Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 20 Monster Card Story! Finally someone who understands bugs!

After finishing writing, You Chen browsed for a while and then turned off the computer.

Just as I was getting ready to fall asleep, I found that the chat group was busy talking at the moment.

Nuan Chong: "Recently, I discovered that my value has increased. Someone must be using me. My appearance shocked many people."

"It seems that after so many years, there is finally someone who understands Chongchong. I am so moved.jpg."

Needleworm: "The higher your value, the more fancy ways you can die."

"But I'm different. I don't need to go to the cemetery."

Resonance Insect: "I didn't expect that you two were abandoned by the Queen of Insects as trash. After enduring it for many years, did you finally usher in the rising sun?"

When You Chen saw this, he had vaguely guessed something.

From this point of view, there should be a story in it.

To be precise, it should be the story of Katu in the elf world.

As for Chong Chong's story, although he was a card player, he didn't understand it.

After all, it is indeed unknown and cannot be found online.

But listening to these few sentences, you can roughly guess what it is.

For example, Warmworm and Needleworm have been kicked out of the forest by the Queen of Insects. Of course, the insect monsters kicked out are not just the two of them, but also some mortal fish.

The resonance bug seemed to be here to send a message.

Moreover, he also cared very much about Nuan Chong's first words.

Maybe it's because I won two games using it recently, which led to the increase in value.

When the value of group members increases to a certain level, they can receive corresponding generous rewards.

Therefore, You Chen still cares about this value very much.

"Looking at it this way, if we take these two brothers to defeat the deck with the Insect Queen, can we achieve higher value?"

You Chen immediately discovered Hua Dian.

"If that's the case, it's really interesting."

You Chen closed the chat group, and his current mood value was over 12,000.

He will wait until a new group is formed before using it.

It may be that the highest value expectations of these two guys need to be fulfilled in order to have a new group.

You Chen already had an idea and turned off the light.

at the same time.

Thunder Academy Research Institute, one of the four major universities.

An old man with gray hair wore reading glasses and read a paper in Haima magazine.

His name is Xiao Shan.

He is the chief dueling researcher at Thunder College.

His structure for students' research and teaching thinking are outstanding and he is respected by others.

However, due to the saturation of construction in recent years, there have been fewer and fewer innovative constructions.

In the past, you could see different opinions and flowers blooming in Haima Magazine.

However, if this kind of innovative thinking fails, it will inevitably be criticized. Therefore, over time, many celebrities have stopped innovating in order to be conservative.

Some of the duel papers released are all clichéd duel thinking and construction.

As a result, it is difficult to see any good articles anymore.

For these celebrities, there is no need to innovate. Making no mistakes is already the best thing.

However, Xiaoshan is still releasing some construction ideas.

But recently he has been drying up too.

So I wanted to take a look at the Haima magazine, which hasn’t been published in a long time, and see if there are any new papers.

The ones that could be published were all on the home page, which caused Xiao Shan to sigh and shake his head after reading a lot.

"If this continues, such a fixed construction mentality will cause our country's duelists to regress further and further."

Xiaoshan was about to close it when he saw a comment under a paper.

"Today, this kind of constructive thinking is not feasible."

This sentence is undoubtedly like a pearl in the ocean.

Does anyone dare to criticize the article in Haima magazine?

Didn't you just follow the crowd and flatter yourself?

Xiao Shan was immediately interested and clicked on this person's profile.

I found out that it was still a new account.

There is actually an article on it.

However, because this paper was not exposed, almost no one could see it.

But just because of what he said just now, Xiao Shan was already very interested in this person's paper.

When he clicked in, he was already attracted by the first few sentences.

Building thoughts is actually like marching to war.

It is not only necessary to train troops, but also to find out the enemy's details, strategic deployment, and current important tactics.

After knowing these, start thinking against routines.

A large number of duelists can be attacked.

Of course, because counter-routine is still difficult, many people must have tried it but failed.

The reason why the mainstream is mainstream is because many people have practiced it successfully.

But difficulty doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

These words have already resonated with Xiao Shan.

He thought so too.

There is also a duel structure released below this article.

Anyone who dares to use the duel structure is either too stupid or too confident.

Because no matter what the structure is, it can't be perfect.

If it is released, some people will inevitably show off their superiority, find bones in the eggs, and find faults in various ways.

You know how many duel celebrities dare not use duel construction because it is really thankless.

However, after Xiao Shan read it, he didn't react immediately at first.

But after careful consideration, I found that the routine is feasible.

And it is easy for people to die in warm water.

"Good guy, this person is a talent."

After Xiao Shan figured it out, a rare expression of excitement appeared on his old face.

I immediately sent a private message.

I wish I could get a reply immediately.

He still had many questions and wanted to discuss them with him. Besides, he must be an old man or old woman of his age who had such unique insights.

"Such a good paper must not be buried."

"I'm going to call the magazine."

"Recommend this paper!"

"Maybe it can change the whole atmosphere of the duel society!"

After Xiao Shan finished speaking, he picked up the phone and dialed it.


The next day, You Chen had just finished a course on the ideology and morality of dueling in the college.

As the name suggests, it talks about the ideology and morality of dueling.

When teaching this class, the teacher kept staring at him, looking at him from time to time, and asking him to answer.

The students in the class had already looked up to You Chen after the previous duel. Being able to win Chen Jianming was undoubtedly a great boost to the morale of Class 6.

And when You Chen said that dueling is fun.

We should use dueling to bring smiles to our opponents.

When these words came out of You Chen's mouth, everyone's expression became extremely strange.

Even the moral teacher had heard about it before, and couldn't stand You Chen's nonsense halfway through.

You kid has morals?

I stared at you for so long, to make you reflect.

Little did I know that you were still bragging shamelessly.

Sure enough, your class teacher Fang Qing was right.

This kid's duel thinking and morality are definitely problematic!

You Chen felt very wronged. He really wanted to bring Xiao Rong to others, he was right.

And happy, he was really happy.

Not long after class, Hua Ningning actually appeared at the door of Class 6.

"You Chen, please come out for a while." Hua Ningning didn't care about the eyes cast around.

Thank you Shu Kunhui for the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket! There is also a reward of 100 coins! There are also 8986 book friends' recommendation tickets. I hope you can give more recommendation tickets to water the new book. Growth needs you.

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