Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 170 The so-called talent

"This is the complete Breath of the Sun, the Breath of the Sun that can fight against the Ghost King Onimu Tsuji Muzan!"

Purgatory Makijuro stared closely at Kamado Tanjiro who started dancing again. The child kept dancing, from the first form to the twelfth form, in a cycle that never stopped.

"As long as you master the correct breathing method, even a father who is usually sick can dance until dawn!"

Kamado Tanjiro recalled what happened in the past. He should have remembered it a long time ago. This "God of Fire Kagura Dance" is obviously unusual and has the power to turn decay into magic.

His father was even so ill that he was unable to do heavy work. Even cutting firewood and selling charcoal were done by him at a young age. However, his father was still very agile in dancing the "God of Fire Kagura Dance" and could still do it. Easily hold on until dawn.

"How is it? Have you memorized it? Can you learn it?"

On the side, Ke Ling asked Purgatory Makijuro. This middle-aged man looked at it very seriously, and he didn't look bad at all at this time.

"No, this sun's breath"

Purgatory Makijuro shook his head, his expression was very serious. This was the first time he saw the breath of the sun written in the book with his own eyes, the breath of the sun that no one except Tsukikuni Enichi had practiced.

Among the first generation of breathing swordsmen, including Tsukuni Enichi's elder brother, Iwakatsu Tsukuni, none could master Sun Breathing, so the five basic breathing techniques were born.

The book says it is too difficult, but the specific method of difficulty is not clear at all. The ancestors gave the statement that "other people cannot learn the sun's breath because they cannot withstand the power of the sun." This abstract statement is obviously It cannot be understood literally. Who knows how to withstand the power of the sun?

Now that he has seen it with his own eyes, Purgatory Makijuro seems to understand a little bit. This breath of the sun really depends on one's talent. He tried to imitate it, but he couldn't figure it out at all, as if the sun couldn't shine on him at all. Same.

"Can't your body withstand the power of the sun?"

Ke Ling pondered for a moment, if the special thing about this breath of the sun is that it can use the power of the sun for his own use, then for him, this is not a help, but poison!

"The breath of the sun can emit the same energy as the sun, and it has huge lethality to ghosts. After the ghost king is slashed, he cannot regenerate. This is also written in the book."

Purgatory Makijuro himself is not sure whether the breath of the sun really has this power, but it is indeed written in the "Book of Flame Pillar". The ancestor who has seen the style of Jiguo Enichi must know the breath of the sun better than them. The power and essence of it.

"No wonder."

Ke Ling nodded. Thinking about it, Jiguo Yuanyi was able to beat the ghost king, Oni Wu Tsujimu, and run away in embarrassment. He must have the power to suppress the ghost king's regeneration power. If the breath of the sun has almost It is equivalent to the energy of the sun, which will indeed restrain ghosts very much.

"But the restraint is certainly not that exaggerated."

Ke Ling thought for a moment. If a ghost is directly hit by the sun, it will directly turn into ashes. Even the King of Ghosts, Kibutsuji Mumei, will definitely not be able to avoid this. However, the breath of the sun is obviously not so abnormal, but it can restrain the regeneration ability. .

"It's too difficult. You can't learn it at all."

After watching for a while, Purgatory Makijuro was immediately smashed. Maybe some people's bodies have special talents, so even sick people can still learn the breathing of the sun.

No matter how powerful those swordsmen are, if they don't have the talent to learn the Breath of the Sun, they just don't have it. No matter how hard they try, it's useless.

"Is this talent really passed down in the blood? Doesn't the brother of Tsukuni Enichi not have this talent? How has this talent been passed down to the Kamado family for four to five hundred years? Every generation They all have the talent to practice the Breath of the Sun? Is it possible that this talent is only possessed by the bloodline of Jigoku Enichi?"

Ke Ling raised doubts and learned from Tanjiro Kamado that this "God of Fire Kagura Dance" was passed down from generation to generation in his family and was danced every year when worshiping the God of Fire. In other words, his family's Every generation can learn

If Enichi Tsukuni's brother can't do it, then only Enichi's bloodline can do it. Ke Ling naturally came to this conclusion. He has already determined that the Kamado family is the bloodline of Enichi Tsukuni. , which is also a preconception of the lineage theory.

The main reason is that other reasons are even less reliable. It can't be that Jigoku Yuanyi happened to meet a family of people with special talents, right?

Let's not talk about how he saw this talent. He clearly didn't have this ability when he taught the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps. Even if he could really see that the ancestors of the Kamado family had the talent to practice the Breath of the Sun, How can he be sure that the descendants of this family will always be able to do so?

"It makes us all look like fools, but these people are the protagonists of the world, and the stage is prepared for them."

Purgatory Makijuro smiled dejectedly. Sure enough, everything still depends on talent.

As for talent, the literal meaning is very clear. It is given by God at birth, and it is the last thing that can be forced. Their upper limit has been determined, and they can never be compared with those who can practice the Breath of the Sun.

"Descendants of the Sun Breathing Swordsman?"

Kamado Tanjiro stopped moving. The more he listened to the words of Ke Ling and Purgatory Makijuro, the more strange he felt. Why did he suddenly find an ancestor for him? The Kamado family has been passed down from generation to generation, and their surname is not that of Jiguo at all!

"Well, Mr. Ke Ling, my family has a genealogy. Ever since our ancestors moved to the mountains during the Warring States Period, each generation has been clearly recorded!"

Kamado Tanjiro raised his hand. He felt that he could prove his ancestry. His family must not have the surname Tsukuni!

Ke Ling and Infernal Makijuro looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces, and Ke Ling kept complaining in his heart.

To be honest, Ke Ling wouldn't find it strange if the "blood theory" was used. This is also reasonable in the matter of Breath of the Sun. After all, Breath of the Sun is very mysterious, and there are so many outstanding demon slayers. None of the swordsmen could learn it, but the protagonist Tanjiro Kamado's family was able to pass it on from generation to generation.

The protagonist is the descendant or reincarnation of a former strong man. This at least provides a past reason for the protagonist's specialness. The classic "Sea of ​​Fire" is all of this type.

The reactions of Ke Ling and Purgatory Makijuro made Kamado Tanjiro very embarrassed. In order to prove that what he said was true, Kamado Tanjiro went directly back to the house and rummaged through his luggage. He took out the family tree of the Kamado family, which was just a simple After all, remembering the names, birthdays, and death anniversaries of our ancestors cannot get any more complicated.

"Zhamen Tanji, Zhu Mizi."

Looking at the family tree of the Kamado family that Kamado Tanjiro took out, Purgatory Makijuro turned directly to the first page, and then he was dumbfounded.

The couple Kamado Tankichi and Shumiko fled to the mountains during the Warring States Period. Looking at their ages, it can be understood that neither male nor female could be the descendants of Enichi Suikoku.

"The story is really that outrageous, isn't it?"

Ke Ling rolled his eyes. Is it possible that the fate of the country is inevitable? Did he just happen to meet a couple with special talents in the mountains? And then directly taught them the Breath of the Sun?


Purgatory Makijuro returned the ancestral genealogy to Kamado Tanjiro, and the expression on his face was even more profound. It turns out that the special person is not only Enichi Tsukuni, but the Kamado family is also a type with very special talents.

Thinking about it, they have been living in the same place since the Warring States Period, and it has been passed down for four to five hundred years, and they have never left generation after generation. The Kamado family is somewhat blessed by God.

After all, there have been many wars in the past four to five hundred years, especially the melee in the Warring States Period and the overthrow of the shogunate at the end of the shogunate. They were wars that swept across the country, and few people were immune to them.

"Tanjiro Kamado, your family was destroyed by the Demon King, and you joined the Demon Slayer Squad. It seems that a heavy responsibility falls on your shoulders."

Purgatory Makijuro drank a sip of wine to hide the loss in his heart, his own lack of talent, Kibutsuji Mukai's strength, and the death of his wife. These factors combined to cause his ruin.

Now that I have gone out for a run, it proves that some people are indeed the chosen ones, and they are just insignificant supporting roles.

"An important task. What important task?"

Kamado Tanjiro scratched his head. He felt that Mr. Purgatory in front of him was strange.

"Of course I'm going to kill Mukai Kibutsuji! Breathe the sun, penetrate the world, and work hard to awaken the pattern. You have to work hard to do what Tsukuni Enichi didn't do!"

Seeing that Kamado Tanjiro is still out of the situation, Purgatory Makijuro has a look of hatred on his face. He seems to be empathizing with his ancestors. You chosen ones, people with special talents, please bear with me. Take your responsibilities!


Ke Ling heard a dark clue, what kind of terrible pressure monster is this?

And no matter how strange it sounds, there is a strong sense of nine-headed insects asking Benboerba to kill Tang Seng and his disciples.

Of course, Kamado Tanjiro is definitely not a busy boy. Ke Ling still knows the character of Tanjiro very well.

"Of course I will go! I will definitely defeat Kibutsuji Muzan!"

As expected, Tanjiro Kamado looked determined. This was also the goal he had set for himself. After all, Ke Ling had already told him that it was Mu Tsuji who killed his family and turned Nezuko into a ghost!


Purgatory Makijuro looked at the passionate Kamado Tanjiro and felt quite satisfied, but this kid obviously still needs a long time to grow up. Let alone defeat Mukai Kibutsuji for the time being, this guy couldn't even defeat him, even Even the breathing method has not been truly mastered. Whether it is water breathing or sun breathing, they are still at the most basic introductory stage.

"I'm too anxious, Tanjiro. Let's pass the final trial first. We'll talk about defeating Mukai Kibutsuji later."

Sakonji, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke, which made Kamado Tanjiro blush immediately. He seemed to have said something outrageous just now, but that was indeed the goal he had been working hard for.

"From now on, you can master this Breath of the Sun. I will continue to help you polish your body and teach you how to fight ghosts."

Kintaki Sakonji continued to speak. He did not expel Kamado Tanjiro from his school because he no longer needed to learn water breathing. He had many things to teach Kamado Tanjiro. With decades of experience in ghost hunting, There is also the application of the special sense of smell, which he can teach Kamado Tanjiro, especially the sense of smell, which no one else can help with.

"Yes, Master Lintaki!"

Of course Kamado Tanjiro has no objection to this. He likes Master Lintaki very much because Mr. Lintaki takes good care of Nezuko.

Speaking of Kamado Nezuko, Purgatory Makijuro must of course go and take a look. This is the first time he has heard of a ghost who sleeps all the time, never eats people, and protects his brother.

After seeing the sleeping Kamado Nezuko, Purgatory Makijuro became silent again. His "protagonist and supporting role theory" seemed to be confirmed again. This family is different from others even after becoming ghosts! Such ghosts actually exist!

"Excuse me, Senior Lintaki, the Lord is still waiting for news from us."

After being hit again, Purgatory Makijuro chose to leave. All the things that needed to be confirmed had been determined. They still had to go back and report to Ubuya Shiki Yoya, and they could not stay here any longer.

"Tell your lord, I will teach this child well."

The expression on Nintaki Sakonji Tengu's face under the mask was extremely serious, and he also felt some pressure. In fact, he really thought that Tanjiro Kamado's talent was not particularly perverted, and his personality was too gentle. A heavy burden is placed on this child. Can he really bear it?

"Please, Lintaki-senpai."

Purgatory Makijuro nodded. Kamado Tanjiro will definitely attract much attention in the future. Of course, it also depends on what the lord thinks about this. The Demon Slayer Corps is the demon slaying team of the Ubuyashiki clan. What does the lord think? Critical.

"Come on, Tanjiro, I believe you can do it. Don't forget what I told you. No matter what difficulties you encounter, never give up."

Ke Ling patted Kamado Tanjiro's head. He was confident that his words would still have a great impact on Kamado Tanjiro.

"I will! Mr. Ke Ling."

As expected, Tanjiro Kamado nodded seriously. After the sudden change, Ke Ling did not stop giving the child blood, and he also set an example and practiced it. The scene of him devouring his own flesh and blood in order not to eat others is still there to this day. Kamado Tanjiro couldn't get it out of his mind. Whenever he wanted to give up and felt tired, Kamado Tanjiro would think of that scene.

After saying a simple goodbye, Ke Ling and Purgatory Makijuro left Samagiri Mountain directly and began to return to the Demon Slayer Headquarters.

"Compared to the Breath of the Sun, which is useless to us supporting characters, this transparent world is a good gain."

On the road, the two of them walked Purgatory Makijuro while talking about the transparent world, the world that can be seen when the mind becomes transparent, the highest realm that can be reached only after working hard and enduring pain.

Although it sounds very mysterious, Kamado Tanjiro's father has already explained how to do it. It's very simple. You only need to concentrate highly and close the redundant senses. When the noisy information is isolated, the eyes in front of you can be seen. Everything will become transparent and the whole person will enter a special state.

In this state, due to the acceleration of perception, the enemy's actions will appear to be slower, and because the eyes can see every move of the enemy's muscles and blood vessels, they can even predict the enemy's attack, and can also predict their own muscles and blood vessels. The control of blood will also be strengthened, which can increase one's speed and strength.

It can be said that those who have mastered the transparent world and those who have not mastered it are no longer on the same level. Even if the hard power is not as good as it is, it is possible to leapfrog and kill instantly. This ability is very overbearing.


Ke Ling thought for a moment, how could the effect of this ability have a bit of a "Sian Westan" meaning, and then add a perspective scanning prosthetic eye? To be honest, the Krypton Gold Warrior can really achieve a similar effect. Now science and metaphysics are interconnected.

Moreover, this ability is very malleable, so it may not be possible to develop other uses. It can block other senses and strengthen the eyes. Isn't it possible to change the sense to be strengthened?

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