Please, let me play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 11 It’s a bit stuck, so I can only cover five times.

"Is this kid crazy?"

Xu Fei returned to his position and said in disbelief when he saw You Chen actually accept the duel.

Zhang Cuihua was also surprised to see this and said strangely: "Good guy! Who gave Xiao Chen the courage?"

"It's obvious that Teacher Fu hasn't had enough fun and wants to pick a fight with Class 6 again."

"Why is this kid so stupid as to run into the gun muzzle?"

Fang Qing didn't expect You Chen to accept the duel, and he had to face Chen Jianming, the strongest in Class 5?

What is this kid up to?

Mu Qingyu didn't say anything, but his eyes were staring at You Chen.

Amid the cheers of Class 5.

Chen Jianming has already walked to the duel field.

"Okay, okay! I thought it was over, but I didn't expect there was dessert?"

"Serve the food! Serve the food!"

"This duel will surely be more delicious!"

"Guess how many minutes this duel will end?"

The students of Class 5 have already started to have fun.

Compared to the previous duels, the students of Class 5 were all relaxed in this one.

After all, there was no suspense.

"Wait a minute."

"Cuihua! Throw me your duel disk!"

You Chen did not wear a duel disk during class. To be precise, he did not have a dedicated duel disk.

This move immediately caused many students in Class 5 to burst into laughter.

"Interesting, you don't even have a duel disk, and you are already challenging Chen Jianming?"

"I see! Losing to anyone is a loss, it's better to lose to Chen Jianming, so that you can have a little face."

"Genius! The case is solved!"

Zhang Cuihua almost blacked out when she heard this, damn!

You kid didn't even bring a duel disk, are you really a duelist?

But as a close friend, I didn't say much.

Throw the duel disk out!

You Chen reached out and caught it steadily, and put it on his wrist with his backhand.

Pull out the card set from the card holder on his waist and insert it directly into the main card slot.

A beam of energy light is generated on the duel disk!

4000LP is generated!

This set of smooth and flowing operations finally took shape.

"No more words! The duel begins!!"

Chen Jianming also didn't waste words, with a sneer on his face, he inserted the main deck.

A coin fell from the sky.

What a coincidence, it was You Chen who took the first move again.

For his deck, the first move is definitely better than the second move.

And there is also an advantage of drawing cards first.

"I'll take the first move, draw a card."

After You Chen drew a card.

"It seems that my hand is a little stuck." You Chen muttered.


"You're making excuses so quickly, haha."

Chen Jianming couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Not really, then I can only cover five."

"But before that, I show the [Golden Ladybug] in my hand. During my preparation phase, I can show this card in my hand to the opponent and restore 500 basic points. When this effect is used, this card in your hand will be revealed until the end phase. This effect can only be used once per turn."

The life value rises to 4500LP at this moment.

Chen Jianming did not expect that someone else would bring this card.

You Chen shook his head and covered five cards in one breath.

The next moment, the front of him was covered with magic traps!

At this moment, the scene that was a little commotion just now suddenly became quiet.

Many people were stunned.

What's going on?

Why are there so many magic traps?

However, no matter what deck it is, as long as the opponent sees the backfield full of magic traps, the psychological pressure will be full.

After all, the fear of the unknown is the real fear!

"What deck? All magic traps?"

Chen Jianming frowned and complained.

But he didn't care.

He also knew that this guy was in the middle and lower level of Class 6.

So thinking of this, he didn't care about the magic traps on the opposite side.

It couldn't make any big waves.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Chen Jianming drew a card.

"Next, let me show you what the demeanor of a strong man is!"

"Ants like you will never understand."

Chen Jianming looked at the cards in his hand and smiled confidently.

At this moment, You Chen quickly waved his hand and opened one of his covered cards: "I will first open the ambush card, the continuous trap card [Lure of the Dead]!"

"Every time a card is sent to the graveyard, the basic points of each card and the owner of those cards will be damaged by 300."

Chen Jianming frowned again when he saw this.

What kind of meaningless deck is this guy playing?


"Reduce health?"

"I have 4000 health, you want to use this card to reduce me to death?"

"I really don't believe that I will die before you."

"I activate the magic card [Angel's Charity] from my hand!"

"Draw 3 cards from the deck, then choose 2 cards from your hand and discard them."

When You Chen saw this, he couldn't help but want to complain.

No, all the banned cards are here?

Oh, I almost forgot that I also have banned cards.

In this era, it has not evolved to the stage of having a banned card list. From this, it can be seen that there are still many buggy decks that have not been developed?

Otherwise, there will be a lot of banned cards.

However, he likes this banned card, it is too cooperative.

At this time, You Chen smiled and said, "Really?"

"I agree with your point of view."

"But now, deduct 900LP first."

You Chen did not refute his argument.

There is no need to say more about the duel. Any problem that can be solved by dueling does not need to be explained in words.



Chen Jianming gritted his teeth and endured the shuttle of three souls. He still had 3100LP left.

"I want to Normal Summon [X-Leader Cannon] from my hand!"

After the voice fell, he stretched out his hand, pinched a card, and slapped it on the duel disk.

Under a beam of energy, a light appeared in front of him.

In the light, a yellow machine with two anti-aircraft guns on its shoulders appeared, and its arms were as thick as pillars.

[X-Leader Cannon]

Light attribute/four stars/mechanical family

Attack: 1800/Defense: 1500

"The best is yet to come! Welcome my mechanical storm!"

Chen Jianming raised his proud chin, his eyes filled with excitement!

You Chen saw this and could not deny that this XYZ mechanical combination was indeed very strong and cool in the early stage, after all, it had destruction and linkage.

"I activate the continuous magic card [Front Base] from my hand!"

"During my main phase, I can special summon 1 Allied monster of level 4 or less from my hand. This effect can only be activated once per turn."

"Then I can special summon an Allied monster from my hand! Come out! [Z-Metal Tracks]!"

Another ray of light emerged.

The mechanical appearance of the yellow chassis, in the link, there is an eye pupil in it.

[Z-Metal Tracks]

Light attribute / four stars / mechanical family / alliance

Attack: 1500 / Defense: 1300

"Not finished yet! I will also activate the magic card [Resurrection of the Dead] from my hand!"

"Then revive [Y-Dragon Head] from the graveyard!"

This wave of chain unfolds.



Chen Jianming's life value is still 2800LP!

A red flying dragon armored machine flew over from the cemetery, spreading its red wings, and its tail had joint cracks.

[Y-Dragon Head]

Light attribute/Four stars/Mechanical family/Alliance

Attack: 1500/Defense: 1600

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