Pure evil, Majin Buu!!!

Arrogant domineering, Gotenks!!!

The continuous offensive was like a rainstorm, and the figure flickering back and forth even exceeded the speed of light!!!

At a speed that ordinary people cannot see with the naked eye, the two figures continue to shoot distorted air explosions in the air.

Electric flint!!

Thunderous !!!

Fists and shadows are mixed, and the afterimages are in the sky!!!

After a few seconds of continuous fighting, Majin Buu screamed and swooped down from the sky, and Gotenx also rose into the sky with a proud face.

Then, under the terrified eyes of countless spectators, two violent figures collided straight together.


In the next second, it was deafening, and the gas wolf overturned.

After a fierce collision between the two figures, the huge air flow set off shook the entire space-time house to collapse.

Pink and blue streams intertwine, entangle, engulf, impact, and then explode completely!!!

This earth-shattering collision is like a strong hum when a giant bell rings.

At this moment, in the Heavenly Dimension, countless audiences were stunned, and only the violent echo resounded in their minds.

What a terrifying battle…

Just the aftermath of the overflowing fist power can extinguish the fighting spirit of all the strong…

Super Gotenx has been able to compete with Majin Buu!!!!!

At the same time, suffering such a huge impact, Gotenx and Majin Buu were blasted away at the same time.

Both figures fell to the ground in embarrassment, and they couldn’t get up for a short time when they were dizzy.

This guy!!!

The head is really hard!!

I saw a large bag appear on Gotenx’s head, and a pink swelling also appeared on Majin Buu’s head!!

In the next second, Wutianx covered his forehead with grinning teeth, and Majin Buu was not to be outdone and climbed up with a hideous face.

Neither one expected it…

This final battle that will determine the life and death of the earth, the survival of the universe, and shake the heavenly dimensions will open in this way!!!

As the two strongest beings in this dimension, they actually hammered each other with their heads!!!!

Isn’t that a bit too funny!!!!!!

Wutianx covered his forehead while shaking and unsteadily: “I originally wanted you to see more tricks, but since you are so powerful, I will solve you all at once!” ”

“Phew, phew, phew~~~” Majin Buu gasped and smiled viciously, it seems that the moment that Gotenx just had had a good impact on him.


Under the gaze of Majin Buu and Vic with bated breath, Gotenx roared up to the sky: “This time, I must make you disappear from this world completely!!” ”


In an instant, the aura bloomed, and the golden light tore the nearby space to pieces.

With Wutianx as the origin, the golden aura of 360 degrees swept out wildly in an instant, and even the sky and earth were overshadowed!!!

The furious light climbed to the extreme in an instant, higher and higher, more and more terrifying, and the entire space-time house began to falter!!!

“How could it be !!!!?”

Feeling this blazing sun aura that exploded like the sun, Majin Buu’s expression immediately became solemn.

Vic who was watching the battle next to him puffed out his hands and shouted ecstatically: “Maybe, this time can really win!!! ”

As the only close-up spectator, Vic is also the most intuitive to feel the existence of Wutianx’s breath!!

Super Gotenx has surpassed Majin Buu!!!

Gradually, when the essence’s aura compression condensed to the extreme, the golden beam retracted into Wutianx’s body…


“This is the special skill that I have been practicing for a long time!! Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack!!! ”

The next scene…

Gotenx actually spat out a ghost that looked exactly like himself as if blowing bubble gum.

Such a sight also made Majin Buu and Vic completely dumbfounded.


With such a terrifying qi, a thing like this was created!!?

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses of many dimensions couldn’t help but be a little handsome, and once again doubted the IQ of Wutianx!

It obviously has the power to destroy the entire universe!!!

Let’s put a qigong cannon on it!!!!

Whose child is this skill of penetrating the center of the earth!!

Inside the spaceship, Vegeta is already embarrassed to escape from this planet!!


Night God Moon complained with a flat face, as if she had returned to her usual calmness and intelligence.

Then, he couldn’t help but write the name of the super ghost kamikaze attack on the death note, hoping to write this weird ghost directly to death!!

“Majin Buu!!! You can’t lose to such a mentally retarded skill!! Otherwise I’ll let you swallow me alive!! The hungry wolf said with a maniacal nonsense.

“Aaaaaaa!!!!!!!!a In the Blade Tooth World, the primitive human skin looked at the super ghost kamikaze attack, revealing a curious expression.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack…

Wutianx condensed such a strong qi, and actually created such a strange ghost, which really surprised the three thousand worlds!!!

He actually spat out a ghost from his own mouth!!??

You know, you are the righteous party, not some villain! ! !

“This, what is this!! It’s the first time I’ve seen this move! ”

Although Vic did not understand, he was greatly shocked.

However, unlike the other people’s Three Views Shattered, Gotenx seems to be very confident in his special moves!!

“Hahahaha, Majin Buu is completely out of the right now!!”

“Ready, rush !!!”

With Gotenks’ order, the ghost actually stretched his body a lot like Majin Buu, and quickly flew towards Majin Buu.

Think you can knock me down with this weird thing!?

Majin Buu smiled disdainfully, swung his knife hard, and slashed at the body of the ghost Gotenks…


In the next second, Ghost Wutianx actually showed an even more hideous smile…


The golden light condensed to the extreme bloomed like fireworks.

Thick smoke billowed out, and a violent hurricane swept the entire space in an instant.

Nearby Vic couldn’t open his eyes at all, and kept retreating under the strong air current, his face looking horrified.

Although the form of this attack is very funny, this power is not a joke!!!!

Moments later, when the smoke and dust cleared…

Only then did everyone see clearly.

Majin Buu’s body was actually blown up into a lump of shriveled mucus!!!!

“What a horrible destructive power this is!!!!

“I was able to blow up that big Buu into this look… Gotenks’ qi is genuine!! ”

At this moment, Goku, Klin and the others lying on the hospital bed were overjoyed.

Concentrated to the extreme energy, it will explode on contact…

The way this skill is used is similar to Vegeta’s self-detonation!!!

“Yay!! That’s great!! ”

Gotenx laughed arrogantly and made a victorious gesture.

As long as you touch it, the super ghost will produce a big explosion!!

What a sinister move!!!!

Majin Buu was screaming and trembling, it seemed that he had indeed suffered a lot of damage, no matter how to say it… Even if Wutianx had no combat experience at all, his anger should not be underestimated.

Hard connected with Gotenx with an explosion, Majin Buu could not recover at all in a short time!!

Seeing Gotenx dancing with joy, Vic angrily scolded, “What are you doing!!” Hurry up and get rid of him, or he will be back to his original state soon!! ”

“Don’t worry!!”

“I’ll use this special move continuously!!”

Wutianx condensed a large amount of qi again, and spit out countless super kamikaze ghosts one after another.

Then, order them to line up in turn …


Only then did Gotenx discover that something was wrong.

While he was wasting his time, Majin Buu had fully recovered.

Not only that, but he was lying on the ground and flipping through magazines while drinking a drink…

“This guy is simply a retarded mind!!” All the viewers of the anime world can’t help but want to spit on Gotenks.

“What a cute little kid!! It would be nice if it were our children!!! ”

In the world of partial love anime, many heroines fold their hands and seem to like Gotenx very much.

Their love and purity are enough to tolerate Gotenks’ weird behavior!!

In other dimensional worlds with higher combat power, all the strong people covered their faces one after another, sighing helplessly.

“Damn it, you actually look down on me!!”

Gotenx waved his arm and commanded, “Attack me!!! ”

The voice fell…

Countless super kamikaze ghosts rushed towards Majin Buu!!

It is a pity that Majin Buu has already known the effect of Wutianx’s move, and of course he will not be hit.

He quickly jumped into the sky, his figure scrambling back and forth, and finally caused Gotenx’s two ghosts to collide with each other and explode.

“Stupid!! I won’t fall for you!! Majin Buu grimaced proudly.

“Abominable!!” Seeing this, Wutianx actually directly gathered all the ghosts together, preparing to hold a meeting to discuss tactics!!

“How so!!!?”

“This battle is too leisurely!!”

Bick on the side was stunned, and his mood was already strange to the point of being incomparable.

Obviously two ultimate warriors with the ability to destroy the entire universe, Majin Buu and Super Gotenks…

One side is pregnant with the purest evil in this world!!

On the other side is the strongest Super Saiyan Fit form!!!

However, their battle is like child’s play!!!

Is it possible that this is the so-called use of the mentally retarded to win the mentally retarded, and the use of odd species to win the odd species!!??

After discussing for a long time…

It wasn’t until Majin Buu was already asleep that Gotenx stood up again!!

“Okay, let’s go on!! Come on!! ”

“Okay, look at me!!” The two ghosts give each other high fives to boost morale.


Golden fireworks soared into the sky, and the bursting light shone incomparably.

Because of the touch between the ghosts, all the ghosts were blown out, and Gotenx also became ashen…

Majin Buu was also completely stunned, as if marveling at the brain composition of Gotenks.

Vic opened his mouth even wider, stunned, and couldn’t even say a complete sentence.

“Damn, it actually exploded!! But this does not affect our tactics!! ”

Gotenx stood up in embarrassment and waved his hand extremely angrily.

In an instant, the ghosts rushed towards Majin Buu in droves.

“Ha, how could I be attacked at this speed!!”

Seeing this, Majin Buu smiled disdainfully, his figure was slightly pressed, and he was about to jump back.

However, at this very moment…

Inexplicably, the ghosts actually bypassed him in unison, ran to the side and whispered.

“What is it?”


“Is it mochi!!! How could it be here? ”

“Born of your own, right? That’s wonderful!! It looks delicious!! ”

What is it?


Hearing the discussion of the ghosts, Majin Buu walked towards that side a little straight, unable to suppress the curiosity in his heart.

He even put his face directly above the ghosts’ heads, wanting to peek at whether there was really a delicious dessert.

“Good opportunity !!!!”

In an instant, all the ghosts grabbed Majin Buu together, and his figure bulged up at the same time.


Boom, boom!!!!!

Endless explosions rang out wildly, and the bursting air flow soared into the sky!!!

There were mushroom clouds formed by golden qi waves everywhere, and circle after circle of vibrations covered the entire space.

The power of more than ten ghosts exploding at the same time is even far beyond Vegeta’s self-detonation!!!

A few seconds later, the golden light disappeared, and Majin Buu was actually left with only a struggling lump of slime…

“How could it be !!!?”

“How could Majin Buu be defeated in such a stupid way…”

“Gotenx and Majin Buu…”

“Is this battle really a shocking scene!?? It’s obviously the final battle!! ”


This scene caused countless spectators in the Heavenly Dimension to spray rice on the spot.

At this moment, both the night god moon and the hungry wolf stopped their deceitful behavior, and just looked at the scene in the picture with a dull and incredulous face.

In the pirate world, the general Akainu seemed to be a little too shocked, and uncontrollable hot magma flowed out of his seven tips, causing the group of naval newcomers next to him to drop wildly.

Saint Seiya World, Saga of the Golden Saint Seiya Virgo has long been blinded by the fear of Demon Buu, but when he saw this scene that was impossible to see directly, he couldn’t help but lift his heavenly spirit cover.

It’s not so much a shocking famous scene as a funny famous scene!!!!

Everyone was already a little unable to spit on these two fools.

First, the high-fives between Gotenx and the ghost, and then Majin Buu was attracted by the fake delicacy and was tricked.

In the end, how low is the existence of IQ to show such a battle!!

He is a Majin who can destroy the entire universe, Majin Buu!!!

He can explode a planet with a single blow, but he will die in the hands of this move!??

In any case, even if the audience dug up their own brain pulp one after another, I am afraid that they would not be able to understand the special behavior of Majin Buu and Gotenks.

“Ah, this…”

The warriors of the Dragon Ball world were stunned.

Vegeta slammed the floor of the spaceship harder, trying to find a gap in the universe to get into.

It’s a shame!!!

This level of battle, but won in such an exaggerated way!!

It’s just a joke!!

This makes how the powerhouses in other dimensions who have cultivated their martial arts to the pinnacle view this world!!!

The characters in the Dragon Ball world felt a pang of shame.



In the picture, Majin Buu is struggling in pain.

Two eyes glared out from the flesh ball, and it seemed that they were really facing a desperate situation!!

Gotenx takes advantage of the victory to pursue and orders Ghost Ten to rush forward to solve Majin Buu.

So, the last super ghost of Gotenx also rushed up, and the wind and clouds rushed into the mouth of Majin Buu…


As a brilliant golden light burst open, Majin Buu was completely blown to smithereens!!!

There are no dead bodies!!!

“Hahahaha!! That’s great!!! ”

Seeing the picture of the future, Vic and Klin in the Dragon Ball world all showed a look of surprise.

Even if the battle ends in such a humiliating way, as long as it can protect the earth, it will be the greatest victory!!!

Trunks, Goten, good !!!!!


The video doesn’t seem to be over yet.

I saw that after the explosion, several pink sarcomas were blown up in front of Gotenks’ eyes, which should be the last cells of Majin Buu!!

“Hehe, maybe it’s a little too childish, but as long as I have the heart, there is nothing I can’t do!!”

“There’s no time to let your guard down now!! Majin Buu will continue to be reborn!! All his cells must be wiped out!! Vic reminded loudly.

“Okay, okay, I know!!”

Facing the last moment, Gotenx also stopped messing around.

His hands kept shooting qigong lasers, removing every cell of Majin Buu.

“It’s a pity, I still have a very powerful special skill that I haven’t shown, otherwise Uncle Vic you will be surprised~~”

“Shut up for me!!!” Vic couldn’t stand Gotenx’s retarded moves anymore.

“Yes, yes~~~~”

Soon, with the help of Bike, Majin Buu’s scattered cells on the ground became fewer and fewer, disappearing little by little.

Majin Buu, really lost…

Just like that, he lost to Gotenks!!!!!



“This is the end of it, it’s really ugly, Majin Buu!!”

“This time, you did a great job!! To be honest, I didn’t expect you to behave like this at all! ”

Vic sighed and praised with a happy face.

I didn’t expect that…

In this era when Gohan and Vegeta died in battle, and Goku is long dead, it was Trunks and Goten who saved the earth.

It is worthy of the bloodline of Super Saiyan, the last hope of the earth!!

Even Majin Buu was defeated at the hands of those who were only six or seven years old.

The future is immeasurable…


Just when the two were already a little relaxed…


Unnoticed, a few pink cells scattered on the ground actually blew a puff of pink smoke, and instantly condensed into a violent wind!!

“What kind of wind is this!!!!

“How could Majin Buu’s rebirth rate be so fast!!”

Right under the incredulous gazes of the two…

The pink cells gathered in the sky like a stream, and turned into a pink cloud in an instant.

Among the clouds, hands, feet, heads, and various other parts gradually grew.

Majin Buu, reborn again!!!!

Seeing this scene, the Heavenly Dimensions were completely dumbfounded, and Vic also opened his mouth wide, his body trembling continuously.

Such a terrifying recovery ability is simply immortal!!!!

This time, Majin Buu seemed genuinely angry.

He was almost killed by Wutianx with such shameless means, and he immediately showed a hideous look of resentment.

“Damn, this is bad!” Bick was obviously very vigilant, but he didn’t expect that Majin Buu would be difficult to deal with to this extent.

“Gotenks, can you still use the Super Kamikaze Ghost again!? Or do you say… You just said you have other special moves!!? ”

Hearing this, Gotenx laughed proudly in his heart.

That’s my nirvana!!

But how can it be used when it has the upper hand!!

You must surprise Uncle Vic by surprise!!

So, Wutianx pretended to be and said desperately: “No, there is no way!!! I don’t have the strength now!!! I can’t do what I just did, we’re done!! ”

“Looks like we’re really finished!!”

Gotenks’ pompous acting skills convinced Vic !!

As a normal creature, of course, it is impossible for him to imagine that this guy Wutianx is actually lying at such a critical moment!!

“This abominable little ghost!! Goku, this kid inherited your genes!!! ”

Seeing the picture of the future, Vic couldn’t help but scold angrily.

Seeing this, Goku could only laugh a few times, touched his head and lowered his head.

In the picture…

Majin Buu also seemed angry, stretched his pink tentacles, dragged the exhausted Gotenx around hard, and then punched him out!!!

“It hurts!! I’m going to be angry too!!! ”

Feeling that the time was almost right, Gotenx gathered the strength of his whole body and prepared to perform his special move.

If it is used suddenly at this time, it will definitely shock Uncle Vic fiercely!!!!


Right at this moment…

What neither Majin Buu nor Gotenx expected was that Vic actually fired a shockwave against the wooden door of the Time House.


With a bang, the exit of the Time House was blown up.

Since Gotenx was defeated, he could only carry out the second plan…

Destroy the exit of the Time House and let Majin Buu be locked in the crack of time forever!!

In this way, even if he and Gotenx are killed by Majin Buu, they can be resurrected through Dragon Ball!!

Of course……

This is the way to choose when there is no way.

Because Super Gotenx had already shown defeat, he had no choice but to choose such a final means.

“That’s the end of you, Majin Buu…”

Vic showed a bitter and smug smile, and then explained: “Your entrance to the world you are now with us, and the real world, has been destroyed by me!” ”

“Majin Buu, whether it is you or us, we will be trapped in this space forever!!!!”


Hearing this, Majin Buu and Gotenx were frightened at the same time, and cried out in disbelief!!!

How so!!!

How could there be such a thing!!!!!

“Majin Buu, you are indeed very powerful, yes, but unfortunately… It’s a pity that Gotenx can’t beat you, but no matter how good you are! It is impossible for you to escape this place in your life, for the rest of your life!! ”



Majin Buu’s whole body trembled, and his face was unbelievable.

Gotenx is in the same state…

The three of them are going to be trapped here forever!!

“Hahaha, after you kill us, you will live here alone forever! There’s nothing here!! ”

Vic continues to add oil and vinegar.

Majin Buu’s face was covered in despair, and Gotenx was not much worse than Majin Buu!!

He turned his head with a sad expression: “Uncle Vick, we shouldn’t be able to go out, right?” ”

“Well, that’s of course, none of us can leave this other dimension anymore!”


“What about my favorite candy!!” Majin Buu screamed.

“Not here, you should know it yourself!!!” Vic said with a smile.

“What about cookies, chocolate, ice cream!?”

“No, nothing!!!!”

Anyway, he is already facing death, and Vic is no longer afraid of Majin Buu!!

At this moment…

Many viewers who saw this scene were already a little afraid to imagine the scene afterward.

Majin Buu, you won’t really want to be trapped in it for the rest of your life, right!?

He may have an endless lifespan!!

To stay in this lonely space forever? He’s going to go crazy!!!

At this moment, everyone felt deep despair for Majin Buu, and they were glad that Vic and Gotenx could be resurrected with the help of Dragon Ball!!

This kind of demon is better to stay in it for the rest of his life and suffer and suffer!!!!


Majin Buu roared like crazy, knelt on the ground and cried.

Meanwhile, Gotenx hid and sobbed, “Uncle Vick!!” How can you make such a decision without consulting me!! I still have the strongest special move I haven’t used!! ”

“Ahhh!! What did you say!? But didn’t you also say that you have reached your limit!!! Suddenly hearing such inexplicable words, Vic even his eyes were about to pop out.

“I just wanted to joke with you, I wanted to scare you! Because I also have a special move that can kill Majin Buu 100%!! ”

“You idiot!!!! At this time, I was actually joking!!! This kind of joke is not funny at all!! A sucker!! ”

Vic was angry, and even began to doubt life.

Since the arrival of the Saiyan Raditz on Earth, which time did they not experience thousands of hardships and life and death crises?

Vegeta, Team Kinut, Cosmic Emperor Friesha, Seventeen and Eighteen, Ultimate Transformative Sharu!!!!

And in the face of the even more desperate and terrifying Majin Buu, Super Gotenx did such a foolish thing!!!!



At the same time, this was heard.

Many spectators who were drinking water squirted out of their mouths, which was really Bengbu.

“These two abominable imps!!! I will definitely educate you hard in the future!! Trunks!! ”

In the Dragon Ball world, sitting in the spaceship, Vegeta’s face was also green and purple with anger.

In the face of an opponent who can’t solve even his own self-explosion, are these two imps joking!?

In the wards of the earth, Bik was about to have a heart attack.

Bulma and Kiki also covered their faces one after another, as a mother, they are now the most humiliating.

Goku also didn’t know what to say, so he could only keep laughing.

In fact, he also did such a thing as pretending to be weak, but he didn’t cause such serious consequences…

As for the audience in other dimensions, it was like being struck by lightning, and their hearts were greatly shocked.

In the world of seven deadly sins, Meliodas, the sin of anger, has some heart palpitations, and his favorite thing to do is to act as a person, often pretending that he can’t beat his opponent, so that enemies and teammates all experience mood waves.

But from now on, he may not dare to pretend to be weak again, otherwise a similar situation will be irreparable…

There is also the great general of the pirate world, the yellow ape, who has already made up his mind that he will give his full strength every time he strikes in the future.

Don’t dare to release water anymore!!!!



“Uncle Bike, hurry up and restore this place to its original state!!” Gotenx said angrily.

“I’ve already blasted the exit!!! Can’t get it back to the way it was!! ”

While Gotenx and Vic were arguing, Majin Buu had no desire to kill them.

On the contrary, some soulless wandered on the empty earth, like zombies that had lost their souls.

From now on, there will be no sweets and chocolates, ice cream, biscuits, etc. to eat.

Life, there is no fun anymore…

“I want to eat candy… I want to eat candy!!! ”

Majin Buu sighed weakly.

Without a world of candy, he couldn’t stand it anyway!!!!!


As Majin Buu’s mood fluctuated violently, wisps of purple smoke rose from his body, pink muscles condensed to the extreme, and then…


At this moment, Majin Buu roared madly with his best strength.

The sonic boom-like roar was deafening!!!

The entire space-time room was shaking violently!!!!

The violent impact of the wind and waves made it difficult for Gotenx and Vic to stabilize their figures, and their figures retreated step by step.

“I want candy, I want candy!!!”

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, half a minute, one minute!!!!

In the continuous furious roar of Majin Buu, several purple thunderbolts actually appeared on his lips…

And then……

Under the incredulous gaze of all the living beings in the heavens and realms.


With a pop, the barrier of space broke and shattered, and a pink space appeared in front of Majin Buu.

Majin Buu…

Actually roared through the space!!!!!!

“How is this possible… How could this happen!! “Saint Seiya World, Hades fell to his knees with a pop.

“Majin Buu, how exactly should I cultivate to reach the realm he is in!!!

Wandering the White Book, the king of the demon world, Huang Quan, was stunned, his whole body was trembling, and he was almost frightened by the demon Buu to collapse.

The roaring vibration alone can shatter space, something that the powerhouses of other worlds cannot imagine anyway…

The average audience is pretty good, after all, they can’t understand this level of power.

But for the strong people who have reached their peak, they are even more aware of the gap between the levels in their hearts, and this kind of power can no longer be called a creature!!!

At this moment, even the characters who were truly canonized as gods in countless anime dimensions were stunned, and their hearts trembled violently.

At this moment, the Heavenly Dimensions were completely dumbfounded!!!


The passage between the time house and reality, due to the broken space, is once again opened…

Seeing this, Majin Buu was also slightly startled.

He didn’t expect that he could really roar through the rift in time and space!!!

“I don’t want to stay in this place, I’m going out !!!”

When the words fell, Majin Buu’s pink body quickly turned into a slender line of bubble gum and burrowed into the cracked hole.

Vic also encountered this situation for the first time, and panicked: “Majin Buu actually punched a small hole in time!!” ”

“It’s not good!!! Can’t be escaped by him!! ”


Before Vic and Gotenx could rush forward, the only hole was quickly closed!!!

The two of them also pounced.

Now, only Vic and Gotenx are left in the Time House!!

“Are we going to spend our whole lives here all our lives!!” Gotenx squeezed crystal tears out of his eyes.

“You complain less!!! Do you think complaining will get out!!? What a disorientment!! Bick sighed heavily, his face showing helplessness.

It would have allowed the people of Earth to summon dragons to rescue or revive them.

Unexpectedly, Majin Buu ran out in this way.

At this moment, the earth is completely finished, and they will be trapped here for the rest of their lives!!!!

However, after the silence…

Vic suddenly remembered something, turned his head sharply and asked, ‘Gotenks, are you confident in your voice? If Majin Buu can rely on sound to break the time rift, then maybe we can do it too!! Later, the two of us yelled at the same time as we could!!! ’

“Okay, try it!!”

Of course, Wutianx, who is extremely confident in his strength, will not admit defeat.

And then……




With all the qi roaring, both of them sat down on the ground exhausted and panting.

My throat was very uncomfortable, and I kept coughing, but there was not even a slight change around me.

Want to break the time rift…

It’s too hard, isn’t it!!!

How powerful does this take to do this!!!

The previous Majin Buu must not have exerted his true combat power!!!

He hasn’t fully reached his evil potential…

At the same time, Majin Buu has come to the outside world and turns everyone into candy under the desperate faces of everyone…

At this moment, even the Dragon Ball could not be used!!!

Gotenx and Vic remained in the Time House, yelling again and again, trying to repeat thousands of times.

It’s a pity…

No matter how many times they yell, the result is the same!!

They can’t break the rift in time!!!

Not even the slightest waver…

Majin Buu has returned to Earth, and they can’t waste any more time here!!!

At this moment, Gotenx also gave up yelling, and the corners of his mouth slowly turned up, revealing a somewhat forced smug smile.

“There is no way, I have to use that trick!! I thought I could use this trick in a more gorgeous way, but it seems that the audience is only Uncle Vic ~~~~”

“Trick, what the hell are you talking about?” Vic looked puzzled.

“What do you think?” Gotenx asked rhetorically.


Bick punched Gotenx hard, and Gotenxton screamed on the ground.

Vic was already about to be mad by Gotenks, and roared: “Less jokes here!!” You idiot!! ”

“Okay, okay, I know, then I’m going to start!!”

Gotenx rubbed his head a little helplessly, and then his expression suddenly became extremely serious.

Seeing this scene, the audience began to look forward to Wutianx’s special move.

Since just now, he has been talking about special moves, a confident look, is it like the turtle school qigong?

No, no, no, just like him, it is impossible to develop such a powerful move without anyone teaching him!!

Wait, could it be another kamikaze bomb trick…?

Thinking of this, everyone felt that their expectations seemed to have been disappointed again.

However, no matter what, no matter what, Gotenx is already the last hope of the earth!!

For the Heavenly Dimensions, for this universe, no matter how unreliable Wutianx is…

In the face of the horror brought by Majin Buu, they can only entrust everything to Gotenks!!!

What exactly is that trick!!?

“Brilliant !!!”

Under the attention of everyone, Wutianx instantly contracted the breath of his whole body, and all of them converged along the flow of blood.

Then, the figure pressed down, clenched his fists, and roared with all the strength of his body.


The golden shining aura bloomed and burst out like a huge lamp.

At this moment, the entire space-time room began to shake violently, stronger than any previous outbreak!!!

Crackling, crackling…

Gradually, several arcs of electricity flashed around Gotenks…

As the momentum of the thunder became more and more, Gotenks’ expression became more and more hideous!!!

“Hey, what are you doing!!!!

“How is it possible…”

“How could Wutianx release this level of qi !!!”

Seeing this scene, countless viewers were shocked.

What kind of qi is this, it’s too obvious compared to before!!!!

At this moment, the breath released by Super Wutianx was simply the entire galaxy that could not see the bottom and endless!!!!

The breath vibrates!!!

Roar burst!!!!

The sky is shattered!!!!!!

The tide surged wildly, and the golden light burst out like a nine-sun volley!!!

Under the final burst of Gotenx, golden light gradually enveloped his whole body!!

And then……

Under the gaze of countless spectators whose blood was flowing against the flow and their scalps were numb, and their eyes were strange to the extreme…

Gotenx’s golden thorn hair actually began to lengthen a little, as if it had been forcibly born under the nourishment of thunder…

Bask in golden light.

Under the uproar of the heavens and all worlds.

Gotenx’s blonde hair was slowly draped around his waist like crazy lion hair.

At this moment, he was no longer the playful appearance he had before, but a fierce fighter with murderous intent, and the anger visible to the naked eye was boiling on his face.

Every piece of energy in the body is more dazzling than the sun!!


In an instant, the heavens were sensational!!!

The sound of an uproar resounded throughout the world in all dimensions.

No matter what the character is, they all show an incredible look.

The hearts of all the strong people were shaking wildly, and their faces were distorted uncontrollably.

What is it!!!

They read it right?

Is this form somewhat similar to the Super Three that Goku changed before…?

No, it should be said that it is completely consistent!!!!

If memory serves, Goku should have only demonstrated his transformation in front of them for three seconds, right?

Could it be that you can learn it at a glance!!

What a terrifying talent this is…?

Super Gotenx, is he still a creature that ordinary people can understand!!!!!

Compared to Majin Buu, perhaps Super Gotenx is the real monster!!!

In the Saint Seiya World, all the Saint Seiya and Hades Warriors were stunned and opened their mouths, but they couldn’t make any sound.

No matter how powerful a strong person he thinks, he can’t calm the shock in his heart in the face of this situation.

The world of death, the friend Habach of the Invisible Empire, and the Knights of the Star Cross were all silent.

But if you look closely, you can see that they are already sweating, and their bodies are stuck in place like zombies.

In the tutoring world, one of the members of the Six Hanging Flowers fell to the ground on one knee unsteadily.

The more he prides himself on being gifted and powerful, the more he will feel an unparalleled sense of oppression in front of Gotenks, and any superiority and pride will disappear!!

In the ordinary world without supernormal abilities, countless characters who claim to be geniuses have shed horrible sweat.

L, Lelouch, Conan and other highly intelligent geniuses, all pale, trembling all over, deeply understand their weakness.

As for the protagonists of Long Aotian in fast food anime such as reincarnation in another world, they are even more serious, and they have given up their dignity and knelt on the spot and begged for mercy.

They originally had an invincible talent to do whatever they wanted to recruit the harem…

Sadly, the weak, ugly and fragile psychology and endurance before rebirth are not hidden at this moment!!!

The heavens and realms trembled!!!

Countless dimensional madness!!!

Gotenks, a genius beyond human understanding!!

Super Saiyan Three’s fusion warrior shockingly debuted!!!!!



[PS: There will be a change later, thank you for your support!] Although only two chapters are posted every day, the word count of each chapter is five or six chapters combined, and the number of words in two chapters is equivalent to a dozen!!! 】

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