Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 166 The Secret of the Purgatory Clan

"Unfortunately, a lot of information has been lost long ago. I have nothing to tell you about Muzan Kibutsuji."

Ubuyashiki Yōya said awkwardly. It was really hard to talk about this matter. There was no other way. Facing the Ghost King Kibutsuji Mukai, they were still on the weak and passive side after all.

Over the years, they have collected very little effective information, and no one has even seen the true form of Muzan Kibutsuji. Ke Ling was the first one, and he also provided the relevant information.

".It's really good."

Ke Ling pursed his lips, really not knowing how to complain.

"As for the starting breath, the inheritance has been cut off for a long time. During the Warring States Period, a swordsman who used the starting breath almost killed Demonbutsuji Muzan, but the subsequent crazy revenge of Ghostbutsuji Muzan made Heqi The information related to Hajime's breathing has been completely cut off from generation to generation, and there are no more records from the Demon Slayer Squad."

Ubuyashiki Yaoya continued, then he tilted his head and suddenly thought of a record that might be able to help Ke Ling.

"The swordsmen of the Warring States Period were very powerful. They all seemed to have strange markings similar to ghost marks on their bodies. This is recorded in detail in the book."

Ubuyashiki Yaoya looked at Ke Ling, hoping that this news would be of some help.

"Strange markings? Are they found on every powerful Demon Slayer swordsman?"

Hearing this, Ke Ling immediately became interested. This pattern should belong to the realm after "Complete Concentration·Changzhong".

The "breathing method" really needs subsequent development, and it cannot just stop at "full concentration·normal". According to common sense, these pillars will definitely explode when fighting the final BOSS. Maybe there will be something else besides this pattern. Ability.

Ke Ling's heart itched when he heard this. This feeling of holding a pipa and half covering his face was really heart-breaking. It felt like he was just outside. The legendary starting swordsman must be crucial, but even Demon Slayer The team didn't know much about the guy.

"It's been hundreds of years, and no one from the Demon Slayer Squad has developed abilities like this pattern?"

Ke Ling frowned, were he really just waiting for the protagonist Tanjiro Kamado to appear?

"No, never."

Ubuyashiki Yōya answered affirmatively that they had clearly recorded what happened after the Warring States Period. Since the first generation of swordsmen, there have been no records of awakening patterns.


Ke Ling couldn't help but be speechless, which made Uyashiki Yaoya even more embarrassed.

"There is no way. During that time, the evil spirits have been specifically hunting people related to the Starting Breath. They are afraid of the Starting Breathing and want to drive away all those who know the Starting Breathing."

Ubuyashiki Yōya reiterated that this really cannot be blamed on their Demon Slayer Squad for not protecting them well. It can only be said that it was a non-war crime. During that period, it was not easy for them to survive.

"Kill them all? Hasn't the Purgatory family always passed this down?"

Ke Ling raised objections to this. Logically speaking, this kind of "killing them all" is not practical. To kill everyone who knows something, how ignorant and arrogant does it take to think that he can do it? A bit too wishful thinking.

Especially since they are not a powerful government agency, they are just a very loose group of ghosts, and they simply do not have the conditions to do it. People can just find a place to hide, and there are so many people. How do you know that they don’t know how to start breathing? ?

It is really unbelievable that the Demon Slayer's classics were lost so much. It can only be said that the incident may have happened suddenly at that time, and the lair was directly destroyed, and they happened to not make other backups.

"Perhaps the Purgatory knows something."

Ke Ling's words stunned Ubuyashiki Yoshiya, and then he said hesitantly, according to common sense, the Purgatory family's information should be available at the Demon Slayer Headquarters, but he was not 100% sure.

"Are you kidding me?"

Ke Ling's expression was very strange. He cited the example of the Purgatory family just to prove that this so-called "killing all" was a bit too exaggerated.

After all, the Purgatory family is a direct descendant of the first generation of flame pillar swordsmen, inheriting the breath of flame, and has existed as the flame pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps for generations for nearly five hundred years. How dare you call this a genocide?

However, Ke Ling really didn't think that the Purgatory family would have information that even the Ghost Slayer Headquarters didn't have. Such a loyal family of ghost hunters who devoted themselves to killing ghosts until death would hide such important information at home. Turn it in?

"I am not sure."

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya is very honest. To be honest, he has never thought about this problem, because subconsciously he feels that it shouldn't be, but what if? What if our ancestors thought so? Do even the Purgatorians think so?


The corner of Ke Ling's mouth twitched, good guy, this is really possible!

As one of the few complete families inherited from four to five hundred years ago, it is common sense in people's minds that the Purgatory family and the Ubuyashiki family should exchange information, but what if the ancestors were not that What to do?

"I gonna go see."

Without much hesitation, Ke Ling chose to go directly to Purgatory's house to take a look. He said goodbye to Ubuya Shiki Yōya and chased after Purgatory Anjuro.

Not long after Purgatory Xingshoulang left, Ke Ling quickly caught up with him.

"You're going to my house? Looking for information about Initiation Breathing?"

After learning about Ke Ling's purpose, Purgatory Anjuro was a little surprised. Is there no relevant record at the Demon Slayer Headquarters?

"I do have a book of notes left by the Flame Pillars of the past generations at home. Maybe you will find what you want. It is a book that has been continuously written by the Flame Pillars of the past generations and records the history of ghost hunting of the Purgatory family."

Purgatory Anjuro thought for a moment, maybe this book is not available at the Demon Slayer Headquarters? His expression was also very surprised.

After all, according to common sense, even if this "Book of Flame Pillars" is the notes of ancestors of past generations, the Purgatory clan should never keep the important information in it to themselves.

"Maybe there is some special reason."

Ke Ling has accepted this fact. In four to five hundred years, anything can happen. Who knows what went wrong for so many generations. Instead of worrying about this, it is better to verify it quickly. If it is true, it can be Share it early.

"Yeah, it's important."

Purgatory Anjuro nodded seriously. He also understood the importance of this matter. If his "Book of Flame Pillars" really contains so much important information, he should really take it out as soon as possible. Share it with everyone.

The two of them immediately rushed to the Purgatory family. This was naturally the Purgatory family's old house. Purgatory Makijuro would definitely go back to his hometown to display it.

"In addition to my father, I have a younger brother in my family. There is no one else. Mr. Ke Ling does not need to be restrained."

Purgatory Xingshoulang brought Ke Ling into the house. He took the initiative to introduce Ke Ling. This child was very considerate and took good care of other people's emotions.

As soon as Purgatory Anjuro finished speaking, a child with a hairstyle and face very similar to him ran out.

"Qianshoulang, I'm back. This is Mr. Ke Ling."

Seeing the child, Purgatory Anjuro said with a smile on his face, this is his younger brother Purgatory Senjuro, who is six years younger than him and is only twelve years old this year.

"Brother, you are back! Hello, Mr. Ke Ling, please come in and sit down."

Purgatory Senjuro was very happy to see his brother back, but he did not lose his composure. Instead, he saluted Ke Ling very politely. Although this child was not old, he had an elegant and easy-going temperament.

Ke Ling knew in his heart that this child was probably the type with little talent. Otherwise, as a family of ghost hunters, it would be impossible for him not to practice breathing techniques. Although Purgatory Qianshoulang was not considered thin, he could tell at a glance that this child lacked That momentum.

Although it is unreasonable to have such high demands on a twelve-year-old child, Ke Ling has already accepted the age setting of this world, and these pillars are extremely young.

Furthermore, Kamado Tanjiro is only thirteen years old this year. Compared with this Purgatory Senjuro, Kamado Tanjiro, who has only trained for more than two months, is much stronger and more like a swordsman.

Ke Ling followed the Purgatory brothers into the courtyard. Although the Purgatory family is not as big as the Ubuyashiki clan's mansion, it still has a courtyard. After all, it is a family that has been inherited for four to five hundred years, and it has been a flame pillar for generations. The Purgatory family There is no shortage of money either.

"Please wait a moment, I'll make tea."

Entering the main living room, Purgatory Qianshoulang asked Ke Ling to sit down, and then he started to get busy. This child was not very young, but he already had the attitude of a "good wife and mother" and was very capable in doing things.

He lost his mother when he was still young, and his father immediately began to mess up. His elder brother Purgatory Anjuro worked hard to practice. He himself had no talent for practicing, so he could only find things to distract himself. Although his brother took good care of him, He must learn to take care of himself while his brother is away.

"No need to be busy, Senjuro, I don't drink tea."

Ke Ling stopped Purgatory Senjuro. He was born as a Chosen Orphan. He sympathized with Purgatory Senjuro's situation of being more of an orphan than an orphan. If it weren't for Infernal Kyōjuro, a brother full of sunshine and positive energy, It’s hard to imagine what this kid, Purgatory Senjuro, will look like.

"Um okay."

Purgatory Senjuro stopped his movements when he heard this and sat down at the table honestly. He could see that his brother seemed to have something to say.

"Qian Juro, I have become the Flame Pillar."

Sure enough, after Purgatory Senjuro sat down, Purgatory Anjuro spoke, looking like he couldn't wait to share it with his brother.

"Really?! Great!"

After hearing this, Purgatory Senjuro finally showed some childishness. He stood up with a happy face, and his excitement was beyond words. He was truly happy for his brother.

He did not give up on himself because he had no talent for cultivation. With the encouragement of his brother, he continued to work hard.

"I'm going to tell my father the news."

Purgatory Xingshoulang nodded, then stood up and said sorry to Ke Ling. Ke Ling naturally had no objection. Although he was not very optimistic about the outcome of this matter, it was his efforts as a son.

"That's great. I wish I could do the same."

After Purgatory Senjuro entered the back room to find his father, Purgatory Senjuro was still in a state of excitement, looking at his brother's back, he couldn't help but fantasize.

"Do you really want to become stronger?"

Ke Ling interjected, Purgatory Senjuro's character is really lovable. Growing up in such an environment, he doesn't have any negative character. Although he is not as outgoing as Purgatory Xingjuro, his personality The character is also positive.

"I'm not talented enough"

When Ke Ling asked, Purgatory Qianshoulang came back to his senses in embarrassment. He saw his own affairs quite clearly. Although he worked hard, talent was really unreasonable.

His father said that the three of them, father and son, had no talent, and that they would never achieve anything great and were just doing useless work. However, Purgatory Senjuro knew very well that he was the only one who lacked talent.

"Talent doesn't necessarily have to be a limitation."

Looking at the child in front of him, Ke Ling narrowed his eyes and replied, but his words obviously made Purgatory Qianshou Lang a little confused.

Before Purgatory Senjuro could ask again, Purgatory Anjuro, who had just entered the back room, had already come out. He entered and exited very neatly.

Seeing Purgatory Xingjulang come out, Purgatory Qianjulang didn't bother to ask Ke Ling anymore. He immediately went up to ask Purgatory Xingjulang:

"Brother, is Father happy? If I can become a pillar, will Father approve of me?"

Looking at his brother's expectant face, Purgatory Anjuro paused, but then he chose to confess and did not lie to deceive his brother.

"My father is not happy, and he doesn't care about me becoming a pillar. He still says that we, father and son, can't achieve great things."

Purgatory Senjuro told the truth in an ordinary tone, and there was no trace of disappointment. On the contrary, Purgatory Senjuro froze there, as if something that had been supporting him collapsed.

"Although Father said this, my enthusiasm will never fade away. I will work hard to do my own thing and protect everyone."

Purgatory Anjuro continued to speak. These words were obviously to cheer him up. He must also be very hurt in his heart.

"Qianjuro, don't be disappointed, and don't force yourself. No matter which path we take, we must become excellent people, and we must always keep a burning passion in our hearts. Even if we feel lonely along the way, we must work hard to live. .”

After self-comfort and relief, Purgatory Senjuro looked at his younger brother. He began to radiate warmth again. As an older brother, he was the best role model for Purgatory Senjuro.

".I understand, brother."

Purgatory Senjuro recovered from his daze. He was obviously greatly shocked, but he also felt relieved that he had given up something. His whole state seemed much more relaxed.

"We're going to do our best together."

Purgatory Anjuro encouraged Purgatory Senjuro, hoping that his younger brother could cheer up and not be affected by his father's affairs.


Ke Ling looked on, feeling a little embarrassed, but he really couldn't say anything more. Everything he said about the father and son was wrong, so he might as well just shut up.

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