Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 115 The main course is here

Manager Fangcun, can I borrow Kaneki Ken for a while?

Ke Ling looked at Fangcun Gongshan. The old man still had his eyes narrowed and a smile on his face.

This is Kaneki's freedom.

Fangcun Gongshan will not force others to do anything, nor will he force others to act according to his rules.

Store manager, I'm taking a leave of absence today. Dong Xiang, come in and see senior, please!

Kaneki Ken quickly made a decision. He wanted to follow Mr. Devil out. The young man bowed to several people.

Go ahead and be safe.

Fangcun Gongshan nodded without stopping, and the same was true for Ruijianxuan.

I will be on duty for you, but remember that you owe me a day and you will have to cover for me next time.

Imi Xuan smiled softly, and there was no trace of the SS-level ghoul who once dominated District 20.

The ghouls in the Safe Zone feel completely incompatible with this twisted world.


Only Kirishima Touka turned away dissatisfied, which made Kaneki Ken a little embarrassed, but he also knew that Kirishima Touka had some opinions on his choice.

let's go.

Ke Ling walked out carrying the box, and Jin Muyan followed immediately.

Don't worry about it. It's very common for ghouls to eat ghouls. They call it co-ghoul. The same kind can eat each other, not to mention that you are different from them.

Seeing that Jin Muyan's expression was not right, Ke Ling opened his mouth to comfort the child.

Why is this? They are obviously stronger than humans, and they also have emotions similar to humans.

But Jin Muyan obviously couldn't understand it. After spending some time with everyone at the Anding District Cafe, he couldn't understand it even more.

It was his nature for ghouls to eat humans, and he could understand it, but why would they still cannibalize others when they were so similar to humans and could easily hunt humans?

Who knows? There are even some ghouls who would rather eat ghouls than eat humans.

Ke Ling is a little bear, for example, Kirishima Touka's father, corpse picker Kirishima Arata, he only survives by picking up corpses and eating ghouls.

It’s not surprising that a human like Kaneki Ken who was turned into a ghoul would make this choice, because his identity is still on the human side.

But a natural-born ghoul like Corpse Scavenger Kirishima Arata would rather kill his own kind to share with others than attack humans. Among ghouls, he is a living Buddha.

Kirishima Arata didn't just eat ghouls from time to time, he had even eaten himself to become a heir, which could only be achieved by a large number of ghouls.

If you just pick up corpses and eat them so as not to reveal your identity, this is completely understandable. This is the current model of Anding District Cafe.

Although not eating for a long time and only eating once in a while will severely reduce an individual's combat effectiveness, there is no need to fight as long as one's identity is not exposed.

But hunting a large number of common ghouls of the same kind makes people a little confused. Kirishima Arata is not a murderer like Yoshimura Kozen when he was young. He has a gentler character.

Is it because of family reasons? With a wife and two children, the corpses collected are not enough to eat? Too much pressure to survive?


Kaneki Ken took a deep breath. At least humans would not choose to eat the same kind of food when they had something else to eat. He was convincing himself.

In the seventh district, Ke Ling took Kaneki Ken to look for the target, the ghoul restaurant run by Tsukiyama Xi.

They arrived at District 7 from District 20. It was already very late, but this was the right time. Night was the time for the Ghoul restaurant to have a banquet.

This ghoul restaurant is different from the Anding District Cafe. On the surface, it is a real restaurant and is open for business.

But at night, the customers here are all ghouls. This is a members-only ghoul restaurant.

Here we provide customers with various types of human dishes with different death methods. The dishes are all slaughtered and prepared on the spot. The main focus is transparency and freshness.

Mr. Devil, where are we going?

Although Jin Muyan followed Ke Ling out, he didn't know where he was going.

right here.

Ke Ling quickly found the restaurant. Looking from the outside, it was very exquisitely decorated. After all, it was Yueshan's restaurant.

Unlike other ghouls, the Tsukiyama Family has considerable power, and there are even two branches in Germany: Rothwald and Johannes.

Although the Rothswald family had been wiped out a few years ago by He Xiu Zheng, who was working for GFG in Germany at the time, this did not involve the Yueshan Family.

Yueshan Guanmu, the contemporary head of the Yueshan Family, has a very strong personality and charm. She has extensive connections in the political and business circles and has countless followers. Today's Prime Minister Neon is a very close classmate of his.

The Tsukiyama Family can be said to have a truly huge influence in human society. They represent a group of ghouls who have integrated into the upper class of human society.

Welcome, guest.

The combination of Ke Ling and Kaneki Ken was welcomed by the waiter, but they only entered the surface restaurant.

Gourmet Tsukiyama Xi's ghoul restaurant is membership-only, which means that if you want to enter the inner level restaurant, you must be invited.

Mr. Devil, what are we doing here?

Kaneki Ken is still full of doubts. This is a normal restaurant. He is not used to eating yet.

Ghouls want to hide themselves in human society, so they naturally want to eat. They will swallow the food directly into their stomachs. If they don't chew, they can minimize the nausea.

As long as they vomit out what they eat before digesting it, their bodies will be basically unharmed.

Expand your horizons with me.

Ke Ling smiled and answered Jin Muyan that he was waiting for the person in charge to come to his door.

A strange non-human, non-ghoul creature carrying a white pigeon box, and a ghoul. The arrival of this combination is naturally particularly noticeable.

Soon, as expected, someone found them, not just because of their special combination.

Ke Ling and Jin Muyan did not order at all, but wandered around the restaurant as if searching for something.

The waiter just now was a ghoul. Seeing this situation, he would naturally notify the person in charge immediately.

Hello, I'm Yue Shanxi, what can I do for you?

A man with purple hair and a red suit came to the two of them, and he saluted like a gentleman.

Jin Muyan felt very embarrassed, because he had no idea what he was doing, and now someone came to his door!

Ke Ling narrowed his eyes. It was Yue Shanxi who came over in person. This made him a little surprised. Was this Yaxing who was interrupted from the dinner?

Sniff sniff~

Tsukiyama Xiu moved his nose, his expression suddenly brightened, and the irritation of being disturbed disappeared instantly.

In front of him were two special ingredients, special ingredients that had never appeared before!

A ghoul that exudes a special aroma, an ingredient that he has never eaten before and can’t even tell what it is!

To be honest, he wasn't even sure he could eat the latter.

As the eldest son of the Yueshan Family, Yue Shanxi naturally stands out from the crowd.

Because his mother died early, his father Yueshan Guanmu has always given him double love, which made Yueshan Xi not lacking anything since he was a child.

But now, right in front of him, something he had never seen before appeared, which made him almost unable to contain his excitement.

Master Yueshan, we want to attend your dinner party.

Ke Ling also bowed to the other party, and his words made Yue Shanxi's eyes sharpen.

My dinner party?

Yueshan Xi repeated this sentence, seeming to be thinking about what it meant.

Isn't this a ghoul restaurant? It's a legendary members-only dinner where you can taste exquisite cuisine. Are we in the wrong place?

Ke Ling continued speaking with a very puzzled expression, and Kaneki Yan was confused by what the two said.

No, you are in the right place. Please come with me. It just so happens that the main course hasn't been served yet.

Yueshan Xi showed a smile, very strange, yes, the main dish has not been served yet, it is waiting for you. This main dish will definitely surprise everyone!

A little late~Sorry Orz~

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