Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 133 Raising the moral level of Night City

The old captain was very pleasantly surprised. The guy introduced by the priest was really quite capable. No wonder he was so praised by the priest.

With this guy's help, this matter should be a sure thing. After all, the mission target is only a few guys from the Sixth Street Gang, and the difficulty is not more difficult than killing Derek Garman.

Pretending to be members of the Devil Gang to kill members of the Sixth Street Gang? Do you think this simple method of diverting trouble and sowing discord will work?

After hearing the old captain's plan, Ke Ling questioned it. He felt that it was a bit too simple and crude and did not seem to be successful.

They just need an excuse now. All we have to do is give them an excuse. It's that simple.

The old captain spread his hands, and they were just adding fuel to the flames. The people of the Sixth Street Gang are already full of anger, and they must be able to get angry easily, and killing is the best accelerant.

Okay, I'll go right away and wait.

Ke Ling did not retort, but read the message sent by the old captain. All the information on these four targets was recorded in detail.

These guys are not good people. If they are killed, they will be treated as eliminating harm for the people. They are staunch corporate dog collaborators.

The targets chosen by the old captain have naturally been screened. First, they must have some influence, and second, they must not do good things. They have no influence in the Sixth Street Gang, and they may not be discovered if they are killed. Even the old captain was unwilling to kill a good man.


Ke Ling nodded. This was exactly what he wanted. Killing such a person would naturally put him without any psychological burden.

That night, Ke Ling started taking action and found the home of a Sixth Street Gang gangster.

At the same time, the death of Derek Garman also began to ferment in Santo Domingo. The death of an environmental protection expert is naturally not a big deal in the City of Night, but in Santo Domingo, this is a big deal. It's a big deal, and it's a great thing.

A bastard like Derek Garman who was specially used as a propaganda machine is naturally very hated by the people of Saint-Domingue. His death now makes countless people of Saint-Domingue feel extremely guilty. A bad breath.

Especially the leaked photo of Derek Garman being beheaded was immediately hung up by many people in Santo Domingo. Of course, it does not look good when hung up.

That night, Ke Ling repeated his old trick and broke into the home of a Sixth Street Gang gangster. It was also a single-family house, but this time the difficulty was much lower than entering Derek Garman's home.

In any case, Derek Garman is also surrounded by professional Arasaka security guards. They are guarding Derek Garman day and night, and there are also people who are keeping tabs on him at night.

And these guys from the Sixth Street Gang obviously didn't get such good treatment. At three o'clock in the morning, the house of the Sixth Street Gang gangster was dark, and the only sound was the sound of the bastard himself sleeping soundly.

Ke Ling went in easily and came out easily. Now the question came, how should he reveal his identity as a demon gang?

Killing is easy, but how can we prove that it was someone from the Devil Gang who killed him?


Ke Ling returned to the room and looked at the various facilities in the room. He had an idea and began to arrange it. It was indeed a bit too obvious to directly write Devil Gang of Murderers. It would be better to hold a sacrifice ceremony on the ground. Demon Sacrifice Sacrifice ceremony.

Although this is quite obvious, it is very consistent with the character of the Demon Gang. They call themselves Devil Worshipers and believers of the Immortal Demon Devo Collins. The ritual of sacrificing to the devil is definitely indispensable. This is great for leaving as a mark.

Ke Ling directly searched for some sacrificial rituals. He was not a real devil, so naturally he would not understand these things, but he felt that the guys from the Devil Gang were probably about the same as him.

No one understands sacrificial rituals, but Ke Ling is the Immortal Demon Devor Collins. The sacrificial rituals he uses should be the orthodox sacrificial rituals used by the Demon Gang.

Ke Ling left the sacrificial ceremony very seriously, and nothing unexpected happened. The sacrificial ceremony did not produce any abnormalities, and no creature such as a demon was really summoned.

At least as far as I know, there shouldn't be those messy powers in this world.

Ke Ling complained, then left the house of the Sixth Street Gang gangster, and then rushed to the next house. There were four people in total. He was going to sacrifice all of them tonight.

Early the next morning, members of the Sixth Street Gang received the news. They rushed to the scene and saw the death of the four people.

In order to make the sacrificial ceremony look more believable, Ke Ling did a lot of artistic processing on these corpses. When he saw them, they still looked like evil sacrifices.

Assholes! Those guys from the Devil Gang! They are simply bullying others too much!

The first time they saw this scene, someone started to yell loudly, without any hesitation, pointing the finger directly at the Devil Gang.


In front of such a scene, it's hard to say a word to defend the Demon Gang. After all, before that group of demon worshipers appeared, no one did such a thing. This will make people think of the Demon Gang.

Isn't it a little too obvious? Isn't this a naked frame-up?

Someone on the side supporting cooperation still stood up. If he didn't say a word at this time, then the money would be in vain, and the people who died were all from their side. Isn't this framing the blame?

Bringing the blame? I think he is very professional. He is not a member of the Devil Gang. Who would study these things? It must be related to the Devil Gang!

Whether it's obvious or not, everyone can see it, but it doesn't matter. What's important is that they did get a good excuse.

Those bastards from the Devil Gang can no longer cause trouble to Saint-Domingue. Our Sixth Street Gang is responsible for maintaining the order of Saint-Domingue. If these bastards are left alone, the foundation of our rule in Saint-Domingue will be destroyed. They will all start to waver.”

The leaders of the faction who opposed cooperation with the company immediately began to talk about the value. Even after talking about it, it was really not easy to follow up.

Maintaining order in Santo Domingo and upholding justice have always been the goals and slogans of the Sixth Street Gang. Even if some people sneer at this secretly, they cannot openly disagree.

“Great job!”

In the old captain's small warehouse, Ke Ling was accepting his flattery. After completing these two tasks, the old captain immediately realized the value of Ke Ling. This was a powerful dragon crossing the river.

Little thing, did your plan work?

Ke Ling asked. He didn't have many connections in the Sixth Street Gang, so naturally he didn't know the impact of what he did.

Of course, just wait and see, the Sixth Street Gang will start taking action soon.

The old captain was very sure. His intelligence source gave him a reply immediately. The Sixth Street Gang had reached a consensus that they would expel the Devil Gang and maintain order in Santo Domingo.

This Sixth Street Gang is really awkward. They want both face and inside, but in the end they are not human beings.

Ke Ling complained, this is probably human nature. The Sixth Street Gang may have symbolized justice in the beginning, but as time passed and with the change of generations, some of them began to have selfish motives more than public ones, and they didn’t even pretend to be. It's packed

The struggle between the selfish faction and the traditional faction has been going on among the Six Street Gang, which makes what they do sometimes seem very divided.

Sometimes they act chivalrously and maintain order, and sometimes they are just like any other gang, exploiting the community and causing harm to the people of Santo Domingo.

Will they attack the Devil Gang's base camp directly?

Ke Ling asked. He wanted to help. If possible, he wanted to mix in with the Sixth Street Gang, attack the Devil Gang's lair together, and contribute to this matter.

I don't think so. They might use a strangulation method to cut off the demon gang's extended claws one by one and directly attack the base camp. It would also be a bit disrespectful to the company.

The old captain shook his head. The Sixth Street Gang had received the money anyway, and they couldn't do things too badly, so they would most likely use a roundabout way.

As long as people from the Devil's Gang dare to go out, people from the Six Street Gang will be dispatched. Santo Domingo is the home of the Six Street Gang. Anyone who enters here will soon be informed by the Six Street Gang. Devil Those who help will be able to hide under countless eyes.

The power of local snakes is undoubtedly revealed at this time. If a stranger enters Santo Domingo, the old captain will quickly get the news, let alone the Sixth Street Gang who has been rooted in Santo Domingo for fifty years.

This is also a way to trap the Devil Gang in their lair, making them unable to move, and then spreading the corporate background behind the Devil Gang. If the Devil Gang loses the meaning of its existence, then the corporate dogs will no longer give It supports.”

Ke Ling understood this method, which would be a decisive blow to the Devil Gang.

The meaning of the existence of the Devil's Gang is to attract Devor Collins. As long as this is exposed, the Devil's Gang will naturally lose the meaning of its existence.

Yes, that's it, just wait and see.

The old captain extended his hand to Ke Ling and said please cooperate. He felt that this cooperation was quite pleasant anyway.

It's a pleasure to work with you. If you come to me for help next time, you'll have to pay.

Ke Ling smiled and shook hands with the old captain. This time it was cooperation. The two had a common goal, so they didn't mention money. But it would be different after that. You would definitely need to be paid for work.

Well, I happen to have a mission here. I wonder if you are interested?

The old captain was smiling. He thought Ke Ling was very useful, so he wanted to continue using it.

What mission?

Ke Ling asked. He didn't mind helping a group of old captains. The old captain was actually very easy to handle because he had something he cared about and people who cared about things were naturally easier to handle.

Help me get a batch of medicine, and I'll give you 100,000 when it's done.

The old captain narrowed his eyes and directly gave a quotation. The medicine would arrive at the pier on the Arasaka seaside the day after tomorrow, and then be sent to the company square. This route was not easy, so the old captain was already ready to bargain.

To treat people suffering from water pollution?

However, Ke Ling did not counter-offer, but directly stated the old captain's purpose and the purpose for which he wanted this batch of medicine.

.That's right.

The old captain was silent for a moment, nodded and admitted simply. He didn't say the purpose, just because he was afraid that the guy in front of him would deliberately raise the price. But it was obvious that this guy was also a smart man, and he quickly figured out what he wanted those drugs for. use.

Do you charge for treating them?

Ke Ling continued to ask, staring closely at the old captain. His question was not surprising. There are two ways to use this batch of drugs. One is to drain the wealth of those who are sick, and the other is to provide it for free. Treatment, or just charge a cost price.

Of course there is no charge. I will give them free medicine.

The old captain answered firmly. In fact, he started the second-hand car business just to save money to buy medicine and treat those poor patients.

“The conscience of Saint-Domingue?”

Ke Ling sighed with emotion. To be honest, the old captain and his group of brothers are indeed very rare in this world. Their existence has raised the average moral level of the people in Night City.

In fact, Ke Ling might be able to treat this disease. Wei He from Shemale Nick has powerful healing abilities.

However, using Hezi to treat ordinary people may cause the body's Rc cell content to increase, which may cause people to become lost. Rc cell inhibitors are needed to eliminate those Rc cells.

The cured people do not have Hepatitis B in their bodies, so as long as the injected Rc cells are removed, they can return to normal.

Ke Ling didn't have much Rc cell inhibitor on hand, so it was definitely not enough.

No matter what you have a bad conscience, just try to be clear in your heart.

The old captain shook his head. He didn't think he was that great. He just did what he could for the people in his hometown. He couldn't let him watch those children die in front of his eyes, right?

Actually, I know some medical skills. You can take me to see them first. Maybe I can find a way to cure these people's diseases.

Ke Ling spoke slowly and said, save as many Rc cell inhibitors as you have first. If not, then go to Tokyo Ghoul to purchase.

Why did Ke Ling say that the old captain was actually quite easy to handle? It's because the old captain and his gang would even risk their own lives in order to treat the children of Saint-Domingue.

And if Ke Ling can really cure this disease, then the old captain and his people will definitely provide Ke Ling.

You're not kidding?

The old captain didn't quite believe what Ke Ling said. If the disease was so easy to treat, they would have found a way to cure it long ago.

How will you know if you don't try?

Ke Ling smiled. He really didn't look like a famous doctor. It was normal for the old captain not to believe him.

The people of Santo Domingo must have tried many methods. Only when there is really no other way, they will resort to robbing the company's drugs, which is obviously the case now.

I can't guarantee that it can be treated, but it will definitely not make the situation worse. I can guarantee that.

Seeing that the old captain was a little moved, Ke Ling took a vaccination in advance. He didn't know what he was doing, so he didn't want to give others so much hope.

First day at work, uncomfortable

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