Maybe it will last longer than your voodoo gang.

V answered Placid's question very politely.

She disliked Placid from the beginning. If the attitude of the voodoo gang that brought them here was just a little condescending, then in the eyes of this Placid, she and Jack Wei Else is just bullshit, this bastard doesn't take them seriously at all.

Hmph, as long as your skills with your hands are half as good as those with your mouth.

Placid glanced at V, but he was not angry. He grinned and spoke slowly, revealing a charming smile as he spoke.

Whether it's as powerful as it sounds, just take your time and watch.

V has never been a loser. When Placid said something, she would reply with the same sentence. She responded to everything.


Of course, Placid definitely doesn't like this response, but he is different from other high-caste Haitians in the Voodoo Gang. Even though this man is aloof in his heart and looks down on these Night City people, he can make The right choice.

V, Jack Wills and the forces behind them must be very powerful if they can kill Clay Hall. He will not take the initiative to provoke disputes because of his prejudices. That is not in line with their voodoo Help interests.

Pay the money first and then buy the goods. This is the usual rule. If you accept it, I'll leave it to you. If you don't, please leave.

Placid said simply that this business is actually not important to the Voodoo Gang. They do not make money from this kind of thing, but it is very important to the ordinary Haitians below. Selling organic meat to the city is not a big deal. is one of their sources of income.

If Maman Bridget, the boss of the Voodoo Gang, was in charge, she would not pay attention to this problem at all, because she does not care about the life and death of ordinary Haitians, she only cares about her own plans, and most of the upper castes are Such a mentality.

Only Placid is different. He has a sense of responsibility for ordinary Haitians. He believes that as leaders of Haitians, they have the responsibility to let Haitians in Taiping live a better life. He is obviously a somewhat special person. Upper caste.

Of course, he is not Maman Bridget's enemy, he is a loyal subordinate. Although Maman Bridget does not care about the life and death of ordinary Haitians, she does not mind what Placid does as long as it does not affect the life and death of ordinary Haitians. Just her plan.

No problem, but you have to ensure that the goods are ok. We will not accept defective goods, just like Klee Hall.

V and Jack Wills looked at each other and accepted Placid's statement. This was not too much. They were quite familiar with this kind of delivery and pickup tasks. They used to be responsible for running errands, but now their status is It has changed and it has become a matter of cooperation.

This is natural. We have had no problems with our cooperation with Klee Hall. Everything is business as usual. I don't expect any accidents.

Placid nodded. He had no objection to this. Klee Hall also requested the same. Haitians themselves also eat organic meat, which will of course control the occurrence of epidemics.

Wish us a pleasant cooperation, Mr. Placid.

Jack Wells breathed a sigh of relief. He reached out to Placid. After negotiating with the Haitians, at least there will be no shortage of goods in a short time. The remaining Dog Town and Wanderer tribes will have to wait for more. etc.

It's nice to work with you, Mr. Wells.

Placid endured the discomfort and shook hands with Jack Wills. As a noble upper caste, he did feel a little wronged.


V couldn't help but be speechless. These Haitians from the Voodoo Gang really make people want to beat them up. In the eyes of these guys, it seems that except for their fellow high-caste companions, everyone else is not a human being, but someone. Like a lowly humanoid creature.

see a visitor out.

V didn't like Placid, and he didn't like the people in the Voodoo Gang. Placid didn't want to keep these unfaithful Night City people any longer. After the business was concluded, he immediately told V and Jack Wells to get out. , I don’t want to see these two people again for a moment.

V and Jack left the Voodoo Gang's territory and informed Ke Ling, the old captain, and the priest of the news. Now the business nominally belongs to Ke Ling and the two of them, while the priest and the old captain are responsible for the management. There is a way, the priest and the old captain still need to be ashamed, and they can't do that kind of thing of swallowing it completely.

V and Jack Wells are responsible for taking over the purchasing channel. It was proposed by the old captain and the priest. This is a kind of supervision and a constraint. If they finally change their original intentions, let V and Jack directly cut them off. supply.

Next is the Wanderer Tribe and Dog Town.

Ke Ling replied to V. He intentionally asked V and Jack to do more things to help them grow quickly.

Ke Ling is not interested in managing gangs and companies, but that doesn't mean that V and Jack don't want to. Rather than running errands and fighting on the front line, it is definitely better to be the boss behind the scenes.

V and Jack, two cyber vagabonds from the streets of Heywood, have been dreaming of becoming big shots since they were young, and they are naturally happy with what they are doing now.

Both of them wanted to become a big boss. Although Klee Hall died miserably, his life was quite enviable. It was the dream of every street kid. Of course, V and Jack still had some bottom lines. , they don’t make dirty money.

Keep waiting, they will definitely come looking for you too.

V replied to Ke Ling that she didn’t think she should have to wait too long. After all, it had been a few days since the restocking date. The Dog Town and the Wanderer tribe should have discovered something was wrong, and they would definitely send people. Come here to check the situation.

Okay, you two wait there for two days.

Ke Ling made a suggestion and asked V and Jack to wait there, so as not to have to rush there when someone comes.

no problem.

Jack Wells had no objection to this. What was there not to like about waiting for someone to deliver something to your door? They are definitely much more relaxed than when Clear Hall first made his fortune. Such is the joy of picking peaches, and they are already ripe peaches.

Sure enough, the next day, people from both Dog Town and the Wanderers came. V and Jack received them and explained the situation.

Business is business. Although Clear Hall died, it did not affect the continuation of the business. The people in Dog Town and the Wanderers didn't waste any words and immediately recognized V and Jack's inheritance to the business. They didn't care about that. As long as the line is still there, as long as you pay them, they will continue to sell.

Go to Dog Town first, or go to the Wanderer tribe first?

V and Jack are in a tangle, which is not a good place to be.

The Wanderer tribe lives in the bad land outside the city. The bad land is actually the vast plain outside the City of Night, surrounding the entire City of Night. It is a lifeless and desolate land with shocking pollution everywhere. Against the background of the soil, even the City of Night looks like a lush oasis.

And Dog Town is a mixed bag. It is a more chaotic place than Watson District and Taipingzhou. To put it bluntly, Dog Town is actually an enemy-occupied area, which is even more exaggerated than Taipingzhou.

Dog Town was the product of the last war. Just a few years ago, Night City had just experienced a war. It was a war launched by the new American president to regain the Western Free State. Night City was naturally one of the targets and bore the brunt.

At the end of the last century, the United States collapsed, and the western states became independent one after another. It has been decades, or even a generation, and the consciousness of independence has already taken root in the west.

Facing the threat of the new United States, the warriors of the Free States heroically took up arms to resist. Northern California, where Night City is located, is the free state with the strongest strength and strongest will to resist.

California has been divided long ago, with Northern California holding high the flag of freedom, and Southern California embracing the new United States. Night City is located between the two, and it has naturally become a frontline city.

Dog Town was occupied at that time. Of course, it does not belong to New America now, because New America was not the final winner. Arasaka’s intervention made the last unification war end without any problem. Night City is still an independent city. .

When the armistice agreement Alvin Accords was signed, the new American army that went deep into Night City was abandoned. Under the leadership of Colonel Kurt Hansen, they refused to surrender and returned to their homeland. Instead, they raised the flag of rebellion in Dog Town. It became an independent force and has existed for five years now.

Let's go to Dog Town first, I'll go with you.

Ke Ling replied to V. He was tired of staying in the operating room and just happened to go out for a walk.

In the past two days, Ke Ling has conducted further research on Rc cells, first of all, on half-He cells and He cells.

For Ke Ling, this is obviously a very useful ability, especially the ability to become a complete Hezhe. For him, it is an epic enhancement. The Rc cells are released to form a layer of armor covering the whole body, which allows him to Even when the armor is damaged, he is still not afraid of the sun, which can be his reliance during the day.

Ke Ling continued to familiarize himself with the manipulation of Rc cells through surgery. He continued to conduct experiments on flesh and blood puppets and used corpses to conduct experiments. His understanding and control of Rc cells grew rapidly. As expected, he still had to do it himself to deepen his understanding.

After transplanting several more Hezhe bags to himself, Ke Ling successfully unlocked the ability to become a Hezhe. He directly skipped the semi-Hezhe transformation stage, and he completely controlled the ability to become a Hezhe.


Rc cells continuously overflowed from Ke Ling's body, then wrapped around his body, and finally condensed into an exaggerated armor, which was a true demonic form.

Bloody scales covered Ke Ling's body. The scales looked exactly like the scales of the god Rishi. His body was burly and had grown more than once. His muscles were as hard as iron stone and full of powerful power. His feet became He took off the goat's hooves, stretched out his sharp claws, and the sharp horns on his head shone with cold light. At first glance, it looked like he had just crawled out of hell.

This is even more exaggerated than the ghost image. The ghost image can at least make people think that they are transformers similar to the Animal Gang. After the Hezhe is transformed, it will become a real monster, even if it is placed in Night City. This image is also a bit exaggerated.”

Ke Ling moved a little, and he released the special four Hezi. Four scarlet scale tentacles hung behind him, a tail was swinging slightly, huge feathery wings were flapping behind his back, and blue-purple armor was wrapped around him. on the arm.

Good guy, it's even more exaggerated.

Ke Ling quickly put away his magical power. There was no room for him in this small room, and he didn't want to demolish Lao Wei's secret base.

There are three stages now. Why does it feel more and more like a villain BOSS?

Ke Ling smiled. He had restored his first-stage anthropomorphic form, which is the weakest combat form and still has debuffs. His second-stage evil ghost form has normal attributes, and his third-stage demon form is the strongest form currently. .

After transforming into the Hezhe, not only did he gain an extra layer of armor on the outside of his body, but his physical abilities were also further improved.

However, Ke Ling still has not mastered the ability to freely change the shape of Hezi, which is the ultimate control over Rc cells.

Actually, this demonic form after Hezhe's transformation may have been formed under the control of my subconscious mind.

Ke Ling had a guess about this. It was a very reasonable guess, because it was impossible for this Hezhe transformation to turn him into a demon by such a coincidence, and also to retain the four special Hezi. This was obviously according to his change of mind.

When Kaneki Ken was transformed into a half-heirloom, he was almost like a centipede. This was obviously a change caused by his subconscious mind.

At that time, Kaneki Ken obviously did not have the ability to freely manipulate Rc cells. He did not master this ability until the battle with Kudo Erfu. It can only be said that it is indeed very metaphysical. Ke Ling has no clue about this ability at the moment.

take it easy.

Ke Ling packed up his things and left the operating room. He went to take a shower first. He had been studying here without sleep and food for several days. He smelled of blood, so he naturally needed to be cleaned properly.

After the cleaning was completed, Ke Ling rushed to Taipingzhou District to join V and Jack. Dog Town is in Taipingzhou District. It was originally part of Taipingzhou District, but it is now occupied.

It's not easy to enter Dog Town. The search there is very strict, but I have contacted Mr. Hands for you. Just go find him.

The old captain doesn't have much energy in Taipingzhou District, but he knows people who have energy. Mr. Hands is the middleman here.

Thank you, old captain.

Ke Ling and the others immediately contacted Mr. Hanz. The old captain had obviously greeted him. Mr. Hanz directly sent them the address and asked the three of them to go to that place to find him.

Ke Ling and the other three set off, and the journey was smooth. With the help of Mr. Hanz's people, they entered Dog Town directly and openly. Mr. Hanz seemed to be very energetic, at least in Taipingzhou. energy.

The Preoccupied Club has a really weird name.

Ke Ling and the other three arrived at the place where Mr. Hands was sitting. Looking at the bar in front of them, Jack Wills complained that he felt that this was obviously not as powerful and domineering as the Wild Wolf Bar.

It looks like a pyramid. Is this Mr. Hands a pharaoh?

V also complained, because this club full of worries is very unique. It is a bar that looks like a pyramid from the outside.

He really wants to be the pharaoh of Dog Town and even Taipingzhou.

Ke Ling smiled. He knew Mr. Hands very well. He knew enough to make Mr. Hands tremble. There were many stories behind this mysterious middleman.

The ambition is quite big, but I don't know if I have the strength.

Jack Wills spoke up and said that he had heard Mr. Hands' name but had never dealt with him before.

It's hard to imagine that now you are beginning to question whether the middleman has the strength.

V complained, with a bit of regret in his words. Thinking about it carefully, not long ago, they were unknown people that no one cared about.

Hahaha! There is no other way. Thanks to Ke Ling, we are now big bosses, and the middlemen have to work for us!

Jack Wills laughed. This was obviously a joke. In fact, they asked the old captain and the priest for help. They were considered a cooperative relationship, but this was enough to prove that their status had improved. In the past, they could only take jobs.

Let's go meet Mr. Hands.

Jack walked towards the Concern Club with steps that he didn't recognize, and the guard at the door let him go directly after confirming his identity.

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