Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 118 Kaneki Ken’s Trial

Kaneki Ken stood quietly below, blending in among the ghouls, very inconspicuous.

Looking at everything that happened in front of him, the expression on his face was a bit blank, because until now, no one had paid attention to him at all.

Mr. Devil wielded his two swords among the ghouls and used the most unpretentious operation to make the ghouls scatter in all directions.

Several ghouls ran past him just now, and they seemed to have not seen him. They were avoiding the figure wearing the silver fox mask like a god of death, and they had no time to pay attention to him.

What about the promised fight? For a moment, Kaneki Ken was a little disappointed.

He finally worked up the courage. If any ghouls attacked him, he would fight back decisively. However, these ghouls were defeated by Mr. Devil without even looking at him.

In front of Mr. Devil, these brutal ghouls were slaughtered like chickens and ducks, unable to even resist.

There were also those who resisted, but the result of their resistance did not make them live longer. That Yueshan Xi is still hanging on the wall.

To be honest, he couldn't sympathize with the ghouls who were wantonly killed by Mr. Devil. Have they ever sympathized with the humans who were wantonly slaughtered and devoured by them?

Everything that happened before his eyes dispelled Kaneki Ken's fear of ghouls to a certain extent.

Looking at these frightened ghouls, he found that it was difficult for him to be afraid. It turned out that ghouls are also afraid and can be killed easily.

Don't be in a daze, Kaneki, your battle has just begun.

Just as Jin Muyan kept sighing, Ke Ling's voice sounded, interrupting his trance.


Ke Ling's words made Jin Muyan a little confused. Is there any place where he can be used now?

Ghouls, listen up, if anyone can defeat this guy 1V1, I will give him a chance to live.

Before Kaneki Ken could figure it out, Ke Ling had already continued to speak, saying this to those high-class ghouls who were trembling.

Mr. Devil!!!

Kaneki Ken's face changed drastically when he heard this. This can't be done! How many ghouls need to be released? ! How could he possibly win? !

When they heard Ke Ling's words, the eyes of the high-class ghouls instantly lit up. Seeing the frightened look on this guy's face, they felt like they had a chance!

Be confident, Kaneki.

Seeing Jin Muyan's timid look, Ke Ling was a little speechless, but he could understand that this child had not experienced so many things after all.

Release your ghoul and fight with them. You have to understand, Jinmu, once you lose, a ghoul will be released, and countless humans will be devoured by this ghoul. Those humans are all because of You lose and die.”

Ke Ling began to put mental pressure on Jin Muyan, forcing him to fight.

This child, if he is not given enough mental pressure, it is difficult for his deep-rooted character to change.

Of course, the mental pressure should not be too much. If the pressure is too much, it will easily lead to a complete mental breakdown.


Sure enough, when Ke Ling said this, the expression on Jin Muyan's face became more and more struggling.

It was difficult for him to accept that so many people died because of him, but he was also afraid of fighting, which made his mentality extremely awkward.

This is an obvious case of not knowing the blessings in the midst of blessings. What Ke Ling is doing now is much gentler than what Kaneki Ken originally experienced.

Before being taught subtraction by the gecko Daishou Yakumo, Kaneki Ken had a standard everyday Nana Sashi male protagonist character, a standard academic bastard and a good boy.

This kind of personality is not popular in this world, but it is quite popular among ghouls.

Is there any ghoul who wants to come out and give it a try?

Ke Ling didn't pay attention to Jin Muyan's reaction. He continued to ask those high-class ghouls.

He would not be as perverted as Gecko Daishou Yakumo, insisting on giving Kaneki Ken a chance to grow old overnight.

But he can teach Kaneki Ken a truth. Since he has chosen to live on ghouls, he must learn to fight if he wants to live.


All of a sudden, registration sounds started ringing out in confusion. It was obvious that none of the ghouls were willing to miss this opportunity.

We must fight now, because what we are fighting for is the chance to survive.

They all saw that this Kaneki was obviously still a Hina, and he didn't even have the courage to fight them.

They didn't dare to fight that scary guy wearing a silver fox mask. Could they still be defeated by such a cowardly little guy? !

Very well, it's just you.

Ke Ling casually clicked on a fat female ghoul, who stood up with a face of surprise, while the other ghouls looked at her with envy.

This, this, this

Looking at the ghoul walking towards him, Kaneki Ken was a little at a loss. The disappointment of not being able to fight had long since disappeared, and now only tension and fear remained.

After arranging the trial for Kaneki Ken, Ke Ling looked at Tsukiyama Xi who was hanging on the wall.

The gourmet was still confronting the shadow wolf, and the shadow wolf kept harassing him, making it impossible for him to pull out the knife.

Ke Ling approached Yue Shanxi and pulled out the knife. Shadow Wolf took advantage of the situation and pounced on Yue Shanxi, throwing him to the ground. Yue Shanxi raised his arm and used Jiahe to resist the shadow wolf's bite.

“How does the main course taste?”

Ke Ling came to Yue Shanxi and asked softly, with a little joking.

Yueshan Xi had his throat pierced, so he was naturally unable to answer, but the anger in his eyes replaced his answer.


What a bullshit gourmand, disgusting.

After making a casual comment, Ke Ling cut off Yueshan Xi's head and kicked him aside.

Ke Ling turned over Yue Shanxi's body. The ghoul's slender body had already been retracted, and his eyes fell on the shoulder blades.


Ke Ling's various medical knowledge that he had learned for a long time came in handy. He cut the skin and flesh on the shoulder blade very accurately and found the Jiahehe Bao.

Ke Ling tore off a piece of cloth from Yueshan Xi's body and wrapped the Jiahehe bag directly.

knock off.


Just as he finished his work here, Ke Ling heard a scream from Jin Muyan below.

Ke Ling looked over there and saw Jin Muyan being chased by a ghoul, his body covered with scars.

That ghoul was a tail man, with a long tail like a whip, constantly beating Kaneki Ken.

This whipping technique looks pretty good. It seems that it is used frequently.

Ke Ling complained. He originally thought that this ghoul would be relatively easy to deal with, but who would have thought that he would actually like to play with whips.

Trash! Don't run!

That ghoul was also unforgiving when he was in power, but she was used to being pampered, and for a moment she couldn't catch up with Kaneki Ken, so she could only beat him with her tail whip.

Don't just run away, you have to fight back, do you understand?

Ke Ling sat on the viewing platform above and began to direct Kaneki Ken. He could hardly stand it any longer.


Hearing Ke Ling's words, Kaneki Ken was distracted and was swept by the ghoul's tail whip on his leg, causing him to fall to the ground.


Ke Ling couldn't help but take a breath and put one hand on the disaster relief mask. He couldn't see, he really couldn't see.

The ghoul had a look of ecstasy on his face, and her tail whip stood straight, piercing the head of Kaneki Ken who fell to the ground. Kaneki Ken closed his eyes in fear.


Xue Ming spun and flew by, cutting off the tail whip that was stabbing Kaneki Ken with one knife.

Very good, you passed, go to the side and wait.

Ke Ling said, Shadow Wolf jumped down from the arena, picked up Blood Cry and came back.

You come next.

Before Kaneki Ken could react, Ke Ling clicked on another ghoul. Naturally, the ghoul that was clicked had a look of ecstasy on his face.

If everyone was a little nervous at first, but after seeing Kaneki's performance, now they just hope that they are the ones being called on.

Ahhh! Give up!

The ghoul's son was Kahe, and he pounced directly on Kaneki Ken. The Kahe on his arm was like a big wooden stick and directly hit Kaneki Ken's body.


Kaneki Ken was knocked straight away and hit the wall, coughing out a mouthful of blood.

Very good, you've passed. Wait on the side.

Ke Ling was very straightforward and immediately announced that this ghoul also had a chance to live.

Next one.

Without any hesitation, Ke Ling ordered a ghoul, leaving Kaneki Ken no chance to breathe.


Kaneki Ken was beaten away again, unable to resist, or he had no resistance at all.

Very well, next one.

Ke Ling continued to talk and continued to light the ghoul, feeling full of pressure.

Mr. Devil!

Kaneki Ken got up from the ground with difficulty, anxiety showing in his eyes.

He couldn't believe that Mr. Devil was actually telling the truth. Are those ghouls just going to be let go?

What? Do you regret it?

Ke Ling looked at Jin Muyan, his tone was very calm, his patience was almost exhausted.

If Kaneki Ken continues to be so messed up that he can't help himself up the wall, he won't bother to care about this guy anymore.

The empathy of being turned into a man-eating monster and the protagonist's filter are not enough to make Ke Ling have so much patience with him.

He still has his own things to do, and he doesn't have time to take care of the children here. Why not let him give up and go pick up human corpses.

I will fight

Kaneki knew that Mr. Devil wanted him to learn to fight, and he knew that his performance could not satisfy the other party.

He had even felt the disappointment in Mr. Devil's words, and felt Mr. Devil's increasingly cold mood.

Seeing this scene, the ghoul who was just named was a little dumbfounded. Why did he do this when it was his turn? !

Get down and lie down!!!

The ghoul waved his tail and jumped towards Kaneki Ken, hoping he could still end the battle with one blow.


However, under Ke Ling's high mental pressure, Jin Muyan finally broke out.

Four scarlet scales pierced out, directly piercing the body of the ghoul. They were the scales of the gods.


Kaneki Yan roared angrily, and the four scales attacked non-stop, quickly pulling out and thrusting in, pulling out and thrusting in again.

Blood splashed in the arena, drenching the ghouls. There was confusion in their eyes, as if they couldn't understand.

The few ghouls who had passed the trial had horror on their faces. If Kaneki had fought them just now, they would not be much better than this ghoul.

That's right, believe in yourself, Kaneki Ken, your strength is not weak.

Seeing this scene, Ke Ling finally nodded happily.

Kamishiro Rise is already very talented, and the one-eyed ghoul's upper limit is even higher. It is not unreasonable for Kaneki Ken to defeat the gecko Daishou Yakumo in one burst.


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