“So it is…”

“That Universe Emperor Frisha, did he actually lose like this!?”

Everyone was amazed to see the picture of Goku, who turned into a Super Saiyan and beating Frisha.

Super Saiyan !!!

Could it be that this is the culmination of the evolution of all living beings!?

The golden hair, green eyes, and most striking thing is the golden light that covers the whole body!!!

“Super Saiyan, is it the strongest fighting nation in the universe!!”

In one punch of the world of Man Man, Saitama’s heart pounded.

The picture of Sun Wukong and Frieza fighting made his long-forgotten fighting spirit boil again!!!

“So it is, this is the legendary Super Saiyan !!!”

In the spaceship, Vegeta’s expression was extremely unwilling.

It seems that it was Kakarot who became a Super Saiyan first, and he was still one step behind!!

However, the future self seems to be blonde, and there are thunder intertwined around the body, and the momentum is far beyond Kakarot and Frieza!!

Thinking of this, Vegeta’s expression became excited again.

As long as he can transform into the thunderous golden light form of the future, none of Frieza and Kakarot are his opponents!!!

“Super Saiyan!! How could anyone be better than me!!! ”

“My frozen demon bloodline is the strongest bloodline in the universe!!!!”

At the same time, Frieza’s eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was ugly as if he had eaten a bite of Ollie.

The dignified Universe Emperor Frieza was actually beaten so easily!!

The future self has undoubtedly shown the strongest combat power, liberating the final form of everything, but it is still easily crushed by the Super Saiyan!!

Never allow !!!

King Ben would never allow this to happen!!!

Friesha, who can point to explosive stars, has actually become a stepping stone for Super Saiyan!!

“It seems that it is necessary to destroy that earth as soon as possible and exterminate all Saiyans, roar, roar, !!!roar,

Thinking that this was just a scene that had not yet happened in the future, Frieza smiled wickedly again.

At this moment, the audience of other dimensions was also completely immersed in the power of Super Saiyan.

They are almost forgetting the protagonist of the shocking famous scene TOP6….

Vegeta fights with Majin Buu.

But soon….

As soon as the picture turned, Vegeta’s somewhat sad voice appeared again.

“Kakarot, you always walk in front of me first, save my life every time, and finally… I actually chose that way to die!! ”

In the next second, what appeared in front of everyone’s eyes…

It is a deformed creature with a white and green ketone body and a somewhat feminine cheek look.

Sharu ….

This guy!!!!

The moment they saw this strange creature, many warriors of the Dragon Ball world showed shocked expressions.

What kind of alien creature is this!!?

What a terrifying gas…!!!!!!

Compared to the qi in this green monster’s body, both Frieza and Super Saiyan seemed to turn into a small wisp of dust!!!

Can’t turn over any waves at all!!!!

Almost instantly, cold sweat soaked through everyone’s clothes, and cold hair stood on end!!!

“Hahahaha, it’s my ultimate artificial human, !!! Shalu”

Hidden in the Red Silk Legion who was secretly peeping at the earth, Cyborg No. 20 was slightly startled, and then ecstatic.

What’s the situation?

It stands to reason that in this time period, his ultimate artificial human has not yet been born!!

Could it be that this future is far away, countless years later!

He did it!!!

After seeing the combat power of the Super Saiyan, he originally thought that he would have no way to seek revenge on Sun Wukong in his life.

As a result, he never expected that the ultimate artificial human he created was thousands of times stronger than that Monkey King!!!!


“Hahahahaha, the power stored in my body now can already blast the entire solar system to smithereens!!”

Standing in a barren desert area, the artificial man Shalu released the qi in his body while laughing wildly, condensing a blue brilliant ball of energy light in his hand.

This turned out to be – turtle school qigong wave!!!

Although the volume is smaller than the solar fireball that Frieza destroyed the planet before, the compressed gas and energy in it are tens of billions of times that of that one!!!

The aftermath of the breath vibration alone was about to turn the earth upside down!!!!

“How is it possible…”

“Blowing up the entire solar system?”

“Ridiculous, this is impossible, this must be a bluff !!!!”

“The opening chapter of the shocking famous scene TOP6 can blow up a galaxy??????”

As Shalu’s voice fell, the audience of the entire Heavenly Dimension trembled, feared, and fell into panic!!!!

Countless villain powerhouses were stunned, revealing shocked expressions that did not match their own pressure.

Poros’s one-eyed eyes were about to fall out, and they were covered with hideous bloodshots.

Frieza also kept twisting with his mouth wide open, looking embarrassed, and understood that this was a level that he could not reach at the moment.

The friend Habach of the Shinigami world, Naraku in the Inuyasha world, Kaguya in the Hokage world, the black dragon Akuno Lokia in the demon tail world, and the world-destroying bosses of all worlds all showed very ugly faces without exception.

“Sharu, you are my savior!!!”

At this moment, the hungry wolf’s eyes shed moving and fanatical tears, and he pinched his neck with both hands, suffocating so uncomfortably that he was on the verge of death and spit out his tongue.

That’s great!!!!

Let’s wipe out all these mortal ants!!!!


Night God Moon screamed in fear while frantically writing Shalu’s name on the death note, and then violently ripped off the paper and ate it into his stomach, and his mental state was crazy to the extreme.

In Vegeta’s memories, after the cosmic emperor Frisha…

An even more terrifying Sharu descended!!!!

It’s just that at this time, everyone can’t imagine what an exaggerated picture they will witness next.

That would have lasted a full thirty minutes!!

Across three thousand worlds, countless dimensions!!!

Beyond the Super Saiyan first stage….

The entire heavens, the most shocking wave scene ever!!!




[PS: Burst at night for more support!!!!!!! Evening burst more for support!!!!!!! Evening burst more for support!!!!!!! Evening burst more for support!!!!!!! Evening burst more for support!!!!!!! Evening burst more for support!!!!!!! Evening burst more for support!!!!!!! Evening burst more for support!!!!!!! Evening burst more for support!!!!!!! Evening burst more for support!!!!!!! Evening burst more for support!!!!!!! 】

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