Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 104: Sympathy for the Same Suffering

Sniff sniff~

Ke Ling moved his nose. Under the night, in the dark alleys, the smell of human flesh and blood kept coming.

Well, the aroma is overwhelming.

For creatures like ghouls, night is also an excellent time to hunt, and the alleys throughout the city are their hunting grounds.

However, unlike ghosts like Ke Ling, ghouls are not afraid of sunlight. They are accustomed to hunting at night because they want to hide in human society during the day.

In other words, in this world, the classmates and colleagues around you may be ghouls who go out to prey on humans at night.

Ke Ling turned on the optical camouflage, and the optical camouflage covered his body, and his figure disappeared after a burst of color changes.

After turning two corners in the alley, Ke Ling saw a sight in front of him that whetted his appetite.

One ghoul was eating people, while the other ghoul was kneeling next to the ghoul with its back to Ke Ling, as if waiting for a piece of the pie.

My name is Kazuo, and I haven't eaten for a long time. Sorry, I can only share a little with you.

The ghoul who was eating people tore off a piece of flesh and handed it to the ghoul kneeling next to him. There was great harmony between the two ghouls.

The human man on the ground who was being eaten stared with a dead look on his face, wondering how he would feel about this.

The smell is different. This guy kneeling on the ground is neither a ghoul nor a human.

Ke Ling was leaning against the wall at the corner with a strange look in his eyes. He was neither a ghoul nor a human. Could he be?

Just as he was thinking about it, Ke Ling saw another ghoul coming from the other side of the alley. The ghoul moved his nose and glanced in his direction with some confusion.

This made Ke Ling immediately realize that the ghoul seemed to have a pretty good nose. Although he disappeared, the smell on his body did not disappear with him.

The brown-haired man who walked towards him wore glasses and kicked the eating ghoul on the head.


The ghoul's head was kicked away, flying past the kneeling ghoul and landing not far from Ke Ling's feet.

Unlike ghosts, injuries like being kicked off the head are basically fatal to creatures like ghouls, except for some monsters.

Don't just eat in other people's places.

The brown-haired man with glasses was very arrogant. After kicking a similar person to death, he looked at the one kneeling on the ground.

Unfamiliar face? Why only one of your eyes is red? That's disgusting.

The words of the brown-haired man with glasses made Ke Ling feel familiar, and he tried to recall the plot he had seen before.

Because the time was so long, Ke Ling could only recall the general plot. He obviously did not gain the ability to enhance his memory after time travel. It was difficult for him to remember the details of every TV series he had ever watched.

Isn't this arrogant guy Nishio Nishiki?

The familiar feeling made Ke Ling make a judgment, so it must be that Kaneki Ken has just had surgery and was turned into a one-eyed ghoul?


Nishio Nishiki grabbed the ghoul's neck and held the ghoul, who was wearing a blue sweatshirt and black pants, with one hand and pinned him to the wall.

Ke Ling stood at the corner, and now he could see the young boy's appearance clearly.

The boy's left eye has black white and blood-red eyes, but his right eye is a one-eyed ghoul like a human.

Sure enough, it was Kaneki Ken. I was used to seeing him with white hair, but he was a bit unrecognizable with black hair.

Sniff sniff~

Ke Ling moved his nose and smelled another scent approaching quickly. It was in the sky, no, it was coming from the top of the building.

Nishio Nishiki, Kaneki Ken, the one approaching should be the heroine Kirishima Touka, right?

Do you know what will happen if you break into someone else's house without permission?

Nishio Nishiki was arrogant in front of the frightened Kaneki Ken.

And how has Kaneki Ken, who was just an ordinary college student not long ago, ever experienced such a scene? Naturally, he was very frightened.

Sorry! Sorry! I didn't know! I was just passing by by chance!

Being choked, Kaneki tried hard to apologize, trying to get the ghoul monster in front of him to let him go.

Your girlfriend is lying naked on the side, while a naked man next to her yells that I didn't do anything and was just passing by by chance. Do you believe it?

Nishio Nishiki had a sinister smile on his face, and his hands became harder and harder. Kaneki Ken could no longer answer aloud.

The example he gave made Ke Ling on the side twitch the corner of his mouth. Can this Japanese netizen please calm down? The example given is very good, don’t use it next time.

Who is there?!

Xiwei Jin turned his head fiercely to look in the direction of Ke Ling and shouted loudly.

His nose kept telling him that a strange creature was nearby, but he didn't see it.

When did this place become your ghoul? Nishiki.

Before Ke Ling showed up and spoke, the girl who had just arrived on the roof of the building next to her jumped down consciously. Five or six stories high, she landed easily on the ground.

Creatures like ghouls have physical fitness that far exceeds that of humans. Compared with ghosts, ghouls have an even more overwhelming advantage over humans, because ordinary weapons cannot hurt ghouls at all.

In the world of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, ordinary people can fight back like Tanjiro Kamado when encountering ghosts. An ordinary ax can still cause harm to ghosts even if it cannot kill them.

But facing the ghoul, ordinary people have nothing to do, because ordinary weapons will not leave even a trace on the ghoul's body.

Dong Xiang?

Nishio Nishiki put down Kaneki Ken and looked at the little girl who suddenly appeared.

Ke Ling also looked over. Kirishima Touka, with purple hair and purple eyes, was relatively easy to recognize. Unlike Kaneki Ken, the black-haired Kaneki Ken was too ordinary.

I already know that the gluttonous girl Li Shi is dead. This place was originally my place, but it was just taken away by that bastard Li Shi.

Facing Kirishima Toka's questioning, Nishio Nishiki was obviously a little impatient. Kirishima Toka's attitude made him very unhappy.

He knew that after the death of the gluttonous girl Rise, the ghouls robbed by Rise were divided among the weak ghouls, but this place was his, and he just took back his own ghoul.

The 20th ward in Tokyo where they were located was managed by the Anding District Coffee Shop, but he didn't want to listen to the instructions of those old, weak, sick and disabled people.

A fight quickly broke out between the two, and the fight ended quickly. After just one encounter, Nishio Nishiki ran away with his head in his arms.

A-level Nishio Nishiki was obviously no match for S-level Toka Kirishima. Nishio Nishiki's attack was dodged by Kirishima Toka, but Kirishima Toka's attack easily cut dozens of holes on Nishio Nishiki's body. Wound.

Ke Ling observed from the side that the fighting power of these ghouls was really not weak. Kirishima Touka was very fast, and her son was Yu He, who had very strong explosive power.

After driving away the arrogant Nishio Nishiki, Kirishima Touka looked at Kaneki Ken, who was trying hard to restrain his desire for human flesh.

Jin Muyan's expression of clearly wanting to eat but unwilling to eat made Ke Ling feel a little bit the same.

But in fact, he was a little better. At least the emergence of [Extreme System] kept him mentally normal. He only needed to resist the feeling of hunger.

And looking at the way Kaneki Ken is lying on the ground crying, it seems that the child is about to suffer from mental breakdown due to the body's instinctive desires.

Don't you want to eat? Wait a minute, you're not that one.

Kirishima Touka picked up an arm of the human corpse and handed it to Kaneki Ken, but after seeing Kaneki Ken's appearance clearly, her expression changed.

Kaneki Ken also recognized Kirishima Touka. He often went to the Anding District Coffee Shop to drink coffee and study, and Kirishima Touka was a clerk in that coffee shop.

Please! Help me! I don't want to eat human flesh! I'm human!

Kaneki Ken sent a helpless cry for help to Kirishima Touka. He didn't want to eat people, he didn't want to become a monster. Once he ate people, could he still be considered a human?

However, he could hardly control himself. His saliva kept flowing, his arms were uncontrollably trying to get human flesh, and his brain was constantly stimulating him.

If you don't have the courage to eat, then let me help you!

Seeing Kaneki Ken's struggling look, Kirishima Touka took action. She tore off a piece of meat from the corpse and stuffed it into Kaneki Ken's mouth.


Ke Ling activated Si'an Westan, jumped out fiercely, and raised the thermal samurai sword in his hand.


A severed hand holding flesh and blood flew up. Kirishima Touka quickly retreated. She held her right wrist, but there was nothing under it.

Girl, I think he has the right to choose whether he wants to eat human flesh or not.

Ke Ling stood in front of Kaneki Ken with a smile on his face and the thermal katana in his hand pointed at Kirishima Touka.

What kind of monster are you?!

Kirishima Touka showed a pair of dazzling eyes. She gritted her teeth and stared at Ke Ling closely.

Injuries like severed limbs are nothing to a ghoul, and he can recover quickly in a short time.

I share the same fate as this kid, so I'm sorry, but I can't just sit back and watch you force-feed other people meat.

Ke Ling did not continue to attack because there was still a dangerous aura nearby, secretly spying on the situation here.

If he remembered correctly, this aura should be that of the non-killing owl, Fangcun Gongshan, the manager of the coffee shop in Anding District.

I have a headache. I have an appointment to go out tomorrow.

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