Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 120 Switching Forms

In District 7, Ghoul Restaurant, Ke Ling walked out with Kaneki Ken. The two of them had already bathed and changed into clean clothes.

The entire Ghoul Restaurant has been slaughtered by Ke Ling, and he has not spared the servants of the Yueshan Family who work on the surface of the restaurant.

【Ding! The experience value is full, the level has been upgraded to Lv8, current experience: 229/1100. 】

[Get 1 attribute point. 】

The level has been raised by one level again. Sure enough, this time there is only one attribute point, the same as when it was upgraded to Lv2.

Before leaving, Ke Ling set a fire and the Ghoul Restaurant burst into flames. He believed that the situation here would be discovered soon.

The two left quickly and returned to Kaneki Ken's home first.

What happened on this day was very meaningful to Kaneki Ken.

He kept fighting until he was scarred and exhausted. This was an experience he had never had before in his 18 years of life.

Of course, in addition to this, after acquiring a large number of Hebao, he probably won't have to worry about food for a long time.

This thing can't eat a lot in a short period of time, it might go crazy.

Ke Ling took the Hebao out of Shadow's storage space and put it in Kaneki Ken's refrigerator to freeze it.

It is very common for ghouls to have sex with each other, but if a large number of ghouls are together in a short period of time and a large number of ghouls of the same kind are swallowed, there may be problems with the brain.

I won't eat until I'm really hungry.

Kaneki Ken said in a low voice, he felt that he could hold on and eating once in a month and a half would be no problem.

Then these Hebao are enough for you to eat for more than ten years.

Ke Ling smiled and joked that even if he said this, these bags would not last long even if they were frozen in the refrigerator.

It can only be kept for a year at most, right? It will deteriorate no matter how long it takes, so there is no need to leave so much for me, Mr. Devil.

Kaneki Ken also knew that it was useless to keep too much. A refrigerator full of bags would make him feel weird.

Then I'll leave 24 for you. I suggest you find a high-power freezer. The lower temperature may allow you to store them longer.

Ke Ling nodded and left 24 Hebao in the refrigerator, while the others were still placed in Shadow's storage space.

It's a good time to observe whether his storage space has any special functions, such as being incorruptible and indestructible.

Storing living things is definitely not possible. Ke Ling has tried to stuff Jin Muyan into the storage space, but it has not been successful.

Judging from the freshness of these Hebao, it is quite interesting that they are neither rotten nor bad. At least these Hebao taken out are almost the same as when they were put in.

Kaneki Ken turned on the TV. Emergency news was being broadcast on the TV. The Seventh District Restaurant Fire had been revealed. After all, the raging fire could not be hidden from anyone.

The Yueshan family is still busy. They definitely want to hide the truth of this matter.

Ke Ling took a look at the news. It was still in the fire-fighting stage, and no one knew what happened inside.

The fire will burn everything, including the corpses scattered all over the ghoul restaurant. It is estimated that very few of them will be intact.

However, upon further investigation, it can be seen that the corpses inside obviously did not look like they were burned alive, but rather they were already dead before being burned to death.

After all, it is impossible for people who were burned to death not to struggle, and when those corpses were burned, each one would definitely be more honest than the last.

The Seventh Ward Restaurant Fire will soon evolve into the Seventh Ward Restaurant Massacre, and the two are obviously completely different in nature.

However, all the people who died in the restaurant were ghouls. The Tsukiyama Family definitely didn't want to be exposed like this, and their young master Tsukiyama Hiko was also among them.

If this is exposed, the entire Yueshan Family might be caught together.

Not only the Tsukiyama family, but also the families behind other high-class ghouls definitely don't want to be found out.

They still have room to operate. The CCG is definitely not paying attention now. These high-class ghouls can use their own influence to expose this matter.

Are we going to be targeted?

Kaneki Ken was a little worried. He had also heard of the Tsukiyama Family, which was a very famous consortium.

Don't worry, you will definitely not be targeted. Do you think they will think that you, a rookie, can do such a thing?

Ke Ling waved his hand, telling Jin Muyan not to worry unfoundedly.

All the ghouls in the restaurant have been killed. No matter how suspicious people are, they will not doubt a weakling.


Kaneki Ken felt a little embarrassed for a moment. The truth seemed to be this, but it sounded very hurtful.

I'm leaving first. If you want to learn how to fight, you can ask Fangcun Gongshan. He shouldn't refuse.

Ke Ling opened the door and prepared to leave, then gave Kaneki Ken some advice.

Although Kaneki Ken feeds on ghouls, Yoshimura Kozen will not do anything to him as long as he does not harm the Anting District Cafe.

Fangcun Gongshan had many friends with him when he was young, and this was certainly nothing to him.

Besides, Fangcun Gongshan has never had any control over people like the big ghoul Kamishiro Rise and the gourmet Tsukiyama Xi who caused trouble in District 20.

If Kaneki Ken doesn't hunt in area 20, but goes to other areas, then Fangcun Gongshan will not care about this kind of thing.

I understand, Mr. Devil.

Kaneki Ken nodded. To be honest, he originally wanted to learn how to fight with Mr. Devil.

But he was a bit timid by nature, and he didn't dare to take the initiative to put forward his own ideas in front of such a fierce person as Ke Ling.

Ke Ling left simply. Of course he knew what Jin Muyan was thinking, but he was really not suitable to lead this guy to grow up slowly.

He was temporarily staying at Kano Akihiro's place, and if Kaneki Ken, the victim, saw Kano Akihiro, his enemy would definitely be extremely jealous of him.

Kano Akihiro couldn't turn him back into a human, and if Kaneki Ken saw the two half-ghou sisters Anjiu who could eat human food normally, he would probably feel even more uncomfortable.

Therefore, let Kaneki Ken continue to grow up in the Anding District Cafe. After today's combat experience, this child's personality will definitely change.

Ke Ling returned all the way to Kano Akihiro's laboratory in District 6, where the two girls Heinai and Naibai were still training hard.

Hatred is indeed one of the powerful driving forces that can make people grow quickly, but it can also easily make people have awkward personalities, such as a certain stupid Ou Doudou.

After giving pointers to Heinai and Naibai for a while, Ke Ling returned to his room, and then decisively added skill optimization points to [Ghost Transformation].

[Optimization completed.

Acquire the new trait Anthropomorphism.

Anthropomorphism: Can actively remove obvious traces of ghost transformation on the body and survive hidden in human society. 】

Another new trait. The introduction of this trait made Ke Ling's eyes light up.

Good guy, although he's still a ghost on the inside, he looks like a human again?

Ke Ling wanted to try the effect right away, but his instinct told him not to be so reckless.

Try the horns first.

Ke Ling had an idea. He couldn't mess with his body, but he could do other things, such as the pair of horns on his head.

Just as he thought, Ke Ling controlled his new ability personification and applied it to the devil horns on his head.

The two goat horns slowly shrank and then disappeared, as if integrated into Ke Ling's body.

Good job!

Ke Ling was a little surprised. He applied his anthropomorphic ability to his teeth again, and the canines slowly shrank and returned to their normal state.

Then there is the vertical eye on the forehead. Under the influence of the anthropomorphic ability, the vertical eye is completely closed, and it is no longer possible to tell that there was an eye there.

This does not really disappear from now on. As long as Ke Ling releases his anthropomorphic state with a thought, the devil's horns, vertical eyes, and fangs will appear again.

Try to tone up your body.

Ke Ling began to operate. The existence of the subcutaneous armor was an obstacle, but it was not completely without room for operation.

Subcutaneous armor is not the kind that fits perfectly. After all, the human body shape itself will change, so subcutaneous armor naturally needs to have a certain degree of elasticity and shrinkage.

Under Ke Ling's patient operation, the exaggerated muscles on his body gradually contracted, and his whole body became one size smaller. This was already the contractile limit of the subcutaneous armor.

When Ke Ling looked in the mirror, he felt a lot more normal now! It looks much more pleasing to the eye than the vicious look before!

Although his figure is still very tall, he is now within the scope of a normal person and will no longer look exaggerated at first glance.

Strength and speed were reduced by 3 points each, and charm was increased by 5 points.

Ke Ling looked at the panel. After using the anthropomorphic ability, the attribute bonus of [Ghost Transformation] dropped a bit, but the debuff of charm was improved.

After becoming anthropomorphic, Ke Ling's current charm value has reached 12 points.

what does that mean? It means that he will no longer make people think that he is not a good person at first glance.

Although it is only 2 points higher than the average of ordinary people, it is not enough to make people like him after seeing him, but it is enough to make people think that he is a normal person with outstanding appearance. This is a huge improvement!

Not only has he changed his appearance from before, it can also be said that he is a completely different person.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Ke Ling made a comment.

This anthropomorphic state can be used as a daily social state. When the war starts, you can directly switch to the second form evil form.

Next chapter later~~~Orz~

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