Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 102 Confused Biotechnology Company

Don't worry about me, take care of yourself. I may have to hide out of town for a few days. Before I come back, try not to mess with the biotech companies. You know, they are a little pissed off right now.

Ke Ling sent a message to Sasha. He estimated that he could not stay in the Night City for the time being, and the warning star on his body would not disappear for a while.

Old Wei, I'm fine, I just want to repair my prosthetic body. Do you have time now?

After replying to Sasha, Ke Ling sent a message to Lao Wei. The only trustworthy prosthetic doctor in Night City was Lao Wei.

Come to this place.

Without saying anything, Lao Wei directly sent an address, which was quite accurate.

Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble?

Ke Ling was a little moved, but to be reasonable, it would be completely understandable to him if Lao Wei refused directly.

You brat, don't act like a good boy just to get an advantage, get rid of all the pursuers before coming here.

Lao Wei replied, which made Ke Ling re-evaluate his current troubles. Maybe it's not as troublesome as he thought?

Ke Ling avoided the main road and took the dark path, heading towards the location given by Lao Wei.

Three in front and one in the back. His four eyes were wide open, always paying attention to whether there was any abnormal situation around him.

The pair of Qilusi's prosthetic eyes had been dug out by Ke Ling a long time ago, and now what was in the eye socket was the pair of prosthetic eyes that he had transformed into flesh and blood.

After being tracked once, Ke Ling naturally had a better memory this time. Ke Ling couldn't confirm that there was something wrong with the prosthetic eyes, but it was always right to take precautions before they happened.

His prosthetic eyes were turned into a bunch of flesh and blood. They were all trophies from before. Now they are all hidden in his body, so he is not afraid that they will be useless.

He just had to wait a while for Lao Wei to get a new one, and he still had to use his normal prosthetic eyes during the day.

After some twists and turns, Ke Ling finally found the location of Lao Weifa.

This is an old house, very inconspicuous in the dilapidated neighborhood of Watson District, otherwise Ke Ling wouldn't have been looking for it for a long time.

Ke Ling directly opened the door and went in. He smelled Lao Wei's scent. Now he has become more and more proficient in identifying people by scent. Maybe this is also a talent?

Lao Wei, is this your secret base?

Entering the house, Ke Ling took a quick look. It looked like a training base, a boxing training base.

That's right, it's been abandoned for a long time.

When Ke Ling came in, Lao Wei was wiping the dust on the training equipment with a melancholy look on his face. The things here had obviously not been used for a long time.

Come on, you still need to repair the subcutaneous armor, right?

After sighing with emotion, Lao Wei motioned for Ke Ling to follow him and entered the hut next door.

The hut is a medical room. There is not much advanced medical equipment here. The equipment looks very old and the style is also very old.

Don't worry, even though it's an old thing from more than ten years ago, it can still be used.

Lao Wei said with a smile. He sat on the chair and started to operate. The monitor seemed to be a bit blurry.

The damage is a bit serious this time.

Ke Ling nodded and lay directly on the hospital bed, allowing Lao Wei to examine him.


After the simple scan was completed, Lao Wei fell into silence. Is this more than just a serious damage? !

Even leaving aside the fatal wound from the top of the head to the waist, the other wounds are enough to kill a normal person several times!

How is it? Can it still be repaired?

Ke Ling was a little uneasy. Lao Wei's silence made him a little worried. During the battle, he felt that it was too difficult to repair.

Replace the upper body with a new one. There is no need to repair it anymore.

Lao Wei sighed. Looking at the wounds on Ke Ling's subcutaneous armor, he understood how difficult it would be to escape from the siege of the violent terrorist mobile team.

Although Ke Ling seemed to be fine, Lao Wei's many years of clinical experience allowed him to reconstruct Ke Ling's injuries in his mind just by seeing the damaged areas of the subcutaneous armor.

It was a figure with no part of his body intact, multiple wounds deep into the bones, a large number of internal organs exposed, and the entire upper body split from head to waist.


A tough guy like Lao Wei couldn't help but shudder. He had seen corpses more miserable than this, but he had never seen one who was still alive after being injured like this.

If the wound last time could be explained by just scratching the outer layer of the neck, then this time, Lao Wei really couldn't find any explanation.

No wonder biotech companies are so interested in you.

Lao Wei sighed with emotion, took out his backpack and took out the things he had prepared in advance.


Ke Ling was stunned for a moment, where did these words come from? He thought that the biotech company's initial target was not him.

It's all on the news, do you want to hear it?

Before the operation started, Lao Wei asked Ke Ling. When Ke Ling nodded, he went to tinker with the old-fashioned radio next to him.

The prosthetic doctor is also half doctor and half engineer. In addition to being good at using a scalpel, Lao Wei is also proficient in using wrenches and screwdrivers.


The radio soon began to chime in and the voice of the radio presenter began to ring out.

Devo Collins? Fake identity! This poor boy from Heywood is all fake! This guy is a demon developed by a biotechnology company!

As Lao Wei's operation began, voices kept coming from the radio, and the host sounded very excited.

If you have watched the law enforcement video released by NCPD, you will definitely understand why I say this, that Devil is not a human at all!

Let me tell you, listeners, that guy must be a biochemical weapon developed by a biotechnology company. Their research on the northwest Pacific islands has produced results!

As we all know, most of the territory in the south of Night City belongs to biotechnology companies, all the way to the border. Maybe their protein laboratories are just a cover, and they are actually full of experimental products like this.

And now, their experimental product has escaped and wants to taste human blood. As soon as this happens, I guess the silver bullets will be sold out. After all, no matter whether this Devil is a werewolf, a vampire or a devil, how many tubes of silver bullets are there? Click to use.

Mark my words, listeners, remember to bring some silver bullets when you go out. That monster named Devo Collins is still escaping in Night City!

The radio program was still going on, but of course, the topic had changed to something else. When they first started listening, the host had obviously been talking for a long time.

He's quite good at rubbing off the heat.

Ke Ling complained, but don't say it, what this guy said was quite reasonable.

They are all dog-nosed, and they know best what hot topics are.

Lao Wei smiled and kept working with his hands to replace the subcutaneous armor on Ke Ling's upper body.

It had been a long time since anyone had been able to defeat the Terrorist Mobile Team. When the incident was revealed, the entire Night City became lively.

“What was the reaction from the biotech companies?”

Ke Ling was very curious. A biotechnology company that had its forehead slapped on its head for no reason couldn't just have no reaction to this, right?

The biotechnology company has publicly denied it, but no one believes it. After all, what happened in the afternoon was also on the news. Everyone knows that you escaped from them first.

Lao Wei took out a pair of prosthetic eyes and began to replace Ke Ling. If something like this happened, even if there was no incident involving the biotechnology company, people would still think of them, not to mention that this incident still happened because of them.

This is really true.

Ke Ling laughed out loud. He believed that the people in the biotechnology company must be sweating profusely now. If others don't know the inside story, how can they themselves be ignorant?

This was indeed the case. At this time, the biotechnology company was holding an emergency meeting, and all the executives of the Night City branch were summoned together urgently.

What the hell is going on with this Devo Collins? Can someone explain it to me?

In the top position, Valentini rubbed his eyebrows and glanced at the company executives sitting on both sides.

In fact, it is more like a group of mad scientists than executives. The biotechnology company itself is more like a research institute under the skin of the company.

Because of the invention of the alternative fuel CHOOH2, when the biotechnology company was still a small company with only one office, it had already lived a prosperous life relying on patents.

As long as they firmly hold the patent of CHOOH2, they will never have to worry about the company's livelihood.

Therefore, most of the company's management are researchers, and most of their time is invested in various researches. Research results are the only criterion for determining their status in the company.

When he first learned about the news about Devo Collins, Valentini had no doubts. He believed that this must be the research result of a mad scientist in the company.


However, the silence in the conference room gave Valentini a bad feeling.

In other words, this guy is actually a product of another company?

Valentini's expression was a little unbelievable. He looked at the silent mad scientists and had only one idea in his mind.

This is impossible!!!

What other company can do what even they, who are far ahead in biotechnology, can't do? !

Is it possible that it really is an experimental subject that escaped from the Pacific Northwest? Aren't they studying Armillaria ostrichii or something like that? Is it possible that this guy is some kind of bacterium-like organism?

Someone raised the possibility that the feeling of the body being split in two and then being reglued looks like the body is being reconnected with mycelium.

Are you saying that the experimental subject crossed the entire Pacific Ocean and came to Night City?

The corners of Valentini's mouth twitched, knowing that you mad scientists are thinking too fast, but this is too outrageous!

It’s Friday~~~

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