, Youyou!

Good, good! I can bring smiles to others again.

Please recommend! Monthly votes! ! You can leave any entertainment decks you want to see!

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