Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 123 Don’t worry, your tail is pretty good too

As Itori Shiri's words fell, a ghoul wearing a clown mask gradually walked into the bar.

It seems that it's not just the four of them, the Joker organization also has ordinary members. After all, they also need some cannon fodder to do the dirty work.


Ke Ling activated Si'an Westan, and he rushed towards Jiu Duo Erfu without hesitation.


Jiu Duoerfu resisted the blood cry, but his abdomen had been patched and opened a small hole.

Itori Jiuri unfolded her breasts, Rc cells spurted out, and a pair of huge purple wings quickly formed on her back.

The feather-like sharp blade formed by Rc cells shot towards Ke Ling, and the shadow under Ke Ling's feet erected a shadow wall, blocking his side.

The feathered blade shot against the shadow wall, as if it was stuck in mud, unable to move.

The surrounding Yu He clowns showed their arrogance one after another, and countless flying blades were shot at Ke Ling, but they were all accepted by the shadow wall.

Qiang Qiang Qiang!

Ke Ling kept slashing with the two sharp blades in his hands, suppressing Jiuduo Erfu.

The physical fitness of half-humans is similar to that of ghouls, far superior to ordinary humans. Jiu Duoerfu is the best among them, and his natural strength is not weak.

Just holding a B-level ordinary tachi Kuink, Kyudo Erfu can make these powerful SS-level ghouls look at him with admiration.

However, facing Ke Ling's violent attack, he could only resist with difficulty for a while, and several deep wounds had been made on his body.

The wound patched by the thermal samurai sword gave off a smell of burnt incense. The smile on Jiu Duoerfu's face had long since disappeared, and now it became ferocious.


The handsome Bai rushed over, stretched out his scales, and struck between Ke Ling and Jiu Duo Erfu, briefly separating the two.

There are three scales on Baihe, extending out like three bone claws. Each one has a curved hook at the top, which looks very lethal.


Bai's scales stretched out and struck at Ke Ling from three directions. Although his scales were not as exaggerated as Kamidao Rise's, the attack range was not short.

Ke Ling waved Xue Ming and Mending to block Bai's bone claws. Shadow Wolf jumped forward, bypassing the bone claws and pounced directly on Bai's body.

Bei urged Hezi crazily, waving the three bone claws continuously, dancing into afterimages all over the sky, and smashing the bar into a mess.

Shadow Wolf failed to get close and was stopped by Sangen Hezi. As a veteran SS-level ghoul, Bai's combat ability was naturally not to mention.

Although he is just a mask shop owner now, he was also killed among the dead before.

Don't move, Souta, I'll heal you.

On the other side, Nick began to treat the old Duo Erfu who finally got rid of Ke Ling's suppression. Nick's tail is very special and has the ability to heal.

This kind of healing ability is very powerful. Even if he is beheaded, he can still revive him. Of course, the premise is that he is not really dead yet.

Under Nick's treatment, Jiu Duoerfu's injuries slowly recovered.


Ke Ling and Shadow Wolf cooperated with each other and killed each other at the same time. The three Hezi were instantly overwhelmed, and Ke Ling finally rushed in front of him.


One arm flew up, and in a very embarrassed manner, Bai supported himself on the ground with three sticks to launch himself back.

Before Ke Ling could pursue him, Idori Xili rushed up and struck Ke Ling with his wings.

A pair of dazzling purple wings on her back were fully opened, condensing from gas to solid, like angel wings.

It's just that the feathers pierced by the angel wings are so sharp that they can easily take away a person's life, just like the scythe of death.

These Yu He's ghouls also seem to like melee combat. It may be that it is really exhausting to release He Zi with long-range attacks.

Yu He is originally an explosive type, and his long-range attack rate is indeed very fast, but the ammunition is used faster.

Ke Ling waved Blood Cry and Repair to block the attack of the pair of angel wings, and more clown ghouls rushed towards him.

The huge body of the shadow wolf split into two smaller shadow wolves. The shadow wolf now looks like the size of a normal wolf.

Two shadow wolves rushed into the group of ghouls, blocking the attacks of the ghouls, and kept biting and attacking the ghouls.

After splitting, the strength of the shadow wolf became weaker, but its speed was enhanced. Its flexible body jumped back and forth among the clown ghouls, constantly killing the ghouls.


Ke Ling kicked Itori Shili in the stomach, sending her flying away, then turned around to face the charging Bai.

At this time, Bai has completed the transformation into a semi-heir, and this guy has been with him for a long time.

The upper part of his head was wrapped in a mass of flesh and blood, like a hat, and the bone claws on his back grew into six strong arms, giving him the appearance of a complete monster.


Bai's six arms hit the ground, causing a burst of broken bricks to fly, and the ground shook.

Half He has something.

Ke Ling dodged the blow, went around to the side, slashed out with the Xue Ming and Bu Lao in his hand, and blocked it with two He Zi arms, while the remaining four He Zi arms grabbed Ke Ling's body.

This guy was shirtless and had a bunch of weird tattoos on his body. Even Hezi had weird lines on his arms.

He had already opened his mouth, and his mouth was covered by Hezi. The opening was so exaggerated that he could swallow a person directly into Hezi.

To be honest, Ke Ling has always admired these people or monsters who dared to swallow their enemies into their stomachs and bodies casually.

If it wasn't like Gluttony Gratoni, who could swallow people directly into another space, then doing so would simply be a joke with his own life.

Even if you have the ability to quickly digest the enemy, doing so is still a very risky behavior. After all, who knows if they have any trump cards?

Maybe these people have never read the story of Brother Monkey and don't know how uncomfortable it is to be exploded from the inside.

Facing the four arms that Bai grabbed, Ke Ling dodged directly. He didn't want to be swallowed into his body or into his stomach.

Although internal blasting could easily eliminate this half-height man, Ke Ling believed that normal fighting could still achieve the goal.

Mr. Collins! You are very powerful!

Jiu Duo Erfu jumped out and slashed at Ke Ling with the sword in his hand. He had recovered from his injuries and became lively again.


Ke Ling slashed at him with a knife, blocking his attack, and then swept over with a tail. It was Nick, the human demon. Of course, he didn't only have the ability to heal.


Ke Ling kicked Nao He and used the power of Nick's swing to rush towards Itori, who was shooting flying blades.

Swish, swish, swish!

The huge wings spread out by Idori Xili kept dancing like gas, and the flying blades shot towards Ke Ling.

This time, Ke Ling didn't even dodge at all. He rushed straight towards her with the flying blades in his hand. He waved the Repair and Blood Cry in his hands to deflect all the flying blades.


Itori Shiri immediately realized that something was wrong. The guy who only used that strange shadow to resist Yu He was deliberately paralyzing them!

She immediately materialized two pairs of huge purple wings, and then quickly closed them to completely wrap herself, but her movements were still a step too slow.


Ke Ling slashed with two swords and missed each other, directly cutting off Itori Xili's neck. The pair of huge purple wings had just closed at this time, wrapping their bodies in them.

Your Yuhe is pretty good, so I'll accept it.

Ke Ling opened the pair of feathers and said to Itori's dead head.


Nick and Bai were extremely shocked and angry when they saw the scene under their wings. The three of them had a good relationship and were drinking buddies.

Ah Miss Itori.

Kudo Erfu took a breath, and he also felt a little pity. Itori was a very important source of intelligence for the Joker organization.

Don't worry, we still need one more tail, Mr. Shemale, I think this one is good for you.

Ke Ling brandished his two swords and stared at Nick. This Weihe with powerful healing ability is very practical.

Although he doesn't need it himself, he may not encounter times when he wants to save people. Nick's tail is not only able to save ghouls, but can also treat other creatures.

on Monday! Depend on!

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