
Under the aura of Majin Buu, pink energy light suddenly gushed out from the body.

Then, a deafening and terrifying movement like a nuclear explosion rushed into the sky, and a pink light comparable to half the size of the earth instantly lit up the entire galaxy!!!!

At this moment, no matter how far away the planet is, you can feel the terrifying movement on the other side of the earth.

After seeing this scene.

The heavenly dimensions fell into dead silence…




Tick, tick…

“Majin Buu, can you control the survival of a universe!!!

One punch world, sitting in the spaceship of the cosmic dark matter pirate group, blood and tears flowed from the one-eyed eye of the universe overlord Poros.

His entire body was trembling, as if he was about to be overwhelmed by great fear.

I can only destroy the surface, and my weak and pitiful self dare to claim the hegemon of the universe! ! !

What a pathetic, how ridiculous, what an act of not knowing whether to live or die!!!!!!

The moment he felt the breath of Majin Buu, he already understood…

In front of Majin Buu, he may just be an inconspicuous little ant!

Just a speck of dust, ready to die!!!

Between them, even the dimension in which they are living is completely different!!!!

You have to pay the price of losing your life to barely destroy the surface.

And Majin Buu…?

It can probably destroy the entire planet with just a small cell particle!!!!

“Majin Buu, this is the strongest in other dimensions!!”

At the same time, Saitama’s muscles tensed all over, and his heart was beating wildly like thunder.

This is the first time since birth that my heart has beaten so fast, and this has never happened before.

Excited, excited, warlike, and incomparably strong… Fear!!!

Majin Buu, this monster, far beyond his current self!!

It seems that being too strong is not a kind of loneliness, but that you have not yet met a suitable opponent.

Invincible loneliness, which simply does not exist …

“Next, I’m going to get stronger!!”

At this moment, let alone Poros and Saitama, there are even powerhouses of other dimensions who are about to be shocked.

Pirate World, Kaido, Aunt, Whitebeard, Redhead, and His Majesty Qiwu Hai looked at the picture blankly.

Looking at the pink beam that almost penetrates the earth, it is even more dazzling than the galaxy in the sky!!

This is… Majin Buu!!

Because of the special editing effect of the video, everyone seemed to have personally faced the breath of Majin Buu, and even the brain stopped working!!

“I’m afraid that even my overlord-colored domineering power will not be able to reach this level if it is ten million times stronger…”

The body trembled violently, and the white beard said stunnedly.

He originally thought that his strength in his youth was invincible.

However, if he really stood in front of Majin Buu, would any strong man dare to be confident in his strength!?

That’s impossible!!!

The ultimate evil, as if to pull the entire world into the abyss…

“Majin Buu, tens of thousands of times stronger than the inhibitory power of Gaia and Alaya!!!” In the Moon World, many heroic spirits couldn’t help but kneel down to the Majin Buu.

“Majin Buu!! I’m afraid this demon is a real demon god king! ”

In the world of the seven deadly sins, Jialan, the weakest of the Ten Precepts, screamed loudly.

And the other ten rings were also at the same level of shock as Jialan, and every inch of the demon god cells in the whole body was trembling.

Even Meliodas, who was once the head of the Ten Commandments, is estimated to be far from being the opponent of Majin Buu!!!!

“The power that can destroy the universe in an instant.”

“Maybe even Lord Hades…”

Saint Seiya World, Underworld, almost half of the Hades Warriors were frightened and collapsed, and all thoughts were in ashes.

And the Hades Legion, the twin gods also showed an extremely ugly look.

This shocking scene connecting the heavens and realms, they were basically regarded as a joke at first.

Because whether it is the original bullhead form and the Blackwing Demon, or the ultimate battle between Straw Hat Luffy and Barrett, the last crescent moon sky rush of no moon, and even the strength of Saitama and Poros are a joke in their eyes!!!

To this extent is the hegemon who rules the entire universe?

It’s ridiculous, let’s say that the strength in the body first surpasses the silver Saint Seiya like a miscellaneous fish!!!

However, just as the shocking famous scene TOP7 began, at the moment of the arrival of Majin Buu…

These underworld fighters, can no longer laugh…

Majin Buu single-handedly pulled the intensity of the shocking scene to a new dimension!!!!!

“Majin Buu !!!”

“Why can’t you die!!!!?”

Death notes the world, Night God Moon screamed madly while writing the name of Majin Buu over and over again on the note.

Soon, one page, two pages, three or four pages, one hundred and eighty pages, all filled with the name of Majin Buu!!!

The faster he wrote, the fingers holding his pen danced in the air in a dazzling manner.

Night God Moon’s expression gradually went crazy, and crystal clear saliva splattered in her mouth.

In order to maintain justice, even if you use up all the pages of the entire note, you must solve this guy, at all costs!!

How can such an evil guy be allowed to live in the world!!!

Super Saiyan, hurry up and defeat him!!!

In the world of death, Lan Ran Yusuke and Yuhabach only felt a chill in their spine.

Don’t talk about mirrors and omniscience and omnipotence…



Their self-proclaimed invincibility seems to be a joke in front of Majin Buu!!

If Majin Buu really wants to destroy the entire universe, no living creature can escape the disaster!!!

The energy that can easily destroy the entire galaxy, the solar system, and even every element in the universe is pure to the extreme violent and powerful!!

Even the dimension in which the power is located is fundamentally different, how can we talk about standing in front of that being to fight…?

Destroying the Beast World, the emperor-type Destruction Beast with half a small leg stepping out of the atmosphere broke out in cold sweat all over his body, and he couldn’t help but feel the urge to commit suicide.

With his huge size covering the earth, I’m afraid he can’t even hold up with a punch from Majin Buu…

Under the terrifying shock of Majin Buu, even a quiet death has become a luxury!!!!

In the RE0 world, the melancholy demon and the fictional witch Pandora are also frightened, and they no longer have the arrogant posture of ignoring everything before.


What kind of demon are they…

Only Majin Buu is the real Majin!!

Rewriting the facts? Pandora grieves her weakness.

I’m afraid that until Majin Buu destroys the entire galaxy, she won’t be able to react at all!!!

At this moment, even many high-martial arts and high-demon worlds could not resist the strength of Majin Buu, let alone low-wu and some characters in the youth love world!

Seeing the anger that Majin Buu burst out, many ordinary people in love anime were directly scared to pee!!!!

Yukinoshita Yukino, Waizumi Sagiri, Eiri Ri, Shiina Mahaku, Chitanda Airu…

Without exception, as long as it is a living species, no one can resist the horror of Majin Buu.

If there were such powerful enemies in their dimension, who would be in the mood to fall in love!!!??

However, there are also some extremely rare strange beings that can withstand the aura of Majin Buu.

“Hehe, finally there is one that interests me, is it called Majin Buu?” JOJO World, Father Pucci chuckled.

“Even if it is a strong demon, it should have a wish, right? I don’t know…… Does he want to become a magical girl? “Magical girl Madoka World, cute Kewpie squatted on the head of a magical girl, tilting his head a little curiously.

In a word……

In this moment!!!

The entire anime dimension is desperate for the power of Majin Buu!!

No matter how powerful the villains and how powerful the heroes, they can’t help but feel powerless!!

In the face of such an enemy, no matter how you think, it is impossible to defeat!!!!

At the same time, all the creatures of the heavens and realms were shocked by the demon Buu.

However, what exactly happened on Earth in the Dragon Ball world?

The video footage continues…

When the pink energy light wave rushed into the universe, the clouds and sky shattered, and the starry sky was eclipsed…

The shocking and terrifying scene made everyone in the Dragon Ball world unable to come back to their senses for a long time.

At this moment, whether it was the distant future Dragon Ball warriors in the video, or Goku and Klin and the others who were currently lying in the ward, their eyes widened in disbelief.

In the picture!!!!

In the area where Majin Buu was originally located, a bottomless abyss actually appeared!!!!

Gloomy, dim, bottomless!!!

How can it be……

Just by releasing your own breath, does it have this terrifying power?

At this moment, Vegeta’s whole body was trembling, and he felt that he was almost out of breath…

After seeing the true power of Majin Buu, he had thoroughly understood the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides.

It’s like that hole, it’s bottomless…

Even in the state of Super Saiyan 2, Vegeta couldn’t understand Majin Buu’s anger at all!!!

In the face of this guy, Sharu and Friesha, who had brought them disaster, seemed to be in the household.

Moreover, Majin Buu, so far, is just playing…

In this way, I am afraid that I really can’t leave here alive today…

Buzz Buzz!!!

After a brief burst of breath, a large amount of white steam erupted from the pores of Majin Buu’s skin, and the corners of Lehehe’s mouth sank.

This seems to be the manifestation of Majin Buu when he is angry.

As soon as the seal was lifted, he was beaten repeatedly by Vegeta, and he could no longer bear it!!!

“You’ll be done right away, bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye~~~”

Glaring fiercely at Vegeta in the distance, Majin Buu waved his arms and made strange noises like a child.

And then…… It actually grabbed a ball of meat from its fat belly, dragged it in its hand and flung it around like a whip.

“This guy, it’s really disgusting!!”

Seeing this scene, everyone, including Vegeta, couldn’t help but have this idea.

Why its name has the word Majin may be related to his fighting style!!

Playing with his own pieces of meat in his hands is too tasty!!!

“What to do…”

“What the hell am I going to do…”

Vegeta’s face was very hideous, he had used a lot of qi when attacking Majin Buu, but Majin Buu was unharmed!!!

Can my current self still resist the attack of Majin Buu?

Immediately afterwards, under Vegeta’s vigilant gaze, the tentacles above Majin Buu’s head suddenly erupted with countless pink lasers.

Boom, boom!!!!

The next second, torrential rain poured.

All the pink lasers poured down, densely covering the surrounding area of tens of kilometers.

Vegeta’s face changed slightly, and his figure moved quickly around the surrounding earth, quickly dodging.

Isn’t this Majin Buu a little too simple, thinking that such a simple attack can defeat him!!?

It’s really underestimating yourself!!!

But in the next second…

I saw that the demon Buu sneered viciously and threw out the sarcoma in his hand, and when it touched Vegeta’s body, it was like binding him tightly like a fairy rope.

“Oops, I hit the !!!”

“How could it be !!!?”


The sturdy Vegeta who was bound showed panic, he did not expect that this Majin Buu’s methods would be so strange.

But no matter how he burst his breath, he couldn’t break free from the shackles of this pink strip of meat.

Under the violent suppression of Majin Buu, the Super Saiyan Qi is like fireflies…

“Is there such a gap between us in qi!!!?”

“Damn, I was defeated by Majin Buu in this way!!!!

Faced with this situation, not only the frightened Vegeta, but almost all the audience felt despair.

Majin Buu actually trapped Vegeta in this playful way…

In this way, isn’t there any hope of victory at all!?

“Dad, break free!!!!!”

In the distance, Trunks’ exclamation, Majin Buu had flown in front of Vegeta.


Bang bang!!!!!!

Majin Buu first kicked Vegeta out, and then caught up with him and beat Vegeta madly by various means.

Combined with his fists and feet, each of his attacks was deeply immersed in Vegeta’s internal organs, and the hit was bloody everywhere, looking extremely cruel and bloody.

Soon, Vegeta lost consciousness and could not even maintain his Super Saiyan form.

Broke through the Super Saiyan critical point and became the Vegeta of the second stage of the Super Saiyan…

It turned out to be no match for this Majin Buu at all!!!

This scene made countless dimensional audiences hold their heads in their hands, and they couldn’t bear to continue watching it.

No wonder there is only one Majin Buu on the entire cover, because this guy is the protagonist, and no one can defeat him at all.

Even Super Saiyans are the same…

This planet is about to be destroyed!!!!

“Vegeta !!!!”

Looking at the cruel picture in the video, Goku couldn’t help but exclaim.

In fact, after knowing Vegeta’s memories, Goku already considers Vegeta his own!

In this moment, it was Vegeta who stepped forward to protect humanity on Earth!!!

After all, now, only Vegeta can fight Majin Buu!

Everyone pinned almost all their hopes on Vegeta, and even Bulma, who had been taunting Vegeta, closed her mouth and looked at the scene in the video with a flustered and pale expression.

“Ahahahaha, that’s it!!!”

“Majin Buu, trample the Super Saiyan fiercely!!”

Seeing this scene, Cosmic Emperor Frieza laughed madly, and then silently wiped the cold sweat on his face.

Although he was also terrified because of Majin Buu’s strength.

However, it is so relieving to be able to see the picture of this group of arrogant Super Saiyans being violently beaten!!

The previous scene of himself being tortured and killed by the Super Saiyan Monkey King in Namex is still vividly remembered.

The Saiyans should all be extinct, but …

Majin Buu can’t stay, he must destroy the entire earth!!!

Looking at the terrifying strength of Majin Buu, Friesha’s heart was almost unbearable.

“Majin Buu, take revenge on Earth instead of us!!!”

At the same time, the Red Silk Legion, the No. 20 who created the ultimate artificial human Sharu, laughed.

In the future, they will also be wiped out by the Super Saiyan.

So now, the scene of Vegeta being crushed by the demon Buu is simply very pleasant, and it can no longer be pleasant!!!!

The shocking scene TOP6 continues.

Except for a very few evil beings who feel happy, almost the vast majority of villains are also terrified.


Even the fierce Saiyan prince, who claims to be the strongest warrior in the universe, has failed?

Or lost to such a disgusting guy!?

At this time, Majin Buu’s truly terrifying posture had not yet been shown in front of the world’s eyes, which also led to an extreme imbalance in the hearts of some strong people.


Why can such a disgusting guy also have such terrifying combat power!!

This scene made the villains of many dimensions feel very unwilling.

Vegeta seems to be about to be killed by this Majin Buu!!!


Seeing the scene of Vegeta’s near-death, Vic and Klin gritted their teeth and resisted the urge to rush out to rescue.

Even if Klin is the strongest earthling, his combat power in the Buu chapter is at the level of Friesha!!

Not even one ten-thousandth of Majin Buu!!

As long as he dares to rush up, he will definitely not survive even a second.

Because for Majin Buu… Neither Frieza nor Sharu is any different from a reptile on the ground!!!


Just when everyone was already desperate, two golden light burst out violently.

Their speed is so close to light that many viewers don’t even notice it at first.

“How could it be !!!!?”

“Trunks, Goten, come back soon!!!!”

In an instant, under the incredible gazes of Vic and Klin, the golden-possessed Trunks kicked heavily on the face of Majin Buu.


In the next second, Majin Buu instantly smashed countless mountains and flew violently to the edge of the earth.



Seeing this picture, Goku and Vegeta, Gohan, Bulma, Klin, Bike, Yamucha, Tianjin Rice, Dumplings, and Turtle Immortals all opened their mouths in unison.

Trunks !!!!!

And Goten!!!

Is that the names of their two little children?

Good I’m afraid strength!!!!

At least in the current time period of the Dragon Ball world, no creature in this universe has ever been able to defeat them, not even the universe emperor Friesha!!!

“Super Saiyan!?”

“These two little kids can become Super Saiyans!?? Are Super Saiyans so cheap!!? ”

At this moment, Vegeta’s eyes exploded, and his jaw fell directly to the ground of the spaceship.

In front of Majin Buu, he was actually saved by two children…

Are they six, seven, or eight?

You can become a Super Saiyan at the age of less than ten, no wonder you dare to keep coquettizing with Lao Tzu!!!!

After knowing that his future son can easily become a Super Saiyan, Vegeta also understands his future family relationship a little.

He has such terrifying potential at a young age, even if he is now, he is reluctant to send his children out to colonize some garbage planets!!!!

Is Trunks?

Son, well done!!!!!

“Are Super Saiyans wholesale!?”

At the same time, the face of the universe emperor Friesha’s face became extremely blue, and his eyes were angry as if he wanted to kill.

I didn’t expect that there were so many Super Saiyans on Earth.

It seems that those two children should only be six or seven years old!?

Five or six years old, and just weaned for a few years!!

Even he is no match for them now, let alone in his infancy at the age of five or six.

How could this happen in this universe!!!

“What kind of talent is this!!”

In the world of One-Punch Man, Saitama jumped violently from the sofa.

He originally thought that he had reached this level after hard training, and both his talent and strength were already at the top level among the living species!

Before the shocking scene TOP6 began, he even thought he was invincible.

However, these two six- and seven-year-old children are also a little too exaggerated, right?

If you change to yourself, it is estimated that after seeing Majin Buu with your own eyes, there is no way to defeat !!!

And rightfully so…

As the strongest earthling, Klin, even if he had the level of the cosmic emperor Frieza in the Majin Buu chapter, he could not stop the blowing of Majin Buu.

Because they are both living species, the gap in combat effectiveness between them is no longer in the same dimension at all!!


This little kid named Trunks actually kicked the Majin Buu out with one kick!

This scene made the entire young audience of the heavens dumbfounded, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and several other younger ones began to doubt life.

Not to mention that he was six or seven years old, I’m afraid that even the strongest villain in their dimension, the big boss, is not the enemy of these two children!!!!

The video continues.


Finally having a chance to rescue, Trunks and Gokuten carry the weak Vegeta out together.

Vegeta seemed to have fallen into a near-death state at this time, becoming delirious and dying.

After being attacked by the aura and overwhelming destructive power of the demon Buu, his five abdomen, six internal organs and bones of his whole body have been severely damaged, and it is already a miracle that he is still alive!!

“Could it be, is Uncle dead!?” Sun Wutian said in panic.

“You don’t talk nonsense!! With such a small injury, Dad will not die!! You heard clearly… Goten, these words were told to me by my mother, who used to be the proudest prince among the Saiyans!! ”

“The prince of the Saiyan, how could he lose to those guys!!”

After listening to Trunks’ words, Vegeta, who was watching the video with a sad face, suddenly felt a little touched, and his mood gradually became excited.

It seems that the future self still has not lost the pride in his heart!!!

Even when he fought side by side with those hateful earthlings, he still held on to his inner obsession and never forgot it.

That’s right, this kid is definitely my child, right!!!!

Trunks, actually trusts himself so much…

“Looks like Vegeta has completely changed his mind!!”

Seeing this, Klin in the ward sighed.

If he had watched the top6 shocking famous scene before, he would not have thought that an evil guy like Vegeta would have a conscience!!

At the same time, Sun Wukong also clenched his fists with some excitement.

Vegeta, the earth is up to you to protect !!!!

A moment later, Vegeta, who was covered in scaly wounds, gradually sobered up, and he saw the white-haired child with an excited face in front of him for the first time.


Vegeta murmured with difficulty, with an inexplicable tremor in his voice.

His injuries were so severe that it was difficult to even stand up.

Majin Buu, is really too powerful!!!!

And he can’t do anything …

In order to protect his family, and this earth…

At this time, Vegeta had already made up his mind and was ready to burst all his qi and die with Majin Buu!!!!

“Hahahaha, hahaha!!”

Seeing this scene, the evil magician Babidi laughed on the side: “Why, is it still alive?” If you die like you just did, it will be easier! My Majin Buu is invincible!! I see, you will die with these imps!!! ”

This weak and disgusting guy has been jumping around since just now, yin and yang weird!!

Although the powerhouses of many dimensions were afraid of the demon Buu, they all disliked this guy to the extreme.

If it weren’t for him, Majin Buu wouldn’t have broken the seal!!!!

Soon, a happy scene also appeared!!

“Majin Buu is a bad person, but the worst is you, Babidi!!”

I don’t know when, taking advantage of the gap where Trunks knocked the demon Buu away, Vic actually sneaked behind Babidi!!

Although the Super Saiyan people will only fight fairly, they are not willing to sneak attack, and they rarely fight more or less.

But Vic is different!!!

Facing the most hateful Babidi, and the hatred of killing Gohan, Bick burst out with the strongest anger of his life.

You know, I don’t know how many years ago, Vic was also the Vic Great Demon who almost destroyed the earth!!


Babidi’s body was cut off by Bick’s sharp qi waves.

Countless spectators who watched this scene were very happy, and they all applauded Bike’s sneak attack.

“Well done, this is absolute justice!!!!” In the pirate world, the general Akainu suddenly shouted loudly to cheer, which startled the yellow ape and green pheasant next to him.

“Bike, although you can’t help at all, I admit that you are also a partner in justice!!! Death Note World, Night God Moon laughed in appreciation.

True justice should be done by any means and at all costs!!!!!

No matter what, the picture of Babidi’s tragic death is quite decompressing, and it is comfortable at this time ~~~~

“Abominable!! This bastard actually dared to sneak up on me!!! ”

Looking at the picture of himself being cut in half by Bick in the future, Babidi’s face is difficult to see.

He finally lifted the seal of Majin Buu!!!

Could it be that the future self died so inexplicably!!?

The abominable demon Buu actually dared to fight so lazily and lazily, and did not protect himself well!!

At the same time, there is no interference from Babidi…

Under everyone’s expectant gaze, Vegeta also reluctantly stood up.

However, surprisingly, Vegeta did not show a desperate look, but instead showed a smile of relief.

“Trunks, listen! In the future, take good care of your mother! ”



“You two, find a place to hide from afar, Majin Buu… It is enough to have me alone to deal with him! ”

“Nope! I also have to fight, Dad will definitely be killed if he fights alone! The three of us join forces and will definitely defeat him! ”

Trunks said with a look of disbelief.

You know, they have already seen the anger of Majin Buu!!

This terrifying guy is far beyond any creature that everyone knows!!!

Even if it’s Dad, he can’t overcome it alone!!

“It’s useless… It’s useless for many people to fight him, he can’t compare to any enemy we’ve seen before, and he can’t fight in ordinary ways.”

Vegeta said in a serious voice.

After the battle with Majin Buu, he has also completely understood…

Majin Buu, whether it is the way he fights or the qi he possesses, is no longer in the same dimension as them.

This kind of enemy is by no means an enemy that can be defeated by a Saiyan second stage, plus two children as young as seven years old!!

Even if they can transform into Super Saiyan, it won’t help!!!

“Dad, it doesn’t look like you at all! How can you grow the arrogance of others! Trunks looked dissatisfied.

“Yes, uncle… You have to be pretending to be amazing all the time! Wutian also subconsciously echoed.

“Yes, yes!!”




Trunks and Gokuten didn’t show a surprised look until they finished speaking, while covering their mouths in panic.

After that, they actually accidentally told the truth!!!

“Damn it, these two little brats!! Pretending to be amazing, are you talking about me!? ”

In the spaceship, Vegeta’s face froze slightly.

If he really gives birth to a child in the future, he must educate him well.

Even if the talent and potential are outrageous, they must not be used to this!!!

It’s unforgivable to treat your dad like this!!!!

However, I didn’t expect that my future self would put down my self-esteem and admit that I was inferior to others!

Majin Buu is really a terrifying enemy beyond imagination!!!!

However, what is surprising is…

After listening to Trunks and Goten’s words, Vegeta in the video didn’t even react at all.

If he had changed to the past, he would have beaten these two imps madly!!!!

This is because, at this time, Vegeta’s mind is no longer in that boring aspect…

His will, too, sublimated …

The next battle will be the highlight and most dazzling moment of Vegeta in the world of Dragon Ball!!!!!

At this moment, under the gaze of the heavenly dimensions.

With gentle eyes on Trunks, Vegeta said in a somewhat hoarse voice.

“Trunks, Dad never hugged you since you were a baby, right?”




(PS: there are updates in the evening, updates in the evening, updates in the evening, updates in the evening, updates in the evening, updates in the evening, updates in the evening, updates in the evening, updates in the evening, updates in the evening, updates in the evening)

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