The heavens and realms, the entire dimensional universe, the strongest warrior ever…

Super Veget, shocking debut!!!!

At this moment, countless viewers trembled violently and trembled because of his breath…

Majin Buu also had a hateful face with gritted teeth, and it seemed that he still refused to admit defeat, and forced his lips to laugh.

“You said you were Super Veget? Hahaha, I see you haven’t figured it out yet! I have just absorbed all those two imps and Gohan into my body!! ”

“And you just became Super Saiyans after merging!! It doesn’t work for me at all!! ”



“I see, it’s you who didn’t understand things!!”

Faced with Majin Buu’s struggle, Vegette just laughed contemptuously.

The power of using earrings to fit is far beyond ordinary fits!!

The realm he is in now is no longer in the same dimension as Majin Buu!!!

“Come on, I’ll show you!!”

“Abominable fellow, I see how you can do!!”

Majin Buu’s angry and corrupted figure exploded, rushed towards Veget, who had turned into a Super Saiyan state, and punched out with an earth-shattering punch!!

However, Vegette easily dodged it…

After that, Majin Buu was even more furious, and attacked Vegett one after another.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is obviously an attack that is absolutely impossible to dodge, but even Veget’s clothes cannot be touched!!

It’s like a joke that adults and children only see…

Not only that…

Even the shockwave launched by Majin Buu was casually punched back by Veget.

Gradually, Majin Buu soon lost his method, and his movements became illogical and almost mad!!!


In the next second, Vegeta kicked Majin Buu in the face, kicking him violently for a distance.

Just a casual kick made Majin Buu unrecognizable, and his expression was extremely painful!!

Such a embarrassing situation is really unbearable to look at directly…

“What can I do? What do you say…”

“Your nosebleeds are all coming out, it’s really ugly, wipe it off!!”

With a contemptuous smile on his lips, Vegett said in a pitying tone.

Majin Buu was insulted continuously, and couldn’t help laughing angrily: “I’ll let you know that the more you provoke me like this, the more ugly you will die in the end!” ”


In an instant, Majin Buu burst out with a powerful aura, and his aura was raised again by several stages.

With his body as the origin, the terrifying coercion shook the surrounding space and distorted, and ordinary people would be shattered just by approaching.



The full-fledged Majin Buu punched Veget’s body with two punches, and kicked Vegett away, flying all the way to the bottom of the sea!!

Immediately afterwards, Majin Buu smiled viciously and emitted countless pink shock waves to the bottom of the sea, like cannonballs! !

However, when the movement is over…

Majin Buu did not become happy, his face was still livid, and he obviously realized that his attack had not worked.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Veget’s figure to fly out, completely intact!!!

“Hehe, even if you use all your strength, it’s completely useless!!”

“To inflict damage on the enemy, this is it!”

When the words fell, Vegeta stretched out a palm to Majin Buu, and the blue light flickered faintly.


A blue shockwave floated high in the air against the sea level, instantly devouring the body of Majin Buu…

This shock wave shot straight into the universe, flying for hundreds of millions of miles before slowly stopping.

The earth shook continuously, and the entire earth’s sky was dyed with a deep blue light!!!

Covered by such an amazing energy, Majin Buu was instantly blown up into a pool of pink cells.

But Vegett is no longer in a hurry to attack, because now he … You can kill Majin Buu as many times as you want!!!

“How? Isn’t it very effective!! ”

When Majin Buu finally recovered, his whole body was trembling and trembling…

Although he can be reborn infinitely, but… His spirit is almost at its limit.

Veget’s attack was too strong!!!

The abnormal pain in his body has even affected his thinking…

Majin Buu stared at Vegette breathlessly, his face full of resentment and unwillingness: “It doesn’t work!!” It doesn’t work at all!!! ”

Buzz Buzz!!!

But in the next second, white steam spewed out from Majin Buu’s pores as if it had been grilled in a kettle, and slowly swirled around him.

Obviously, Majin Buu was already angry and corrupted!!!

But gradually, the smoke obscured Veget’s vision.

Majin Buu hid in the white smoke and let out a triumphant laugh.

“Hahaha, you can’t see my appearance!!”

That’s right, it’s invisible… But well!! Vegette sneered and rushed straight into the smoke.


In the smoke, there was the sound of Majin Buu being beaten wildly.

Soon…… Majin Buu ran out beyond recognition, covered in scales, and his face was full of horror and disbelief.

“How could it be !!!?”

It is by virtue of my breath that I know where you are!!! And you just rely on the naked eye to catch up with my speed!! Vegeta condescendingly looks down at the embarrassed Majin Buu.

After transforming into Super Veget, he and Majin Buu are no longer a dimensional existence at all!!

At this moment, he even surpassed the entire universe!!!

It’s time for this battle to end!!

Bang bang bang!!!

Immediately afterwards, Super Vegeta was beaten up again, and Majin Buu had no power to fight back at all!!!

He was no match for Vegett at all, and he couldn’t even keep up with his opponent’s speed anymore!!!

Majin Buu’s figure became more and more embarrassed, gradually exhausted, and soon revealed a huge flaw.


In the next second, the golden beam stretched out from Veget’s hand was like a sharp sword, piercing the entire body of Majin Buu from a distance of tens of meters.

Then, Vegette raised Majin Buu with his lightsaber and threw him a few times like a drying rack.

Good guys, Vegett seems to have played!!!!

“It’s too strong…”

“Vegeta is invincible!!!!!!”

Seeing such a powerful Veget, the powerhouses of all dimensions shed tears of excitement.

This is the ultimate warrior after breaking through the limit of combat power!!!

The warriors of the Dragon Ball world are also very lucky.

Klin said with some happiness: “Goku, it’s good that you let Vegeta go, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to become Vegeta now!!! ”

Without a doubt, Vegette is definitely the strongest person they have ever seen since they were born!!

Now they are not even rivals to Frisha, let alone Sharu and Majin Buu.

Veget, in Super Saiyan form, is simply a dimensionality reduction blow to the Dragon Ball world!!!!

“How can … Majin Buu, you won’t lose!!!! “The hungry wolf slammed his head into the earth like crazy, not daring to imagine… Even such a powerful existence as Majin Buu would lose!!!

“The wicked also have the savior of the wicked!!!!” In the JOJO world, Dior knelt on his throne and kowtowed madly to Majin Buu, hoping to contribute a little bit of strength to Majin Buu.

The Seven Deadly Sins World, Ten Rings and others were also in tears, not believing that Majin Buu would be humiliated by Vegeta in this way!!

Originally brought despair to all dimensions…

The invincible Majin Buu !!!

At this moment, he was actually hung by Vegett with a lightsaber!!!

He hangs upside down in the air, even funnier than a clown!!

Countless villain powerhouses washed their faces with tears, unable to accept such a cruel truth.

Super Veget, this guy from Rippy is the life that should not exist in this universe!!!

Such a terrifying combat power directly destroyed the dreams of all villain powerhouses!!!!

He alone can extinguish all the hopes of the boss’s destruction!!!


Under the horrified gaze of Majin Buu, Vegett maintained a sneering expression.

“You should show your true skills, Majin Buu… Or is that all you have? ”

“Abominable, abominable!!!”

“You’re just a human being, you dare to laugh at me!!!”

Majin Buu roared incompetently and furiously.

In the next second, his entire body turned into a viscous liquid and broke free of the lightsaber in a strange way.

Then, while Veget’s surprise, all the slime began to fly towards his mouth, scrambling to squeeze all the instillation into it, and soon propped Veget’s body into a giant!!


How so!!?

Vegett was too careless!!!

How can it be unsuspecting and get into your mouth!!!?

“I’ll leave your body in pieces! Get ready!! ”

Majin Buu’s playful voice came out of Veget’s body, he wanted to make this guy feel the most terrible and painful death!!!

However…… Just when everyone was thrilled by Veget.

Veget, however, sneered indifferently: “If you want me to see, you should be mentally prepared!” ”

When the words fell, Vegett suddenly burst out with golden light, and his aura shook!!


Because of the condensation of the contraction of the airflow, Majin Buu’s body was squeezed into a ball and sealed in his body by Veget…

Vegette also took the opportunity to frantically beat his flesh, his fist penetrating the surface of his skin, and then directly bursting in the depths!!!

In just a few seconds, Majin Buu was hit hard by incomparably terrifying injuries!!

The strong shock almost numbed his brain!!!

The painful Majin Buu could only swim in Veget’s body continuously, but he was constantly chased and beaten by Veget, and finally had no choice but to run out of his body!!

Majin Buu began to gasp wildly, and his terrified face looked even more frightened.

Now he is completely convinced that it is impossible to defeat Vegette with his current strength…

“Obviously absorbing so many people, or only this level, really disappoints me!!!”

Veget’s face was dissatisfied, and he seemed to be a little unsatisfied.

The heavens and dimensions are all fearful.

Super Veget…

This is simply an ultimate warrior with no dead ends!!!

It is no longer possible for the demon Buu to be his opponent!!!

Majin Buu, who represents pure evil and ultimate fear, is revealed at this moment…

No matter what kind of crooked path, it will disappear in the face of absolute strength!!!



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