In the shock that everyone could not calm down for a long time, the top5 shocking scene was also over…

Although not as bloody and intense as Dragon Ball, Super Saiyan warriors fight Majin Buu.

However, the ability to involve causality and time is a shock to everyone!!

That girl actually became a god…

It’s not a god at the level of strength, it’s not a self-proclaimed god like Lan Ran Yusuke, but… Shikamu Yuan has transcended the shackles of the world and heaven and earth, and has formed the principle of the circle with its own existence!!!

She completely eliminated all witches before she was born, because she rebelled against the cause and effect of the entire universe, so she was already a conceptual being!!!

Soon after, the rewards for this shocking scene were also released as scheduled.

[TOP5 shocking famous scenes, rewarding Shikamu Yuan, the container of God, means that after making the same wish as the future, you can also maintain human identity and memory, and live in this world! ] 】

“Ah!!! That’s great!! Madoka!!! ”

Seeing this reward released, Asami and Shikameki cried with joy.

Xiao Meiyan was originally still sad about the scene that happened in the future, and this time she also became very excited.

After all, that ending was not good, Madoka chose to sacrifice herself for all the magical girls in the world…

Although she was not dead in the true sense, it made no difference to Xiao Meiyan.

They are not even the same concept of life level anymore…

Isn’t this farther than the line between life and death?

However, as long as Madoka can continue to have human existence after becoming a god, it is really good!!!

“Kewpie, shouldn’t you stop Madoka from making a wish?” After reacting from the ecstasy, Xiao Meiyan immediately showed a threatening look.

“How could it be, Madoka can contribute such a huge amount of energy, and it is also of great benefit to our incubators… Moreover, to be able to witness such a shocking scene, I am afraid that we incubators ourselves cannot imagine it.”

Kewpie’s voice fell, and he said, “Of course, don’t take it too easy… Madoka just changed the concept of the existence of witches, even if there were no witches… There will still be other monsters in the world, and you magical girls still need to solve them! ”

After another silence.

Xiao Meiyan and Shikame looked at each other, and both showed a knowing smile.



When the top5 shocking scene ended, the magical girls of many dimensions were still immersed in shock.

Sakura Kinomoto of the Magic Card Girl Sakura World, Hishita Kuri of the Kamikaze Thief Joan World, Tsukino Hare of the Sailor Moon World, Ami Mizuno and others, Hinamori Yamon, who guards the Sweetheart World, Ilya of the Magical Girl Ilya World.

Even for the tyrant of the magical girl Nanoha’s world, Nanoha, a magician of the level of Favored Concubine Fett…

They all regard Shikameki as their idol!!

Shikame Yuan is the strongest magical girl in many dimensions, and she can’t help but be strong and so gentle, and she can sacrifice herself for her, she is definitely a role model for all magical girls!!

Of course……

The most shocking thing is Shikamu Yuan’s last posture after growing up, with a beautiful appearance, he actually shot a cosmic-level witch with an arrow…

In the face of such a powerful magical power, I am afraid that even Majin Buu will directly return to the west!!!

This is a woman who reverses cause and effect!!!

Not only magical girls, but also girls in many dimensions can’t help but yearn for Madoka.

It should be said that she is looking at all dimensions, and the most powerful women are not exaggerated!!!

The Pirate Female Emperor, the Plume Fox, Machima and others were also completely obeyed!!


When the top5 shocking scene ended, the chat group also set off a new wave.

【Shikame Yuan joins the chat group】

【Xiaomeiyan joins the chat group】

Seeing the names of these two people, the chat group also exploded in an instant!!

“It’s Madoka and Xiaomeiyan!! Warm welcome, warm welcome!!! The magical girl Nanoha said excitedly.

“Enshin !!!!” The morning fog of the magical girl website world was even more excited to tears.

Unlike other magical girl dimensions, although their world is not as desperate as Madoka’s, it is also very dark and deep, and it is a world where magical girls fight each other.

Ever since she watched Madoka’s wish process, her heart has been redeemed!!!!!

“Haha, hello everyone, you guys are exaggerating!!”

Madoka greeted shyly.

However, there are actually chat groups or something, what a novelty!!

“Hello everyone,” Xiao Meiyan also said lightly.

Although the matter has been resolved, after so many reincarnations, her personality has become a little cold.

At the same time, seeing Shikamu Yuan come out to speak, many villain powerhouses did not dare to show their heads.

Although Madoka is still just an ordinary girl, when she becomes a god in the concept later, will she be able to perform dimensionality reduction strikes on other dimensions…!?

If her arrows were really able to cross dimensions, the consequences would be unimaginable…

As a result, the villains who had been extremely arrogant in the past were all stunned, and did not dare to bubble up without permission, in case they were remembered by Shikamu Yuan.

However, at this very moment…

“Hey, what the hell did you guy stop for so long!!!!

A blond man named Dioblando actually directly asked Xiao Meiyan.

Why can this girl who has no power at all stop almost indefinitely!! And your own time stop can only stop for five seconds? It’s not fair!!!!

Another capable person who can stop from time to time!!!

Looking at Dioblando’s speech, everyone in the group chat frowned, this guy is really rude, right!!!

Actually questioning a cute girl like that, it seems that this person must be a big villain!!!

“Wait, your guy’s tone is too arrogant, right? Attitude give me respect!! The Pirate Female Emperor scolded.

His face did not change, but Dioblando still asked arrogantly: “Answer me quickly!!! Why does my time stop only five seconds!!! ”

He thinks he is the king of this world!!

But now even a little girl’s family has the same ability as herself, and she is so much stronger than herself, Dio is difficult to accept! !

For this kind of crazy guy, Xiao Meiyan is naturally too lazy to pay attention to it.

How did she know she could stop for so long…

At this moment, a young man named Jotaro Kujo came forward: “Hey, Dior… Your guy’s stand-in ability turns out to stop from time to time!!! Don’t worry, we’ll kill it soon!! You wash my neck and wait to die!! ”

“Hahaha, just by you? Even if I know my stand-in ability!! You’re still just a bunch of ants!! Dioblando taunted disdainfully.

“Who is the ant, you can take a good look then!!! Jotaro Kujo is young and vigorous, and naturally does not make Dio too comfortable.

Seeing that another pair of enemies began to fight, everyone in the chat group was a little curious.

I wonder if they will be the protagonists of several famous scenes later…?

However, I’m afraid it’s difficult…

After all, Dior himself said that he could only stop for five seconds!!!

When Majin Buu first appeared, he cut off the thoughts in the hearts of all the strong, and it was impossible for them to be selected for the famous scene in terms of combat power alone.

And after the appearance of the deified Madoka, the level of the famous scene was raised a level!!!!

This time, directly from the concept and order of the universe, it isolates all mortals from wanting to be selected into it!!

Presumably, after this, I am afraid that only true gods can be among them…

After no one took Li Dior, everyone quickly shifted the topic back to Madoka and Xiao Meiyan.

“Madoka, you’re so good!! How can you come up with such a wish! If it were me… I’m afraid the head is already rusty! Goku praised.

Seeing that it was Goku, Madoka immediately flattered and said hello, with a very humble attitude.

It’s Brother Goku!!

He is a Super Saiyan, an existence who can fight Majin Buu…

Goku actually talked to himself!!!!

In the eyes of many people, Goku is much more powerful than the last witch.

However, why not Shikameku?

Deified Madoka, the peerless graceful beauty, and the arrow that finally shot the universe witch, directly became the goddess in the hearts of all magical girls!!

It’s just that Madoka is still too immature now… Because that’s all a picture of the future, and there’s no way around it!!!!

Although Madoka’s popularity is booming, most of the female characters are a little more interested in Xiao Meiyan.

This girl would do that level for her friends, she should be very suitable for being a friend!!!

The boss of the Sliding Head Ghost Grandson World Yuyi Fox tempted with charm: “Xiaomeiyan, if it’s you… I would like to let you, who are also a woman, accompany you!!! ”

The queen of the Crimson Pupil World, General Esders echoed: “Flame, I am very interested in you, I wonder if you can give me this opportunity?” ”

The blazing angel of the end, the vampire ancestor Krulutse Pecy, was not to be outdone: “As a human being, I grant you the opportunity to follow me!!!! ”

Xiao Meiyan: “………”

Although Xiao Meiyan had frozen her heart, she couldn’t help so many enthusiastic attacks, and she was a little overwhelmed for a while.

Seeing the female avatars of these conversations, one more beautiful than the other, Shikame Yuan was also anxious to see it, and did not know what to do.

Fortunately, at this moment, a new group tip caught the attention of all group chat members.

【Kewpie joins the chat group】






[PS: There will be an update later, ask for flowers!!!!!!! 】

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