Shocking famous scene TOP6, Dragon Ball world.

Just after Trunks and Goten’s special training, when they ate, slept and recuperated…

On this earth, pure evil was born, as no one could have imagined…

New Majin Buu !!!!

The pink muscles are polished into hard lumps, and the toned body is tempered a thousand times.

Wearing white combat pants with black gauntlets wrapped, slender huge arms pulled down to the waist.

The evil qi is peerless!!!

An unprecedented breath surpasses any species in this universe.

This is a combination of Fat Buu and Thin Buo, an existence dominated by a new evil consciousness… Big Buu !!!!

Even the realm king god who was in charge of this universe was frightened and sweaty at this moment, and his scalp was numb.

Immediately afterwards, with the arrogant cry of Majin Buu.

The entire earth, and even the entire solar system, shook wildly as if an earthquake had occurred!!

The shocking wave spread to the end of the entire universe, and endless evil covered the sun’s rays!!!

At this moment, tens of thousands of planets and trillions of living beings shivered, foaming at the mouth, and unconscious.

In the Heavenly Dimension, many viewers in the anime world witnessed this extremely desperate scene.

Many strong people who wanted to interfere with Majin Buu, or couldn’t help but use their abilities to resist the might, became bloody on the spot and almost died on the spot!!!

At this moment, the bosses who existed in all worlds as rulers, gods, monarchs, lords, and even world-destroying level were all pale without exception.

No matter how high and powerful the strong people in their own dimension, they all groveled under the horror of Majin Buu and lowered their noble heads.

In the face of such pure evil, they cannot even look directly with the naked eye.

The heroines of the love world are not even in the mood to fall in love…

This is the ultimate evil beyond the knowledge of life!!!!

This is a monster that is absolutely not allowed in the universe!!!!

The aura of Da Buu almost exploded the entire heavens, making countless dimensions tremble!!

“Majin Buu… It’s just too strong!!! ”

In the world of Dragon Ball, Goku only felt a tingling in his scalp and blood flowing backwards throughout his body.

He couldn’t imagine how to defeat Majin Buu in the future.

The strong enemies they saw before, whether it was Frieza or Shalu, they didn’t even reach the energy bred by a single cell in Majin Buu’s body!!!!

Even the incomparable aura of the Super Saiyan three was pressed by the brand new Big Buu!!

Not to mention Majin Buu’s recovery ability and other weird moves…

Trembling, fear, endless despair began to spread…

Coupled with Goku and Gohan, Vegeta has both died in battle.

Perhaps, there is no hope for this planet anymore!!

Even Trunks and Goten, who once hoped to defeat Majin Buu, have little chance of victory.

If their opponent is the former fat buu, then there is still a glimmer of life!!

Not to mention the skinny Buu who is much stronger than Fat Buu…

Now, this Majin Buu, who seems to be transformed into a fighter, has completely transcended the dimension that all sentient beings can understand!!

“Click, click”

Just listening to the picture, Da Buu seems to have spondylosis.

A cold face shook his neck, and his bones made a crunching sound.

This existence…

This heavy sense of oppression…

And then there’s this overwhelming sense of despair!!!

It was enough to make the powerhouses of all dimensions cry!!!!

After roaring, enjoying the endless qi in his body, Majin Buu grinned and revealed a strange smile.

After all the evil was released, he could clearly feel that there was no opponent of his own in this universe.

At the same time, see the figure of Big Buu up close…

Satan hiding behind the rock and the hunter’s accomplice from before were all frightened, and every cell in their bodies was trembling and wailing madly.

What kind of monster is this!!!

The hunter screamed and raised his rifle, frantically strafed at Majin Buu, and pulled the trigger with the courage of his life.


When the bullet hit Majin Buu’s body, it could only set off a wave of pink ripples, and the bullet seemed to be completely swallowed by its body.

Bottomless evil enveloped his whole body.

It was as if all hope in the world would be devoured.

When the pink ripples disappeared…

Big Buu slowly twisted his head, twisted his neck 180 degrees, and looked at the hunter with a cold face.


In the next second, Buu suddenly burst out laughing maniacally.

Then, under the terrified gazes of all the viewers of the anime dimension, Majin Buu’s upper body turned into pink bubble gum and flew into the sky.

Its broken body instantly stretched for thousands of meters, and it was all poured into the hunter’s mouth like a spring.



Soon, the hunter’s stomach became more and more inflated, his eyes also widened exaggeratedly, and his whole body bulged like a balloon.


In just a few seconds, he was like an exploding balloon, bursting alive by the pink liquid stream…

Seeing such a terrifying scene, Satan was so frightened that he didn’t even dare to breathe.

The audience of other dimensions also fell silent, and an extremely cold chill rose all over their bodies.

Countless strong people even fell to their knees and vomited because of fear.

They can no longer bear this sense of oppression.

What a horrible, cruel nightmare this is…

In the picture, despair continues.

Majin Buu rolled his eyes and looked at Satan on the side with a sly smile.

Not to mention the creatures hiding hundreds of meters away from him, even the life of the entire earth was covered by his breath, and there was nothing to hide!!!

In the next second, his body twisted 36,000 degrees, wrapped himself hundreds of times like a spring, and then quickly broke through the air and jumped in front of Satan’s eyes with an elastic burst.

This is no longer pure evil…

This is, in its purest form of malice!!!

By instinct, kill life in the most desperate, fearful way.

At this moment, even the female ghosts and ghosts in many horror anime were frightened by Majin Buu and ascended to heaven on the spot!!!

However, at this very moment!

Something weird happened…

The terrifying figure came together in front of Satan, but Majin Buu did not kill him.

His eyes full of killing intent stared at Satan with some confusion, and then he actually took a few steps back, and then slowly took off into the air and took off to the sky.


After Majin Buu said these two names, his figure immediately turned into a pink glow and disappeared, and quickly left the area.

He didn’t even kill Satan!!!!

Even though he changed from fat buu to big buu, evil covered all his minds, and he still considered Satan to be his friend.

Probably, even if the entire universe perished, Buu would not make a move against Satan.

Satan was freed from his almost suffocating despair and collapsed to the ground trembling, panting with a flushed face.

Although I don’t know what happened, I should have been saved…

Seeing this scene, countless viewers exhaled deeply, and the fear in their hearts was reduced by half.

However, although Majin Buu gave Satan his life.

But his brutal murderous behavior just now caused the powerhouses of many dimensions to collapse.

This is Majin…

Real Majin!!!!!!

The current Majin Buu is simply synonymous with extreme evil!!

Without any kindness, without the slightest sense of reason, he became a monster who only knows how to kill and unleash malice!!!

Expect those two little kids to defeat Majin Buu?


At this moment, even the people of the Dragon Ball world showed a look of despair.

The legs of Klin and Yamucha, Turtle Immortal, Tianjin Rice, Dumplings and others were a little soft.

The most powerful human beings on Earth.

Even if they let them cultivate for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, they will not be able to touch the level of evil as Demon Buu.

In front of Majin Buu, no matter how powerful a life is, even the realm king god who is in charge of the universe is no different from dust!!!



The picture continues.

I saw Majin Buu’s moving figure turn into a pink comet, instantly passing through mountains and oceans, directly locking the temple where Trunks and the others were!!!

One second, three seconds, ten seconds, across thousands of miles, rushed to the other side of the earth!!!

The real crisis has come…

You know, at this time, Goten and Trunks are still sleeping!!!

Feeling the aura of Majin Buu approaching, Vic was so shocked that even his face was scared green!

“How is it possible!!”

“He actually came to the temple!! This Majin Buu is able to lock our qi !!! ”

Vic could clearly feel that it was different from the simple fat buu before.

This newborn Big Buu, both in terms of combat effectiveness and experience in qi, far surpasses Fat Buu!!

More evil, more terrifying, between them, is no longer the same level of creatures!!

A few seconds later, a pink figure descended over the temple.

Seeing the figure of Majin Buu appeared, Vic and Tiantian, Klinyamucha and the others were all sweating, like a great enemy!!!

Dead is set…

It’s really dead!!!

“Who the hell is this guy!!!!!?” Seeing the new form of Da Buu, Klin stepped back one after another.

“This is Buu after the change…”

When I saw Da Buu with my own eyes for the first time, everyone’s whole body trembled.

What level of qi is this!!!!

Just by touching, there is an urge to commit suicide!!!

They will all be killed!!!!

“You guys are really here, great!!”

Looking down at the ant-like people below, Majin Buu had an evil sneer on his face, and a circle of looming air flow spread outward.

Then, his neck clicked and twisted a few times.

“Hand it over!!”

“Hand it over!!!!


The pink torrent burst out in an instant, and the meteor-like light instantly illuminated the entire sky, spreading in all directions like an arc of light.

There was an explosion everywhere, the entire temple shook wildly, and cracks gradually began to appear in the buildings at the top.

Feeling the qi of Da Buu up close, Yamucha and the others were completely frightened.

In the face of this existence, they can do nothing.

Don’t even blink and breathe, let alone lift your fingers.

After a few seconds, Vic could barely suppress the fear in his heart and asked, “Hand over what!?” What do you want!! You say ah!! ”

“It’s the guy who wants to fight me, we said we want to fight, I just want to kill him early,” Majin Buu said indifferently.

“Hand it over!”

“He’s right here, I can feel his qi…”

No way!!!

This Majin Buu actually has the ability to find qi…

It is a world away from the enemies of the past!!!

His Qi has enveloped the entire earth!

Now Wutianx, it is impossible to beat this Majin Buu…

There is no time left!!!

“Slow down!! The two of them are indeed here, but the two of them are sleeping…”

“Call them up and fight me!!”

As Majin Buu’s words fell, the powerhouses of many dimensions were a little speechless.

These two children, what is the situation!!

The earth is about to be destroyed, they actually have the leisure to eat and sleep!!

However, even so… Trunks and Gokuten were able to reach the current level at the age of six or seven, and they were already the strongest geniuses in countless dimensions!

It’s a pity that with such a strong talent, I just don’t know how to use it.

They still need time to grow.

However, with the arrival of Majin Buu, the time left for them has been forcibly terminated…

At this moment, Bike’s face was difficult to see, and he tried to find a very strange reason.

“They just fell asleep, please!! Let them sleep a little longer! ”

“Moreover, they didn’t play their full strength the last time they fought you! You must also want to fight your opponent with all your strength!? ”

Hearing Bike’s words, Majin Buu turned his neck a few times, as if thinking.

But it didn’t take long for him to refuse.

“I still won’t say yes because I hate waiting the most!!! I changed my mind! Hand them over immediately!! ”



Damn it!!!

It’s impossible for Trunks and Goten to beat them now…

Such a tight time frame is truly desperate.

There has to be a delay in time!!!

“By the way, didn’t you say that you want to kill the entire earth!!??”

“But you see… There are still so many people on the planet, why don’t you kill them all first! ”

Under everyone’s terrified gaze, Vic said unspeakably.

I have to say…

Vic is like the biological father of Gohan and Goten.

Instead of letting Goten and Trunks die in battle, it is better to let the earthlings delay the time!!


When this battle is over, I will definitely revive you with Dragon Balls!!

Vic was very entangled in his heart, but he could only do this now.


Listening to Bike’s suggestion, Majin Buu did not leave in a hurry, but circled around the temple with some curiosity.

Taking advantage of this time, Klin and the others also woke up Gokuten and Trunks, and let them urgently enter the room of spirit and time!

Cultivate there, reality is one minute, inside is sixty hours!!!

If they can train inside, they will definitely be able to become stronger!!

In this situation, every minute of delay increases the odds!!

Even if Gotenx can already transform into a Super Saiyan…

However, in the face of this brand-new form of Big Buu, even Gotenx could not be his opponent!!

Finally, Majin Buu also circled around the temple and returned to Vic again.

And then……

The unimaginable state of affairs happened …

I saw Majin Buu smiling viciously and slowly raising an arm.


A pink light rose up into the sky, the sun and moon had no light, and the sky and earth changed color!!!

Under everyone’s panicked gaze, the pink beam turned into tens of billions of pink meteors, scattering all over the sky below the temple!!

Majin Buu was released in one go…

Tens of billions of shockwaves!!!

Like a goddess scattering flowers, endless pink comets shrouded the entire earth.

With the shrine as the center, it bombarded in all directions!!

Each pink shock wave crosses mountains and oceans, accurately killing all life forms on Earth!!!

In an instant, global life was wiped out!!!


Seeing this apocalyptic scene, Vic and Klin and the others were already about to pee.

What level of energy is this!!

Not only in terms of magnitude, but he was able to accurately capture the breath of every creature!!!!

This scene instantly made the powerhouses of all anime dimensions dazzled and horrified.

“How is it possible!! How could this happen!!! Majin Buu… How could it be so terrifying!! ”

In the world of Ghost Slayer’s Blade, the members of the Ghost Slayer Team fell to their knees weakly.

In the face of an enemy of the level of Majin Buu, the blade in their hands does not even make sense to pull out!!

The same was true of Ghost Mai Tsuji and his twelve ghost moons, kneeling on the ground and covering their necks and howling miserably, subconsciously thinking that they would be killed.

“Hahahahahaha, Majin Buu!!! That’s it!! Sanction all creatures!!! You are my everything!!! ”

The hungry wolf tearfully learned the ability of Majin Buu, and tried to stick his head directly into the mouth of an old man, wanting to support the other party alive.

“Aaaa!!!!a Majin Buu!! I won’t forgive you!!! ”

Night God Moon wrote the four words Majin Buu on his tongue with a pen, and then knelt on the ground like a mad dog and licked the death note wildly.

“Majin Buu… Is this the power of Majin Buu!! ”

In the world of fairy tail, the twelve shields of the Guardian Saint fell to their knees one after another, wanting to recognize the demon Buu as the master.

In front of Majin Buu, any magic damage is like a joke.

“From now on, Majin Buu is the god we believe in” Enchantment Master World, Black Manglou, under the order of the Demon Fox Princess, Fire Black and White Marsh and the others also slowly knelt down.

“Majin Buu !!!!!!!!” In the Soul Eater World, the Ghost God Asura also directly melted into nothingness after screaming!!

He survived by human fear.

But now… He himself actually killed himself because he was too scared!!

Destroying the Beast World, dozens of emperor-level destruction beasts knelt on the ground together, which also caused the entire earth to collapse.

Of course, even if the entire world is destroyed, it will not hinder their worship of Majin Buu!!

In the Saint Seiya world, all the Saint Seiya and Hades warrior suits were shattered because of the collapsed heart.

Even Hades fell to the ground on one knee, doing everything to maintain this embarrassed posture, his pupils torn apart by blood.

And the golden Saint Seiya closest to the gods, Virgo’s Saga directly blinded his eyes.

Even so, he can still see the terrifying figure of Majin Buu through his mind.

“Majin Buu…”

“What the hell are you!!!!?”

At this moment, the picture of Majin Buu emitting tens of billions of shock waves to wipe out all the humans on the earth is simply the most terrifying natural disaster that all the viewers in the heavenly dimensions have ever seen in their lives! ! !

No, this is no longer a natural disaster!!

His strength is a dimensionality reduction blow for all dimensions!!!

I can’t imagine if this picture was more than just a video…

Majin Buu may be able to detect the spectators who are watching from other dimensions?

At that time, he will definitely not hesitate to shatter space and exterminate everything!!!

This is a destruction that cannot be escaped even if it is separated by countless dimensional boundaries!!!!

Despair spreads in the heavenly dimensions…

In the whole earth, only Satan, who was accurately controlled and avoided by the breath of the demon Buu, Tianjin rice and dumplings did not die.


All humans were exterminated!!!

Feeling that the breath of all the human beings on the earth disappeared instantly, Vic and the others were even about to suffocate, and Vic even fell to the ground with a broken heart.

“I’m sorry…”

“Human beings on earth, if there is still a chance, I will definitely find a way to resurrect you…”

Seeing this, except for a few extreme virgins, almost all the viewers did not accuse Bike.

In so many dimensional worlds, are there still few examples of killing companions because of indecision?

On the contrary, because of Bike, the earth’s people have hope to be resurrected!!!!

However, can this wish really come true!?

In the eyes of everyone at this time, Majin Buu is absolutely invincible…

Everywhere he passes, everything will turn to dust and disappear!!!

Even if that fusion warrior Gotenx reappeared, it would not be a level of combat power compared to this brand new Big Buu!!!


After sensing that all the life breath on the earth had disappeared, Majin Buu slowly lowered his arm.

“Where are they, hand over the people to me, the earthlings are all dead! You can fight me!?? ”

Seeing this, Vic has nothing to do …

He could only grit his teeth and say, “Okay, but you should also give us a little time to prepare, right!” An hour is enough!! ”

“An hour? How long is that? ”

Majin Buu tilted his head in some confusion.

Seeing this, Vic immediately made an hourglass and placed it on the ground.

“You see, when the sand is all over, an hour will pass, and it will be !!! very quickly”

Vic said with a trembling voice, his entire body trembling.

Gotta buy time!!

Even if they fight for a little more time, Trunks and Goten can become stronger!!

Every minute is sixty hours in the Time House!!

Although this special cultivation space made the powerhouses of many dimensions red-eyed with envy.

But…… If the enemy they face in their world is an extremely desperate existence like Majin Buu, even if their cultivation is strong, what if they even have dragon balls!!?

“I don’t want it!!”

“What’s wrong, can’t you even afford to wait for an hour!!” Bidili on the side said with some anger.

“You guy, you’re so arrogant!”

Majin Buu’s face showed anger, and he decided to kill the unspeakable Bidili.

But at this moment, Vic who had observed Majin Buu through special means before hurriedly explained.

“She is Mr. Satan’s daughter, don’t you even want to listen to Mr. Satan’s daughter? Mr. Satan’s daughter wants you to wait a little longer! ”


“She does have the breath of Mr. Satan in her, well, just wait, but… I’ll kill you guys when the time comes!” ”

What’s the situation!!!

Majin Buu, who tolerated Mr. Satan so much…

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Dragon Ball world was stunned, of course, the most stunned was Satan himself.

“What!!? Is this girl Bidili!!?? ”

Satan’s eyes almost widened, and he looked at his daughter sitting on the sofa in disbelief.

In the picture, this looks like the beautiful girl of Gohan’s girlfriend…

It turned out to be Bidili, is it my daughter!??

My daughter, what the hell happened, to stay with that horrible group of guys!!!

Satan has become completely stunned.

In that case, why is your future self like a fool who doesn’t know anything?


Just when Goten and Trunks were awakened by everyone and prepared to enter the Time House to cultivate.

Kiki, however, can’t tolerate that her child is about to fight such a terrifying monster, let alone accept the fact that Gohan is dead.

I saw that she walked straight towards Majin Buu, and raised her hand with an angry face.

“Give me back my Gohan!!”


When the words fell, Kiki slapped Majin Buu in the face.

This extremely bizarre and weird scene directly made countless dimensional audiences spray out the rice in their mouths.

This woman is actually so daring!!!

No, it’s no longer a matter of guts …

Totally crazy!!!!!

Can’t she feel the anger of Majin Buu!?

Seeing this scene, even the beautiful girls such as the female emperor and the feather fox could not help but be a little shocked.

Not to mention ordinary weak women, even women with strong strength like them simply can’t have the courage to resist!!!

And rightfully so, because of the provocation of Majin Buu… Kiki was also turned into an egg by the other party and trampled on it with one foot.

This sight made Goten, who was hiding in the distance, couldn’t help but cry.

At this time, he was also more determined to kill Majin Buu’s mood!!

Gohan’s brother and mother, as well as Trunks’ father, Uncle Vegeta, have all died at the hands of Majin Buu!!!

They and Majin Buu are already mortal enemies!!

After this, he will definitely not let go of Majin Buu!!!!



Time passed minute by minute.

One hour of reality is one hundred and fifty days in the time house!!

This is enough for Trunks and Wutian, who have never practiced seriously, to become countless times stronger!!

Their talent is so terrifying, as long as they delay for a while, maybe they can really defeat Majin Buu!!


When thirty minutes passed, Majin Buu seemed to be a little unbearable.

He suddenly stood up and roared madly: “I can’t wait!!! I can’t stand it!! ”

“I can’t wait!!! I want to fight!! Hurry up and hand it over!! Let me kill them! ”

With the cry of Majin Buu, the entire temple began to fall apart…

Big Buu has gone completely mad!!!

The extremely dangerous gaze focused on Bike’s body, making his entire body stiff and cold as if he was unable to move like a zombie.

There is no doubt that if you refuse again, you will be killed no matter what.

Faced with such a desperate crisis, Vic could only sigh, and then compromised: “I see, come with me…”

Thirty minutes have passed now, Trunks and Gohan should be almost cultivating, right?

In any case, all hope can only be placed on them!!!

So, Vic took Majin Buu into the interior of the temple.

“How come, are they planning to fight in the Time House!?”

Seeing the direction Vic walked, everyone nearby was pleasantly surprised.

That’s right……

Fight in the Time House and win without destroying Earth.

If you fail, as long as you destroy the exit, you can trap Majin Buu inside forever!!

After that, everyone can use the power of Dragon Ball to revive Vic and Goten Trunks!!

This is definitely the best idea!!!

It’s amazing that Vic could think of this method out of nowhere!!!

At the same time, seeing the discussion between Vic and the Turtle Immortal, the audience of many dimensions boiled.

“Abominable!! You actually dare to frame my Majin Buu like this!! I’m going to fight with you!! The hungry wolf frantically beat his head, as if he wanted to eat the Klin in his mind alive.

“Ahaha!!! Majin Buu is also going to be written to death!! ”

The witty Night God Moon had already seen the end, and while laughing maniacally, he wrote the name of Majin Buu all over his body, and then waded directly into the medicinal bath made of paper from Death Note.

In the picture.

Vic took the Majin Buu around for a while, doing his best to delay time…

After going around several times in a row, Majin Buu gradually discovered that something was wrong, and the terrifying killing intent gushed out again.

The situation came to this point, and Vic did not dare to detour anymore.

He could only bite the bullet and walk in the direction of the Time and Space House.


Can you defeat Majin Buu…

It all depends on the cultivation results of Trunks and Gokuten in the Time House!!

Apart from them, there can be no one on the entire earth and even the entire universe who is the opponent of Majin Buu!!

“By the way, do you want to eat first?” Standing in front of the door, Vic laughed awkwardly.

“Hurry up and take me there!! If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you!! Majin Buu’s angry green tendons exploded.

“I, I see…”


Under everyone’s gaze, Vic slowly pushed open the door of the Time House.

As the two figures dissipated in the light, the audience of the Heavenly Dimensions held their breath and almost stopped breathing.

Earth’s last hope, the final decisive battle, is coming!!!!

It’s just that at this time, Vic Buu, Majin Buu, the warriors of the Dragon Ball world, and the viewers of other dimensions who are watching the video.

Now they don’t even realize it.

In this short period of tens of minutes…

How incredible has the strength of Trunks and Goten grown!!!!



[PS: There is another change later, please customize it, ask for a monthly pass!!!!!! 】

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