Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 144 Hawk Moth and FIA

After leaving the Concerned Club, Ke Ling and the other three went straight to the place they had made an appointment with the butcher, near the Long Beach stockyard.

Don’t rush when it comes to picking up airdrops. It also depends on the timing. After all, airdrops don’t drop every day. You have to prepare in advance. Airdrop hunters come prepared and want to pick up the airdrops as soon as they hit the head. , and in the end just delivered food to Netherworld Dog.

They need to deal with the butcher who tried to trick them first, trying to use Kurt Hansen to scare people, but he really picked the wrong target, and the brothers will not accept this trick.

Soon, Thrace drove to the Long Beach Stockyards, a living area in Dogtown that was, well, just barely liveable.

The environment of the Long Beach stockyard is not good. The architectural style gives Ke Ling the feeling that it is a bit like Diamond City in the wasteland, or even worse than Diamond City. The security and environment are inferior.

how to say? In a future world, the living area in this city is similar to the residential area in the wasteland world after the nuclear explosion, which is really a bit uncomfortable.

In the center of the Long Beach Stockyard area, there is a bare, dry tree. This tree is tightly surrounded by lighted lanterns and photos of the deceased. This is a place where people mourn the dead and is also the symbol of the Long Beach Stockyard. Sexual scenery.

It is said that this is the only living tree in Dog Town.

V once again talked about the dog town rumors. This should be more reliable than getting rich overnight by picking up airdrops. At least there is no danger.

Is it some kind of irony that the only living tree in Dogtown has become a place dedicated to commemorating the dead?

Ke Ling smiled. Their Thracian was parked not far away. The place they were looking for was right here. He had already seen the sign.

Hawk Moth Bar, the name is interesting.

Compared with the name Preoccupied, Hawk Moth, who is also an animal, is more interested in Jack Wills.

This small bar is far from your wild wolf.

Walking on the creaking stairs, V complained that this Hawk Moth Bar is obviously a relatively friendly bar, perfectly integrated into the living area that seems to be built on a garbage dump.

The Moth, this is it.

Ke Ling looked at the signboard, the door of the bar opened, and the three of them went straight in. This was indeed a small bar. The space inside was not large, and the decoration was very shabby. Drinking was fine, but entertainment was forgettable. This small bar did not Doesn't have those features.

Welcome, what would you like to drink? Handsome guys and girls.

The bar was very small, and there was only one bartender, who also served as a waiter. Ke Ling looked over at her, and she was a pretty girl with blond hair.

What good wine do you have here? Do you have any Jack Wills?

Jack sat down on the bar chair and chatted with the bartender with a smile. He really seemed to like the bartending recipe Ke Ling gave him. He would talk about it in every bar he went to. It was a free license, as long as he didn't Just change the name of this recipe and you can use it as you like.

Huh? What's that?

The bartender had a question mark. She really had never heard of it. She quickly glanced at Ke Ling, V, and Jack Wills, and quickly judged that these three people were not bad, and... This must be the first time I’ve come to Dog Town.

Jack Wills is my exclusive recipe, named after the big guy, make him a drink and then give the lady a drink of whatever she wants.

Ke Ling sat next to Jack and told him the Jack Wills Cocktail Recipe for which he had first registered the copyright. Then he ordered another drink for V, who sat next to him.

A vodka with ice, lime juice, and ginger beer. It sounds good. I won't add it if you love me. I'll give this lady a special drink. What about you, handsome? Don't you want to drink when you come to the bar?

The blonde bartender had a smile on her face, and she winked at Ke Ling, exuding charm.

He only drinks coffee. Let me introduce myself, Jack Wills. This is Devil and V. Beauty, may I know your name?

Jack Wills took over the conversation with a smile. He changed the topic directly and did not let the bartender continue to question Ke Ling.

Just call me Daphne. Wait, I'll be here soon.

Daphne answered with a smile. She didn't say anything more and turned around to mix drinks. It was just getting dark outside and the bar hadn't started to fill up yet. There were only two customers besides Ke Ling and the other three.

That guy hasn't come yet.

V said that she and Jack had seen the guy who smuggled organic meat, but Ke Ling had not. The task of confirming the identity naturally belonged to her and Jack, and these two customers were obviously not the same.

I sent him a message and he said he would be here soon.

Jack tapped the table with his index finger. He was already thinking about how to teach the bastard who was pulling the tiger's skin. He also said that to test their abilities, it would be better to test his vitality first.

There's something wrong with this Daphne.

Ke Ling leaned back slightly and sent the message to V and Jack, which made both of them a little confused. They obviously didn't notice anything.

It's normal if you don't see it.

Ke Ling is not surprised by this. Daphne uses a profiling mask, one of the most cutting-edge products in military technology. This kind of disguise is naturally not something that ordinary prosthetic eyes can see through.

Damn! Who is this guy?! Can he get this kind of technology?!

V and Jack were not aware of it. They had never even heard of this profiling mask. You can imagine how sophisticated this technology is.

But in fact, this is a technology from five years ago. It is just that the confidentiality work is done well. Ordinary people have not even heard about it, let alone the information. This is specially prepared for agents.

Daphne's true identity is an agent of the new Federal Intelligence Agency (FIA). Her name is Alex, an actress born in the slums of Los Angeles. Her dream is to become a Mewtwo star. As a result, due to her extraordinary talent and miraculous acting skills, He was recruited into the FIA ​​and became the FIA's master of disguise.

During the Unification War, she was dispatched to Night City. In 2070, the Alvin Accords were signed and the war ended. She was unable to escape Night City and was stranded in Dog Town. So far, she has worked as a bartender in the Hawk Moth Bar. Bartender for five years.

Really or not? That bastard who smuggles organic meat specially arranged to meet here. Isn't he also from the FIA?

Daphne's true identity obviously surprised V and Jack Wells. This was the first time they had come into contact with someone from the FIA. They looked calm on their faces, but they began to murmur in their hearts that it was probably just a coincidence. .

Definitely not. This guy is very hidden. It's impossible for him to do this kind of business.

Ke Ling reassured the two of them. Alex would naturally have nothing to do with the smugglers. She had not exposed herself to anyone.

At this time, Alex had finished bartending. She came over with two wine glasses and a smile on her face. She didn't look like she had been trapped here for five years.

I can only say that he is truly a master of disguise, with superb acting skills and a strong sense of conviction. No wonder the secret has not been revealed even after five years.

A glass of Jack Wills, a glass of my special blend. I hope you like it, darlings.

Alex didn't realize that all her old tricks had been wiped out by Ke Ling. She still played her role as the well-spoken and charming Daphne.

Daphne, serve the wine, serve the wine!

Before V and Jack could say anything to Alex, a group of people came into the bar and started shouting as soon as they entered.

Wait, can you please keep your voice down? Don't disturb my guests.

Alex shook his head angrily, obviously there was nothing he could do against these guys. Of course, Daphne couldn't do anything. Alex could easily kill these bastards.

Here it comes, it's that bastard!

Seeing the group of people coming in, V immediately stood up. She stared at one of them, not the leader.

Hi! Here.

Jack Wells shouted, attracting the attention of the group. As expected, the group came directly to the three of them.

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