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Chapter 254 (5th update) Global Duel! KC ranking?

You Chen really couldn't beat these guys.

So he gave up.

After getting up and leaving the classroom, he followed Teacher Taishan from a distance.

All the students in the Thunder Academy were moving in one direction.

It was obvious that a very urgent situation had occurred.

It can also be seen from this that Mo Changqing's popularity in the Thunder Academy is actually quite high.

When he got closer, he had already discovered.

That miserable situation.

It was really miserable.

Mo Changqing was sealed in a card, and it was a large card!

It was directly pasted on the wall. The content of the card was that Mo Changqing had a terrified expression, as if he had seen something terrible, and he always had to protect the student in his arms.

This scene undoubtedly broke the hearts of countless people present!

And the most bizarre thing was that the card was pierced through the wall by a knife, and the card would actually bleed along the knife.

That's why it was said to be miserable.

Mo Changqing not only turned into a card, but was also killed!

The kind that cannot be restored?

"Teacher Mo!! Woohoo!"

"The teacher must have been attacked by the dark demons in order to protect the students!"

"You can see it from the card picture."

"Teacher Mo is not good at duels, why did he stand up? His life is also a life!"

"I am heartbroken! These dark demons are simply not human!"

The female students present cried their hearts out, more than their own relatives died.

Although there were law enforcers to maintain order, it was obvious that many female students had lost their minds and wanted to rush in.

The scene was simply a mess.

"It's too miserable." Xu Huohuo's eyes were blazing, unable to accept this situation.

"Brother Youchen, what do you think?"

I don't know when, Han Yao has appeared beside Youchen and asked softly.

"It's a pity for Teacher Mo."

Youchen just said it simply, but it was obvious that there was no fluctuation in his heart.

In fact, for people who have no intersection, death is death, and Youchen can hardly have any sympathy.

But Youchen always felt that there was some indescribable disharmony.

The reason for the disharmony is very simple.

Why didn't the students who disappeared before leave the sealed cards?

Only Mr. Mo's card was treated like this?

And it was an enlarged card.

As if they were afraid that others would not see this card.

This is quite inconsistent.

But it's not certain. Maybe the dark demons were holding some ceremony before, and they needed these sacrifices. Maybe they need to use Mo Changqing to declare war or establish their authority.

It's not surprising for the dark demons to do anything.

However, You Chen can only say that these dark demons should not find him again.

Otherwise, this time it won't be so simple. The Millennium Scepter is a dimensionality reduction attack on these dark demons!

Specialized in using dark duels to attack dark duels!

And here happened to be a young male law enforcer who saw You Chen.

His eyes lit up immediately.

"You must be You Chen, right?!"

"I'm your loyal fan, please sign an autograph for me later!"

"It was so cool to beat Xiao Ri Zi in the invitational tournament!"

You Chen lives in Bengbu, how come the Enforcer also has his fans?

But it's okay, it's just right to learn more about some unknown things.

"No problem."

"But can I ask a few questions?"

"What's going on? Any clues?"

You Chen looked at the situation over there and asked the Enforcer.

"Hey, don't be sad, obviously your teacher Mo is in trouble this time."

"These dark demons are simply beasts!"

"What a good teacher!"

"There is not much information known at present, and there are some things I can't tell you."

"But what I know is that your museum will be temporarily closed."

The Enforcer shook his head and sighed.

Hearing this, You Chen couldn't understand and frowned.

"Something happened here, why do we have to close the museum?"

The law enforcer looked around, pulled You Chen aside, and then said carefully: "Originally, I can't tell you, but it's just you."

"After our investigation, we found that the first crime scene was not here, but in the museum!"

"Later, we went to the museum and found that the secret realm had traces of being opened."

"So it is very likely that the dark demon has been back and forth in the secret realm."

"So now we have to completely seal off the secret realm on the museum side."

Hearing this, You Chen finally understood a little.

In other words, the museum was the first crime scene?

But if you say so, the problem arises again.

"I don't understand, aren't there people guarding the secret realm?" You Chen

"Don't say you don't understand. I don't understand either."

"I've asked those people, but they didn't find anything."

"So this matter still needs to be investigated and studied."

"That's all I can say."

"You Chen! You have to be careful too. You are the future of Dragon Country, so nothing can happen to you."

"Teacher Mo, we will do our best to find out the truth!"

You Chen nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

The secret realm of the museum

And it became the first case when someone was guarding it

And they could go to and from the secret realm?

These guards didn't notice anything?

The more I talk about it, the more confusing it becomes.

If I don't understand, I won't think about it.

He raised his eyes and looked at the card on the wall, falling into silence.

"You Chen."

At this moment, Long Bing came over.

This was the first time that he took the initiative to talk to You Chen.

It's so rare.

"Borrow money?" You Chen subconsciously thought.

After not speaking for ten years, he suddenly took the initiative to speak, so he had to think that this was a possibility.

Long Bing: "I'm not short of money!!"

You Chen: "Then lend me some."

Long Bing: "."

"My brother is looking for you."

"He said he wants to ask you to a duel!"

When You Chen heard this, he was a little surprised and blinked.

Does Long Kai want to duel with him?

Just right!

Didn’t the Black Magician always want to defeat the White Dragon?

Isn't this an opportunity?

This opportunity must be seized, otherwise the black magician will become moldy.

"Okay, when?"

You Chen agreed without hesitation.

"One week later!" Long Bing.

"Why a week later?" You Chen didn't understand.

"The KC Cup global qualifiers will begin in one week."

"At that time, characters who are recorded on the global list by KC Duel Club will be able to get the pre-selected points duel plate. This is a unified duel plate."

"Before the KC Cup starts in one month, as long as you score 10,000 points, you will be eligible to participate in the KC Cup. During this period, there is no limit on the number of duels and time you can have."

"However, you can only get points by defeating the characters on the list with the duel plate distributed by the KC Duel Club."

"It can be understood that it is a prelude to the KC Cup! Not only the entire city, but also the entire country, no! I should say the whole world, has become a duel festival."

"You may be challenged by the other party at any time!"

There are still more updates today! !

The follow-up addition will be more clear. When so many people have already voted for the monthly vote, the setting will be lower. The follow-up increase will be one for 100 monthly votes! !

Redeem your monthly pass!

The mermaid and the black magic girl that you have been thinking about have come out. Go and light up the character cards.

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