Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 125 Arrangement and Departure (56k two-in-one)

Chapter 125 Arrangement and Departure (5.6k two-in-one)

【Ding! Experience +620. 】

The sound of system settlement rang out. The higher the level, the stronger the strength, and the slower the experience acquisition speed will indeed become.

These three SS-level ghouls plus one old Duoerfu were only given 400 experience points, and the other clowns were given even less, relying entirely on quantity.

All four existing cadres died, and the remaining clowns naturally dispersed. This time the venue was a bar, and the restraint was obviously not as good as the last time at a ghoul restaurant.

Ke Ling stopped chasing those clowns who collapsed. Without these leaders, the rest of the small fish and shrimps would not be able to make any trouble.

Returning to the bar, Ke Ling dug out the ghouls' bags one by one, and then lit the bar on fire with his backhand, focusing on the destruction of corpses and traces.

After doing all this, Ke Ling returned the way he came and returned to the suburban villa in District 6.

The two girls Heinai and Naibai were practicing breathing techniques in the open space outside the villa, but they were obviously anxious and couldn't calm down at all.

It's not possible to practice water breathing with this kind of mentality.

Ke Ling walked out of the forest, smiled and shook his head. The Breathing of Water is the most taboo of being distracted. If you can practice it like this, you will be a ghost.


Seeing Ke Ling coming back, the two girls immediately stopped practicing breathing techniques, and the two sisters breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Kano Akihiro told them that the man was from the Kazushi family, and also told them that the Joker is a ghoul organization that likes to cause trouble.

When Ke Ling left with such a guy, they were naturally extremely worried, fearing that something might happen to such a master who was very kind to them.

The two girls came to Ke Ling's side. In fact, they were not very young. They were about to reach adulthood. They could be said to be big girls.

Let's go through this breathing method for a while, and I'll teach you a simplified version.

Ke Ling patted the heads of the black and white heads. As a big guy, it was really convenient for him to take pictures of the black and white men who were only about 1.6 meters tall in front of him.

Easy version?

Naibai tilted his head, as if he didn't understand.

Is it because we suck?

Kurenai asked, the expression on his face seemed a little sad.

No, this is a shortcut. Practice the simple version first, and then slowly practice the complex version.

Ke Ling shook his head. He was a little eager to learn quickly. The breathing method took a long time to lay the foundation.

Since you can't get it right in one step, let's start with the simplified version. The simplified chip version of water breathing is much easier to use.

And according to Ke Ling's feeling, after practicing this chip version of water breathing, it will become much easier to practice water breathing again.

This simplified version is still the same as Water Breathing. Use the simplified version first, and you can switch to the official version with one click after you have practiced it.

This is the power of technology, which can simplify and mass-produce complex things.

“So that’s how it is”

Kuronai and Nabai nodded. If this is easier to practice, that would be a good thing.

The two of them would take time out to practice the breathing method every day, but they could not even touch the threshold of the breathing method. It was inevitable that they would be a little frustrated.

Come on, let's get started.

Ke Ling said, he could see Hei Nai and Nai Bai's thoughts, and he also knew that the lack of results was really a dampener on their enthusiasm for practicing breathing techniques.

In fact, neither Kurona nor Nabai have a noisy personality. They can be said to be calm and steady, and are quite suitable for practicing water breathing.

It's just that the breathing method is really difficult for ordinary people to master quickly. Just getting started is enough to stop a group of people who are not talented enough.

With this simplified version, people can feel the feeling of mastering the breathing method in advance, which is naturally of great benefit to practicing the official version of Water Breathing.

Of course, after learning the breathing method, whether you can truly fully control the breathing method and get the style and meaning depends on the level of personal talent.

The same breathing method is completely different in the hands of different people. The difference lies in whether the breathing method can be flexibly controlled.

Lintaki had previously commented on Ke Ling, saying that although Ke Ling mastered the breathing method in less than three days, his speed was miraculous.

But this kind of control is exactly what he said, running the breathing of water.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this. It just proves that Ke Ling is really accomplished purely through hard work. He specializes in memorizing everything in a precise manner.

But Ke Ling wanted to make the breathing method fully effective in his own hands, but he had to find an operating method and speed that was more in line with his own body.

As Ke Ling uses Water Breathing more and more now, his understanding of these words is getting deeper and deeper.

Especially after experiencing the birth of the Chip Version of Water Breathing, he felt that he had found a way to raise Water Breathing from Lv1 to Lv2.

This is not constant, but the true control of the breathing method, which means that the breathing method has truly become one's own.


Under Ke Ling's guidance, Heinai and Naibai began to practice chip version of water breathing seriously.

This one is obviously simpler than the previous one, but it is not the kind that can be effective immediately. They still need to work hard to practice.

You must train your body well. This is the basis of the breathing method. Without hard physical training, it is impossible to practice the breathing method.

Ke Ling told the two sisters that he was ready to leave this world, so naturally he had to explain everything that needed to be explained in advance.

Yes, Master.

Kuronai and Nabai nodded in response. They were very well-behaved and sensible. They didn't just do what they were supposed to do. These two children had been training very hard.

To be honest, it's hard not to like such hard-working and obedient girls, and Ke Ling really treats them as his disciples.

That's it for today. Have a day off tomorrow and go out with me.

It was getting very late now, so Ke Ling stopped the training of the two sisters and gave an explanation.

He planned to take the two sisters to the Anding District Cafe tomorrow. With such a good old man like Fangcun Gongshan here, it would be a waste not to use it.

He didn't need Fangcun Gongshan to do anything, he just needed to protect the sisters in critical moments.

Fangcun Gongshan often did this kind of thing, and Sifang Lianshi was saved by him. Presumably, he would not refuse to protect the two girls in critical moments.

Ke Ling has already thought about it. When he arrives at the An Ding District tomorrow, he will directly tell the story of Sister Anjiu's life experience, and then reveal his one eye, so that he can be sure that Fangcun Gongshan will not be able to handle it.

There was no way, the old man himself had a one-eyed ghoul daughter, and in order to protect his daughter, he had never had any contact with her.

After seeing Sister Anjiu, and with the current behavior of that old guy Fangcun Gongshan, and under the influence of various factors, he would never refuse Ke Ling's request.

The next day, Ke Ling took the two sisters and rushed to the Anding District Cafe in District 20.

Anding District Cafe has started to open for business. Madoka Furuma is working at the bar and Ken Kaneki is helping.

Before I met Xuan, I worked for Kaneki Ken once, and now Kaneki Ken is paying off his debt.

Mr. Devil?

Seeing Ke Ling come in, Jin Muyan screamed in surprise. He regarded Ke Ling as a trustworthy senior.

Hey, Kaneki, did you encounter any trouble?

Ke Ling looked at Jin Muyan with a smile. Previously, this child was worried that the matter of the ghoul restaurant would be found out on them.


Kaneki scratched his head. Naturally, he also read the news, and paid close attention to the relevant news.

The Seventh District Restaurant Massacre and Arson Case is now a big deal, but strangely, it seems that someone has been trying to cover up what happened.

The entire case has been made confusing, and no real facts have been revealed. Let alone an investigation, it has not even been decided yet who should be handed over to investigate.

Obviously, it was the forces behind the dead ghouls that exerted influence, and they tried their best to hide the bad impact of this incident from human society.

However, in the ghoul society, the Ghoul Restaurant Massacre Case spread overnight.

The death of so many ghouls was naturally a major event that shocked the entire ghoul world. Many people were asking who did it.

At this stage, any relevant news leaking out can cause huge repercussions.

The reason why it is so popular is because those upper-class ghouls offered high rewards for the murderers.

Regardless of whether you can catch someone, even if you just provide information, you can get a lot of money from the high-class ghouls.

Therefore, Kaneki Ken made a decision. He must be careful in his words and deeds in the future and never reveal any information related to this matter.

Even he himself couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard Senior Madoka Furuma mention the high reward. There is no doubt that the rewards of the reward are attractive to the ghouls.

Kaneki Ken is very clear that once he exposes any relevant information, he will definitely become the target of countless people.

Pressure will encourage people to grow rapidly. Kaneki Ken feels extremely strong pressure now. The high bounty hangs above his head like the sword of Damocles and will fall at any time.

Under the strong pressure, he began to seriously learn how to fight with Sifang Lianshi. He felt that he must first have the ability to protect himself.

Where's the Fangcun store manager?

Ke Ling nodded to Jin Muyan and asked about Fangcun Gongshan. He handed over Sister Anjiu to Jin Muyan.

As Kurona and Nabai's seniors, Kaneki Ken is suitable to take the two girls to get familiar with the Anding District Cafe.

The store manager Fangcun is upstairs, I'll take you there.

Yuan'er Gujian nodded to Ke Ling, and he took the initiative to take Ke Ling upstairs. This guy was also an SS-level ghoul, the Demon Ape who once dominated District 20.

Looking at Gu Jian Yuan'er, Ru Jian Xuan, and Si Fang Lian Shi, Ke Ling couldn't help but sigh at the great charm of Fang Cun's meritorious deeds.

These once fierce SS-level ghouls have now become honest coffee shop clerks, and have begun to live a life of constant hunger.

If it's just based on strength, it's nothing. The important thing is that these SS-level ghouls are willing to live such a life with Fangcun Gongshan.

The gangster boss who once had a lot of money and acted recklessly has now become an ascetic monk who only eats once a month. No matter how you think about it, it feels outrageous.

Store Manager Fangcun, Mr. Devil is here.

Arriving in front of a room, Furuma Yuan'er spoke.

Invite him in.

Fangcun Gongshan's voice came, as calm as ever.


Gu Jian Yuan'er opened the door and made a gesture to invite in, and then he returned to the first floor.

Ke Ling entered the room and saw Fangcun Gongshan making coffee very seriously. Although his eyes were not opened, one couldn't help but wonder whether he could see clearly.

Mr. Devil, you did a great job.

Fangcun Gongshan was the first to speak. He turned around, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, put it to his mouth and tasted it gently.

It's not a big deal.

Ke Ling replied casually that he was not surprised that Fangcun Gongshan would know that he was responsible for the ghoul restaurant thing.

To be honest, Kaneki Ken is really not good at lying. It would be strange if he could hide it from Yoshimura Gongshan.

In fact, Kaneki Ken may not have concealed Yoshimura's meritorious deeds at all, and the old man's goodwill should have gained Kaneki Ken's trust.

You shouldn't have taken Kaneki there, he didn't have to go through this.

Fangcun Gongshan sipped his coffee and said slowly.

He didn't care that Ke Ling killed those ghouls. This was Ke Ling's cause and effect, but Kaneki Ken didn't have to be involved in these things.


Ke Ling was silent for a moment. These are actually things that Jin Muyan should experience. His specialness is destined to attract some attention.

It is not a bad thing for Kaneki Ken to be exposed to these things in advance and adapt to future life in advance.

The pressure Ke Ling put on Jin Muyan was much more normal than what he would experience in the future. Flowers that could bloom on the cliff could not grow in a greenhouse.

Do you think he can hide his identity as a one-eyed ghoul forever?

Ke Ling emphasized the pronunciation of one-eyed ghoul, which caused a momentary change in Fangcun Gongshan's aura.

Obviously, the one-eyed ghoul has a special meaning to Fangcun Gongshan. It is the deepest secret hidden in his heart.

As long as he doesn't get involved in these things and just works as a coffee shop clerk, how can things happen to him?

Fangcun Gongshan said, in fact, his words were a bit self-deceiving.

Do you believe this? Kaneki Ken is a half-ghoul. Half-ghoul is extremely rare. What's more, he is man-made. If he doesn't take the initiative to find trouble, why is it strange that things come to him?

Ke Ling leaned against the wall, smiled and shook his head, obviously not agreeing with Fangcun Gongshan's statement.


Fangcun Gongshan drank coffee and remained silent.

Of course he knew how rare the one-eyed ghoul was, and probably no one knew it better than him.

He also knew that a person like Kaneki Ken who was transformed into a one-eyed ghoul by surgery must have various causal entanglements.

But after seeing Kaneki Ken, the most important part of Yoshimura Kozen's heart was stirred up. It was as if he saw his half-ghoul daughter who was born with one eye.

It is obviously impossible for him to leave Kaneki Ken alone. This not only involves his long-standing code of conduct, but also a manifestation of his longing for his daughter.

For Yoshimura Kozen, getting along with Kaneki Ken is like a meal replacement in a sense.

I'm not here to argue with you about Kaneki. That's his own choice. I'm here for the two half-ghoul girls.

Ke Ling shook his head. Fangcun Gongshan was very confident. He felt that except for those few forces, all other forces had to sell his face.

So as long as Kaneki Ken stays in the coffee shop, he can live a peaceful life like them.

But the fact is that not everyone sells his face, especially the biological daughter he loves so much, she simply wishes he could die earlier.

Half-ghoul girl?

This term was so precise that Fangcun Gongshan opened his eyes.

Go down and take a look. I'll tell you a brief story about them.

Ke Ling signaled Fangcun Gongshan to follow him, and the two went down to the first floor. Ke Ling told Fangcun Gongshan about Sister Anjiu.


Fangcun Gongshan was silent for a long time, but there are still humans who willingly accept to become half-ghouls? !

But considering that the two sisters are out for revenge, and the semi-ghoul surgery can also allow people to eat human food normally, it doesn't seem strange that they would accept it.

Manager Fangcun, these are the two girls. I'm leaving Tokyo for a while. I hope you can help take care of them so they don't die.

Ke Ling and Yoshimura Kozen went down to the store on the first floor. Kaneki Ken was busy, and Kurona and Nabai didn't sit down, but took the initiative to help.

Looking at Kuronai and Nabai who were helping in the cafe, Yoshimura Gongshan was absent-minded for a while, and now he really seemed to see his own daughter.

Of course, these two girls actually smelled more like ordinary people. This semi-ghoul surgery was indeed well perfected as Devil said.

This made Kozen Yoshimura feel more and more sympathetic to Kaneki Ken. Why did such an unfortunate thing happen to Kaneki Ken?

I understand, Mr. Devil, I will keep them safe.

Fangcun Gongshan sighed and did not refuse Ke Ling's request, nor did he intend to refuse it at first.

Thank you so much.

Ke Ling thanked Fangcun for his kindness. With the old man's protection, at least he didn't have to worry about the two sisters having problems in a short time.

Heinai, Naibai, from now on you can come to Anding District to help when you have time. I have made an agreement with the store manager Fangcun.

Ke Ling called Hei Nai and Nai Bai over, and then introduced Fangcun Gongshan to them, so he became familiar with Fangcun Gongshan.

Yes, Master. We will help you seriously, Manager Fangcun.

Although Kuronai and Nabai were a little confused, they still nodded in agreement and did not raise any objections.

You can come to me if you have any trouble.

Fangcun Gongshan nodded, his mood was a little complicated. He actually wanted to say this to his daughter.

Then we won't bother you.

Ke Ling saw that Fangcun Gongshan was not in a high mood, so he took the initiative to take Hei Nai and Nai Bai to leave.

Fangcun Gongshan nodded, watched Ke Ling and the others leave, then sighed and returned to the second floor.

I will be away for a while if I have something to do. From now on, you can train with Kaneki Ken. You can also practice breathing techniques with him.

After leaving the Anding District Cafe, Ke Ling said to the two sisters Heinai and Naibai.


Heinai and Naibai were both surprised when they heard this, and they obviously felt that this incident was a bit sudden.

Of course, when Ke Ling asked Fang Cun Gongshan to take care of them, the two of them had already made some vague guesses.

So be it.

Ke Ling didn't explain anything to them, and the master and apprentice returned to the laboratory in silence.

Master! Pay attention to safety, we are waiting for you to come back.

When they separated, Hei Nai spoke to Ke Ling sincerely, and Nai Bai also looked at him.

Will do.

Ke Ling smiled and nodded, and then left directly without saying anything sensational. It was not a separation of life and death, so he might be back in two days.

After leaving the laboratory, Ke Ling used the funds he collected from the Ghoul Restaurant to purchase a batch of supplies in the market and put them into the storage space in the shadow.

Now that he is going back, Ke Ling will naturally not forget his plan to become a second-world trafficker.

In addition to meat this time, Ke Ling also packed a lot of tea, fruits, etc. to change the taste and increase the variety of products.

“Return to the past.”

After purchasing the goods, Ke Ling immediately chose to return.

[Return to the Past] The option to choose a world pops up. This time there are two choices. Ke Ling chose Cyberpunk 2077.

【Travel completed】

[Current World: Cyberpunk 2077]

There was a flash of light before his eyes, and Ke Ling had returned to the City of Night, back to the dark alley where he left.

Night City is still the same. Under the illumination of neon lights, it is psychedelic and does not look like a city in the real world, but like a dream city.

The updates during the Chinese New Year are not expected to be very stable, so I won’t unpack them.

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