Since Lan Ran appeared and claimed to replace God.

His swordsmanship!

His spiritual pressure!

The mirror flowers and the moon, the awakening of the jade, shocked countless dimensions.

The overwhelming power without dead ends is the beginning of Lan Ran’s step by step ascending to the altar and surpassing all living things.


From the moment Kurosaki Ichigo appeared in front of Lan Ran with this image, it was when Lan Ran fell into the abyss!!!

Ichigo Kurosaki is smashing the oppression and despair that Blue Dye brings to everyone step by step!

He single-handedly destroyed everything in Lan Ran!!!!

Just as Ichigo was doing now, with just a casual wave of his hand, he completely cut off the blue-dyed black coffin.

All living beings were shocked by this scene.

This is giving up everything you have….

The Last World War!!!!!

“You guy…”

“Why, exactly…”

At this moment, whether it is the blue dye in the Void Night Palace or the blue dye in the video, they can’t help but lose their mind and be furious! ! !

How could this happen, how could the power of human beings surpass Hongyu!!

“Caught my sword!!!!”

“Crushed my ghost path!!!”

“Just make you so proud, Kurosaki Ichigo !!!!!”

As Lan Ran’s angry roar in the video, the jade above his head cracked a gap!!!

Broken jade blue dyeing, once again evolved!!!!


In the next second, the purple beam instantly rushed into the atmosphere.

The terrifying green magic power gushed out, turning into sharp wings like teeth.


With Lan Ran’s loud roar, his spiritual pressure once again showed a leap and bound!!

At the end of the evolution, a black devil mask also appeared on Lan Ran’s face, showing a terrifying posture of complete depravity.

A bottomless malice enveloped the entire world, and the audience of countless dimensions began to tremble.

However, at this very moment….

Lan Ran’s breath suddenly choked, and he suddenly felt Kurosaki Ichigo’s spiritual pressure.

How could it be….

How could he suddenly detect Kurosaki Ichigo’s spiritual pressure!?

As it was, Kurosaki Ichigo did not give up his spiritual pressure.

It’s because he has reached another dimension….

“In this way, it turns out that Bangyu still can’t forgive me.”

“My spiritual pressure will actually lag behind a human being…”

“But now I’m above you again, Kurosaki Ichigo !!!!”

Lan Ran could no longer bear Kurosaki Ichigo’s arrogance on top of his head, and the furious spiritual pressure distorted all the air in a radius of thousands of miles.

The teeth of his wings opened a small mouth slightly, and a beam of flame shot towards Kurosaki Ichigo!


In an instant, under the loss of concentration of all the characters of the heavenly dimensions…

They saw it, it was a scene of extinction….

A huge mushroom cloud rose from above Kuzacho.

Mountains and rivers are broken, and the sun and moon alternate!!

The red lotus of flames covered a hundred miles in an instant.

“This, is this a natural disaster…?”

In the Heavenly Dimension, many soldiers of the army with nuclear weapons all bowed down and burst into tears.

Dealing with the gods, even if you gather the power of the whole world, you can’t do anything, right?

Lan Ran’s blow completely subverted the boundary between the low-martial and high-martial worlds!!

In the world of One-Punch Man, all the heroes are dumbfounded, as if witnessing the birth of gods.

If such weirdos appeared in their world, would there still be a concept of heroes?


They should have been killed by Lan Dye in an instant.

Lan Ran is a being that can make all human beings despair, his strength, his arrogance, his horror, not just a few words can explain clearly.

World of Death….

Everyone in Kuzacho began praying that Ichigo Kurosaki would defeat this monster.

Ichigo Kurosaki is already everyone’s last hope!!!

This is also his final decisive battle with Lan Ran!!!!

“Please, Ichigo! Don’t get into trouble!! Inoue closed her eyes and prayed.

“O powerful human being, I wish you good luck and prosperity” Inuyasha World, Kikyo said faithfully.

“The last hope, you can’t give up easily…” RE0 World, Beatolis sighed holding the book.

In the face of a dimensionality reduction blow like a natural disaster, everyone could only watch Ichigo fight alone.

Face the gods with the body of a mortal!!!!

After the fire dissipated….

Kurosaki Ichigo’s figure also appeared in everyone’s sight again.

Half of his clothes appeared to have burned and his arms burned.

However, at the moment of life and death, Kurosaki Ichigo’s expression was extremely calm…

Seeing this, everyone knows that the moment of truth is coming.

In this battle, it is time to divide the victory and defeat!!

“Blue dye, is that enough?”

“I’m tired of hearing your crooked reasoning!”

Kurosaki Ichigo’s flat voice sounded slowly.

He is just a high school student, what death and void, blue dyeing conspiracy, the secrets of the corpse world, he actually does not care at all.

Even if he fights to the death, he wants to protect…

It’s just my own family and friends!!!!

If anyone dares to destroy this beauty, then let himself cut it off with his own hands!!!

If the existence of indigo dyeing is a rain that has swept the world.

Then, he will never let a drop of rain fall on the earth!!!




The heavens and the world are silent.

Under everyone’s attention, wisps of dark blue light rose from Kurosaki Ichigo’s body.

Black flames and blue cold currents intertwine, and finally… All the energy around him turned into a black cloud of smoke.

turned into a seat… Black battle robe.

At some point, his hair had turned black waist-length hair, and his body was covered with black bandages.


Ichigo Kurosaki’s image completely coincides with the gesture on the cover of the video.

At this moment, the spiritual pressure gap between the two was once again pulled out of a whole new dimension!!

“Once again, nothing can be felt …”

With Lan Ran’s somewhat desolate voice, Kurosaki Ichigo slowly raised his arm.

At this moment.

He is the Chop Moon!

It’s him who cuts the moon!!

This is….

Finally, the crescent moon is rushing!!!

No moon !!!!!!!



(PS: The new book needs support, the author is motivated, 3000 flowers plus one change, 300 evaluation votes plus one change, 30 monthly tickets plus one change, 3 tips plus one change, kneeling to thank the family!!!!!! )

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