In the air, the sky blue light seemed to distort the sky, spreading out circle after circle.

Beautiful and beautiful, like a dream!!!

This is not just a flame in terms of momentum, but a liquid air stream that has condensed into a substance…

Even insignificant mortals can feel the magnificence of this breath!!!

Bathed in the blue flames, a figure slowly emerged.

In just this instant, the pupils of the God of Destruction Beerus condensed wildly.

At the same moment, the powerhouses of all dimensions widened their eyes!!

It was covered by such a beautiful light and such a huge amount of energy!!

Monkey King, this guy… What will become of it!!!


When the blue flame disappears.

The whole body emits a fluorescent light, and the hair turns red… Goku, who had a pair of red pupils, appeared in everyone’s sight.

The strongest warrior on earth, the god of Super Saiyan!!!

All the heavens and all the worlds are silent.

“This is … God!!! ”

“Everything… I can’t feel it…” The world of the god of death, the void circle of the void night palace, Lan Ran Yousuke’s pupils were a little dull.

At this time, Wukong was different from the previous strong breath, as if he had stepped into a new mysterious realm.

Now everyone can no longer feel any breath from Goku!!!

God!!!!! Take me!!!

Seeing this gesture of Goku, Night God Moon knelt on the ground with open arms, as if his heart had found a home.

As long as the Super Saiyan God exists, there will be no more evil in the world!!!!

“God… How strong can it be!! ”

In this moment…

All dimensions… Fairy Tail World, Black Clover World, Seven Deadly Sins World, One-Punch Man World, Psionic One Hundred Percent World, Pirate World, Hokage World, Grim Reaper World, Tutor World, Hunter World, Jojo World…

Soul Eater World, Enchanter World, Type Moon World… Ultraman World, Kamen Rider World, Demon Slayer World, Ice War World…

But as long as the characters who think of themselves as a warrior…

All those with extraordinary powers…

All at the same time, he looked at Goku with bated breath, and the shock in his heart was incomparable!!!!

This Saiyan with the strongest fighting bloodline in the universe has once again transformed!!!

This red-haired and red-eyed posture, and… A flesh that has been tempered for thousands of years.

This is, a legend that goes beyond legends –

Super Saiyan God!!!

Gradually, after the breath converged, Goku slowly fell from the air.

At this moment, the red light covering him was like a layer of liquid air current, condensing around his body.

“Wait, there is no breath, isn’t this just ordinary Goku?” Everyone was stunned.

“But the redhead turned red… Moreover, his body seems to have become a little thinner, just like Lord Beerus, the god of destruction! Bulma said in amazement.

“I can’t see how much Goku’s combat power has increased…”

However, at this very moment.

The angel Weis, who was watching the play next to him, suddenly laughed: “Congratulations, you succeeded!” ”

“Finally didn’t make me wait so long for nothing!!”

Beerus, the god of destruction who was drinking a drink, also nodded.

Just this sentence is shocking!!!!

Beerus, the god of destruction… Unexpectedly agreed with Goku!!!!

How is this possible!!!

“Really? I’m the Super Saiyan God now, right? Goku felt his power and asked curiously in confirmation.

“Don’t you know if you look at it? Come, let the horses come! ”

“Good!! Then here I am!! ”

“You’re welcome, if you’re powerful, I’ll leave the earth a way to live!” Beerus, the God of Destruction, slowly stood up.

“Hey!! That’s wonderful!! ”

At the same time, seeing that the two were about to go to war, Klin and Yamucha, Bulma and the others also retreated far away.

This is a battle between gods, the realm of gods and gods!!!!

If they get too close, there is no guarantee that an aftermath can shake them to death!!!



Super Saiyan God and God of Destruction!!!

Goku and Beerus confront each other, the spinning screen constantly switching between the two of them.

Then, a ray of red light burned from Goku’s body, covering his whole body like the fighting qi of flames.


In an instant, in an instant when no one could see clearly, the two figures had collided together.

Beerus’s elbow collided with Goku’s fist, and the silent air seemed as if time had been frozen.




I don’t know how long it stopped, and the terrifying sonic boom burst out!!!

The amazing power instantly turned the kilometer of earth under the feet of the two into a hole.

Sand and dust turn into smoke…

Even the clouds in the sky dispersed.

At this moment, the entire earth can feel the instant vibration, and even many people think that it is the earthquake shaking forward, frantically fleeing!!!!!

“What destructive power is this!!!!

“Is this the realm of the strongest being, the gods, as a living being!!!!?” In an instant, the powerhouses of all dimensions couldn’t help but stand up, and their whole bodies trembled slightly.

So awesome…

Whether it is the Terran race or any other race, how many years will it take to cultivate to this existence above everything!!

What exactly is the price to pay…

in order to reach the limit of this life form!!!

Are they still life that can be born in the universe!!???

At this moment, even all the anime characters who study technology are all in shock, this is… Sanctification in the flesh!!!

In the face of the physical power beyond cognition, what can the power of mecha and firearms do!!

This is a pure life form, which has reached the pinnacle of strength through its own cultivation!!!!

Day after day, tempered so hard that even the rays of the sun cannot be concealed!!!!!


In the picture, Goku and Beerus are holding a stalemate in a confrontational pose.

Beerus, the God of Destruction, seemed to block Goku’s attack very easily, and his face remained unchanged…

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds…

Nearly a minute passed before Beerus slowly asked, “How is it?” How does Super Saiyan God feel? ”

“Startled me!!!!” Feeling the power boiling in his body for a long time, Goku opened his eyes with some excitement.

“Is it? Surprised? I feel the same way…”

As Beerus’s words fell, Goku also retracted his fists, and… The two flew into the sky at the same time.

Almost in the blink of an eye, they passed through the entire cloud.

“Lord Beerus, if I win, you won’t destroy Earth!!”

“Then promise you, but… There is nothing stronger in this universe than my God of Destruction! ”

The words fell, and Beerus, the god of destruction, kicked Goku in a strange pose… but was blocked by Goku with his arm.

Then, punch after punch, the two figures fought madly in the sky, and the aura caused by the fist spread wildly over the city!!!

Seeing this scene, the humans on the ground were all dumbfounded.

Audiences from other dimensions were also stunned.

It’s so strong!!!!

This kind of power that can destroy the earth with a single punch at will is simply beyond the understanding of human life!!!

In the world of Dragon Ball, the former enemies Friesha, Sharu and Majin Buu, no matter how powerful they used to be, or are they all in the past!!!!

Is this the realm of God…?

“Hahahahaha!! I can catch Lord Beerus’s attack!! ”

In the picture, Goku once again caught the fist of the God of Destruction Beerus, his expression was extremely excited, and he shouted with high fighting intent.


However, the God of Destruction Beerus’s face turned cold, and he quickly punched several times, and immediately beat Goku at a loss.

His fists…

Always one step ahead of the attack on Goku!!!!

Not only that, the movements of Beerus, the god of destruction, are like teleportation, coming and going without a trace!!!


“Lord Beerus is really super strong!!!

“You too… It’s not the same!! Beerus, the god of destruction, praised.

In the memories of Beerus, the god of destruction…

Goku in the super third form was obviously teased by him like a baby, but after becoming the god of Super Saiyan… His strength is as if he has broken through the shackles of the sky, soaring into the sky, and improving countless times!!

It has even reached the point where he can compete with himself!!!!!!

“I always say, if I had taken these punches from you in the Super Three Form, I would have died a long time ago!” Now I can finally talk to you!! ”

Lord Beerus, let’s go ahead!! ”

“Always at your service!”

After a short warm-up for the fight, the two flew higher in the air…

And then……

Beerus, the God of Destruction, stretched out a finger and revealed a grim smile: “Try this again, Super Saiyan God!” ”


A pure golden ball of light emitting thunder and lightning appeared above the head of Beerus, the god of destruction!!!

This ball of light seemed to be plated with a layer of golden light, exuding amazing energy!!!!!!

Cracking sound……

Cracking sound……

One after another, the thunder was like the arrival of the Thunder Emperor, enveloping the entire sphere… Then, to put it mildly, he flew towards Goku.


Goku’s face changed drastically, and he tried his best to catch the ball of light… The figure was retreating madly!!!!!!!

In just a second, he was about to be crushed to smithereens by the power of the light.

Seeing that he could no longer stop the energy released by the ball of light, Goku threw the ball of light into the ocean thousands of miles away…


In an instant, a brilliant golden light like a sunset covered the entire sea level… Huge golden flames rose along the coastline.

“It seems that you can already start harnessing the power of the Super Saiyan God, which makes me feel more and more fun!!”

“Haha, me too!!”


When the words fell, Goku also began to roar, and suddenly… Countless thunder and lightning bolts fell from the air, and Goku’s body seemed to be on fire, and terrifying crimson flames directly erupted!!

Bang bang bang!!!!

In an instant, Goku rushed towards the God of Destruction Beerus, and his body that condensed a large amount of breath threw countless fist shadows at the God of Destruction Beerus, and then… His fist actually grazed Beerus’s face!!!!



“Goku… How is this possible!!! What kind of power is this!!!! “The powerhouses of many dimensions were completely shocked.

Super Saiyan God…

It can actually hurt the god of destruction who has a finger of explosive stars!!!!

“No… This Saiyan is just a low-level warrior, how can he have the ability to compete with the gods in the future!!! I disagree!!! Cosmic Emperor Frieza knelt on the ground like crazy, screaming in embarrassment like a bereaved dog.

How can it be……

If you are only stronger than yourself, and you can even win enemies of the level of Majin Buu, you just need to hide well!!

However…… At this time, Goku has become a super Saiyan god!!!

The gap between them, like an insurmountable gap, has been infinitely widened!!!!

It’s terrifying!!!

Wukong’s current strength has far surpassed the situation when the TOP6 shocked the famous scene!!!!!!!

Seeing the abrasions on his face…

Beerus, the God of Destruction, was also slightly startled, and then… When he threw a punch with some anger, his body was actually caught by Goku!!


“Let me poke my forehead first!! Eat me another hand knife!! ”

The red-haired and red-eyed Goku first poked Beerus’s forehead, and then swung a hand knife at Beerus, catching him off guard…

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses of many dimensions couldn’t help but be a little handsome.

“Hahaha, it seems that he has really gained the strength to compete with Lord Beerus~~~” Angel Weiss laughed.

“Abominable stinky boy!!!! Don’t think that becoming a god will be able to compete with me!!!! Beerus, the god of broken words, also blushed and stared at the screen with an angry face.

This guy named Goku…

Dare to be so disrespectful to the strongest Lord of Destruction in the universe!!

At this moment, all the Realm Kings and Realm King Gods were frightened… In case Lord Beerus is angry, even destroying the entire galaxy is a thought!!!!!


Being teased like this, the God of Destruction Beerus swept his tail and immediately pumped Goku out.

Followed by…… Beerus found that a bag was on his forehead, and he couldn’t help but narrow his eyes: “It seems that you guy is still very vengeful”


“Actually, I’m just as unwilling to admit defeat as you are, but… How about a god-to-god battle between us? ”

“That’s exactly what I mean! I’m far from doing my best!! ”

“Lord Beerus, I’m going to be serious!!!”

“Always at your service, Super Saiyan God…”

However, before the words of the God of Destruction Beerus fell, his face changed slightly.

Goku actually came behind the God of Destruction Beerus in an instant…

And then……

He didn’t even raise his hand or shake his fist… Beerus’s neck was slammed into an unparalleled blow!!


In the next instant, Beerus had just reacted, and he punched his abdomen again!!!

Bang bang!!!!

As if he was mad, Goku frantically hit the abdomen of the god of destruction Beerus, and the two figures continued to advance thousands of meters in succession.

In an instant, the god of destruction Beerus, who was bowed down by the whole dimension, actually began to foam at the mouth, and he didn’t even have the strength to fight back!!

“How is it possible…”

“How is this possible… My Lord Destroyer, my Lord Beerus!! “In the world of One-Punch Superman, the weird hungry wolf fainted directly and passed out, and was also successfully arrested by the Hero Association.

The powerhouses of all dimensions are extremely shocking…

Goku, who is actually abusing the god of destruction Beerus!!!

That’s impossible……

How could such a scenario occur in the future!!!!

Could it be that the Super Saiyan God is stronger than the God of Destruction than Ruth!!???

However, the countless blows had already knocked the God of Destruction Beerus a little delirious, and when the attack worked, Goku threw countless punches, hitting the God of Destruction Beerus in the jaw continuously, and finally… With a kick, he flew Beerus thousands of miles away, crashing through more than a dozen mountains almost at once.

Seeing this scene, the warriors of the Dragon Ball world were about to open their eyes.

Goku, Klin, Bike, Gohan, Yamucha, Tianjin Rice, and the stunned Vegeta!!!!

How long has it been since Vegeta came to Earth?

It looks like it’s been more than ten years…

Could it be that the upper limit of combat power will become this level in the future!!!!

Kiki’s teeth also began to chatter, and she vowed never to force Gohan to study again…

In the face of such a terrifying enemy, it is not useful to escape the battle!!!


Goku in the video couldn’t help but laugh bitterly a few times.

Obviously he was attacked continuously by himself like this, but he could feel … Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction, was unharmed at all!!!!!!

“So it seems that my agitation is not enough?” Beerus walked through the large ruins and flew leisurely over again.

And then……

The two figures collided again.

It’s just that this time the gap has taken the form of a one-sided one-sided!!!!

Bang bang!!!!!

Beerus, the god of destruction, punched Goku’s body several times at a speed tens of thousands of times faster than the speed of light, and then kicked him down the clouds.

“It is worthy of Lord Beerus’s attack!!”

Right in Goku’s exclamation…

Beerus, the God of Destruction, raised his hands again and slowly raised a golden ball of lightning, and the power instantly covered the entire earth.

It is like a condescending deity about to inflict divine punishment on the earth!!!!

The power of this time…

It’s even more terrifying than before!!

No, it is impossible to imagine countless times more terrifying!!!

The golden ball of light, which was ten times larger than before, continued to enlarge in the eyes of everyone.

If you really let this ball of energy fall…

Then the entire solar system will be melted to ashes in an instant!!!!

“Next, I’m going to give you a big guy”

“It seems… Much more than the one just now!! Goku smiled wryly.


When Beerus, the god of destruction, threw the ball of light out, Goku used all his strength to catch the huge golden ball of light.

“Aaa!!!!a Goku roared while squeezing the huge ball of light, and the aura in his whole body gushed wildly.

A few seconds later…

Rumble!!! With a sound, the golden light burst out, and countless amazing golden rays bloomed!!

The entire sky covered with dark clouds shone into daylight, and all the earthlings covered their eyes!!!!!!

When they opened their eyes again, the entire sky was blown out of a hole where the air flowed up.

Blocked it!!!!!

Seeing this scene, countless viewers shed tears of excitement.

Goku, once again, saved the earth!!!

It’s just that the scene in the picture seems to be a warm-up that has just ended…

Next –

Once again, the two began a hand-to-hand combat at close range…

The two figures constantly flickered back and forth, covering thousands of kilometers in the sky in an instant.

The increasingly fierce battle also made Goku understand: “So it is… When it comes to the realm of Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction, you basically can’t find an opponent who needs to fight with all your strength! That is…”

However, before Goku’s words fell, Beerus came behind him…

“Less nonsense… You won’t understand anyway! ”

Beerus said in a low voice.

Then, he put his hands on Goku’s back…


Eight golden beams roared out, and Goku was instantly blasted out by the amazing shockwave… Before it was over, I saw Goku’s body like a rag, dragged by Beerus and bombarded wildly.

Wherever he flies …

will be blown out by Beerus in an instant!!!!!

And then…… Beerus, the God of Destruction, grabbed Goku’s face and pressed him heavily into the earth below!!

At the time of the fall…

The light on the two dragged out a huge streamer, and Beerus asked angrily, “How?” Are you going to fall down without resistance? ”

Damn it……

What kind of power is this!!

In the face of the God of Destruction Beerus, who shot with all his strength, Goku was slammed into the ground without any help, and in an instant… The entire island instantly turned into an abyss!!

“Get out at the moment of the explosion, you did a good job…” Beerus, the god of destruction, came out of the smoke, his face cold, and his eyes with the meaning of judgment.


Goku’s whole body was shaking, and it seemed that it was a little difficult to get up!!!

Obviously became the god of Super Saiyans…

However, the God of Destruction seemed to be more powerful than Lord Ruth!!!

See this scene…

Bulma, Yamucha, Klin and Vick, Kiki, Gohan Hovegeta and others in the Dragon Ball world are all sweaty and staring at the battle that takes place in the picture.

If even Goku, who has turned into the God of Super Saiyan, can’t defeat the God of Destruction Beerus…

Who else can stop the God of Destruction from destroying Earth!!!

The video continues…

Beerus, the God of Destruction, sat on Goku’s body and threw a punch at Goku!!

“Know what? I’m sleepy now…”



“Very !!!!!!”

“It’s a terrible !!!”

As if there was no end, the God of Destruction Beerus punched Goku countless punches in a row, each punch hit Goku’s arm, and he grinned and was unbearable!!

“It’s unbearable to sleep!!”

Soon, Beerus’s attack speed is getting faster and faster!!

you!!! Goku threw a head hammer and knocked Beerus into the air, and another punch knocked Beerus out…

Beerus slowly stood up, and his voice seemed a little dissatisfied: “It’s good to be like this earlier… However, that’s all you can attack! Just these few strokes, it won’t work for me at all!! ”

Soon, Beerus rushed towards Goku, and the two chased and fought on the ground at an incomparably astonishing speed…

The powerhouses of other dimensions are also holding their breath and sweating, even if it is a scene edited by the video, it is difficult for them to see this punching speed! ! !

It’s just too fast!!!!

It has gone beyond the scope of detection of this structure with the naked eye!!!!!

Even the strong people with pupil art who wanted to touch the realm of the gods without permission were bloody tears in their eyes!!!!

In addition to the ancient eyes possessed by the Dao Language World Yin Qishi, the arrogant ants of other anime dimensions who claim to be the strongest pupil art owners have knelt down and cried bitterly!!!

But…… This does not prevent the blood of the crowd from boiling.

Unexpectedly, they would one day be able to witness a battle of this level!!!!!!!!


Goku in the picture punched the god of destruction Beerus several times, and actually punched Beerus hundreds of meters away!!

Beerus couldn’t help but praise: “Very good, continue… What’s wrong? You seem to be a little dissatisfied? ”

“A little”

“Don’t you like to become a god?” Beerus asked.

“That’s right, I can’t imagine that there is such a realm!” Goku answered truthfully.

“It is precisely because it is a realm that I cannot achieve by myself that I am not satisfied!!!”

The words fell, and Goku instantly rushed towards Beerus!!!!

His whole body was bathed in crimson flames, and he once again confronted Beerus!!!!!!!!!




Every time the two of them fisted, the power became more and more powerful, as if they wanted to directly turn the fist power pierced by the sky into one amazing flash after another!

And where they passed, cloud after cloud was torn apart and disappeared!!!

The mountains shake !!!!!!

Soon, the residents of the city also noticed this movement, and their faces showed horror: “What situation, could it be the end of the world?” ”


“Kakarot, can become so strong!!!

Damn it…… It’s not the state where I became a Super Saiyan God!! ”

Sitting in the spaceship, Vegeta was a little reluctant!!!

He also wants to become a Super Saiyan god and try such a powerful power!!!!

It’s a pity…

In the future, it seems that only Goku has become the God of Super Saiyan, and the picture of fighting against the God of Destruction Beerus also overshadows many strong people!!!!

In the picture, Beerus catches Goku’s fist and asks with interest: “You guy is really interesting to talk, aren’t you happy to be able to work with your companions to become a god?” ”


When the words fell, Beerus, the God of Destruction, turned around and threw a kick on Goku’s body.

“I’m happy! Happy to happy!!! But if not with the help of everyone’s power … I can’t fight Lord Beerus like I do now!!!! I’m not willing!! Goku said loudly.

“Then why did you become a Super Saiyan God?”

“Because I want to fight Lord Beerus!!!”

“You’re really a battle freak…” Beerus, the God of Destruction, was a little helpless.

Looks like……

This guy Goku is not satisfied with becoming a Super Saiyan God because he is not satisfied that he can only become a Super Saiyan God by relying on everyone’s strength!!!

He should know… It is difficult to reach this state by cultivating on your own!!

At the same time, he wants to become a Super Saiyan god precisely because he wants to fight against himself!!!!!!

“Aaaaa!!!!a Beerus, the god of destruction, shouted and hit Goku hard in the abdomen, as if he was a little serious, and beat Goku madly.

Every blow made Goku feel unbearable pain…

After a while, the god of destruction, Beerus, blasted Goku directly into the forest far away from the city, smashing a tree after a tree.

Because they couldn’t see the scene of Goku and Beerus fighting, Bulma and the others also decided to get on the spaceship and go to the battlefield together…

The five of Vic and Klin, Yamucha, Vegeta and Gohan flew into the sky as if teleporting and flew towards the battlefield.

At all costs……

None of them wanted to miss this god-to-god battle!!!!!

This battle will become an unforgettable battle for all dimensions and all characters!!!!!


Far away in the depths of the forest, the battle between Goku and Beerus has also reached a fever pitch…

The two fought wildly in the forest, which also turned one tree after another into ruins.

Goku’s counterattack is also getting stronger and stronger…

He was getting used to such power!!!

Seeing this, the God of Destruction Beerus kicked Goku out!!!

One kilometer, three thousand meters, ten thousand meters, one hundred thousand meters!!! Goku’s body kept flying upside down, and after smashing countless trees, he came to the desert area and smashed countless mountains… Finally, it fell in a piece of loess!!

“This battle looks like a lot of !!!” Finally catching up to the battle site, Klin exclaimed.

Vegeta said unwillingly: “Damn, I always let this kid taste the sweetness, I also want to try the power of the Super Saiyan God!” ”


“Fortunately, it was he who became God, not me!!”

That’s right……

What makes Vegeta unwilling is not entirely that he cannot become a Super Saiyan God!!

Rather, he knew… Even if he becomes the Super Saiyan God, it is impossible to fight against the God of Destruction Beerus!!!

Kakarot is indeed stronger than himself!!!!!!!!

In the video…

Goku, whose whole body was burning with fire, punched Beerus, the god of destruction, together.

Rumble!!!!! With a sound, the mountain range with a radius of thousands of miles instantly shattered into nothingness, and under the shroud of yellow sand in the sky, the two collided together again.


The earth sank again!!!!

The sky is shattered!!!!!!

This terrifying sight made all the audience speechless in shock!!!

It’s too strong…

It’s so strong… Is this a showdown between gods and gods!!!!

Soon, the God of Destruction Beerus kicked Goku out again, and all of a sudden… Half of the desert area was directly kicked by the god of destruction Beerus!!!!

The huge mountain splits in two!!!

And then……

Beerus, the god of destruction, chased after him and punched Goku into the bottom of the sea with another punch… At this moment, the entire Wang Yang Sea was divided into two halves, turning into monstrous waves!!!

In an instant, the entire wave was evaporated!!!!

At this moment, the heavens and realms, the dimensional worlds, and countless powerful beings who claimed to be gods all deeply understood their weakness.

In the presence of true gods, what is the difference between them and ants?

The Grim Reaper World, Friend Habach!!!

Hokage World, Kaguya Otsuki!!!

Pirate World, Draco Im!!!

Demon Tail World, Ancestor Jelf!!!

The world of wild gods, a bunch of motley gods!!!!

Dungeon encounters, a bunch of motley gods!!!!

The world of god killers, a bunch of miscellaneous gods!!!!

The final Valkyrie, a bunch of strange ants who inexplicably claim to be gods, want to exterminate human beings but fight inextricably!!

Digimon, World Tree!!!!

Magical girl Madoka, Kewpie!!!!

At the same time, all the self-righteous, messy ants in all dimensions all cried for their weakness, or began to reflect on the reasons for their weakness.

The realm of true gods was simply not within their reach!!!!

The gods should be in charge of the order and rules of the world!!!!

The gods who will lose to ants are just ants with slightly greater strength!!!

Only the gods are qualified to challenge the gods!!!

Beerus, the god of destruction, and the god of Super Saiyan, the two of them are the real gods!!!!



[PS: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for your own !!!!! 】

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